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Posters we need peace. IV. Practical work

41 works were submitted to the Competition. Their authors were kindergarten pupils, students from secondary educational institutions and students - 48 people in total. The purpose of each work is to draw attention to the problems of human and interethnic relationships, the problems of accepting another, different person for who he is. But the ways and forms of expressing their views were chosen by each contestant himself.
We present to your attention the works and essays of the competition participants:

Poster “The weather in the world depends on us!”
Tolerance. What do we know about it and why is it needed? Is it worth touching on this topic for us, teenagers, if every day on TV screens, and just on the way to school and back, we see many examples of adults creating situations in which they show intolerance towards other people’s views and actions. Will the realities of our time make us the same? We wouldn't want that.
In our poster we tried to show people with different skin colors, hair colors, religions and traditions. How interesting and beautiful they are in their uniqueness! Often, being different gives rise to funny feelings. And how I would like to take out a rainbow umbrella in such cases - a symbol of protection and at the same time a demonstration of a peaceful and good-natured attitude towards others. How pleasant and comfortable it is to walk under such an umbrella in “bad weather”. Such “weather” phenomena as misunderstanding of others and condemnation often do not depend on us. By creating this poster, we want to emphasize the idea of ​​​​protecting the otherness of other people from the prevailing stereotypes of our time.
With the brightness and use of many shades of the palette when creating the poster, we wanted to emphasize the idea that all “colors” are needed. Shades of blue, cyan and violet around communities of people are a symbol of peace, purity and kindness.
Clouds and bad weather, according to our plan, symbolize unpleasant phenomena that arise in the absence of a tolerant attitude towards others, which inevitably arise, just like bad weather. We cannot avoid them, but we can change our attitude towards them.
Author of the work : Daria Kapitskaya, Daria Ovsyannikova, Elizaveta Cherepanova, 10 “A” class, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 55”

Poster "Peace"
Truly, man is the king of nature. King of this World. He walked to this title for a long time, hiding in caves and swearing at thunder. But now everything is different. We have learned to control nature, to use it, directing rivers and crushing mountains. Now man is the dictator of the World. And where there is a dictator, there is war.
How long ago did people know what death is? How long ago did they learn to kill? You can’t find a century in history when people weren’t at each other’s throats, trying to get a tasty morsel. Not the one that is given, but another, hypothetical one that can be taken away by force.
After all, any war is murder. Killing your peers. Extermination. And at the same time, we boast that we are people, we shout at every corner: “Humanity is proud!” But we kill. So why then are we better than animals, wild animals, which, in any case, do not destroy the world?
People! Look around! Look at the clear sky, bright light, green grass under your feet and the beauty of flowers. Everyone wants to live and enjoy this World. So don't take this right away from others. Lay down your weapons and walk towards the dawn, a new day. We cannot live in war, join hands! And let there be peace.
Author of the work: Soboleva Alexandra, 10 “A” class, Municipal Educational Institution “Gymnasium N 41”

Poster "Our Earth for everyone"
While sketching out the draft, I immediately decided that our planet, the Earth, would be in the center of the poster. So huge and so defenseless. This is our Home, one for all. People of different nationalities, rich and poor, healthy and sick, good and evil, should coexist peacefully here...
What next? How to show tolerance? The glance fell on the lines of the title of the competition “... let's join hands, friends!” Well, of course, people's hands should be stretched out to each other. We are together, we are in the same chain of responsibility for peace, tranquility and happiness on Earth. But why then doesn’t this happen in life? Why is there so much evil? What happens in another, adult life?
Stop! This is the reason: cultivating tolerance must begin from early childhood, so that helping each other becomes a simple human need. Then I decided to add childish, cloudless happiness to the composition of the poster. The kids play together with childlike trust, accepting each other as they are.
Let them - the future of the planet - never know what pain, resentment, revenge, envy are...
We will stretch out our hands
To become a help,
We'll lend a shoulder
Protect the sick.
The planet should bloom!
And peace can be here!
We're just jealous
Save the world!
Author of the work: Ilya Schmidt, Novouralsk Technological College

Poster "Let's live together!"
In our world, everything is not simple. This is probably why people began to take offense more often, conflict with each other, and destroy their own kind. Scary! The question always arises: “Why?” Every living thing on Earth wants to live and enjoy the sun. But it is possible. Look around, because WE are one. Everything and everyone living is one nature. We live, we are happy, we love each other! How healthy! After all, we all emerged from one seed of life. Let's live together!!!
Author of the work: Ekaterina Shchukina, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School N56”

Poster “Try to understand the person next to you and accept him as he wants to be”
When a person sees a rainbow or a flowering meadow, his heart skips a beat from the combinations of colors and the harmony of nature. After all, nature is beautiful in its diversity. We would be very bored living in a monochromatic, predictable world.
I have always been interested in people with a bright appearance and an unusual worldview. It is unfortunate that for many people their dissimilarity causes aggression and misunderstanding. But you can enrich your inner world by communicating with them.
With my poster I urge people to tolerance, kindness and understanding.
Author of the work: Ekaterina Yantseva, 8 “B” grade, Municipal Educational Institution “Gymnasium”

Azanova Ksenia. Smile and change
Bartova Anna. Guys, let's live together! Vakhonina Alya. If together - more fun, more interesting and faster
Vedunova Alena. Don't give up on friendship Velikanova Tatyana, Mezenina Natalya. Let's hold hands friends
Gerasin Valya. Mutual assistance Demyanov Vitaly. We can't live in conflicts
Zelyutin Maxim, Zelyutina Veronica Kandalova Bella, Naprienko Sonya, Bakulev Semyon. Cheerful friendship
Kapitskaya Daria, Ovsyannikova Daria, Cherepanova Elizaveta. The world's weather depends on us Kasimkina Alina. We don’t live in conflicts, and we invite friends to join us
Kotov Sasha. Let's hold hands friends Lodkina Anna. Friendship around the world
Lyskova Sasha. Friendship Manakova Irina. Friendship of the whole earth
Mogilnikova Ksenia Mokina Katya. Find a friend
Mysheva Julia. Cheerful friendship Nikiforov Daniil Cheerful friendship
Popolitov Leonid. Patience friendship love Razueva Lida. Let's hold hands friends
Sergeev Klim. Let's be friends Soboleva Alexandra. World
Tikhonova Maria. Make up, make up and don't fight anymore Tokarev Ilya. Cheerful friendship
Tolikova Arina. Friendly family Trusheva Olga. Friendship is strong
Fomina Marina. We cannot live in conflicts - let's join hands, friends! Chernykh Alina. Tolerance
Chudaeva Alexandra. Our colorful world Shvetsova Natasha. Flower of Peace
Shestakova Yulia. We live very friendly Shishkina Ekaterina, Shendrikova Tatyana. We can’t live in conflicts, because we are best friends
Schmidt Ilya. Our land is for everyone Shcherbakova Katya. All continents are friends
Shcherbakova Katya, Shcherbakova Valeria. We need peace Shchukina Ekaterina. Let's live together
Yantsev Dima. Let's resolve the conflict peacefully Yantseva Ekaterina. Try to understand who is next to you and accept him as he wants to be

Yulia Bondarenko

Target: Promoting the education in preschoolers of patriotism, a sense of solidarity, involvement in events taking place in the world, a sense of pride in their country, a sense of tolerance. We need peace! To you and me

There are many countries, many nationalities and languages ​​on our planet, but regardless of race, skin color, age, everyone wants to live in peace! Everyone needs peace!

And to all the children in the world!

And the dawn should be peaceful,

Which we will meet tomorrow.

We need peace!

Grass in dew

Smiling childhood!

We need peace!

A wonderful world inherited!

We need a colorful meadow, and a rainbow over the meadow!

We need to run, jump, sing and talk to each other!

*In our preschool there was contest"We are for peace"

Children and parents prepared drawings.

Fly, pigeons, fly

Around the world with your kindness.

Bring it, pigeons, bring it

Love to all people soon!

Let people's hearts warm,

The ice in everyone's soul will melt.

May peace come to the planet

And all the people will be happy!

Publications on the topic:

Autumn is the brightest and most colorful time in nature. The leaves on the trees are full of yellow, orange, red, burgundy, and brown flowers.

With the onset of spring, under the influence of sunlight, the ice quickly melts. The intensifying effect on it has an even more destructive effect.

Autumn is a wonderful time for crafts. After all, you can make crafts from natural, waste materials. In our kindergarten every year.

Our first drawings The new school year has begun at the Rossoshan Lekoteka. The kids, grown and stronger over the summer, began their classes. What to draw.

Autumn is a great time for inspiration. Each of us admires autumn nature and its gifts. Walking with children in the park. Every year.

What is a pencil - it is an object with which you can draw, what to do when it breaks - sharpen it, of course, and what to do with the shavings that...

On September 2, 2016, our beloved kindergarten “Cheburashka” hosted an event dedicated to the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. Educator.

Do we often wonder what the world is? Peace is a very broad concept. The world is like the Universe, the planet, the globe, as well as the population, the people of the globe. Or peace - friendly ties, agreement between anyone, absence of war. And how often we forget how important it is for the world, in the first sense of the word, that people live in a kind and sympathetic society, receive the education that interests them, and have the opportunity to do what they love. So that hatred, deceit, greed, and anger do not reign on Earth.

For this competition, we invite you to prepare a poster calling for world peace.

Directions:“Peace, Labor, May”, May 1, Spring and Labor Festival, competition for schoolchildren, competition for preschoolers, poster competition.

The works are evaluated by a professional jury. The work file must be uploaded before the last day for accepting work.

Work requirements

  • The participant of the competition performs the work independently.
  • The drawing can be made in any way available to the author, both on paper (pencils, watercolors, etc.) and using a graphic editor (Paint, PhotoShop, etc.). The craft can be made from a variety of materials.
  • Only works in electronic form are accepted for the competition. JPEG format(photos of crafts or drawings, scanned copies of drawings).
  • Image width and height from 800px to 2000px.
  • The file size should not exceed 15 MB.
  • The work must correspond to the theme of the competition.

Diplomas and certificates

Diplomas and certificates in electronic form are available after summing up in the section my diplomas.
All documents in electronic format are provided free of charge.

Theme: Classic

Participant diploma all event participants receive. The document is sent to email user within 1 hour after downloading the work.

Winner diploma are received by participants who take 1-3 prizes.

Certificate of the curator who prepared the participant(s) each teacher whose students took part in the event receives. The document is sent to the user's email within 1 hour after the work is uploaded.

Certificate of the curator who prepared the winner(s) is awarded to the teacher whose students took 1-3 prizes in the event.

Gratitude receives a teacher whose at least three students took 1-3 prizes in the event.

Gratitude to the educational institution awarded for training ten winners in one event.

Motto:“Peace under a clear sky, a bright sun and a constellation of goodness.”

Lesson objectives:

  • Teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, to correlate their interests with the interests of their comrades;
  • Teach, help your comrades, take care of them, respect their opinions;
  • To develop the best qualities of a person: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s homeland, desire for peace.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Congratulations to children on the new school year.

II. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

The 1st of September has come again in your school life. Hundreds of thousands of children sat at their desks with you today. Each school has its own lessons. And we will begin our school year with a lesson on Peace, with a lesson on Memory “We vote for peace” and it will be held under the motto “A world under a clear sky, a bright sun and a constellation of goodness”

Today one cannot help but say, one cannot help but remember those terrible events that occurred exactly 4 years ago in the city of Beslan.

It was a clear September morning. Children in full dress with flowers and their loved ones gathered for traditional gatherings dedicated to the beginning of the new school year. At this time, an armed gang of 32 people drove into the territory of school No. 1 in three cars. Taking more than 1,300 adults and children hostage, they forced them onto the floor of a gymnasium and bombed the school. From September 1 to September 3, people received neither water nor food. Constant threats were made against them. They understood that this was a terrorist act, but they firmly believed that they would be saved, that they would all survive.

It happened differently. On the afternoon of September 3, an explosion occurred at the school. Panic began, many of the hostages tried to escape, and the militants opened fire on those escaping. Special forces troops came to their defense. With their bodies they protected children and adults from bullets, dying themselves in the process. To date, the victims of this terrorist attack are enormous, 394 people have been identified. And those who managed to survive had to undergo treatment in Russian hospitals.

24 countries around the world responded to this tragedy. From Italy, USA, France, Norway, Greece, Austria, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, China, South Africa, Sweden, Hungary, the Netherlands, Mongolia, Serbia and Montenegro, Turkey, Great Britain, Egypt, Czech Republic, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine , Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Moldova and Uzbekistan, Estonia were delivered medicines, medical equipment, ambulances, dressings, donated blood, food, warm clothes and shoes, toys and stationery.

The death of the innocent victims echoed in every heart with general pain and sorrow. Every person tried to help the grief of Beslan. Some took part in concerts, exhibitions, and charity auctions in order to donate the funds they earned to the victims. Someone organized excursions around the country’s cities to at least a little distract children from terrible memories. Someone wrote poems and composed songs to tell the world about the tragedy in Ossetia. In memory of the schoolchildren who died during the liberation of the hostages, 100 chestnut trees were planted in Saransk, and a square was named in Florence.

Dedicated to the children of Beslan... Shmyreva N.G.

On the first fine day in September
The children of Beslan went to school,
After the holidays and summer worries
Meet friends and see each other again.
Many children came for the first time
Go to school to learn to read and write
They were seen off by their relatives and friends,
Everyone was happy, everything was sincere.
It all started well and beautifully -
There are flowers and loud laughter everywhere,
The children are dressed in uniform, everything is cute...
Joy and happiness in everyone's eyes...
But, like a black, gloomy cloud,
She obscured everything, blocked out all the light -
Gang of terrible evil terrorists
Suddenly she interrupted the children's joyful laughter.
The earth wept from powerlessness and grief
And the blood of the children was A Lita all.
The bandits hid behind the kids,
They were placed on the windows like barriers.
Those were terrible hours and minutes,
Horror in the eyes of the boys and mothers...
Stop! Aren't you people?
You took CHILDREN hostage!
How dare you, vile creatures,
Raise your hand to the holy land!
No, terrorists are the children of the devil.
All people on Earth hate you!
We will not forget those who are not with us,
Those who died at the hands of the executioner.
We will strive to live only in peace,
And we will not allow violence and evil!

III. A minute of silence.

– And now, guys, let’s remember all those who died 4 years ago in Beslan and all those who recently died in peacetime in South Ossetia and honor their memory with a minute of silence.

Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

Dear guys, I want you to continue the sentence: “We love our family, our region, our Motherland and we want that...” (give all children the opportunity to complete the sentence)

Unfortunately, we live in alarming times, when the terrible shadow of war is creeping across the earth, knocking on the doors of peaceful childhood, trying to close the peaceful sky from us forever

Under this sky, each of us was born, took our first steps, steps towards the sun, steps across our native land, and said the affectionate word “mother”.

Under this sky we grew year after year, comprehending the essence of good and evil, courage and cowardice, fall and inspiration, cultivating camaraderie and patriotism. And therefore today, I especially want it to remain clean over our common home – over our Earth.

IV. Practical work

And now, dear guys, we will create a “symbol of peace” for our class and will keep it until the graduation party and will try not to betray everything that we reflect on it. And so, “We draw the world.” Children draw with colored chalk on the board everything that is said in the poem. Next, on a blank sheet of Whatman paper, they draw the “Flower of Peace” - a symbol of the class. Children take turns drawing...

You will draw a bright sun,
I'll paint a blue sky
He will draw ears of bread,
We will draw autumn leaves,
School, friends, a restless stream...
We'll cross out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and war.

Two world wars... Well, what if there is a third?
Who will survive, who will survive
twenty-first century
will call it a bloody, terrible century.
Let everything be preserved:
forests, fields and rivers,
and every living creature.
Let it triumph in every person
love for the Earth - his abode...
The dawn burns brighter and more tenderly.
The cold light of distant stars fades.
Peace on Earth - there is nothing more important.
Life on Earth - there is nothing more beautiful than it!

Children are still dying from bombs. They die from hunger and disease. They don’t know what a warm home, mother’s affection, or a smart book are. There are still many such disadvantaged little inhabitants of the planet. Children watch chilling footage of films where they kill, blow up, and destroy life. They protest as best they can. They draw posters and pictures, write poems and sing songs, collect signatures for appeals for peace, and together with adults go to demonstrations and rallies to protest against the war.

Let us today make our contribution to the fight for peace. Together we will create a poster about peace “I VOTE FOR PEACE!!!” (a Whatman paper with a drawing (a symbol of class peace) is attached to the board) On the same sheet, each of the children traces their palms and signs what they vote for.

“I vote for peace.” I. Zuev.
I vote for peace with the voice of millions.
I vote for peace - my will is legal!
I vote for peace with the heart of all the people.
I vote for a world of equality and freedom.
I vote for peace in memory of all Khatyn
I vote for peace so that the land becomes desert
Didn't suddenly turn into the whole world
Children were familiar only with the kindness of hands.
Does the earth need scars of war on its body?
Give her the cranes - those that didn’t have time to fly.
Give her the blue of the sea and the clear sky.
So that not in a dream, in reality people ate their fill of bread.
So that the dawn blooms with kind and clear light.
Peace be with you, mother earth!
I vote for this!
Peace in every home, in every country!
Peace is life on the planet!
Peace is the sun on our Earth!
Peace is needed by adults and children!

Tatiana Profyeva
Poster "We are for peace"

There was a competition in our city "We are for peace" and the children and I were invited to take part in it. Group work was required to participate.

Materials needed for work:

1. Whatman,

3. Stencil of a dove and letters,

4. Stencil of simple flowers,

6. Pencil,

7. Colored paper,

8. Sponge, cut into small pieces,

9. Palette.

Work progress:

First. We diluted gouache in the following palette flowers: mustard, yellow, two shades of green. They took pieces of sponge and stamped them on whatman paper.

While the Whatman paper was drying, I cut out a dove, letters and flowers from white paper. Then, I glued the dove on myself. There are letters left. But I decided to glue them later, after the children. The surface of the leaf was covered with a green meadow.

Before gluing the flower-leaves, I wrapped it a little. Due to this, the application seems voluminous. Let's start gluing the flowers. The first is the leaf, the second is the flower and the middle. After work, I saw that my pigeon was not completely white. I didn't get upset. I took a sponge and went over the dove with white gouache. Then I designed the letters. And she added blades of grass from the floor to the flowers.