Home / Overview of Linux / Float hydrometer for electrolyte. Car battery diagnostics and maintenance. The principle of the battery

Float hydrometer for electrolyte. Car battery diagnostics and maintenance. The principle of the battery

1. Purpose and general information

1.1. Hydrometer for electrolyte, antifreeze, antifreeze and washer with a built-in thermometer complete with a device for sampling liquid (set for a motorist) is designed to select and measure the density of the electrolyte in the battery ( fig.1), determining the freezing point of the coolant in the engine cooling system (fig.2) and the freezing temperature of the washer fluid in the windshield and headlight washer system ( fig.3), as well as for measuring the temperature of the investigated liquids (electrolyte, antifreeze, antifreeze, washer).

1.2. Sulfuric acid is used as an electrolyte in car batteries.
1.3. Coolants and washer fluids belong to the group of antifreezes. Antifreezes are frost-resistant liquids that freeze at temperatures below zero degrees Celsius (° C) and differ in the basis of preparation and scope.
1.4. Coolants are antifreezes based on ethylene glycol and propylene glycol. Antifreeze is a brand of antifreeze based on ethylene glycol.
1.5. Washing liquids (washers) are antifreezes made on the basis of monohydric alcohols: methyl, ethyl and others.
Washers based on methyl alcohol - methanol, as washing liquids, are prohibited for use in many countries (they have a negative effect on vision, motor and nervous systems).
Mixing antifreezes made on different bases is not recommended.

2. Scope of delivery

2.1. Hydrometer with built-in thermometer AETOTr: 1 piece;
2.2. A device for sampling liquid (electrolyte, cooling and washing liquids) consists of:
- pipette: 1 piece;
- pear: 1 piece;
- stopper with a tip: 1 piece;
2.3. Passport: 1 piece;
2.4. Packing case: 1 pc. (the lid of the pencil case is made and used as a watering can (funnel)).

3.Device and specifications

3.1. A hydrometer for electrolyte, antifreeze and washer with a built-in thermometer AETOTr TU U 33.2-24667973-004:2007 is a glass float, in the upper part of which there is a paper scale of the hydrometer, and in the lower part a thermometer is built-in. The hydrometer scale consists of three main scales - the scale electrolyte, antifreeze, washer (fig.4).

3.2. Scale electrolyte graduated in units of density g/cm3
- electrolyte density measurement range: from 1.10 to 1.30 g/cm3
- scale division value: 0.01 g/cm3
- margin of error: 0.01 g/cm3.
3.2.1. The colored bars on the electrolyte scale show the percentage (%) of battery charge:
- yellow bar - battery is low,
- red - 50% charged,
- blue - by 75%,
- green - 100% charging.
3.3. Scale antifreeze consists of two scales (one is located on the left, the other on the right), graduated in degrees Celsius with a minus sign (-° C) and designed to determine the freezing point of coolants.
3.3.1. The scale on the left is designed to determine the freezing point of the coolant based on ethylene glycol:
- range for determining the freezing temperature of the coolant: from 0 to minus 40 ° C;
- scale division value: 5 ° С.
3.3.2. The scale on the right is designed to determine the freezing point of the coolant based on propylene glycol:
- range for determining the freezing point of the coolant: from 0 to minus 30 ° С;
- scale division value: 5 ° С.
3.4. Scale washer consists of two scales (one is located on the left, the other on the right), graduated in degrees Celsius with a minus sign (-°C) and designed to determine the freezing point of washer fluids.
3.4.1. The scale on the left is designed to determine the freezing point of washer fluid made on the basis of ethyl alcohol - ethanol:
- range of detection of washing liquid freezing: from 0 to minus 40°С;
- scale division value: 5°С.
Washers made on the basis of ethyl alcohol - ethanol can be recognized by the flame icon on the package.
3.4.2. Washing liquids enter the CIS market, the density of which differs from the density of liquids made on the basis of ethyl alcohol - ethanol. Having studied the densities and freezing temperatures of these liquids, we built an average scale for them, highlighting the ranges of possible freezing of these liquids with color:
- yellow color - washer fluid freezes down to minus 20°С;
- red - freezes at minus 20°С;
- green - below minus 20°C.
3.5. The scale of the built-in thermometer is calibrated in degrees Celsius (°C) and is designed to determine the temperature of the test liquid, which allows you to take into account corrections to the hydrometer readings (table 1) if the liquid temperature differs from 20±2°C:
- temperature measurement range of the investigated liquid: from minus 40 to plus 40°С;
- scale division value: 5°С.

Table 1

4. Operation of the instrument

4.1. Before starting work, it is necessary to assemble the liquid sampling device, as shown in fig.5.

4.2. Squeeze the pear, lower the tip of the cork into the measured liquid. Slowly unclenching the pear, allow the liquid to fill the pipette in such an amount that the hydrometer floats freely in a vertical position. When reading readings from the hydrometer scale, the level and line of contact of the liquid with the hydrometer rod should be below the pipette corrugation (Fig. 6), and the hydrometer rod inside the corrugation.

4.3. The line of contact of the liquid with the hydrometer rod corresponds to:
- on a scale electrolyte- electrolyte density;
- on a scale antifreeze- freezing temperature of the coolant;
- on a scale washer- washer fluid freezing point.
The readings are taken along the lower edge of the meniscus. Measurements should be made at a temperature of 20±2°C.
4.4. If measurements are made at a liquid temperature that differs from 20 ± 2 ° C, then the correction given in Table 1 should be added algebraically (that is, with its sign) to the measurement results.
The corrections in Table 1 for cooling and washer fluids are given for their optimal concentrations corresponding to the freezing point of these fluids at minus 40 °C. Corrections for coolant, highlighted in red, are given in this case for reference, because at low liquid temperatures the correction is so large that the freezing temperature value on the hydrometer scale will go beyond the measurement of the device. For coolants, we recommend measuring at temperatures of plus 10°C and above.
4.5. After taking measurements, the hydrometer and the liquid sampling device must be washed with clean water and wiped dry.

Good to know

The optimal density of the electrolyte in the battery, depending on the time of year and area of ​​operation

table 2

Freezing point of electrolyte depending on density

Table 3

5. Warranty

5.1. Hydrometer for electrolyte and antifreeze AET with a liquid sampling device (set for a motorist) is manufactured in accordance with TU U 33.2-24667973-004:2007.
5.2. Warranty period of operation is 12 months from the date of sale through a retail network.

A car battery is used to store electrical energy and feed it to the car's on-board network, especially the engine's electric starter when starting. The article will discuss how to correctly diagnose a car battery, control its charge, and also check the level and density of the electrolyte in the battery.

The electrical system of most vehicles is 12-volt, negative ground. The design of car batteries is quite simple: they consist of 6 blocks of lead plates with a filler, immersed in a container filled with electrolyte. The electrolyte is an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid. Each of the blocks provides a voltage of about 2 volts and are connected in series, providing a total voltage of 12-13 V. The car battery is recharged by a generator when the engine is running. Separately, there are gel batteries, which differ in design from acid batteries. The advantages and disadvantages of gel batteries can be found.

One of many is a reliable car battery VARTA

Before servicing, the battery must be removed from the vehicle. Disconnecting the battery from the on-board network is a responsible process. At first necessarily removed negative terminal, and during the installation process, the same terminal is installed last.

Is it profitable to diagnose and restore the battery?
Definitely. Let's do a simple calculation. The nominal service life of a new battery is about 4 years. Its replacement will cost about 5000 rubles. However, with proper diagnostics and battery charging, it can serve you faithfully for up to 5-6 years. But it is advised to diagnose and restore the battery not only for reasons of economy. The fact is that the normal operation of all electrical appliances and vehicle systems depends on the operation of the battery.

Checking the electrolyte level in the battery. Electrolyte preparation

Video: How to identify a battery failure (short circuit in the bank)

Checking the level and density of the electrolyte should be carried out every three months in order to monitor the condition of the battery in a timely manner.
The electrolyte level in the battery is checked through the filler holes using a hollow glass tube with an inner diameter of 4-5 mm. One end of the tube is lowered through the hole until it stops against the safety shield. The hole of the tube at the other end is tightly closed with a finger, after which it is removed. The column of electrolyte remaining in the tube should be within 12-15 mm. If the battery has an indicator (tube), then the electrolyte level should be at the same level or be 3-5 mm higher than it.

Checking the battery electrolyte level

Preparation of electrolyte for batteries is made only from battery sulfuric acid with the addition of distilled water. It is not allowed to use technical sulfuric acid and ordinary water, since the electrolyte must have a high degree purity. Otherwise, there will be accelerated self-discharge (sulfitation) of the battery, a decrease in its capacity and destruction of the plates. When the electrolyte level drops as a result of water evaporation, only distilled water must be added to restore the required volume. and by no means a ready-made electrolyte! In the case when the electrolyte level exceeds normal, it should be sucked off with a rubber bulb with a glass or ebonite tip. If there is an increased level of electrolyte in the battery, then it can splash out, which is also undesirable.

During the preparation of the electrolyte, sulfuric acid is added in a thin stream to water, while the solution is mixed with a glass or ebonite rod. It is forbidden to pour water into acid, since the density of water is much lower than acid. Water will not be able to sink into the acid and will remain on the surface, while the chemical reactions that occur will cause the acid to heat up and splatter. There is a possibility of getting burned.

Checking the density of the electrolyte. Densimeter

One of the most important parameters of an electrolyte is its density. The density of the electrolyte in the battery is checked with a densimeter at a temperature of +25°C. If the temperature differs from the required one, corrections are made to the densimeter readings in accordance with the table below.

Table of corrections for electrolyte density depending on temperature

During battery life, the density of the electrolyte changes continuously. There is a reversible change in density - the normal interval for charging and discharging a battery. For a new and serviceable battery, the normal interval for changing the density of the electrolyte (full discharge - full charge) is 0.15-0.16.

There are also irreversible changes in density, for example, when water evaporates during the boiling of the electrolyte. At the same time, its density increases.

High electrolyte density leads to reduced service life battery. The low density of the electrolyte in the battery leads to a decrease in voltage, making it difficult to start the engine.

The density of the electrolyte is measured with a special device - a densimeter. It consists of a hydrometer 1, a rubber bulb 2, a glass tube 3 and a tip 4.

electrolyte density measuring device - densimeter

Tip 4 is immersed in the electrolyte through the filler hole in the battery case and, with the help of a rubber bulb, part of the electrolyte is sucked into the glass tube. In this case (the float) should float up in the body of the tube without touching its walls. After the oscillations of the hydrometer stop, the readings are read on the scale along the liquid line. The eye of the observer should be at surface level.

Determination of electrolyte density level by densimeter

For central Russia (Moscow, Kazan, etc.), the density of the electrolyte should be at the level of 1.25-1.27. The density check is carried out in each battery compartment separately, the difference between the readings should not exceed 0.01. The low density of the electrolyte in winter creates a risk of freezing.

Something else useful for you:

Video: How to measure electrolyte density

If necessary, adjust the density. Beforehand, a certain amount of electrolyte is sucked out of the battery compartment, instead of which either a corrective electrolyte or distilled water is added. The low density of the electrolyte in the battery is eliminated by adding a correction electrolyte with a density of 1.40. Accordingly, with an increased density of the electrolyte in the battery, distilled water should be added. After that, the battery is charged with a rated current for 30 minutes, followed by holding for 1-2 hours for better mixing of the electrolyte and equalizing its density in all battery compartments.

Video: Battery Diagnostics. What and how.

How to check battery charge

How to check the car battery charge? These measurements can be made using a load fork. This device consists of two contacts, a voltmeter, a handle and a load resistance switch. One of the options is shown in the figure.

Battery tester

The load resistance is adjusted in such a way as to provide a discharge current that is 3 times greater than the capacitance value. For example, if the battery capacity is 55 Ah, then the discharge current should be 165 A. The load plug is connected to the battery terminals with its contacts, after which the time is measured during which the voltage drops from 12.6 to 6 V. For a fully charged and a serviceable battery, this time should be at least 3 minutes.

The battery charge can also be estimated by the magnitude of the output voltage. To measure it, you need use a voltmeter or multimeter, having previously removed the wire from the negative terminal of the battery. Below is a table of the dependence of the charge on the output voltage.

Modern maintenance-free batteries have. When fully charged, the indicator is green. When the charge decreases, its color changes from green to white or red.

To charge the battery, you should use a special charger. The charger is a source direct current. When connecting it to the battery, the positive pole is connected strictly to the positive terminal of the battery, the negative - to the negative terminal. It is necessary that the output voltage of the charger must be higher than the battery voltage to ensure the passage of the charging current.

The car battery is charged with a nominal current equal to 10% of the nominal battery capacity. For example, with a capacity of 60 Ah, the rated charging current should be 6 A. In this case, charging can last up to 13-15 hours. Filler plugs must always be open!

It is considered completed if there is a constancy of electrolyte density and output voltage for 2 hours. If you wish and have knowledge of the basics of electrical engineering, you can do it yourself.

Timely checking the electrolyte and charging the battery should become a good habit for a car enthusiast. This will extend battery life, ensure uninterrupted power to all electrical appliances in the car and save money.

It is useful for every driver to know how to correctly measure and check the density of the electrolyte in the battery with a hydrometer. This skill will be useful to anyone who constantly drives a car in winter. Also, problems with the battery can occur at any time of the year. Therefore, it is recommended to check the performance of this part of the car every three months. When working with the battery, be aware of the presence of acids in it.

To avoid burns, it is worth doing all the work as carefully as possible. Do not turn the battery upside down, as this may cause electrolyte leakage and damage to surrounding objects. Avoid getting acids on the car body. This will erode the paint.

What affects density?

How to correctly measure and check the density of the electrolyte in the battery with a hydrometer? This indicator affects the ability of the battery to restore the charge. By determining the density, you can find out the technical condition of the battery. Density is directly related to battery capacity. At low density, there is almost no battery charging.

Therefore, the measurement of this indicator is the main work when diagnosing a battery. This work is carried out using a hydrometer. This device allows you to fairly accurately determine the state of the electrolyte.


This device is an oblong cylinder, tapering on one side. A rubber pear is put on the thick end. On a thin rubber tube-tip. Inside there is a float with divisions. The principle of operation is simple. And probably everyone knows from the school physics course. That is, the denser the liquid, the more mass the body is able to push out. In this case, the float has a certain mass. And depending on the density of the electrolyte, it will be immersed in the liquid to different depths. Empirically revealed the ratio of density and depth of immersion. In accordance with this, the scale is applied.

In practice, the higher the density of the electrolyte, the more it will push the float. The level of density is assessed by evaluating the scale. It should be noted that all hydrometers sold in automotive stores have 2 scales. One is designed to check the density of the electrolyte. There divisions are indicated in g/dm3. Another scale is used to check antifreeze and antifreeze. You can see °C on the scale.


Before measuring the density of the electrolyte, be sure to prepare for this work. Inspect the battery carefully. It should be free of streaks and dirt. It is advisable to measure the level of self-loading. For this you need a multimeter. After that, one probe of the device is placed on the battery terminal, the other on its body. The resulting indicator is the level of self-charging. Ideally, it should be around 6B. The room temperature should be around 20°C.

If you brought the battery from the cold, then you need to wait until it warms up. The acid is pungent. Therefore, be sure to have a container of water at hand. So that, if necessary, it was possible to wash off the electrolyte that got on the skin. It is also advisable to wear special glasses.

The work itself is done as follows:

  • First unscrew the plugs from the battery. Remember that the banks do not communicate with each other, so the density must be checked in them separately;
  • The fluid level is visually assessed. It should not be critically small;
  • Fluid is taken with a hydrometer. It should be held vertically. The collection is made in the following way. The pear shrinks.
  • The tube is lowered into the jar and the pear is released. Thus, the liquid is drawn into the device;
  • Visually assess the state of the electrolyte. The gray color of the liquid indicates crumbling plates. This means that the bank is not working. Evaluate the readings of the hydrometer. In this case, the float must float absolutely freely;
  • The liquid is poured back and proceed to check another jar.
If it turns out that the density does not meet the standards, you should try to correct the situation. There are several ways to do this.

We raise the density

The main method for raising the density of the electrolyte can be called battery charging. The thing is that often a low density means a low battery charge. Therefore, in such a situation, it is easiest to put it on charge. It is best to use automatic Charger. Do not check the density immediately after the end of charging. You need to wait a couple of hours to get the most accurate results.

If this does not help, then you can try adding an electrolyte. But this should be done only at very low density. After that, be sure to check the density. Pay special attention to the color of the liquid. It must be transparent.

Conclusion. If you have, then it is best to check its condition. There are special devices for this. Not all drivers know how to correctly measure and check the density of the electrolyte in the battery with a hydrometer. Therefore, often due to incorrect measurement, they throw out another working battery, or ride on a faulty element.

In everyday life, one has to meet with the fact that it is required to check the density of some substance, for example, alcohol, acid, milk. To do this, use a hydrometer, they also check the density of the electrolyte. If the owner of the vehicle expects the battery to work as long as possible, he should check the density of the electrolyte. Why do you need a hydrometer - a device that allows you to measure the level of acidity of the solution in the cells of the battery.

What is a hydrometer

A hydrometer is a glass float that expands downward and is filled with a weighty mass - ballast, which works according to the law of Archimedes.

Some types of hydrometers are used to measure the acidity and temperature of antifreeze. The device includes:

Types of hydrometers

There are several types of hydrometer; for practical use, a scale is applied to the hydrometer in accordance with the diluted substance, for example:

How to use a hydrometer correctly

The efficiency of the car battery depends on the density and concentration of the electrolyte, and it is important to check and adjust this parameter in a timely manner.

The car battery is a current source with galvanic reactions. The electrolyte is a solution of acids and alkalis of a certain density. Normative indicators range from 1.22 to 1.29 grams / cm3 at a temperature of 20 to 30 ° C.

A decrease in density by 0.01 grams / cm3 indicates a discharge of the battery by 5-6%. When charging, it rises to normal. With numerous recharges, the density of the liquid changes and needs to be corrected. It is produced by adding distilled water or acid with intermediate measurements.

Density is the mass of sulfuric acid mixed with water in relation to the whole volume of the solution, that is, the level of acidification of the mixture. According to the law of hydrostatics, when a body is immersed in a liquid, its weight is equal to the mass of the volume of liquid displaced. A hydrometer operates according to this principle, it accurately sets the acidity of the mixture in grams / cm3.

Measuring the density of liquid in a battery is not difficult, but it requires neatness and attention.

Step-by-step guide to measuring the density of electrolyte in a battery

  • Measure electrolyte density battery can be used if about 6 hours have passed since it was charged. Remove all battery cell covers.
  • Take the device and lower vertically into the battery cell. The device looks like a glass flask in which there is a float - a hydrometer with a scale, and at the end of the device there is a rubber pear for electrolyte sampling. We collect a certain amount of acid so that the hydrometer floats without difficulty. We look at the scale, we take readings. In an electrolyte with a high density, the float floats higher. The unit of measurement for density is kilogram per cubic decimeter, liter.
  • We look at the testimony. The density should be about 1.24 kilograms per liter. The difference in measurements in the remaining battery cells is 0.03 kilograms per liter. If the density is low, the battery needs to be recharged.
  • With normal readings screw on the plugs. The original plugs with gaskets must be used.
  • If the instrument readings not normal, change the battery.


When working with electrolyte, safety criteria must be observed. Protective gloves, goggles, clothing and footwear should be worn. Electrolyte must not be allowed to come into contact with exposed parts of the body and eyes. All actions must be carried out in a warm, ventilated room, as toxic gas is released.

If acid gets into the eyes or on the skin, rinse with plenty of water. If a severe burn, then you need to drink a maximum of warm water, take analgin. After that, you need to quickly go to a medical facility. If acid gets on clothes, then it must be thrown away. When working with antifreeze, you must also observe safety measures. The radiator cap is opened only after the liquid has completely cooled to prevent its ejection and burns.

After use, the hydrometer is washed in running water. Under this condition, the device will work for more than a dozen years.

Popular hydrometer models

Manufacturers offer various types of devices, differing in cost, appearance and functions.

  • Sparta 549125. A model of compact dimensions with a strong glass body and an insignificant price.
  • SKYBEAR 623000. Inexpensive Chinese counterpart, a good thing for little money.
  • Orion AR-02. For electrolyte of domestic production (NPP Orion, St. Petersburg). The container is made of glass, the float sometimes sticks to it, which makes me nervous when measuring.
  • . For professional use. They measure the characteristics of various liquids, including the acidity of the electrolyte and the temperature of the antifreeze. An expensive model, but it is very convenient to tune with distilled water.

Using a hydrometer, you can get certain data on the condition of the battery. It is required to monitor the density of the electrolyte. The level and density of the electrolyte is important parameters for good battery performance.

The density of the electrolyte in the battery is a headache for car owners who have opted for collapsible batteries. These batteries can be controlled and recharged, but it takes a little science to do so, which is what we're going to do.

What electrolyte density values ​​are considered normal?

The battery is a chemical current source, and the transformations occurring in it are reversible. The design of such devices is simple, they consist of a housing where the electrodes are placed, a separator-converter and a bus. All this is closed with a lid with outlet holes and terminals. But the battery will not work without electrolyte. In lead-acid batteries, this is a solution of sulfuric acid, the density of which is measured in g / cm 3. It is proportional to the concentration of the solution, and the inverse relationship can be traced with respect to the temperature of the liquid. The density test of the alkaline electrolyte will be carried out by those car owners whose car uses nickel-cadmium or nickel-iron batteries.

By the density of the electrolyte, you can determine the condition of the battery. If the value has dropped, then, most likely, some cell is defective, an open circuit has occurred or a deep discharge of the battery has occurred. For the latter case, the reduced density will be in all cells. If the battery does not hold a charge, then you should check the condition of the liquid inside it. During battery operation, water gradually evaporates, as a result, the electrolyte becomes more concentrated, which also negatively affects the state of the unit. This characteristic affects the capacity of the battery and determines its operational life.

It is very important to maintain optimal electrolyte density in the battery, which largely depends on the climatic zone. In regions with a cold macroclimate, it is better to maintain the density of the acidic electrolyte in the range of 1.27–1.29 g/cm 3 . In the middle lane, these figures will change - 1.25–1.27 g / cm 3. In warmer regions, the normal density is 1.23–1.25 g/cm3. Moreover, when pouring electrolyte, it is better to prepare a solution along the lower boundary of these ranges. For an alkaline battery, checking the density of the internal contents should show 1.19-1.21 g / cm 3. Before cooking, it is important to clarify the composition, there are potassium and sodium electrolytes, each of them will have its own proportions in order to achieve the specified value.

Expert opinion

Ruslan Konstantinov

Automotive expert. Graduated from IzhGTU named after M.T. Kalashnikov with a degree in Operation of Transport and Technological Machines and Complexes. Over 10 years of professional car repair experience.

In most cases, the electrolyte is a solution of sulfuric acid and distilled water in approximately 2/1 ratios (60% water and 40% acid). With this ratio, the battery plates are able to accumulate an electric charge. Many people know about the density of the electrolyte, but few know why this parameter changes with discharges and charges. When the battery is charged, water is removed from the electrolyte, respectively, the percentage begins to change in favor of acid. When the battery is discharged, on the contrary, the concentration of acid decreases, on the plates it begins to settle with sulfates. With a deep discharge, the plates will simply overgrow with sulfates, which will no longer be destroyed during the next charge, a process of so-called sulfation occurs. This phenomenon is dangerous in that the density will gradually decrease greatly and charging will no longer help restore battery performance due to excessive sulfation.

You should not experiment with increasing the density, some believe that it is easier to use concentrated sulfuric acid at all, for example, when operating a car in conditions of critically low temperatures. You can’t do this, sulfuric acid is one of the most powerful solvents, it can simply corrode lead plates. It is unacceptable to exceed the density by more than 1.35 g / cm 3.

Checking the density of the electrolyte - devices and their operation

Many motorists have come across a situation where, after a long recharge, the electrolyte boils and evaporates, then we fill in distilled water. In this case, the density of the solution is very rarely measured, but in vain. After all, the acid itself also boils away with water, and by adding only distillate, you will get a mixture with a lower concentration, which will negatively affect the performance of the device.

To measure the density of the electrolyte in the battery, you will need a special device - a densimeter. It consists of a glass tube in which a hydrometer is placed, a tip and a rubber pear. We find a filler hole at the battery and immerse the tip of the measuring device in the solution. Then, with the help of a pear, we suck part of the acid into the glass case. We carefully hold the device at eye level - the hydrometer should be at rest, float in the liquid, without touching the walls.

If there is no special device, then you can check the density of the electrolyte in the battery with a voltmeter. We connect an autotester to the battery terminals and measure the voltage. It should fluctuate within 11.9–12.5 V. Then we turn the key in the ignition and gain 2.5 thousand revolutions. In this case, the voltage should reach a minimum of 13.9 V, but not exceed 14.4 V. If there is no change, then you just need to charge the device.

How to increase the density of the working electrolyte?

What to do when the density of the electrolyte drops in the battery? Of course, it is necessary to restore it to the desired value. There are several ways:

  • recharge the battery;
  • completely replace the electrolyte with a new one;
  • add more concentrated electrolyte;
  • add acid.

We prepare in advance all the necessary equipment: a measuring container, a pear, a soldering iron and a drill. All items must be clean and well dried. We also need distilled water and the electrolyte itself.

You should always try to recharge the battery first. Checking battery voltage. Has the value changed since revs? Then you should charge the device for 10 hours with a current that is ten times less than the capacity. For example, if it is 60 A * h, then a current of 6 A is enough. Then this value is halved and the battery is still left on charge for 2 hours. It is the second mode that evens out the density of the electrolyte. And if the voltage with the engine running rises more than 14.4 V, then you need to fill the battery with water. Then put . If after such events the battery is still quickly discharged, then you need to work with the electrolyte.

To restore the electrolyte density value in a discharged battery to normal, you can completely replace the contents. To do this, pump out the liquid from each can as much as possible, and then drain the residue. To do this, seal all openings tightly and turn the unit on its side. We drill holes at the bottom from the side of each can and drain the electrolyte. It is strictly forbidden to put the battery upside down, as in this position a short circuit may occur, and the surface of the plates will crumble.. After the solution is no longer in the device, thoroughly rinse it with purified water. Be sure to hermetically seal the holes in the bottom of the device and fill it with a new electrolyte.

Typically, the density of the electrolyte in batteries can be increased or decreased by adding a concentrated solution or purified water. First of all, the quality of the conductive substance is checked in each bank separately. If the measurement showed a density of more than 1.18 g / cm 3, then you can simply dilute it with a more concentrated solution. To do this, we select the maximum possible amount of electrolyte, replace half of it with a solution with a higher concentration than we strive to obtain (for example, we need 1.25 g / cm 3), and fill it all back. We shake the battery gently to mix the updated composition well.

A more concentrated electrolyte can be prepared by yourself, then it is better to make 1.40 g / cm 3. Purchased, most likely, it will be 1.27 g / cm 3, then the process of increasing the density may take a little longer.

After a short pause, a density check is carried out. You will find that it has risen, but has not reached the desired figure. Then we repeat the procedure again, only we reduce the dilution step so as not to jump over the target mark. This time, only a quarter of the pumped out liquid needs to be replaced with a more concentrated electrolyte. After each procedure, the measurement will show that we are getting closer to the desired mark on the device. It is difficult to accurately obtain the normal density of the electrolyte in the battery in this way, you will probably miss the desired mark, but by that time it will be enough to add a little bit of clean water, because the dilution step will already be quite small and the goal will be achieved.

When the density of the electrolyte is less than 1.18 g/cm3, acid will have to be added. We carry out all operations in the same order as in method 3. Only the dilution step should immediately be taken small, because the acid has a very high density(about 1.8 g / cm 3), you can jump over the desired mark already from the first dilution. It is very important when preparing all solutions to pour acid into water, and not vice versa, so as not to provoke splashing of the concentrate. Carry out work in a special robe, protect the skin and organs of vision. If liquid comes into contact with the body, immediately flush the affected area with clean water.