
Portrait of letters in Photoshop.


Final result

1. Additional information: the peculiarity of this lesson is that it uses a lot of different text, so it is suitable for portraits of people who have something to say. Open and enlarge the original photo to the required size. The dimensions depend on how " saturated » portrait with text and what you are going to do with it next. IN - 3000 in this case

2. pixels on the long side. Discolor Ctrl+Shift+U

and posterize ((Image - Correction - Posterization)) the image.

3. I left only four levels.

3.1. We type text according to the shape of the face using the tool ().

3.2. We select a typeface that matches the style of the subject. We write the text. We model the shape by changing the size of the letters. In the largest and brightest areas, use the largest letters (this is only suitable for portraits on dark background

3.3. , where the text is written in light letters). Here are the key phrases that will be most noticeable. For shaded areas and small details, reduce the font size. This is the most labor-intensive stage of the work. [ Small details can be refined using your own key phrases (). Let's stamp the remaining areas using the " ] " And "

4. » to adjust the size.

Move the posterized layer up, place it above the black background and text and apply the blending mode - “ ” (Multiply).

Typographic portraits that many people liked:

Today I am publishing a lesson that will tell you about one of the possible techniques for creating such a portrait.

Preparation in Photoshop

For example, let's take a photo of Milla Jovovich. Open our.
jpeg in Photoshop Completely select the work area(ctrl+A) , then duplicate the layer with the image.

Desaturate the newly created layer (ctrl+shift+U).

Let's add a little contrast to our image (ctrl+L).

In the window that opens, adjust the sliders to achieve the result as shown below.

Next, apply the Cutout filter (filter>Artistic>Cutout…)

Using the sliders, adjust the filter so that you have approximately 4-6 color tones.

Preparation in vector

Next, we save what we got in the format JPEG, and, just in case, in PSD. Close Photoshop, we won't need it anymore. In principle, all further operations can be performed in Photoshop, but for flexible control of the size of the original image, we need a vector.

Open the vector editor. I prefer to work in Xara Extreme Pro. Create a new document (ctrl+N).

Import a recently saved image using a keyboard shortcut (ctrl+alt+I) or (file>import).

For ease of use, let's customize the program interface a little. We need a window with layers Object gallery(analogous to the Layers panel in Photohsop).

We call it like this: (utilities>galleries>color gallery) or (F10). I’ll tell you a little about the purpose of icons in the Object Gallery window.

1. Lock the layer.
2. Visible layer.
3. Hidden layer.
Although everything is quite simple here.

For further work, you can increase the transparency of the photo. Select in the toolbar Transparency Tool (F6), at the top we change the transparency percentage from 0% to 45%.

Lock the layer with our picture (background). That's it, the preparatory stage is completed.

Drawing a curve with a tool Pen tool (shift+F5).

After the line is completed, select the tool Text Tool (T) and move the cursor to the place from which we started drawing our curve. After that, we type in the text, periodically changing the font size, its boldness and letter spacing. Starting with large spaces, filling the area of ​​the portrait’s color spots, we gradually move on to the details.

So that the guide lines do not interfere with us, we hide them.
To do this: select an object with text and a guide, while holding down Shift Click on the icon located in the color panel in the lower left corner. This way we desaturate the outline of the object.

As you add guides with text, the number of layers will increase; for convenience, we group them into folders. With the stack of layers selected, click Ctrl+G.

After we finish filling large and small spaces, we recolor individual sections of the text in the desired shades of gray, borrowing the color from the lowest layer, using the tool Color Picker.
Let's hide the bottom layer with the photo and see what happens.

A little runny, lacking juiciness. To do this, make the layer with the photo visible again, and hide all other layers. Select in the toolbar Text Tool, click on the work area in the upper left corner. After which we begin to print the text, filling in the places that need volume.

A small note:
This layer with the background text should be under the other layers.

The final

Then turn on the visibility of other layers except for the background photo, export the result to Jpeg. (file>export...) or (shift+ctrl+E).

All is ready! Now you can drink a cup of coffee and breathe a sigh of relief.
My goal is to familiarize yourself with the process of working in this technique, everything else is in your hands!


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In this lesson Photoshop you will learn how to make an unusual portrait from words and their combinations. As you know, creating a typographic portrait in art requires a huge amount of time and effort. We will create such work in an accessible way using our own brushes and filling with a pattern created from words.

You will also learn about some principles of highlighting and posterization when working with photos.

So let's begin!

Preview of the final result:

Step 1.

Open the image of the girl's face in Photoshop, having previously downloaded it from the lesson resources. No need to create new document, since the original photo will serve as our basis.

Step 2.

Using the Pen tool (Pen Tool) separate the face from the black background. Double-click the photo layer thumbnail, unlocking the background, and name the resulting layer “Portrait.” Create a New Layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) under the face layer and fill it using the Bucket tool (Paint Bucket Tool (Shift+F5)), white (ffffff). Then go to the face layer in Image-Adjustments-Posterize (Image > Adjustments > Posterize) and set the number of levels in the option window to 4. Make the girl's face black and white by desaturating it. Go to Image-Adjustments-Desaturate (Image-Adjustment-Desaturate) Ctrl+Shift+U)).

Step 3.

Hide the visibility of the face layer for a while (click on the eye in the layers panel) and activate the “Horizontal Text” tool (Horizontal Type Tool). Choose your favorite font and color black (000000) Write a few words in a column on the canvas. Place words on separate layers by clicking the icon after you finish writing each word. Commit(check mark) in the top menu to move to the next one. If you need to edit a word after you have written it, go to the layer with this word and go to the “Character” palette (Window - Character). In the options window, make changes if required.

Step 4.

Now, we will make a Brush (Brush) from every word of the text. First, select the first word in the column with the Rectangular Marquee Tool. (Restangular Marquee Tool) and go to Edit-Define Brush (Edit>Define Brush Preset). There, in the option window, you will see your word. Give the new brush a name and click OK. Now, if you open the Brushes palette, you will see your created brush in the set.

Repeat the process of creating brushes for each word of your text using this pattern. When finished, deselect (Ctrl+D).

Step 5.

Now, we will make our own pattern from a combination of all the words in the column. First, merge all the word layers into one (holding Ctrl, click on the thumbnails of each word layer, and then click Ctrl+E). On the merged layer, go to Edit-Free Transform (Edit > Free Transform) Ctrl+T)) and shrink it to a tiny size by holding Shift and pulling the corners of the frame.

Turn off the visibility of all layers except this one. Select a column of words with the Rectangular Marquee tool (Restangular Marquee Tool) and go to Edit-Define Pattern (Edit>Define Pattern). Give the pattern a name and click OK. Deselect (Ctrl+D). Your pattern should appear in the pattern set (Pattern Preset) programs.

Step 6.

Hide the visibility of the text layer and turn on the eye on the white background layer and the face layer. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (Restangular Marquee Tool) select a small area of ​​black on the girl’s neck.

On the layer with the face, go to the menu Select-Similar Shades (Select > Similar). This technique will allow you to highlight areas of the face with the same color as the color of the selected area on the neck.

Step 7

Before you go any further, activate the Brush tool (Brush) and click it anywhere in the document. Turn off the visibility of the "Portrait" layer, but do not deselect it. Create a New Layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) at the top of the Layers panel and start typing with the Brush (Brush) from words according to places of emphasis. To quickly change brush size, use square brackets on keyboard. You can use the Stamp tool (Clone Tool) to speed up the process of filling the selection. (Holding Alt, right-click on the place you want to copy, then move the cursor to the place where you want to paste the copy and right-click again).

Step 8

To use smaller words in a portrait, we'll use our created word pattern. Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) under the layer with brush strokes and call it “Pattern”. Activate the Fill tool (Paint Bucket tool) and in the top menu select the option not color, but “Pattern” (or Regular). Nearby we find our pattern in the pattern palette and fill the selection with it by clicking on the canvas.

Step 9

Filling the face with the pattern made our brush and stamp strokes less noticeable. Load a layer selection with brush strokes ( Ctrl+click on the icon of this layer) and go to the menu Select-Modify-Expand (Select > Modify > Expand) and set the expansion radius to 1 px. Next Select-Invert (Select > Inverse). Go to the “Pattern” layer and click on the Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the Layers panel (the circle in the square). This technique will create a 1 pixel border around the brush words in the portrait and make them more visible.

Step 10

Repeat steps 6 to 9 for other shades of gray on the model's face. Apply brush strokes and fill patterns to the selection on separate layers. Place the pattern layers below the brush stroke layers.

If you use all the shades in the image, you will get a beautiful result like the example below. This is the final result:

Although a black and white portrait already looks impressive, you can try adding color and any texture to the image. To add color to the face letter layers, combine the pattern layer and brush strokes in each individual shade into one layer ( Ctrl+click on the thumbnails of two layers, selecting them, then Ctrl+E). Double-click on the merged layer thumbnail and open the Layer Styles window. (Layer Style). In the options, find the "Color Overlay" option (Color Overlay) and by clicking on the color square, select any shade for the layer.

This way, you can play with the Layer Style settings using other options options (Emboss, Gradient Overlay, Pattern Overlay, etc.).

Experiment and the result will exceed your expectations! Good luck!

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a portrait from text in Adobe Photoshop, using a long piece of text that bends and warps to match the contours of a face. This effect is known as Calligram and is often used to present famous quotes or speeches by depicting the author/speaker in the background. The key tool in creating the effect is Photoshop filter Displace/Displacement, which will allow us to accurately distort the text along the contours of the image.

Step 1.

This tutorial will combine a professional stock photo and speech text from the film The American President (1995) to create a completely unrealistic presidential address, but this effect can be perfectly applied to a series of speech designs from real famous personalities, including US presidents .

Open your chosen image in Photoshop. The lesson uses a photo of an elderly man. Using Crop Tool (C) Crop the image to fit the poster size (or any other size you wish).

Step 2.

Add an adjustment layer Black and white: Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Black & White (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Black & White). Set values ​​by channel: Red -120; Yellow: 60; Greens: 40. This will add contrast to the image, but unlike correction using Levels or Brightness/Contrast, darkening the red channel produces more attractive tones.

Step 3.

Next go to the menu Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) with a Radius value of 20 pixels. This will help smooth out the shifting effect after the text is applied.

Step 4.

Step 5.

Take Text Tool – Type Tool (T) and create a text container to fit the document size. Insert your chosen piece of text and remove the paragraph breaks so that the text is continuous. Uncheck Transfers (Hyphenate) and click on the full alignment icon (justify all) on the panel Paragraph.

Step 6.

If the text doesn't completely fill the portrait, simply copy and paste it until it fills the entire portrait. Choose a font of your choice, the font used in this lesson is Montserrat Bold All Caps. Adjust the size and spacing of the text so that it closely overlaps the portrait.

Step 7

Horizontal scale 10; Vertical scale 10;

Displacement Map - Stretch to Fit;

Underfined Areas - Repeat Edge Pixels. Then click OK and select the displace.psd file, which you saved earlier.

Step 8

Hold down the Ctrl key and left-click on the offset text layer's thumbnail to create a selection, then turn off the layer's visibility by clicking on the "eye" icon to the right of the layer. Next go to the menu Editing > Copy merged data - Edit > Copy Merged (Ctrl + Shift + C) to create a layer from the portrait parts and the selected text.