Home / Linux Overview / Government of the Saratov region. Digital terrestrial television dvb-t2 Digital television in Saratov DVB-T2 in action

Government of the Saratov region. Digital terrestrial television dvb-t2 Digital television in Saratov DVB-T2 in action

The table shows the channels that can be received from the Ostankino TV tower in Moscow and the Moscow region. The list is divided into two groups - digital DVB-T2 and terrestrial analogue. Operating frequencies, numbers, characteristics are indicated. All federal channels are broadcast free of charge. Coded or paid services not yet provided. Digital program packages are distributed among multiplexes, each with 10 channels, 20 are already running as normal, and the third multiplex is being tested. First and Russia 1 come in high definition HD quality. Breaks in broadcasting are regulated by the prevention schedule. Search and configuration are possible in automatic or manual mode. Most apartment buildings have cable television, and in the general list you will only find the list provided by the operator. In this case, for reception, you will need an external or internal independent antenna.

The first digital terrestrial TV multiplex
Channel logo Name Number Frequency Genre Video format Audio format
30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Sport MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
St. Petersburg - Channel 5 30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz News MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Children's MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Public television of Russia MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 546 MHz Radio - MPEG2
30 546 MHz Radio - MPEG2
30 546 MHz Radio - MPEG2
Second digital terrestrial TV multiplex
24 498 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Religion MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Entertaining MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Entertaining MPEG4 MPEG2
TV3 24 498 MHz Entertaining MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Entertaining MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Military Patriotic Channel MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz CIS channel MPEG4 MPEG2
24 498 MHz Movies MPEG4 MPEG2
Muz TV 24 498 MHz Music MPEG4 MPEG2
The third multiplex of digital terrestrial TV

It has not yet been officially launched, so the list of channels is displayed on a separate page with a broadcast schedule

In the analog range, the number of conventional channels is less and they are planned to be switched off in accordance with the official government development program digital television.

The information was obtained from open sources and is current as of the beginning of 2019. As the grid changes, the data will be updated.

Article 37. Erotic publications

Law of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1991 N 2124-1 (as amended on July 13, 2015)
"About the media"

Distribution of specialized radio and television programs of an erotic nature without signal coding is permitted only from 23:00 to 4:00 local time, unless otherwise established by the local administration.

For the purposes of this Law, a mass media specializing in messages and materials of an erotic nature means periodical or programs that generally and systematically exploit the interest in sex.

Retail sales of media products specializing in messages and materials of an erotic nature are permitted only in sealed transparent packaging and in specially designated premises, the location of which is determined by the local administration.

Saratov and the region are also included in the program for the transition of television broadcasting to the digital format DVB-T2. On this moment 24 television towers were put into operation, broadcasting the digital terrestrial signal of the first RTRS-1 multiplex. However, both multiplexes are accessible only from the television tower located in Saratov itself and the village of Shirokiy Buerak. That is, to watch all 20 TV channels you need to point the antenna at these towers. If you live outside the city and at the same time you only need to watch 10 channels, you can point your antenna at the nearest tower, which is easy to find on the digital TV map
Broadcasting parameters in Saratov
RTRs-1: TVK 36 (594 MHz)
RTRs-2: TVK 40 (626 MHz)
Broadcasting parameters in Balakovo (Shirokiy Buerak)
RTRs-1: TVK 33 (570 MHz)
RTRs-2: TVK 45 (666 MHz)

As you can see, the broadcast frequencies are different, so a DVB-T2 set-top box brought from Saratov to Balakovo will not work until the channels are searched.

Of course, 20 channels is much better than 10, so on this page we have placed estimated coverage maps for towers in Saratov and Shirokiy Buerak. When you click on the map, it will open in a full window and you can find your locality. Red color indicates confident reception, paler colors indicate weak signal. Remember that the distance from the tower is not so important as the obstacles on the way. Trees do not greatly affect the signal, but various buildings can significantly weaken it. Take this into account when choosing a location for the antenna.

Keep in mind that maintenance work is carried out monthly, the timing of which you can find out on the official website of RTRS.

Digital television in Saratov DVB-T2 in action

Digital terrestrial television, on New Year's Eve 2014, finally came to Saratov. On December 23, the Saratov Television Center began test broadcasting in the DVB-T2 format. The signal from the first multiplex is broadcast, and these are the main state TV channels: Channel One, Russia 1, Russia 2, Russia 24, Russia Culture, NTV, TVC, Public Television Russia", "Carousel", "Channel 5-Petersburg" and three radio stations: "Vesti FM", "Mayak", "Radio Rossii". Now everyone can watch these channels with excellent quality, the main thing is to know what you need to watch digital television in Saratov.

Rolsen RDB-502N digital DVB-T2 receiver

Rolsen RDB-507N digital DVB-T2 receiver

Digital television in Saratov, as was announced earlier, is in the modern DVB-T2 format. Therefore, to view this format, you need a TV with support for DVB-T2 reception or a receiver for receiving terrestrial digital television (also with support for DVB-T2). We have been asked several times whether we sell modules for watching digital TV? These are some TV viewers who mistakenly thought that if they have a TV that supports DVB-T digital broadcasting, then they need to buy a CAM module and receive new digital television in Saratov. For those who are mistaken, we answer: no modules will help, you can watch digital television on any TV (without DVB-T2 support) only through a digital TV receiver that accepts DVB-T2. Such receivers are sold in many chain and specialized stores in our city.

list of digital channels in the receiver menu

Almost immediately after the launch of test broadcasting by the Saratov Television and Radio Center, we began our tests to receive new broadcasting for our region. In order to check how to receive digital television in Saratov, Rolsen RDB-502N and Rolsen RDB-507N receivers were used. The main menu of the receivers is almost the same, but the design differences are impossible not to notice. But, it must be said that both Rolsen receivers also have a full-fledged media player on board, which will be a good addition to watching over-the-air digital channels.

digital radio stations in Saratov

Attempts to receive digital television in Saratov using an indoor antenna, in the area of ​​Ilyinskaya Square, were unsuccessful. After automatic scanning, 7 TV channels were registered in the channel list. The image appeared occasionally, but immediately crumbled into cubes, which indicated a low level of the useful signal. After connecting a Polish “grid” without an amplifier, which received normal analogue broadcasting with normal quality, the situation improved a little, but periodically the picture crumbled and the image completely disappeared.

weak signal level

And only after installing, on the roof of a high-rise building, a new Delta antenna and laying a new coaxial cable, the signal strength has reached the required value. In the list of channels, all 10 broadcast TV channels and 3 radio stations were registered. Until December 31, 2013, the signal level and strength, according to the Rolsen information menu, were unstable. Apparently, the transmission equipment was being adjusted by Saratov television workers. Since the middle of the day, December 31, according to the Rolsen scales, the strength and quality of the signal have stabilized and currently remain at the same level. Thus, New Year's programs on federal channels could be watched not on NTV Plus, as always, but using digital Saratov television.

Russia 2 digital channel in Saratov

good signal level in Saratov with an external antenna

The picture quality on a 42-inch TV is very high, comparable to the best channels SD digital satellite television. The picture is bright and clear, with rich colors and good detail. An important note: the Rolsen RDB-502N receiver, with factory firmware, refused to display channels normally. And only after updating the firmware with the latest version of the software, the receiver worked as it should. The Rolsen RDB-507N found all channels right out of the box and produced excellent picture and sound quality. Both receivers played video and audio files from an external USB flash drive normally. What’s noteworthy is that even “heavy” files can not only be watched, but also be used to fully “rewind” forward and backward. Digital TV receivers correctly recorded the program schedule, including a detailed description, if present.

name of the current program

program schedule in the receiver menu

detailed information about the program

So, digital television in Saratov has become a reality. TV viewers in our city now have another opportunity to watch good quality TV channels. True, the first multiplex contains mainly information channels and almost no entertainment channels. But, according to information from Saratov broadcasters, within the next two years, a second multiplex will be launched in the region, and this will include 10 more TV channels. And a broadcast package of 20 channels will look more balanced. And for those TV viewers who want a lot of TV channels, including in high definition format, there are alternative options. Such as Tricolor TV, Telekarta, and Saratov cable operators. In any case, with the advent of digital television in Saratov, there are more options for watching channels with good quality, and as they say, “life has become better, life has become more fun.” Thanks to the Saratov Radio and Television Center for a nice gift for the New Year!

pay attention to DVB-T2 support

You can find out about newer equipment in the material and

On May 7, 2015, the second digital package of channels was launched in the Saratov region -

Buy a receiver to watch digital television

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    05/22/2019 ABS-2A, 75E channel "TV3 Russia International" appeared on 11473, V, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "CNN International Europe", "First Channel HD" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11900, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "Hollywood HD", "First Channel HD" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11938, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Russia HD" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12015, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "Prosveshcheniye", "Nashe TV", "Top Secret", "Moscow 24" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11977, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "2x2", "Meteo TV" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11977, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels “Science”, “History”, “My Planet” appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12245, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/14/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Ani" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12437, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/08/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "FAN" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12437, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/29/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Volgograd 24" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11747, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/24/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "Bolt" and "Star Cinema" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12284, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/16/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "History Russia" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11977, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/16/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "History Russia HD" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12207, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/12/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Key" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11720, H, 27500, 3/4.

    04/11/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E Pobeda TV channel appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12149, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/01/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Secrets of the Galaxy HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12190, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/01/2019 Horizons-2, 85E channel "Shayan TV" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12120, H, 28800, 2/3.

    03/29/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channels "Paramount Comedy" and "Nickelodeon" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12040, H, 28800, 3/4.

    03/28/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Children's" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12160, H, 28800, 3/4.

    03/18/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E TV channel "World of Basketball" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11785, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    03/06/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Motorsport TV HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12190, L, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    03/06/2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Pobeda Promo" appeared on 11045, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    03/04/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Outdoor Channel International" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11760, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    03/04/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channels "NTV Pravo", "NTV Serial" and "NTV Style" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11880, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    03/04/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "A2 HD" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12120, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    02/25/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Our Cool SD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12149, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    02/25/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Our Cool HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12034, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    02/19/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "STS Kids" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11760, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    02/03/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Cinema and Comedy" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12111, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    02.02.2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Promo Kino" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12226, L, 27500, 3/4, MPEG-4.

    02.02.2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Promo UHD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12054, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    02/01/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channels “KVN” and “Tochka Otryva” appeared in the Telekarta package on 11880, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    01/24/2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channels "Moscow 24" and "Moscow Trust" appeared on 11045, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    01/20/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E package of TV channels "Tricolor TV" appeared on 12418, L, 30000, 5/6, DVB-S2.

    01/14/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E radio stations Vesti FM, Radio Russia and Mayak appeared on 12245, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    01/10/2019 Hot Bird 13C, 13E TV channel "World Fashion International HD" appeared on 11373, H, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    01/09/2019 Hot Bird 13C, 13E TV channel "NASA UHD" appeared on 10727, H, 30000, 3/4, DVB-S2, HEVC.

    12/28/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "I Concert HD" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11800, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    12/28/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Mezzo Live" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12040, H, 28800, 3/4.

    12/17/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Travel+Adventure HD" appeared on 10985, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    12/17/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "360°" appeared on 12653, V, 43000, 5/6, open.

    12/10/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Yolki TV HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12226, L, 27500, 3/4, HEVC.

    12/07/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Fan HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11747, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    12/06/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Fan HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12380, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    12/03/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Udmurtia" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11840, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    12/03/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Secrets of the Galaxy" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12284, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    11/30/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Secrets of the Galaxy" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12149, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    11/25/2018 ABS-2A, 75E channel "Dog and Co" appeared on 10985, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    11/20/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "FAN" appeared on 12653, V, 43000, 5/6, open.

    11/20/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "FAN HD" appeared on 10985, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    11/19/2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E package of NTV Plus radio channels appeared on 11900, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    11/14/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Our Tema" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12600, V, 30000, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    11/06/2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Romantic HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 112190, L, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    11/06/2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Romantic" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12034, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    01.11.2018 Hot Bird 13C, 13E TV channel "Belarus 24 HD" appeared on 11566, H, 29900, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    01.11.2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Shocking" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12034, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    10.31.2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Shocking HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11766, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    10/30/2018 Horizons-2, 85E channel "TV 3" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12560, V, 30000, 5/6, MPEG-4.

    10/19/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channels "Ren TV +4", "NTV +4", "Home +4", "Star +4" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12120, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB- S2.

    10/11/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "M-1 Global TV" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11785, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2

    09/24/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Belarus 24" appeared on 11665, V, 44922, 5/6, open

    09/12/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Mystery" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12080, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    09/11/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "World HD" appeared on 11559, H, 27500, 5/6, open

    08/23/2018 Horizons-2, 85E channel "Krik TV" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12080, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    08/21/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Match! Planet!" appeared on 11531, V, 22000, 5/6, DVB-S2, open

    08/09/2018 ABS-2A, 75E channel "MuzSoyuz" appeared on 12160, V, 45000, 2/3, DVB-S2, open

    08/09/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "KITCHEN TV" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12380, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2

    08/09/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Dorama" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12456, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2

    08/01/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Russkij Extreme" appeared on 12100, V, 45000, 2/3, DVB-S2, open

    08/01/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Nano HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12380, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2

    07/20/2018 Hot Bird 13C, 13E channel "Abu Dhabi TV HD" appeared on 11747.H, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    07/18/2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "MTV Russia" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12190, L, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    07/17/2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Eurosport 4K" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12054, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    07/17/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channels "Bridge HD" and "Kinomix HD" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11880, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    06/14/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "First Channel UHD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12054, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/07/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Ultra HD Cinema" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11958, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/23/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Moscow 24" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12149, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/19/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Premiere Show" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11920, H, 28800, 2/3.

    05/15/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Visiting a Fairy Tale" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12456, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/03/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "360 TV" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12149, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/03/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "NNT TV" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11747, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/03/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Playboy TV" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11919, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/03/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Babes TV HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11766, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/30/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Go HD" appeared on 10985, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    04/28/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "M-1 Global TV" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12303, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/24/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channels "Wild Fishing HD", "Wild Hunt HD", "Male Cinema HD", "Telenovela", "Indian Cinema", "Horse World", "Visiting a Fairy Tale", "Our new cinema", "Through the eyes of a tourist HD" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11880, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

With the advent of digital television, residents of the Saratov region have the opportunity to receive their favorite TV channels in a new digital format with minimal loss of quality. The main advantage of the digital package is the complete absence of interference in the Saratov region. Our residents will be able to watch more free channels in digital quality, and in the future use a number of advanced services (video on demand, electronic guide, e-government, addressable warning system, etc.).

The advantage of digital terrestrial television of the federal state unitary enterprise "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network" is the fundamental absence of subscription fees for the main mandatory public channels (about 20 TV channels by 2015), as well as the promising opportunity to receive a separate package of high-definition TV channels and, in case of expected adoption government decisions, obtaining new, unusual for traditional television, information services: warning systems in cases emergency, access to “electronic government” and much more.

Digital set-top boxes vary by manufacturer and model. As digital terrestrial television broadcasting zones expand to Russian market A significant number of new models of digital set-top boxes of the DVB-T2 MPEG4 standard will arrive.

Digital terrestrial television programs can be watched with a regular TV if you connect a digital terrestrial set-top box (receiver) to it.

One digital set-top box Can be connected to multiple TVs. But at the same time, one channel will be broadcast on all TVs. If there is a need to watch two or more channels at the same time, then you need to purchase a digital set-top box for each TV.

Today, October 5, a press conference was held at the press center of the Regional Government on the transition of the region from analogue to digital television and radio broadcasting.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the region Dmitry Saratovsky noted that a new broadcast network has been built in the region, including 48 television transmitting stations. At the moment, about 98% of the region's population can watch for free 10 all-Russian mandatory public channels in digital format (the first multiplex): “Channel One”, “Russia 1”, “Match TV”, NTV, “Channel Five”, “Russia K” , “Russia 24”, “Carousel”, “Public Television of Russia”, “TV Center” and three radio channels: “Mayak”, “Radio Russia”, “Vesti-FM”.

“By the end of 2018, it is planned that the region will completely transition to digital broadcasting; residents of the Saratov region will have access to another 10 free TV channels of the second multiplex: Ren TV, Spas, STS, Domashny, TV-3, Pyatnitsa.” , “Zvezda”, “MIR”, TNT, “Muz TV” This is the second multiplex,” clarified Dmitry Saratovsky.

The director of the branch of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network, Eduard Tishchenko, told what residents of the region need to receive a digital signal, given that the analog one will be turned off from January 1, 2019. "If the user new TV, released in 2012 and later, you just need to reconfigure it. If the TV is an old model, you need to purchase a digital set-top box. Its cost depends on technical parameters ranges from 800 to two thousand rubles without the cost of the antenna. At the same time, a small part of the population will need to purchase a set of equipment to receive a satellite signal,” Tishchenko explained.

First Deputy Minister of Information and Press of the region Svetlana Bakal spoke about the work being done to inform residents of the region (including remote areas) about the transition from analog to digital television and radio broadcasting. “Relevant materials are published in regional newspapers on a regular basis. In addition, specialists from the Saratov branch of RTRS hold meetings with residents, where they talk about “digital” and answer questions of interest,” said Svetlana Bakal and added that now, together with the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports, a concept for the action is being developed, within the framework of which volunteers will help older people understand technology and set up digital signal reception.

The Minister for Territorial Affairs of the region, Sergei Zyuzin, said that the department he heads, as well as employees of district administrations, are also conducting explanatory work among the population. Among the main advantages of digital television, in addition to the quality of the “picture,” the official noted that now the majority of residents of the region will have the opportunity to watch regional programs thanks to inserts on the air of federal channels.

Let us remind you that in the Saratov region, work on the transition from analogue to digital television and radio broadcasting is being carried out within the framework of an agreement between RTRS and the regional Government on cooperation in the development of television and radio broadcasting.

For all questions related to the transition to digital television, residents of the region can contact RTRS by phone " hotline» 8-800-220-20-02.

Ministry of Industry and Energy of the region