Home / Linux Overview / The operating principle of a thermostat for an incubator. Do-it-yourself incubator In ancient times...

The operating principle of a thermostat for an incubator. Do-it-yourself incubator In ancient times...

Incubation is a practical and simple method of hatching birds. Any poultry farmer knows that to be successful, you need to maintain a stable temperature and humidity. An automatic thermostat helps with this. It heats the elements so that the temperature in the incubator does not change, even if it changes sharply outside.

The number of birds hatched, their health and lives depend on how accurate and reliable the device is. But you don’t have to buy expensive thermostats in stores. Having the necessary parts, skills and knowledge in electrical engineering, you can make a temperature controller with your own hands. Such a device will be no worse than a purchased one.

How to make a simple thermostat for an incubator

There are two ways to make a homemade device: using an electronic circuit and using a heating device.

The main thing you need to make a thermostat at home is a circuit. It will indicate the parameters of capacitors and resistors. Additional parts can be purchased at any electronics store. For the reliability of the scheme, it is important to take into account several nuances:

  • To reduce, stabilize and filter the voltage, a resistor is used, not a capacitor. This will increase the service life of the regulator to 10 years or more;
  • Do not connect lamps in parallel. It will be more reliable - series-parallel. This will eliminate the possibility of sagging and burnout of lamp filaments;
  • Do not install a thermistor whose resistance is less than 1 kohm. This can degrade the performance of the circuit and reduce the stability of the thermostat;
  • it is more reliable to use the K561LA7 microcircuit than an op-amp or PIC;
  • a sensor that has a single-wire digital interface is used on a microcontroller;
  • if you need an instant response of the circuit to temperature changes, you should use a thermistor with a non-metallic body. If you don’t need an instant reaction, you can use it with a metal case;
  • The use of thermistors with negative and positive temperature coefficient of resistance is allowed.

Based on heating device

A thermostat based on a heating device is an effective method, but the disadvantage is that the sensitivity must be adjusted manually. The operating principle is as follows:

  1. Disassemble an old heating device, such as an iron. Remove the thermostat from it.
  2. Solder or wet the center so that the thermostat becomes inoperative.
  3. Pour ether into the thermostat. With any change in temperature (even a fraction of a degree), the container will contract or expand. When the temperature rises, the plates will open (the air does not heat up), and when the temperature decreases, they will close (the air is heated).

ATTENTION: you need to work with ether carefully and quickly, as it is a volatile substance. It is very sensitive and affects the status of the thermostat.

  1. Solder the thermostat.
  2. Attach it to the device using the plate screws.

Connection to the incubator

For proper and safe operation of the thermostat, it must be configured and installed:

  1. Place the contacts at a distance at which the sensitivity indicators would be most accurate.
  2. The thermostat is located outside the incubator.
  3. The temperature sensor is left inside and located at a level slightly above the eggs. It is necessary to eliminate the influence of heating elements, lamps and fans on the sensor.
  4. A thermometer is installed next to the temperature sensor.
  5. The heating elements are located at least 5 cm above the sensor.
  6. A fan must be built in before and after the heating device.

Tip: due to high humidity, it is better to put a tube on the thermistor and fill it with sealed glue. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times after the sealant has completely dried.

The thermostat will be a reliable device if the connections are carefully sealed and the terminals are tightly tightened.

Useful video

In incubators for hatching birds, special devices are installed - thermostats. Their role is to maintain the specified humidity and temperature with a minimum permissible error. Making a thermostat is not a difficult task if you have experience working with microelectronics and circuits.

The most important part in the artificial egg incubation process is the change in humidity and temperature. In nature, the hen regulates these indicators by leaving the nest with the clutch for a while. At home, special devices and sensors are responsible for this.

Before the invention of modern thermostats, plate thermal relays made of a metal alloy were used to maintain temperature in incubators. They were simple and reliable, but could only lower the temperature by 1°C.

The thermostat for the incubator operates on the feedback principle, when one controlled unit influences the second. This allows you to maintain the specified temperature conditions regardless of environmental conditions. Devices can be located both inside the incubator and outside - on the body, and sensors - near the trays.

IN modern devices It is possible to connect backup power in case of a power outage. Typically, a regular 12-volt battery serves as an additional source.

The heating and control system allows you to measure and regulate temperature in the range from 0 to 85°C, with an error of no more than 0.1°C. A modern electronic or digital thermostat has the following functions:

  • Controls the operation of heating elements and the humidification system,
  • Minimizes human participation in the incubation process,
  • Saves energy,
  • Allows you to quickly change operating parameters,
  • Facilitates control over the operation of the device.

The incubator thermometer consists of:

  • Executive block,
  • Main and additional heating element,
  • Measuring system
  • Main block.

The role of the main unit is to compare the data received from temperature sensors with the set temperature conditions, and transmit the command to the executive unit with the heating system.

terms of Use

The incubator thermostat should not be placed under a running heat fan, near heating devices, in direct sunlight or near vibrating devices. Do not allow pieces of metal, food, sand or textiles to get inside. All this can lead to malfunction and fire. Incubators are placed in large rooms with good ventilation, clean air without harmful impurities, and low humidity. The device is installed on a flat surface, at a minimum height of 25 cm from the floor.

If you want to make a homemade incubator with a humidity sensor and thermostat, then you need to take into account the power of the heating elements and the volume of the working chamber.

Corresponding sensors and microcircuits for the thermometer are selected for them. Otherwise, you may encounter the problem of a large discrepancy between the set temperature and the actual one. And this will have a negative impact on the hatching rate of chicks.

Types of thermostats

Thermometers are divided into three groups:

  • Analog,
  • Digital,
  • Mechanical.


The electronic thermostat for the incubator operates on the difference in the potential of the main and receiving sensors. Pulses turn the air heaters on and off depending on the readings of the incubator sensors. The advantage of this type is automatic control, maintaining the desired temperature and saving energy. One of the main systems of an electronic incubator is analog load control. It allows heaters to operate without the risk of fire and burnout.

The electronic thermometer for the Lilytech Zl-6210a incubator has an operating temperature from -10°C to +45°C with a maximum humidity of 85%. The control system has a function for monitoring faults and alerting in case of a delay in turning on the heating element. Thermometer dimensions - 71*29*61 mm.


This type of thermostat allows you to more accurately control humidity and temperature. It consists of:

  • Electronic thermometer,
  • Temperature sensor.

An analog-to-digital data converter is used to connect the elements. The set temperature is regulated based on a comparison of the sensor and thermometer readings. Based on the results, the executive unit receives a signal for adjustment. The advantage is that the digital thermometer can operate at sub-zero ambient temperatures.

One of the best digital thermostats is Mechta 1. This incubator thermometer is compact and can measure temperatures up to +85 °C. Electricity consumption - no more than 3 watts.


The operating principle of this device is based on the property of metals to expand when heated and contract when cooled. Most often, two versions of the device are used, which are used in home incubators:

  • with plate relay,
  • with PIDs.

The first type of device has a relay made in the form of a bimetallic plate. It is an important part of the electrical circuit. As the temperature decreases, the dimensions of the plate decrease, which leads to the closure of the relay contacts. Current flows into the heating elements. When a given level is reached, the plate expands and the contacts are switched off. Automatic switching on and off.

A mechanical thermostat for an incubator has disadvantages:

  • Inability to maintain two or more temperatures in different chambers,
  • Difficulty in reconfiguring
  • Deviations from the specified parameters vary from 0.2 to 0.6 ° C,

The need to install an additional mercury thermometer next to the tray.

The PID controller is a good thermostat, characterized by smooth heating and more accurate power control. It is also more stable in maintaining temperature levels. But its cost is also higher. Differences in the operation of devices:

  • In an incubator with an incandescent lamp and a relay - the relay is simply turned on by turning off the lamp,
  • If there is a PID controller, the lamp is constantly on, and the voltage is regulated by decreasing or increasing the current.
  • The advantage of the PID controller is that the error in deviation from the set parameters is no more than 0.1°C.

The simplest mechanical thermometer, Kvochka, allows you to change the temperature from +36 to +40 °C. The device operates only in a warm room (above +15°C) and humidity not exceeding 70%.

Homemade thermostats

To make a temperature controller for an incubator with your own hands, you need to have experience working with electrical diagrams and a soldering iron. Otherwise, you may create an explosive device. Most often, homemade thermostats are used in home incubators made by hand. This device combines a heating device and a thermometer, and is a small and simple thermostat.

The regulator for the incubator of its own manufacture has a greater error in determining the temperature - from 0.5 to 1 °C.

There are several versions of this device, which is used in home incubators. The basis is a bimetallic relay of industrial production. Typically, a controller for a thermostat is made using a multi-channel microcircuit. It is best to purchase elements for assembly in stores. Many people use chips from old household appliances. This reduces the cost of manufacturing a thermostat, but the downside of such circuits is unreliability.

Controller for incubator Cinderella

The regulator is made from a microcircuit and a push-button microcontroller. Two transistors with a capacity of 5 pF or more are soldered to them. Next, condensates are installed. The input voltage in the circuit should be no more than 33 V. The simultaneous electrical conductivity of the current is about 3 microns. The device sensor is installed behind the lining of the working chamber. The output contacts are isolated using a soldering iron.

Controller for hen incubator

The regulator can be assembled from a circuit with a current conductivity of 4.3 μm and a threshold resistance of no more than 60 ohms. To avoid sudden surges in voltage and temperature, open capacitors are installed. Then a field-effect transistor with a capacity of up to 4.5 pF is soldered.

Controller for incubator K15UD2

The thermostat circuit must have high current conductivity and a rotary microcontroller. A thermostat is made from two field effect transistors total capacity 22 pF. The maximum current resistance is no more than 30 Ohms. After securing the transistors, the output contacts are soldered. The input voltage of the thermostat for the incubator is about 12 volts.

You can make a regulator for an incubator with your own hands from an unnecessary iron.

The device is disassembled and the thermostat is taken out, which is soldered and washed. Next it is filled with ether. The resulting device will respond to temperature fluctuations of even a tenth of a degree. The thermostat is attached to the controller with screws and a plate that tends to compress or expand. The regulator is adjusted before installation. The main thing is that the difference in indicators is less than 1°C. To do this, it is necessary to adjust the thermal relay so that the disconnection and closure of the contacts occurs when the temperature fluctuates by 0.2-0.3 ° C.

From this article you will learn what the W1209 device is, how it works, and how to connect it.

Shipped from China in 2-8 weeks. Delivery is free. Items are shipped within 1 business day after payment is received. The product will only include a board, a bag, a chip and a sensor.

The thermostat is small. If you compare it to a matchbox, it will look even smaller.

The most noticeable detail of the product is the digital display, which shows the temperature down to one tenth of a degree. There are also three buttons and slots for connecting special wires.

W1209 is very easy to connect. Even an ordinary user who has no idea about electricity and the principles of its operation will be able to do this independently and without any effort. To connect an electronic thermometer, you need to find a special socket under the right screw, to the right of the display.

Thermostat W1209 Ideal for regulating the temperature of a homemade incubator. You can buy it for only 145 rubles on the Bangood website by clicking on this link .

Connection diagram W1209

W1209 works from DC- 12 volts. Below is a diagram for connecting W1209. There are four slots on the central block. The left two slots are for connecting heating elements, the right two are for connecting energy.

According to the diagram, the thermostat can be powered from a 220 volt network. However, the next element in this circuit must be a special transformer that can convert 220 volts to 12 volts DC voltage.

To the left of the gray block is a heating element (with two hieroglyphs), which can be connected directly to the W1209. The contact in the thermostat opens and the heater turns off.

Operation of W1209 using the example of connecting to an incubator

The connection diagram for the thermostat here is almost the same as described above, only the following are added to the heating elements: a cooling fan, a 12-volt adapter, a fan, a heating element - incandescent light bulbs.

The figure below shows the diagram by which the incubator is connected. The wires of all electrical appliances are connected to the W1209 thermostat. Let's start with the arrival of alternating voltage.

On the right side you can see the block connecting the thermostat to a 220 volt DC network. However, it is not connected directly, but through a 12-volt adapter that converts 220 to 12 volts. This adapter connects to the two right slots - “minus” and “plus”.

In addition, a 12 volt fan is connected to the same wires. Incandescent lamps are connected to the two left slots. Please note that the light bulbs are connected directly to the network without transformers.

The thermostat itself has a mode in which, if the normal temperature rises, the circuit opens automatically and the lights go out. The lamps themselves are connected in parallel so that more powerful incandescent light bulbs can be screwed in and they can also operate at only half their capacity.

The W1209 temperature sensor is not made in the best way, because the length of its wires does not exceed 50 centimeters. In most cases, this is not at all sufficient for the correct installation of the device in order to correctly measure temperature.

Since the display only shows us the current temperature value, the user will want to set the desired value for it. How to do this? As mentioned above, there are three more buttons on the thermostat: “set”, “plus’ and “minus”.

Thanks to these buttons, you can set the required temperature parameters. This is done as follows - first you need to press the “set” button, then use the “minus” and “plus” buttons to set the required temperature at which the relay will turn on. Actually, the sensor will monitor these indicators.

If the temperature is below the set value, the contacts of the power terminals will close. The thermostat must be paired with a heater or cooler. If you hold down the “set” button for five or more seconds, the W1209 will go into settings mode. The following settings are available:

P0 - select heater or cooler
P1 - hysteresis 0.1-15 °C, default 2 °C
P2 - setting the default upper operating temperature limit to 110°C
P3 - setting the default lower operating temperature limit -50°C
P4 - temperature correction -7 +7°C, default 0
P5 - relay on/off delay 0-10 sec, default 0
P6 - alarm temperature over-temperature signal 0 +110 °C, disabled by default

Where P is a program, H is a heater (from English heat, hot) and C is a cooler (cool). Mode P1 is a hysteresis that keeps temperature fluctuations within certain limits. Set in settings.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to make all equipment work exclusively from a 12-volt adapter, because such voltage will not be enough to turn on incandescent lamps.

Another option for connecting the thermostat is the ability to connect it not to a constant voltage network (220 volts), but to a 12 volt power source, for example, it could be a car battery.

The figure below shows the connection diagram battery to the thermostat. To the left of the w1209 is a heating element that operates at 12 volts.

Bottom line

The W1209 thermostat is an excellent product for using temperature control in a homemade device such as an incubator. It perfectly maintains the optimal temperature.

If it fails during a sudden power surge, it can be replaced with an analogue one. In addition, it costs 140-150 rubles. W1209 is very easy to use, even the most novice user without special knowledge of the operating principles of an electrical circuit will be able to connect it and use it effectively.

Thermostat W1209 - video on how to use this device

In incubators for hatching birds, special devices are installed - thermostats. Their role is to maintain the specified humidity and temperature with a minimum permissible error. Making a thermostat is not a difficult task if you have experience working with microelectronics and circuits.

Technical characteristics of thermostats

The most important part in the artificial egg incubation process is the change in humidity and temperature. In nature, the hen regulates these indicators by leaving the nest with the clutch for a while. At home, special devices and sensors are responsible for this.

Before the invention of modern thermostats, plate thermal relays made of a metal alloy were used to maintain temperature in incubators. They were simple and reliable, but could only lower the temperature by 1°C.

The thermostat for the incubator operates on the feedback principle, when one controlled unit influences the second. This allows you to maintain the specified temperature conditions regardless of environmental conditions. Devices can be located both inside the incubator and outside - on the body, and sensors - near the trays.

Modern devices provide the ability to connect backup power in case of a power outage. Typically, a regular 12-volt battery serves as an additional source.

The heating and control system allows you to measure and regulate temperature in the range from 0 to 85°C, with an error of no more than 0.1°C. A modern electronic or digital thermostat has the following functions:

  • Controls the operation of heating elements and the humidification system,
  • Minimizes human participation in the incubation process,
  • Saves energy,
  • Allows you to quickly change operating parameters,
  • Facilitates control over the operation of the device.

The incubator thermometer consists of:

  • Executive block,
  • Main and additional heating element,
  • Measuring system
  • Main block.

The role of the main unit is to compare the data received from temperature sensors with the set temperature conditions, and transmit the command to the executive unit with the heating system.

terms of Use

The incubator thermostat should not be placed under a running heat fan, near heating devices, in direct sunlight or near vibrating devices. Do not allow pieces of metal, food, sand or textiles to get inside. All this can lead to malfunction and fire. Incubators are placed in large rooms with good ventilation, clean air without harmful impurities, and low humidity. The device is installed on a flat surface, at a minimum height of 25 cm from the floor.

If you want to make a homemade incubator with a humidity sensor and thermostat, then you need to take into account the power of the heating elements and the volume of the working chamber.

Corresponding sensors and microcircuits for the thermometer are selected for them. Otherwise, you may encounter the problem of a large discrepancy between the set temperature and the actual one. And this will have a negative impact on the hatching rate of chicks.

Types of thermostats

Thermometers are divided into three groups:

  • Analog,
  • Digital,
  • Mechanical.


The electronic thermostat for the incubator operates on the difference in the potential of the main and receiving sensors. Pulses turn the air heaters on and off depending on the readings of the incubator sensors. The advantage of this type is automatic control, maintaining the desired temperature and saving energy. One of the main systems of an electronic incubator is analog load control. It allows heaters to operate without the risk of fire and burnout.

The electronic thermometer for the Lilytech Zl-6210a incubator has an operating temperature from -10°C to +45°C with a maximum humidity of 85%. The control system has a function for monitoring faults and alerting in case of a delay in turning on the heating element. Thermometer dimensions - 71*29*61 mm.


This type of thermostat allows you to more accurately control humidity and temperature. It consists of:

  • Electronic thermometer,
  • Temperature sensor.

An analog-to-digital data converter is used to connect the elements. The set temperature is regulated based on a comparison of the sensor and thermometer readings. Based on the results, the executive unit receives a signal for adjustment. The advantage is that the digital thermometer can operate at sub-zero ambient temperatures.

One of the best digital thermostats is Mechta 1. This incubator thermometer is compact and can measure temperatures up to +85 °C. Electricity consumption - no more than 3 Watts.


The operating principle of this device is based on the property of metals to expand when heated and contract when cooled. Most often, two versions of the device are used, which are used in home incubators:

  • with plate relay,
  • with PIDs.

The first type of device has a relay made in the form of a bimetallic plate. It is an important part of the electrical circuit. As the temperature decreases, the dimensions of the plate decrease, which leads to the closure of the relay contacts. Current flows into the heating elements. When a given level is reached, the plate expands and the contacts are switched off. Automatic switching on and off.

A mechanical thermostat for an incubator has disadvantages:

  • Inability to maintain two or more temperatures in different chambers,
  • Difficulty in reconfiguring
  • Deviations from the specified parameters vary from 0.2 to 0.6 ° C,

The need to install an additional mercury thermometer next to the tray.

The PID controller is a good thermostat, characterized by smooth heating and more accurate power control. It is also more stable in maintaining temperature levels. But its cost is also higher. Differences in the operation of devices:

  • In an incubator with an incandescent lamp and a relay - the relay is simply turned on by turning off the lamp,
  • If there is a PID controller, the lamp is constantly on, and the voltage is regulated by decreasing or increasing the current.
  • The advantage of the PID controller is that the error in deviation from the set parameters is no more than 0.1°C.

The simplest mechanical thermometer, Kvochka, allows you to change the temperature from +36 to +40 °C. The device operates only in a warm room (above +15°C) and humidity not exceeding 70%.

Homemade thermostats

To make a temperature controller for an incubator with your own hands, you need to have experience working with electrical circuits and a soldering iron. Otherwise, you may create an explosive device. Most often, homemade thermostats are used in home incubators made by hand. This device combines a heating device and a thermometer, and is a small and simple thermostat.

The regulator for the incubator of its own manufacture has a greater error in determining the temperature - from 0.5 to 1 °C.

There are several versions of this device, which is used in home incubators. The basis is a bimetallic relay of industrial production. Typically, a controller for a thermostat is made using a multi-channel microcircuit. It is best to purchase elements for assembly in stores. Many people use chips from old household appliances. This reduces the cost of manufacturing a thermostat, but the downside of such circuits is unreliability.

Controller for incubator Cinderella

The regulator is made from a microcircuit and a push-button microcontroller. Two transistors with a capacity of 5 pF or more are soldered to them. Next, condensates are installed. The input voltage in the circuit should be no more than 33 V. The simultaneous electrical conductivity of the current is about 3 microns. The device sensor is installed behind the lining of the working chamber. The output contacts are isolated using a soldering iron.

Controller for hen incubator

The regulator can be assembled from a circuit with a current conductivity of 4.3 μm and a threshold resistance of no more than 60 ohms. To avoid sudden surges in voltage and temperature, open capacitors are installed. Then a field-effect transistor with a capacity of up to 4.5 pF is soldered.

Controller for incubator K15UD2

The thermostat circuit must have high current conductivity and a rotary microcontroller. A thermostat is made from two field-effect transistors with a total capacity of 22 pF. The maximum current resistance is no more than 30 Ohms. After fixing the transistors, the output contacts are soldered. The input voltage of the thermostat for the incubator is about 12 volts.

You can make a regulator for an incubator with your own hands from an unnecessary iron.

The device is disassembled and the thermostat is taken out, which is soldered and washed. Next it is filled with ether. The resulting device will respond to temperature fluctuations of even a tenth of a degree. The thermostat is attached to the controller with screws and a plate that tends to compress or expand. The regulator is adjusted before installation. The main thing is that the difference in indicators is less than 1°C. To do this, it is necessary to adjust the thermal relay so that the disconnection and closure of the contacts occurs when the temperature fluctuates by 0.2-0.3 ° C.

Typically, the heating element is played by various lamps or heating elements, whose task is to heat the air in the chamber to the specified values. It is necessary to strictly monitor temperature fluctuations, because excessive overheating or hypothermia can lead to the death of embryos. It is very difficult to control this manually, because... constant monitoring is required. A good helper will be a device for monitoring and regulating temperature - a thermostat for an incubator.

Which thermostat to choose for an incubator?

The efficiency of breeding poultry offspring directly depends on what temperature controller is installed. There are three types of such devices:

  • Analog or electromechanical. This is an inexpensive controller, however, and the least accurate. Setting it up is quite a labor-intensive process. To monitor the correct operation of the device, it is necessary to install a thermometer inside the incubation chamber. Compared to digital controllers, it is less sensitive to voltage surges.
  • Digital. With such devices it is much easier to control the temperature in the chamber. They are capable of recording temperature deviations of one tenth of a degree. All indicators are displayed on the display. Set up is quite simple. Adjustment is carried out by turning on / off the heating elements.
  • PID controllers(proportional-integral-derivative controllers). Perhaps these are the best thermostats for an incubator, because... temperature control occurs smoothly, without sudden jumps. The setup will take some time, but it will help achieve the optimal climate for incubation.

Today you can find many various devices to regulate the climate in the incubation chamber. Separately, it is worth noting the thermostat terneo eg, which is produced by DS Electronics. This is a digital thermostat that can operate in two modes: relay and PID. It ensures consistently high hatchability of chicks. Let's look at the connection diagram and settings of the thermostat for an incubator using an example terneo eg.

How to connect a thermostat to an incubator?

Before connecting the thermostat to the incubator, you must make sure that its operation will not be affected by the external environment, namely:

  • It is necessary to prevent moisture from entering the device, because... this may cause malfunctions and short circuits.
  • The device can operate at temperatures of –5…+45 °С. Exceeding these indicators can lead to overheating or hypothermia of the device and, as a result, its incorrect operation, as well as failure.
  • The sensor of the device should not be exposed to direct heat, because This leads to incorrect readings and incorrect operation of the device.

Incubator thermostat connection diagram terneo eg next:

    The device connects to a standard 230 V European socket

50 Hz. When connecting, you must make sure that the socket provides reliable contact. The controller must be located outside the incubation chamber.

  • A sensor for measuring temperature is passed into a special technological hole in the incubator. Inside the chamber, you need to install it at the level of the upper edge of the eggs, without touching them. To check that the readings are taken correctly, place a thermometer nearby. Make sure that the heating elements are at least 5 cm away from the sensor. Direct influence of heating devices or fans should be avoided.
  • The heating elements of the incubator are connected to the device’s outlet, then the indicators are adjusted.
  • Often a single incandescent lamp is used to heat the incubator, but this scheme has significant disadvantages. When a lamp fails, the current flowing through the circuit is several times higher than the permissible values ​​for the device. Because of this, the control element, the triac, fails. Also, the eggs will remain without heating for some time, which may negatively affect the final hatchability rates.

    Based on this, it is recommended to use several parallel-connected lamps or heating elements to heat the incubation chamber. It is also better to use several heating elements, because If one fails, the heating of the chamber will not stop, and the equipment will operate as normal.

    How to set up an incubator thermostat?

    After the incubator is connected, the thermostat is adjusted according to specific indicators. Thermostat terneo eg can operate in two modes - relay and PID mode.

    To operate the device in relay mode, it is enough to specify only the maintenance temperature.

    PID mode provides greater accuracy and quality of temperature control. The power supplied to the heating elements will depend on the readings taken from the sensor. Heating and cooling occurs smoothly, without jumps. Before using this mode, you need to train the thermostat. This is necessary to ensure optimal conditions for incubation a certain amount eggs Instructions for thermostat for incubator terneo eg gives a detailed description of how the device can be trained.

    Thermostat terneo eg has a function of storing the maximum temperature deviation from the specified values. Thanks to this, temperature fluctuations can be monitored after some time.

    terneo eg has a compact design and is easy to connect and configure. Despite its apparent simplicity, this is an extremely accurate and reliable device. The device registers tenths of degrees and, in case of critical deviations, signals with light and sound. Using a thermostat terneo eg from DS Electronics, you can achieve consistently high hatchability rates.

    Do you want good conclusions and stable temperature in your incubator? Do you want to make a good automatic incubator yourself or do you need to repair an old one in which the temperature is low? Then this information is for you: everything a poultry farmer needs to know about thermostats for incubators.
    One of the most important indicators in an incubator is the stability and accuracy of temperature. In many ways, the % hatchability of eggs depends on the temperature. And in the incubator, the thermostat (temperature regulator) is responsible for this parameter. It, together with a temperature sensor, controls the heating element (heating element or ordinary incandescent lamp) and maintains the temperature at the desired level.

    Basically, there are two types of thermostats: conventional relay controllers and PID controllers. Conventional temperature controllers with relays simply turn the heater on and off. When the temperature reached the desired level, the regulator turned off the heater via a relay. The temperature dropped a fraction of a degree – I turned it on. This is how most household incubators work, turning the heater on and off as if someone were sitting and flipping a switch. This is the simplest and most primitive way. Such relay thermostats are inexpensive, and therefore are widely used by all manufacturers: domestic, Western, and Chinese. We recently did a temperature test in a Chinese incubator, which has just such a thermostat installed.

    But there are also PID regulators for incubators. Their fundamental difference is that they do not just turn on the heater, but do it smoothly and also smoothly regulate the power, more stably maintaining the set temperature in the incubator. They have a number of advantages. The temperature is better stabilized and maintained more accurately. The service life of heaters working with PID controllers is much longer. But they are a little more difficult to produce and more expensive. Therefore, they are used less often in incubators. To give an example of how this principle works, imagine: in ordinary incubators with a heating lamp, it turns on and off every now and then. In the PID regulator it will light up, and as the temperature approaches the set one, it will begin to go out smoothly, but not completely, and the regulator will simply lower the current supplied to the lamp, and instead of the maximum 60 Watt (for example), the lamp will work like a 10 Watt one . In conventional thermostats, the temperature can fluctuate by 0.2-0.5 degrees (as it turns on and off), but with a PID controller it will be within the temperature sensor error of 0.1 C.

    Domestic thermostats with PID control are very rare, difficult to configure and connect, and cost at least 3,000 - 5,000 rubles. (since they are produced mainly for professional needs). The only solution I found was a Chinese factory that specializes in thermostats and makes all types of them for domestic and professional needs. They do very high quality work, as my experience of using them has shown. A thermostat with a PID controller for incubators costs around 1,500 rubles, which is not very expensive for such a device. A regular thermostat costs around 700 rubles. (it can also be used to control temperature in brooders, poultry houses, barns, terrariums). And for incubators, I definitely recommend this model: thermostat 113M >>
    It can be used for an incubator and for other purposes where you need to regulate the temperature. Accuracy 0.1 C. Installation is very simple and will take 5-10 minutes. With its help, I repaired several domestic incubators that had terrible thermostats and sensors with a floating temperature of 1-2 degrees. All that was left of the incubator was the body and some structural elements.
    Important - you cannot get a stable temperature in the incubator without a fan. A fan is required!
    And here's a short video about it:

    Now about cheap thermostats and what they put in incubators budget models(price up to 3000 rubles).
    The most budget ones (usually foam incubators) also have the cheapest thermostats. They work, as you can guess (and someone can see from their own experience), extremely unstable and unreliable. There are cheap, inaccurate temperature sensors and cheap components. As a result, we have: the temperature sometimes jumps by 0.5-1 degrees C, and it’s not uncommon for it to jump by 2 degrees C. But what’s even worse is that such thermostats from time to time glitch and “stick”, and ultimately either overcool the eggs or overheat (accelerating the heater to full). I was even informed of several cases of incubator fires (either due to the fault of the thermostat, or the electrics themselves were unreliable). Imagine that you have an incubator with incandescent lamps. They turn on from time to time (maintaining the temperature). But what happens if the relay jams and the lamp burns continuously for several hours or days without turning off in a confined space made of foam? Do you know how polystyrene foam burns? This is very dangerous. Personally, I am categorically against the use of incandescent lamps for heating (a fire hazardous solution, and the efficiency for heating is low). A heating element normally selected for power and current is better.

    So you shouldn’t expect good performance from cheap elements. The only ones who can offer fairly inexpensive and good thermostats are the Chinese: they are very developed and have mass production. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw how they can make regulators: high-quality plastic, all elements are reliable, everything is thought out. Not all of them, of course, are made well by the Chinese, but what they put in Chinese incubators works quite well. The accuracy of temperature control is 0.1 - 0.2 C, and I have never noticed any glitches (neither for myself, nor for friends, nor for clients).