Home / Instructions / MTS Cashback program: registration, how to accumulate and spend points. MTS cashback program - what it is and how it works

MTS Cashback program: registration, how to accumulate and spend points. MTS cashback program - what it is and how it works

Hello all egg lovers!

Let's talk today about mobile operator No. 1 in Russia and let’s look into cashback from MTS.

Official website of the program— https://cashback.mts.ru

I've always wondered why the MTS symbol is an egg?

When else will there be time to reveal this great secret, if not now?

It turns out that the symbol is not an egg, the symbol is in the shape of an egg.

It covered a little, right? It's simplicity and innovation, excellence and potential..

This is such a complex simplicity, the chicken has practically nothing to do with it.

While we are here discussing services and stores, a new egg-shaped star has appeared under our noses. “MTS” launched its cashback service and called it “MTSCashback”, so you can actually get confused.

That is, we succeed the most common cashback, or the website “Letishops”, which has been beaten up by my mentions.

You've all heard about the second service a long time ago, I think. — learn the “goodies” and stock up on knowledge.

So let's go back.

Follow simple steps and get part of what you spent back.

It is available only to owners of MTS numbers, but getting them is not a problem now.

Or is it just me who is handed free SIM cards on the street?

Additionally, I would like to note: “MTS-Cashback” – This is not a temporary promotion, this is now a permanent program, built by analogy with services. From here, let's describe how to use this service correctly.

But where the cashback from MTS is credited is more complicated.

How to activate cashback on MTS?

  • First you need to register in this program;
  • Next, look for an interesting store among the program partners and feel free to go there;
  • Make a purchase and pay for it in any way (not necessarily online);
  • You are waiting for cashback, you will receive an SMS, and personal account a service entry will appear;
  • On the first day of each month, all accumulated refunds are credited to your phone number.

That is, roughly speaking, you are working for your own connection. I don't think this is very profitable.

How much do you spend per month on communications?

I only have 200 rubles, I have unlimited communication and three gigs of internet.

Can I get more cashback, will the money just be tracked?

No, it's not for me.

Therefore, my first impression was that the MTS cashback program is not as attractive as other services.

Or they will credit me, say, 131 rubles and 72 kopecks.

And what should I do with these pennies if through my personal account I can only top up rubles without pennies?

And I’m a perfectionist, and they will piss me off every month.

I also understand if this were payment system, like Qiwi Wallet.

Yes, Qiwi also withdraws itself, but with the money from my wallet I can do whatever I want.

But such imposition is not for me.

Moreover, if I use Beeline and receive cashback from a free SIM card that was handed to me on the street, I don’t need money on it.

If you could use your account number to pay for purchases in a supermarket, then yes.

And this is all empty.

But cashback is spent first, that is, as long as it is in the account, your money does not burn.

They often write to me in the comments and by e-mail one question: how to withdraw money from cashback from MTS? Answer: No way. Sadness.

What else do we know about how cashback from MTS works?

In fact, very little is known.

There are only 170 partner stores where you can get a percentage refund on purchases. Well, how about everything...

I often mention that 5 stores in my life is enough for me, but I think the lovely ladies will not agree with me.

For me, 170 pieces is a crazy amount, but “SecretDiscounter”, for example, has a thousand more.

They promise us cashback of up to 25%.

Of course, I would like such a rate in all stores.

But we will also compare the offer from the first mobile operator in Russia and its competitors, because for now I am opposed to this innovation (the entire service as a whole).

How to get cashback from MTS?

The company says it will issue cash back on all purchases made from a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

But my question immediately arises: how can MTS return cashback from a mobile phone?

  • I have a hard time believing this, since stores are nasty things; they don’t know how to receive cookies from a phone or tablet, which means they have no basis for issuing a refund.
  • Or I'm wrong?
  • All such services prescribe that it is best to make purchases from a computer, and it is generally better to block mobile store applications.
  • But the red ones are the coolest, apparently.

In a separate line, MTS states that participation in their “Cashback” program is free. Don't worry, we wouldn't pay a penny for this.

What is cashback on MTS?

Cashback is not money, and a discount on payment for services or smartphones. Now everyone prescribes that a refund (interest) for purchases is a kind of deferred discount. This allows you to avoid paying taxes on your “return interest” and therefore avoid reducing it further.

But it wasn’t this that interested me, but “Discount on payment for smartphones.”

But the description of the program says in black and white how you can use cashback from MTS - to pay for telephone service.

Is it possible to pay for a smartphone purchase in a store using a phone number?

This is such strange and contradictory information they have.

But - okay. We still have a lot of questions and answers ahead, so for now we will “eat, swallow” this information and fly on.

How can you get cashback from MTS?

The questions and answers of this program also state that the purpose of accumulating cash back percentages can be to receive a discount when purchasing a smartphone in their store.

Let us suppose.

But without me you know what the prices are there.

Even if you accumulate cashback from MTS, it will still be more profitable to buy a phone on the Internet.

Based on reviews, I understood how to use cashback in MTS for this purpose: you exchange it for a discount certificate from a mobile operator, and then simply indicate it.

There is another interesting point. Corporate clients can receive a refund, but cannot spend it on themselves. You can transfer money to friends or relatives. But usually, when you have a corporate one, that means everyone around you has a corporate one.

That is, let me immediately answer the question that torments many: How to withdraw cashback from MTS to a Sberbank card?

Answer: None.

Wonderful, isn't it? Damn, in any other service you can ALWAYS withdraw the finances you have accumulated to any card, but here it’s a bummer. Strange move from OPSOSA No. 1 in the Russian Federation, but we can’t do anything about it, unfortunately.

And another one: How to withdraw money from cashback in MTS?

Answer: again, no way.

Not very nice, right?

What's the downside?

Cashback.ru offers the same 5%.

But here it is very convenient to list additional promotional codes for a discount that you can apply and not be afraid that the cashback will disappear.

But the minimum wage of 500 rubles is a minus.

Now, if you sort products on Yandex.Market by price, you won’t find “Citylink” on the first or second pages.

Before it was easy.

MTS offers a full 1% refund on orders from this store.

Yes, this seems undignified now, but you haven’t seen offers from cashback services yet.

One of the reasons why I criticized Citylink was because the rates were lousy.


  • "ePN Cashback" will return as much as 0.2% of the order. Let's say Petya bought a computer worth 50 thousand rubles. This means he will receive 100 rubles cashback. In my opinion, now you can’t even buy a mouse pad with this money.
  • Cashback.ru, which usually shows good results, this time offers only 0.25%. And not all goods are eligible for returns: furniture. Not impressive, right?
  • “Kopikot” gives cashback, but it would be better not to give it at all: here they will return only 0.15% of the order. That is, Petya would receive 75 rubles for his computer for 50k. For this reason, I wouldn’t even bother with cashback.
  • “Biglion” is another stranger among its own, because initially it was not a service for returning interest, but now it has created such a function for itself. And it gives a “generous” 0.25% of the order in Citylink.

The fact is that MTS offers only 3% for booking a hotel through Booking.

And since this is an expensive thing, every hundredth of a percent plays a role.

So let's see what the competitors have prepared.

I’ll warn you right away: you have to wait a very long time for cashback from Booking, since it is credited only after you check out of the hotel. Yes, yes, that’s right: even if you pay for all the hotel rooms, but don’t arrive, you still won’t get a refund.


  • "Letishops" it seems to offer the same 3% as MTS. But let's not forget about the cunning scheme for increasing cashback using promotional codes, which I described above. Thanks to her, it will be possible to increase the rate on Booking from Letishops to 3.9%. What a beauty!
  • "Kopikot" I decided not to bother with different promotional codes, but immediately set the rate to 4%. Well done this time “Cop and Cat” - they did a good job. But you must read the terms and conditions of this generosity very carefully, since no refunds will be issued for reservations made two or more months before entry.
  • "Cashback.ru" returns the same 4% as the previous service. As you remember, the minimum payment for withdrawal is the same - 500 rubles. Boring.
  • "ePNCashback" this time he completely screwed up and offered only 3% from the hotel booking. And in the case of such large purchases, the minimum wage most often does not play a role, since it is always accumulated, so the main focus is on the bet. Otpison.
  • "Skidka.Ru" offers 4%, that is, at the level of “Kopikot” and “Cashback.ru”. Although the minimum wage is not important, I will still say that it starts from just 1 ruble. If the rate were higher, it would be possible WOW.

Mini-conclusion: again MTS offers average, but not WOW rates. Well, he seemed like an average guy to me, if only not for his disadvantages.


If we have already looked at the hotel, then we need to look for air tickets. .

  • I really love this service, because there you can search for tickets not only for specific dates, but for any dates - as long as they are cheaper.
  • You can also look for cheaper tickets not to a specific location, but to a region for specific dates.

For example:

  • In Russia;
  • Beach holiday;
  • Schengen Area;
  • Asia and so on.

In general, if you haven’t bought air tickets yourself yet, because you were afraid to do it, then go to Aviasales - it’s very simple and understandable for everyone.

MTS offers to return 1% from this service.

It’s impossible to say right away whether this is a lot or a little, because it greatly depends on the cost of tickets.

But for me it’s always not enough, not 50% return. Let's see if any of the competitors will satisfy my requests?


  • My favorite “SecretDiscounter” offers 0.7% on the purchase of air tickets. Yes, not much, but this money can be immediately transferred to charity if you want. The owners of the service do just that with part of their profits. If you don’t want to, the minimum for withdrawal is 350 rubles.
  • Letishops has a lower initial rate - 0.65%, but according to our scheme it can be raised to 0.85%, which will still be lower than that of MTS. Is this mobile operator really going to have another plus?
  • "EPN" offers to return 1.4% from the purchase of air tickets. That's it, let MTS cry now! Yes, yes, I'm still against him. My blog is why I tell you honestly all the shortcomings and make fun of them.
  • “Cashback.ru” has not won our competitions yet, which is very strange. And now he won’t receive his medal either, since with Aviasales he returns only 1.3%.

Mini conclusion: this time MTS was unlucky again, it was easily surpassed by two services . And the winner has a minimum wage of only 20 cents, so there is no point in arguing about the benefits here: everything is already obvious.

Mini life hack: Since I love my readers very much, I will share with you another life hack for saving money.

Aviasales is an excellent service for finding tickets, but you can buy it at a lower price.

There are many other intermediaries between the airline and the buyer.

If they were interesting, I would tell you.

Well, you already know that.

What's the result?

It’s stupid to deny that operator No. 1 has lucrative offers. But I didn’t like the way they provide information, how it contradicts in places, that there is no tracking of orders, so I recommend waiting.

Cashback is a service that has been extremely popular in recent years, which involves returning part of the money for the purchase of goods or services back to the user’s account. In essence, this is an additional discount that is usually offered not by the stores themselves, but by third-party services.

The most popular domestic operator MTS did not stand aside. As stated in the advertisement for cashback from MTS, using it you can avoid paying for communications at all, using exclusively bonus money to cover costs. Is everything really that smooth? Let's figure out what the MTS cashback program is.

What is cashback in MTS and how to use it

Cashback from MTS is a bonus program available to all, without exception, clients of the company. You can get cashback no matter what tariff you use and how much you spend on communications per month. There are no special conditions for participating in the promotion; you can make your usual purchases on the Internet, and you will receive 5-20% (the percentage may vary depending on the store) of the funds spent back to your mobile account.

These funds can be used to cover the costs of communication services - tariff payments, subscriptions, purchases of multimedia content, etc., without the need to deposit money into the account in other ways. And for participants in the MTS corporate program, there is additionally the opportunity to use the accumulated amount to receive a discount when purchasing phones in the company’s official stores.

The list of partners supporting cashback from MTS includes organizations from the following areas of goods and services:

  • the most popular online stores (Aliexpress, Lamoda, Bonprix, Decathlon and others);
  • services for the sale of air tickets, bus and train tickets;
  • hotel reservation systems;
  • online hypermarkets selling products;
  • ticket offices of major cinemas, concerts and entertainment shows;
  • food delivery services, restaurants.

The full catalog of partner organizations can be viewed on the official website of the service, where information about current discounts, promotions and a temporarily increased cashback interest rate appears regularly.

How to get MTS cashback

It is worth understanding that the accrued cashback cannot be cashed out; it is virtual money that can be spent exclusively on communication services or purchasing MTS products. Cashback is accumulated over the course of one calendar month and, at the end of it, is credited to the balance of your number. Usually the money arrives on the first day, but delays of up to three months are possible (this is the maximum period for crediting). The amount is always rounded to the nearest whole number, the minimum accrual amount is 1 ruble.

To take advantage of cashback from MTS you need to:

  1. Download and install the official MTS Cashback application on your phone (there are versions on Android and iOS).
  2. Register in the application; to log in, you can use the login and password from your personal MTS account.
  3. Purchases can be paid for using any method available in the partner store. The money will be credited to the number specified when registering in the program.
  4. The money will be assigned to you after the purchase is confirmed by the online store, which is reported via SMS (the credit can also be checked in your personal account).

Please note that when going to a partner site, you must disable the ad blocker (browser extension used to protect against spam and pop-up banners), since if the blocker is enabled, the information that you made a purchase cannot be transmitted to the MTS website, which without a blocker is done in a fully automatic mode.

MTS subscribers can return part of the funds spent on online purchases. This became possible thanks to a new offer - MTS Cashback. The money saved goes towards payment mobile communications and the Internet. On this moment, the list of stores where this option is available is very extensive. So you can take advantage of the promotion by purchasing goods of almost any category; this will allow you to stably have funds on your balance, replenishing it extremely rarely. The cashback amount may vary, but generally varies from 5 to 12%. In this article we will take a detailed look at this service from MTS, simultaneously understanding its pros and cons.

Registration in the program

There are several ways to register, let's look at them in detail.

In the MTS Cashback application

To do this you need: 1. Download and install the application on your smartphone; 2. Log in using the login and password from your Personal Account on the MTS website; 3. Register for the program.

In your Personal Account on the program website

In what cases is cashback awarded:

For registering in the program you can get 10 rubles; For the purchase of services and goods in stores that are partners, a full list of them can be found on the official website. Select the one you need in the “Partner Catalog” tab and click the “Go to Store” button; For performing certain actions as part of additional promotions carried out by the operator. "Important! If the purchase was returned, the cashback will not be counted.” It should be noted that the cost of delivery does not affect the amount of cashback in any way, only the price of the product is taken into account. And if it is not even, then it is rounded to a whole number according to the following principle: 1.49 = 1; 1.50 = 2. Also, do not forget that this promotion is only for individuals; when purchasing goods by a legal entity, the bonus will not be awarded.

What is cashback used for?

You can use the accrued points both to pay for mobile communications and for a discount when purchasing a smartphone. However, the second method is available only to users of corporate SIM cards.

For individuals (subscribers without a corporate SIM card)

Every month, on the first day, all accrued points are credited to the phone balance in the form of a discount on MTS mobile communication services. Your personal account and cashback account are displayed separately. You can check the number of remaining points by dialing *101*1# or through your Personal Account on the website. Funds to pay for communication services are used in order of priority: 1. First, tariff packages containing free minutes and SMS are used, if of course they are available; 2. Cashback is then used. It applies, as already mentioned, to all types of services; 3. If resources from tariff packages and bonus points are exhausted, then funds from the personal account are activated.

Discount on smartphone purchases for corporate SIM card users

You can receive a discount certificate in your personal account on the website or in the MTS Cashback application. After placing your order you will receive an SMS with a code. Denominations are available from 100 to 80,000 rubles and they depend, accordingly, on the amount of cashback collected. You can order only one certificate at a time, but in general the quantity is unlimited. You can buy a smartphone at a discount at any MTS store. If your certificate fully covers the cost of the product, you will only need to pay an additional 1 ruble. The code sent via SMS does not need to be printed or confirmed anywhere, just show it to the seller. When choosing a product, you need to accurately compare its cost to the face value of the certificate, since if it costs less, no one will return the rest of the amount in the form of change. "Important! The received certificate cannot be returned or exchanged.”

List of main partner stores participating in the promotion:

For convenience, all stores and services are divided into categories. The list contains only the largest ones; the full list can be found on the official website. Online stores: AliExpress, Ozon, lamoda, M.video, Purina, Sportmaster, Philips, Vans, Adidas, Castrol, Lacoste, Nike, Reebok; Travel: OzonTravel, OneTwoTrip, Biletix, Aviasales, CityTravel, Agoda; Entertainment: Ticketland, Ponominalu; Product delivery: Utkonos, Perekrestok, GetFaster, Pobeda, TastyCoffee, RoyalForest, Cheese-Cake; Food delivery: DeliveryClub, Dominos, KFC, Niyama, GrowFood; Services: VTB Insurance, Zetta, Renaissance Insurance, Cherehapa, TripInsurance, AbsolutStrakhovanie.

Let's sum it up

The MTS Cashback service will be extremely useful for those who often make purchases on the Internet. Once activated, you will have to replenish your balance extremely rarely, if at all. So, if you are an online shopping enthusiast, then this feature is definitely for you.

Now MTS subscribers can use Mobile Internet with benefit and benefit: make purchases in online stores, book hotel rooms, order delivery of delicious food, while saving money. This became possible with the special MTS Cashback service. Every time you buy something in online stores (company partners), order food or air tickets, you are guaranteed to receive up to 20% cash back on the final purchase amount. You have the right to spend the accrued cashback on paying for mobile communications, purchasing various subscriptions and content for your gadget.

About the MTS Cashback program

MTS Cashback is a kind of bonus program for the company’s clients, provided to owners of any tariff plans. The service allows you to receive discounts on mobile communication services by purchasing goods in the online stores of MTS partners. After registering in the program, the user will receive up-to-date information with advertising of various products and services provided as part of the MTS service. Notifications are sent in the form of SMS messages or letters to email

, however, you can refuse to receive them at any convenient time.

  • What does participation in this loyalty program give the user?
  • You can shop online, order fresh food, purchase tickets and travel packages as usual.
  • In this case, up to 20% of the purchase amount goes to your personal account as cashback.
  • Cashback can be used to pay up to 100% of expenses for mobile services: monthly tariff payments, additional services, useful educational and entertainment content, subscriptions and more.
  • With the existing cashback in your account, you do not have to constantly top up your account, since the main funds will not be spent during this period.

Participants in this program who are holders of corporate SIM cards can use the accumulated cashback to receive a discount on the purchase of a smartphone at MTS sales offices.

You can monitor your cashback accumulation using a specialized application from MTS or on the official website https://cashback.ssl.mts.ru. A complete list of the operator’s partner companies that accrue cashback for purchases and various targeted actions, information about promotions and hot discounts can also be found on the program website and in mobile application

MTS Cashback.

  • Today, the partner catalog contains the following segments of goods and services:
  • The largest and most popular online markets (Ozon.ru, Aliexpress.com, Decathlon, Labyrinth, Lamoda, Bonprix, etc.).
  • Services for selling tickets for air, bus and rail transport, as well as a hotel booking system.
  • Tickets to cinemas, theaters, entertainment shows and concerts.
  • Products in online hypermarkets.
  • Delivery of pizza, pastries, Japanese cuisine and much more.

New Year's gifts and souvenirs from your favorite brands.

Cashback accrual Please note that cashback is not cash, but discount or rebate for various communication services or purchase. Thus, it is impossible to cash out the accumulated cashback. To receive a discount, you must go to the company’s partner’s website and make a purchase through the website. The exact amount of cashback received can be found on the program website or in your MTS Cashback application. As a rule, each online store has a certain fixed percentage of cashback or an exact amount transferred to the account of the program participant. The maximum accrual period is up to three months from the date of purchase. You will learn about the receipt of cashback via SMS notification. However, this information You can also track it yourself in your personal account on the company’s website or in the application.

The minimum amount of discount accruals is 1 rub.

Please note: cashback is not accrued for purchases made in mobile versions or applications of partner companies (this does not apply only to Aliexpress). When calculating, the cache size is rounded to the nearest whole number, up or down.

Another important point in bonus cash calculation: when going to the partners’ website, make sure that you have ad blocker disabled. This is a third-party plugin that is used by many users as anti-spam protection (for example, the most popular extension is considered to be for various AdBlock browsers). When the blocker is enabled, cashback will not be credited, since information about the purchase or order made will not be sent to the MTS operator’s website.

How to participate in the MTS Cashback program

You can register for this service using several methods:

  1. Download and install the additional MTS Cashback application on your mobile phone or tablet. The application is available for owners of devices based on Android and iOS OS.
  2. Go through quick authorization in installed application. To do this, you can use the login and password from your personal account on the company website.
  3. After completing registration in the application, each time the user opens it, the user is subsequently automatically authorized using the same login and password.

However, downloading the application is completely optional. It is enough to be registered in your MTS personal account and, after carefully entering your data, log in. Next, go to the program website and click the “Register” button. However, you must first confirm your agreement with the terms of the promotion and the procedure for calculating cashback funds. If all actions are completed successfully, to the specified number mobile phone You will receive a text message confirming your registration.

From this moment on, you are a participant in the program, and in the future you can safely make purchases in the markets and online services listed above. If you decide to stop participating in the loyalty program, contact the MTS customer service contact center (phone number 88002500890).

MTS company serves customers in the territory various countries, providing affordable mobile communications services in different standards, as well as fixed-line communications and cable television. Services available to the company's clients international communications, high-quality roaming on five continents, many modern services.

We'll talk about it briefly below:

Advantages of the MTS online store for regular customers

In recent years, MTS has occupied top positions in the ratings of telecom brands with transparent and favorable terms of cooperation. The company's online store offers its new and regular customers a set of services that cover all modern capabilities of telecommunication systems:

  • high-quality services of fast Internet access, high-speed data transfer;
  • convenient forms of voice communication;
  • progressive tariff plans and services.

Thanks to the huge network coverage area, MTS customers remain connected almost continuously in all countries and parts of the world, taking advantage of the latest and most advanced technical services and capabilities. Due to the diversification of services, the company is transforming into a multi-service structure, offering the latest software, navigation and telematics solutions for private clients and businesses.

What is cashback and how to use it

Modern promotions and discounts have received their logical development in the form of modern tools for additional savings. One of them, the most popular and in demand, is cashback or a refund for purchases in cash to the client’s account opened on the website of the online store or its trading partner. Services that can act as partners are aggregators of discounts and cashbacks that professionally promote store products online and for this receive a well-deserved reward for every real order. Each participant has his own interest:

  • the online store receives an influx of customers and additional purchases;
  • the service earns part of the company’s advertising budget;
  • the client returns real funds for actual purchases, the amount of which depends on the generosity of the company.

MTS services with cashback - additional benefit

Many products and offers from MTS can be purchased with an additional discount, using the opportunity of cash back or refund for the purchase of products and store services. The size and mechanism of the return are determined by the company; they are reflected in the terms of the promotional offer on the pages of the portal or partner sites. The procedure for transferring and receiving funds is available online; it is enough to buy any product or order services to activate cashback and receive it to your personal account within a strictly established period.

Above is RATING best cashback services for MTS online store
Save even more money on purchases and get some money back (cashback) from the amount spent.
These are not digital “bonuses” or “points” - but real money. They can be withdrawn in any convenient way and spent at your discretion.
CashBack is coupons, discounts, sales, promotions and promotional codes - everything we love so much. Just put together so that you save even more on every purchase at MTS

Choose the best and most profitable cashback for the mts.ru website