Home / Miscellaneous / The quietest outdoor air conditioning units. The quietest split system: noise and its elimination. Ducts with noise reduction

The quietest outdoor air conditioning units. The quietest split system: noise and its elimination. Ducts with noise reduction

When choosing split systems, the vast majority of potential buyers pay attention to a number of key characteristics, the list of which includes: functional characteristics, power indicators, durability and reliability, as well as the price-quality combination. Most ordinary people forget that the factor for the normal operation of such devices is the level of noise emitted during operation, and this characteristic is necessarily indicated in the passport of any air conditioner or split system.

The air conditioner in the bedroom should be as quiet as possible

Noise as the main indicator

It should be noted that due to poor awareness, only a small part of buyers pay attention to this characteristic. This characteristic is of serious importance, since in most cases such systems are installed in residential premises, where the presence of excessive noise can cause significant inconvenience to human life. A special role is played by the noise emitted by a split system in cases where they are installed in rooms used for relaxation or sleep. For such premises, buyers tend to choose the quietest air conditioner that will provide the optimal level of comfort. The choice of such a device is fraught with certain difficulties, since modern manufacturers

offer the widest selection of similar equipment, each model of which has its own characteristics and individual characteristics. Such variety plays into the hands of the buyer, but can distract attention.

Noisy air conditioner is very annoying

Before choosing specific models, it is necessary to understand the nature of noise during operation of the split system. The noise level is measured in decibels, and based on the indicator indicated in the passport, you should select the most optimal model. People who do not have special education or experience often cannot determine by numbers the noise level that the device will emit. That is why anyone wishing to purchase an air conditioner must take into account the fact that, according to research, the noise level that can cause anxiety in the average person is 28 decibels, while the average for most modern split systems is about 26 decibels .

Some people have a high level of sensitivity during sleep, and for them a reading of 26 units can cause serious inconvenience. In such situations, you need to look for an air conditioner model that provides more comfortable conditions.

In addition to the direct factory characteristics of the device, the cause of excessive levels of noise emissions can be faults within the system itself. Among the main elements, the incorrect operation of which can cause noise, the following should be highlighted:

  • turbine fans;
  • relay;
  • operation of the cooling system.

Turbine fans are responsible for the process of moving air masses through heat exchangers. This mechanism absolutely cannot operate without generating noise, and the result of its operation is a constant hiss observed during operation of the device. The operation of the hardware relay is accompanied by characteristic clicks that occur as a result of turning the fans on or off. Even the quietest air conditioners are not able to protect against these sounds. An increase in noise level clearly indicates certain problems and malfunctions within such systems and mechanisms. Among the noisiest systems, the leadership is occupied by monoblock mobile devices, the “quiest” of which have factory characteristics of at least 40 decibels, which is much higher than the level of comfort. The significant noise effect is due to the arrangement of compressors and several fans in the interior of the casings, while separated systems are mounted in such a way that the compressors, as well as large axial fans, are located outside the room. Based on this, the only correct option for bedrooms is separate systems.

The noise of the air conditioner depends on the location of the fans in the case

Air conditioner selection parameters

The correct choice of air conditioner or split systems depends on many individual factors that must be taken into account.

  • First of all, it is important to remember that the most silent air conditioners may cost more than a model with similar indicators and characteristics, but which has slightly higher noise emissions.
  • Quiet air conditioners should be installed only in cases where family members experience increased anxiety during sleep, while people with sound sleep do not need such excesses.
  • As mentioned above, most modern split systems are designed in such a way as to meet average requirements, which are often sufficient.

People who are looking to install the quietest devices should consider a few key tips and advice from experts when purchasing. Firstly, you should immediately find out what power is needed for normal operation in the quadrature that the purchased device should cover. A power rating of 7000 BTU is more than enough for a small bedroom, and based on this, you should choose this option.

Air conditioners with a capacity of 9000 BTU are noisier, so they are recommended to be installed in rooms where the noise level is not a serious concern.

In order to protect the room in which the split system is installed from extraneous noise, it is recommended to install the outdoor unit as far as possible from the windows. This recommendation is due to the fact that alone indoor unit often does not create serious noise problems, whereas in combination with the noise that is created during the operation of indoor units, it is possible to increase the noise level to the level of significant discomfort. That is why certain manipulations with the block will help prevent the occurrence of some problematic situations.

Silent air conditioners are very expensive; you should buy them only if you are sensitive to noise

The quietest models of air conditioners and split systems

When choosing a quiet air conditioner for the bedroom, knowledgeable people recommend choosing models that fall into the silent category. Leading manufacturers presenting their products on world markets offer their customers models whose noise level is about 22 dB, which is significantly lower than the minimum required level. Similar systems are presented in the line of such brands as MITSUBISHI, DAIKIN and FUJUTSU. The South Korean giant LG even offers customers models that produce no more than 17 dB, which is an excellent indicator that can be attributed to almost complete noiselessness. In addition, the best air conditioners for bedrooms are models that work using inverter technology, since they are designed in such a way as to completely eliminate the sharp clicks that are the norm with other technological solutions. It is necessary to take into account that in some cases, not very conscientious manufacturers indicate data in data sheets that do not correspond to the characteristics of the devices. This is especially true for manufacturers who occupy the segment of affordable goods and who do not value their reputation too much. Devices of this price category

  • When choosing an air conditioner for a bedroom, you should pay attention exclusively to models of well-known brands, for which the level of noise produced is on the same level as the quality, durability and power of the device.
  • An important role in the emission of noise is played by the correctness of installation work, as well as the quality of fastening, since inside the unit itself there are moving parts that can provoke serious vibration and noise.
  • The indoor unit of the air conditioner should be installed at some distance from the place of sleep, since a direct flow of cold air can cause diseases of the respiratory system, as well as inflammation, because the noise source located directly above the head is guaranteed to cause discomfort.

As already indicated, the power of the installed air conditioner must correspond to the functions that will be assigned to it. Split systems, which are equipped with powerful outdoor units, as well as a pair of indoor units, often generate strong vibrations and sound, so installing them directly on the external wall of the bedroom is not recommended, since the noise generated by powerful compressors and fans is guaranteed to cause discomfort.

MITSUBISHI has a line of silent air conditioners

The influence of wear and price on the noise level of an air conditioner

Among other things, it is extremely important to monitor the serviceability of the air conditioner or split system, which must undergo regular Maintenance. The presence of a mechanical component indicates the possibility of wear of some consumable parts, as well as devices responsible for the optimal functioning of the supply part of turbine fans. Based on this, the appearance of increased noise levels may indicate the presence of some damage or malfunction. Today, most companies in the household appliances market specialize in the production of air conditioners and similar devices that regulate the indoor microclimate.

Therefore, each client of a chain supermarket or household appliances store can choose the right option for themselves, both in price and based on characteristics and functional features.

It should be noted that a really good air conditioner cannot be cheap, since only high-tech modern models are able to perform their functions taking into account the high requirements of the client. Therefore, those people who want to install a device in their bedroom that will make staying in it comfortable in any weather conditions need to opt for models that correspond to the middle and high price categories, since otherwise the inconvenience from excessive noise cannot be avoided.

When choosing an air conditioner, you must take into account its noise level. This is natural, because the noiselessness of the split system makes its use more comfortable for you. Absolutely every air conditioner makes noise during operation, but the degree of these extraneous sounds varies in each individual case.

This depends on various factors: the power of the equipment, its operating mode, characteristics, etc. There are non-inverter and inverter models of air conditioners. Inverter models perform better. Accordingly, the more powerful the climate control equipment, the higher the noise level it produces. And the noise during cooling in enhanced mode will be much stronger than in “sleep mode”.

The main source of noise emitted by the indoor unit is the air flow that passes through the distribution louvers, the fan, and the radiator. This monotonous sound, measured in laboratories, is indicated in the technical specifications of the equipment.

There are other noises made during operation - clicks, hissing, crackling. Moreover, they can have different origins.

The above is not a sign of malfunction or breakdown (except vibration noise), this is normal for a working system. Basically, such noises are heard in ideal silence and are not audible during the daytime. But, for people who are especially sensitive to sounds, at night the noise of an operating air conditioner can be a source of irritation and insomnia, since unexpected sounds cause more irritation than monotonous monotonous noise.

Silent air conditioners on the Russian market

Over the years, air conditioner noise levels have steadily decreased. In order to compete, manufacturers of split systems are steadily reducing air conditioner noise levels by increasing the area of ​​fan blades, improving fan motors, optimizing the air supply system and changing the shape of heat exchangers and louvers.

As a result, today Russian market Panasonic split systems presented with a noise level of 20-21 dB in the lowest power mode.

Models with sound pressure levels appeared in Russia at 19 dB. To achieve such indicators, a muffler was installed in the indoor unit on the evaporator pipe. The rationality of such a design is questionable, since a noise level of 21 dB is not perceived by humans, and the subsequent reduction is more a technical sophistication than a clear necessity.

Hitachi split system average noise level range: 20–24 dB in “sleep mode”; 26 - 30 dB in maximum operating mode.

Having studied the sound volume scale, it can be noted that the noise level of the external unit during operation of the air conditioner does not exceed the usual noise level in the office. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to the volume of sounds emitted by the split system when you intend to place it in a fairly quiet room - a bedroom, a children's room, personal account etc., as well as if you are a noise-sensitive person and extraneous sounds irritate you.

As a rule, more expensive models are actually the quietest. Inverter technology reduces the amount of extraneous sounds, since they do not experience sudden temperature changes associated with periodic on-off switching.

Determining the noise level of an air conditioner

In fact, choosing based on noise characteristics is not very simple, since in advertising brochures the manufacturer indicates the level of sound pressure of the unit located in the room at low fan speed, despite the fact that in order to maintain a comfortable temperature for you in hot weather, the air conditioner must operate in medium or maximum mode .

Naturally, in this mode the noise level will be higher than stated. Therefore, this indicator of the split system must be checked in the manufacturer’s catalog. When comparing noise levels of different models of household air conditioners, it is more rational to compare the indicators at minimum fan performance, because it is at night, when silence is so needed, that the device operates in minimum mode.

It is worth considering that the noise level of a split system is measured in a special room for this purpose - an anechoic chamber, in which the walls are covered with sound-absorbing material. In a living room, the sound of the indoor unit is amplified due to multiple reflections from the ceiling, walls and furniture. This effect leads to an increase in noise level by 2-5 dB(A).

There is another reason why it is difficult to select an air conditioner based on noise parameters. It turns out that manufacturers indicate the noise level in dB and dB(A) in their catalogs.

Noise level of the external air conditioner unit

The noise level of the outdoor unit (performance 2.0-2.7 kW) is 45-55 dBA. It should be noted that as performance increases, the noise level also increases. At the same time, the maximum possible level of extraneous sounds is controlled by sanitary standards SN 2.2.4–96, for a residential area it is equal to 60 dBA (from 7 am to 11 pm) and 70 dBA (from 11 pm to 7 am).

It turns out that the owners of the best air conditioners do not hear the sounds emitted by the external unit of the split system outside the window, but the neighbors who are not owners of climate control equipment cool their rooms using open windows, may be unhappy. They will hear this noise very well, and especially at night.

Therefore, when choosing a split system, you should pay attention to the noise level of the external unit, because an excessively “loud” external unit can cause a conflict with neighbors. Please note that the difference in noise levels of the external units of the upper and lower price range much higher than the difference in noise levels of indoor units. In pursuit of low prices, manufacturers of cheap air conditioners do not think about the technical performance of external units. Since improving their characteristics will certainly lead to an increase in price.

It turns out that the noise of external and internal units directly depends on the power of the device. And, as a rule, the noise of the external unit of a good working device does not exceed the permissible norm for residential buildings. However, in some budget air conditioners with a power of more than 3.5 kW, the noise level of external units already exceeds the maximum permitted.

This problem is very relevant for premises that are not residential, but located in residential buildings. Thus, the offices of organizations located on the first floors of a residential building, in order to save money, purchase inexpensive air conditioners, without thinking about the problem of air conditioner noise. In these cases, residents of the house have the right to apply for a sanitary and epidemiological examination, and then to the court with an examination conclusion on exceeding the permissible norm of extraneous sounds.

Units of measurement and noise scale

Noise level is measured in decibels (dB), a relative unit on a decimal logarithmic measurement scale that indicates how much louder one sound is than another. In this case, the hearing threshold is taken as 0 (zero) dB. And the difference between the lower limit of audibility and the pain threshold is a thousand billion times! To get rid of a large number of zeros, it has become customary to measure the noise level using a slide rule. The table shows the volume (in dB) of various natural sounds.

However, manufacturers of climate control equipment may indicate noise indicators in dB and dBA. Because information about the difference between these units of measurement is not easy to understand. We will not offer a detailed technical description in this article. Simply put, the sound pressure level (dBA) is slightly lower than the sound power level (by about 12 -15 units).

  • 0 dB- Threshold of hearing (can't hear anything)
  • 10 dB- Almost inaudible (quiet rustling of leaves)
  • 15 dB- Barely audible (rustling leaves)
  • 20 dB- Barely audible (quiet whisper)
  • 25 dB- Quiet (person whispers)
  • 30 dB- Quiet (whispering, ticking of a wall clock) The norm for residential premises at night, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • 35 dB- Quite audible (muffled conversation)
  • 40 dB- Quite audible (normal speech) Norm for residential premises, from 7 to 23 hours.
  • 45 dB- Quite audible (normal conversation)
  • 50 dB- Clearly audible (conversation, typewriter)
  • 55 dB- Clearly audible (Norm for class A office premises (according to European standards)
  • 60 dB- Noisy (Norm for offices)
  • 70 dB- Noisy (loud conversations)
  • 80 dB- Very noisy (screaming, motorcycle with muffler)

Usually, when choosing a split system, the homeowner first of all pays attention to such characteristics as power, functionality and reliability, comparing them with the price of the product. But the technical data sheet indicates one more parameter - the noise level, and this is the last thing the user cares about. The attitude to the issue changes if you need to choose climate control equipment for the bedroom, where you need to install the quietest air conditioner possible. Let's see how you can choose from the many options offered.

What is the noise in the air conditioner?

To evaluate this or that noise in digital terms, here is a comparative diagram of the volume of sounds produced by an air conditioner and various everyday noises:

The very last column of the diagram shows the noise level of the indoor unit regular split– systems and is 26 dB. At the same time, it has been experimentally proven that the level of sound that causes anxiety in most people during sleep is 28 dB. However, many people are more sensitive sleepers and noise of 26 dB simply will not allow them to rest properly. This means that equipment that works much quieter is needed.

Not all air conditioner elements can operate silently. From the indoor unit of the split system we hear noises from the following devices:

  • a turbine fan that moves air through a heat exchanger. It is this sound, reminiscent of hissing, that we hear constantly while the device is working;
  • clicks of the relay turning the fan on and off.

For reference. If we talk about monoblock mobile units, then the quietest mobile air conditioner “sounds” much louder than any split system (not quieter than 40 dB). The reason is the arrangement of two fans and a compressor inside one housing, while in a separate system the compressor and a large axial fan are placed outside. It is clear that such a unit is unsuitable for a bedroom.

Let's start with the simplest situation: you or your family sleep quite soundly. Then there is no point in worrying about finding the quietest air conditioner; you can take any that suits the technical parameters.

  • no need to buy a cooler with a large power reserve. If, after talking with a sales consultant, it turns out that 7000 BTU is sufficient for the room, then the best air conditioner for the bedroom is the “seven” and not the “nine” (9000 BTU). Please note that a more powerful modification is definitely louder, since its fan is more efficient;
  • When installing, do not place the outdoor unit directly outside the window. If the internal module alone is unable to disturb your sleep, then together with the external one humming from outside the window, this will become quite possible. Take advantage of the fact that the blocks can be spaced apart at a distance of up to 7 m and remove external module away.

When you are a light sleeper, you should select equipment based on the noise level specified in the technical data sheet. Let's assume that the operating sounds of the outdoor module do not penetrate the room. As for the indoor unit, then on this moment There are models on sale from various manufacturers whose noise level does not exceed 22 dB. These include low-power inverter air conditioners from the MITSUBISHI, DAIKIN and FUJUTSU brands, and the South Korean brand LG generally claims a figure of no more than 17 dB.

Advice. The best air conditioners for the bedroom – these are coolers operating using inverter technology. They do not make the sharp clicking sounds mentioned above.

Unfortunately, very often the technical data presented in the product passport does not correspond to reality. This happens quite often when purchasing split systems from the cheapest brands. Their internal unit can not only hiss and click, but even rumble. Therefore, the following advice is simple: when selecting climate control equipment for the bedroom, you should not chase the cheapest. And in a situation where a person has a problem with sleep, it is necessary to pay attention only to products from leading brands, some of which we have indicated.

You should also not make minor mistakes when installing the system. For example, if you hang an air conditioner module directly above your head, it is better to move it to the side or attach it to the opposite wall. There is another point associated with the use of multi-split systems. These are coolers with a single powerful outdoor unit that works in conjunction with several indoor ones. It would be a mistake to install such a powerful unit behind the bedroom wall; the noise of the compressor and several axial fans will definitely not let you sleep.


In our time high technology Quiet air conditioners are produced by many manufacturers and choosing the right one is not difficult. But you need to understand that such equipment cannot be cheap; you should prepare in advance to purchase a product from the middle or high price category. Otherwise, your sleep and rest will be constantly disturbed, which will definitely harm your health.

How to make the right choice of air conditioner for your apartment How to choose a split system Recommendations for choosing an air conditioner without an external unit How to make an air conditioner with your own hands

A modern metropolis surrounds a person with thousands of different industrial noises. When you come home, you want to enjoy the peace and tranquility. Air conditioners for an apartment are always selected in terms of suitable design and compliance with its existing interior. However, you need to choose them not only according to appearance or functionality. A very important factor, in accordance with the above, is their comfort and inconspicuousness during work. These requirements are especially important for air conditioners intended to operate in bedrooms and children's rooms. Silent air conditioner ideally meets these requirements.

Regulatory permissible noise levels for domestic air conditioners:

As a rule, home air conditioners are small in size and have low noise levels. The evolution of such air conditioners from year to year goes in the direction of further reducing the noise level of the indoor unit during its operation. In addition, such characteristics as uniform cooling of the air volume, the ability to control the flow of cooled air, stable maintenance of the set temperature and the quality of air purification in the room volume are constantly being improved.

The noise level of air conditioners is determined by the physical unit of measurement - decibel (dB). It determines the volume level of the sound produced. In practice, sounds at levels from 0 to 25 dB, in the absence of other extraneous sounds, are inaudible to the human ear.

A silent bedroom air conditioner intended for installation in a bedroom should produce a sound of no more than 32 dB. Standardly, in accordance with the standards, at the lowest fan speeds, such a unit produces a sound from 21 to 25 dB.

For rooms such as a living room, study, office, this factor in terms of the level of output produced is not so important, since the constant level of operating noise in such rooms is about 35-45 dB.

Following this general information, the buyer concludes that he needs an air conditioner for a bedroom or children's room with the lowest noise level. However, in practice the situation is somewhat different. Often, air conditioners, whose average noise level is, for example, 35 dB, are practically audible when operating much quieter than, for example, an air conditioner with a noise level of 27 dB stated in the technical data sheet.

This is explained by the fact that each model of the indoor air conditioner unit has several fan speed modes, and each of these speed modes has its own individual noise level, different from the noise level in other models. In addition, the indoor unit creates additional noise during operation, for example, noise arising from passing air flows. Passing through the indoor unit, the air passes through several systems: ventilation, radiator, blinds, where additional noise is created. It is quite natural that the minimum noise level of the indoor unit can only be heard when it is operating at the minimum fan speed.

However, the air conditioner cannot operate in a single low mode all the time. If there is high relative humidity and temperature in the room air, such an operating speed of the indoor unit will not provide the required specified parameters, and if the room air temperature is already low, then operating in this mode will lead to freezing of the indoor unit. Modern models of air conditioners for apartments have the function of automatic speed control. This ensures not only consumer comfort, but also correct work the device itself.

When buying an air conditioner, carefully study its technical characteristics in order to have an idea of ​​​​the lower and upper threshold of the noise it produces. However, few buyers are able to compare technical capabilities devices with parameters that the buyer wants to have when buying an air conditioner. For them, the selection of an air conditioning system according to the buyer’s specified parameters is carried out by professional salespeople and technical managers.

As mentioned above, when the air conditioner operates, a number of additional noises inevitably arise. In addition to air flows, they are produced by the server mechanisms of the outdoor and indoor units, the drainage system when draining the formed condensate, etc.

So, how to choose a silent air conditioner for your home, especially for your bedroom?

If the buyer is sensitive to unusual noises, he should pay attention to the line of truly quiet air conditioners. First of all, these are inverter models. They automatically smoothly regulate the speed of cooled air flows and the cooling capacity of the air conditioner. In addition, they have a higher average efficiency of cooling performance and electricity consumption. Non-inverter models of the latest developments also have their own line with low noise production.

The noise of such air conditioners resembles the sound of a breeze. To decide on your model, you need to study the catalogs of several manufacturers. Be sure to check the catalog data for the lower and maximum noise thresholds. When searching for a model on the Internet, you must set the “Low noise” filter.

Japanese air conditioners are leaders in the line of quiet devices. They are also the most expensive. Their secret lies in the original design feature of the blocks (internal and external) that are quiet in terms of noise indicators.

Be sure to check by technical specifications, what noise the air conditioner will make outside your home. It is recommended to use the air conditioner with the windows closed in the air-conditioned room; therefore, the noise of operating external units will be heard quite insignificantly. But neighbors whose air conditioner is not working at the moment will hear an intrusive noise when opening their windows.

The noise of cheap Chinese models can be heard even through a closed window. Very often, the internal units of budget air conditioner models emit little noise, while the external units remain stable during operation. high level noise.

According to standards, the noise level of external units should not exceed the noise level inside residential premises, which is about 30-60 dB.

Some manufacturers indicate the noise level in other indicators - in dBA. This is the sound pressure level. Sound pressure is lower than sound power, therefore 12-14 units must be subtracted from the dBA indicator to get the dB indicator.

So, below are the particularly quiet air conditioning systems from various manufacturers that were popular in 2017.

The Design series was created at the request of the Italian branch Mitsubishi Electric, where product design is a necessary condition for its success in the market. But the striking design does not replace the highest requirements for efficiency and noise levels, for which the Design Inverter remains a leader in its class. Models of the MSZ-EF series provide an additional ultra-quiet fan operating mode “Silent Mode”. The minimum noise level is only 21 dB, which makes this model an ideal solution as a silent air conditioner for air conditioning a bedroom or children's room.

Platinum-ceramic nanometer particles are built into the filter fibers, thanks to which the filter provides antibacterial and antiviral air treatment, and also eliminates odors. In terms of air treatment efficiency, a nanoplatinum filter is superior to a catechol filter. The filter surface is increased due to the fact that the mesh is not flat, but has a three-dimensional structure. Thanks to this, the filtration efficiency of the air flow passing through the MSZ-EF indoor units is significantly increased.


Programmable weekly timer, time and day of the week;

Inverter power supply circuit for the air conditioner;

Nanoplatinum fine air filter;

“Econo Cool” mode (energy saving function up to 20%);

Ultra-quiet operating mode "Silent Mode";

Fan direct current indoor unit;

Ability to operate for cooling in winter;

Collapsible housing of the indoor unit for easy cleaning of internal surfaces;

Automatic damper of indoor unit;

Self-diagnosis mode when starting the air conditioner;

A complex louvers system creates the optimal shape and speed of the air stream in cooling and heating modes.

Functional features:

Air conditioner with Design Inverter class inverter;

The new control panel is equipped with a weekly timer that allows you to set up to 4 actions during each day;

Nano platinum filter. Platinum-ceramic nanometer particles are built into the filter fibers, thanks to which the filter carries out antibacterial and antiviral air treatment, and also destroys odors;

The "I save" mode allows you to organize economical standby heating - the minimum room temperature can be +10°C;

A complex system of blinds creates the optimal shape and speed of the air stream in cooling and heating modes;

Installation on old pipelines is possible: when replacing old systems with R22 refrigerant with these models, replacement or flushing of the lines is not required;


Manufacturer: Mitsubushi Electric;

Country: Thailand;

Warranty, years: 3;

Cooling kW: 2.5;

Heating kW: 3.2;

Freon: R410A;

Area: up to 25 m2 or up to 2700 W;

Symptom: inverter heat and cold;

Power consumption (cooling) kW: 0.545;

Power consumption (heating) kW: 0.700;

Connection (Volt): 220-240.50 Hz;

Noise level dB: 21;

Indoor unit size (H x W x D) mm: 895x195x299;

Outdoor unit size (H x W x D) mm: 800x285x550;

Indoor unit weight kg: 11.5;

Outdoor unit weight kg: 30;

Pipe diameter (liquid)/(gas) mm: 6.35 (1/4”) /9.52 (3/8”);

Max. length (height) of the pipeline m: 20 (12);

Fine air filter: yes;

3D cooling cold air supplied to the floor level: no;

3D heating: warm air is supplied to the floor level: no;

Automatic swing of blinds: yes;

Automatic turning: yes.

Air conditioner Daikin FTXB25C / RXB25C Inverter

The improved Daikin FTXB25C / RXB25C air conditioner is an ultra quiet inverter model, assembled in Europe. This model provides a record low noise level - only 21 dB! This silent air conditioner Made in the Czech Republic, which guarantees the highest quality of assembly and components.

This air conditioner has a number of advantages in comparison with similar models:

Competitively priced, the Daikin FTXB-C is almost 40 percent cheaper than the similar Czech model Daikin FTXS-K.

The quality of the Daikin FTXB-C is not inferior to the Daikin FTXS-K model.

Daikin engineers have added a filter against dust, pet hair, dust mites and many other contaminants to the design of the indoor unit. In addition, the air conditioner has a photocatalytic filter against bacteria, viruses, allergens, unpleasant odors and tobacco smoke.

The Daikin FTXB-C air conditioner inverter allows you to quickly reach the required temperature values. In addition, the inverter stably maintains a comfortable temperature and low noise level. Thanks to the inverter, the functional parts of the air conditioner are subject to less wear, so the air conditioner will last for a long time. The new generation of wall-mounted air conditioners prevents the formation of drafts and hypothermia; the air in the room is distributed evenly over the entire area.

Purifying the air from all contaminants. The air conditioner cleans the indoor air through a very effective filter - a dust pre-filter. The highly efficient dust filter captures all polluting particles up to 0.3 microns in size - dust, pet hair, saprophytic dust mites and many other contaminants. The filter is easy to clean and will last a long time.

Convenient controls and easy operation. The air conditioner is easy to control - the ergonomic remote control allows you to select the desired operating mode, set the timer, cooling or heating power. The air conditioner is equipped with all modern functions and capabilities - automatic restart, self-diagnosis mode, night saving and many other functions. The air conditioner is very reliable and will serve you for a long time. All items have reliable protection from corrosion, and the new gold plating of the heat exchanger plates increased the resistance to oxidative processes several times.


Operating mode: cooling/heating;

Compressor control type: inverter;

Serviced area: 25 m2;

Cooling power: 2.5 kW;

Heating power: 2.8 kW;

Cooling power consumption: 0.77 kW;

Heating power consumption: 0.80 kW;

Minimum noise level (indoor unit): 21 dB;

Maximum noise level (indoor unit): 39 dB;

Dimensions of the indoor unit: 283x770x216 mm;

Indoor unit weight: 8 kg;

Dimensions of the outdoor unit: 550x658x275 mm;

Outdoor unit weight: 28 kg;

Refrigerant brand: R410A;

Minimum operating temperature for cooling: +10 ... +46 °C;

Minimum operating temperature for heating: -15 ... +18 °C;

SEER (Cooling) / Class: 6.02 / A+;

SCOP (heating) / Class: 4.01 / A+;

Height difference: 12 m;

Maximum length of pipelines: 15 m;

Supply voltage: 220 volts;

Country of assembly: Czech Republic;

This is a representative of the year after year improving line of General Climate models with inverter design. Modern ergonomic design, fast room cooling, economical energy consumption. Having reached the desired temperature, the device switches to operation at minimum power.

The most important indicator of the General Climate GC-EAF09H GU-EAF09H air conditioner is its admittedly quiet operation. In addition, the air conditioner does not make clicking noises when switching. Even when operating for cooling at minimum speed, the noise level is only 24 dB. This silent air conditioner has a very attractive price compared to other inverter models from other manufacturers.

An ideal option as a silent air conditioner for a bedroom and in areas with increased comfort requirements, ideal for working at the latitudes of central Russia - cooling down to -15˚С.


special low-noise design;

Cold Plasma ionizer;

catechin and photocatalytic filters;

remote control with the ability to block, turn off the backlight of the indoor unit;

automatic control of blinds;

increased efficiency; Designed in Japan!

Compressors - GREE-Daikin, Mitsubishi.


Type: wall split system;

Inverter: (smooth power adjustment);

Maximum length of communications: 15 m;

Main modes: cooling / heating;

Maximum air flow: 10 cu.m. m/min;

Cooling capacity: 9000 BTU/h;

Power in cooling mode: 2600 W;

Power in heating mode: 3500 W;

Heating power consumption: 950 W;

Cooling power consumption: 810 W;

Additional modes:

ventilation mode (without cooling and heating), auto mode, self-diagnosis of faults;

Drying mode;


Remote control: yes;

On/off timer: yes;


Air conditioner indoor unit (WxHxD):

77x28.3x20.1 cm;

Air conditioner outdoor unit (WxHxD):

71x55x31.8 cm;

Noise level (min/max): 22 dB / 41 dB;

Refrigerant type: R 410;

Phase: single phase;

Fine air filters: yes;

Adjustable fan speed, number of speeds: 4;

Other functions and features:

deodorizing filter, anion generator, ability to adjust air flow direction, anti-ice system, settings memory function;

Serviced area: 25 sq. m;

Air conditioner TOSHIBA RAS-10BKV-E/10BAV-E Inverter

The Japanese word MIRAI means "future". It is under this name that Toshiba released a new product for 2017 - the Toshiba BKV silent air conditioner. The advantages of this split system are reliability, noiselessness (23 dB) and stylish design. The inverter compressor saves up to 40% of electricity and accurately maintains a comfortable temperature. An optimal air distribution system with 12 louver positions and 5 fan speeds ensures coolness without drafts. The air conditioner is adapted to the Russian winter (up to -15 °C).

Toshiba BKV is a great way to heat your apartment in the off-season. In heat pump mode, the air conditioner will quickly warm the room and accurately maintain a comfortable temperature. Consumes 4 times less electricity than a convector or oil radiator. Highest class A in terms of heating efficiency: only 480 W per 15 sq. m.! The air conditioner is adapted to the Russian winter (up to -15 °C).


System: Heat Pump R410A;

Model: (Indoor unit): RAS-10BKV-E;

(Outdoor unit): RAS-10BAV-E;

Rated voltage (V/phase/Hz): 220-240/1/50;

Cooling capacity: (kW) 2.5;

Efficiency ratio: EER 2.94;

Heating capacity (kW): 2.7;

Power consumption (kW): Cooling 0.85;

Heating 0.84;

Indoor unit Dimensions (HxWxD) (mm): 293x798x230;

Net weight (kg): 9;

Air flow (Cooling/Heating) (m³/h): 540/ 552;

Operating noise level (dB): 23 – 40;

Outdoor unit Dimensions (mm): 530x660x240;

Net weight (kg): 21;

Operating noise level (dB): 48/50;

Pipe Size Liquid (mm/in): 6.35 (1/4”);

Gas (mm/in): 9.52 (3/8”);

Connection type: Flaring;

Drainage (inner diameter) (mm): 16.30;

Maximum track length (m): 15;

Maximum route length without refueling (m): 15;

Maximum track height (m): 5;

Permissible outside air temperature (Cooling/Heating) (Cº): from -15 to +46 / from -15 to +24;


Ideal air conditioner for small rooms. Owners of city apartments with small rooms will not have to overpay for an overly powerful air conditioner. In the Mirai series we offer split systems for city apartments. Toshiba first released inverter air conditioner with cooling power from 1.5 kW. Standard sizes 05 and 07 are optimal for rooms with an area of ​​10-18 sq.m. At the same time, the Mirai series also has powerful air conditioners for spacious rooms up to 45 sq.m.

Selecting a remote control. Toshiba offers two remote controls for use with Mirai BKV series split systems:

Improved remote control with weekly timer. An ergonomic device with an expanded range of functions, a large display and the ability to program up to 28 settings for all days of the week.

Standard remote control, simple and clear. All key functions are easily accessible, including energy saving and power boost modes.

Self-cleaning system. Self-cleaning prevents moisture from accumulating on the split system heat exchanger. When the air conditioner operates in cooling mode, moisture from the surrounding air condenses on the heat exchanger of the indoor unit. Thanks to self-cleaning, dampness, mold, and unpleasant odors never form in the indoor unit. After turning off the air conditioner, the fan runs for another 20 minutes, drying the heat exchanger, and then turns off automatically.

Air conditioner MIDEA MSMBAU-09HRFN1 / MOMBAU-09HRFN1 (Mission Inverter series)

Split systems of the Mission Inverter series have a modern design. Soft curved lines of the indoor unit will emphasize the style and elegance of the device in the interior. A new unique remote control with intuitive controls simplifies interaction with the device. The mute function, using the “Mute” button on the control panel, turns off all sound signals and the display of the device, which additionally characterizes it as a silent air conditioner. This feature will be useful during sleep. Accordingly, the Mission series split system is ideal as a silent air conditioner for the home.

The comfortable sleep function maintains a stable temperature for 5 hours, after which it turns off the device. It provides energy savings and maintains a comfortable environment for the user. When “Eco” mode is activated, the air conditioner switches to economical mode. This mode is available only during cooling, and energy consumption is reduced by 60%.

Unlike a conventional air conditioner, which immediately turns off if the temperature sensor breaks down, the Mission series air conditioner continues to operate in the same mode. Thus, the microclimate in the room is not disturbed, and the user does not need urgent repairs.

Thanks to new feature The indoor unit will alarm if a refrigerant leak is detected. The design of the indoor unit provides for the connection of connecting pipelines and a drainage hose on both the left and right sides, which greatly simplifies installation.


New unique remote control;

Refrigerant leak detection function. If a refrigerant leak is detected, the indoor unit display will display the error code “EC”. This feature will help protect the compressor from damage when the temperature rises due to refrigerant leakage;

Compared to a standard filter, the filter high degree cleaning traps 50% more dust and 80% more pollen;

The Wi-Fi air conditioner control function allows you to control the air conditioner using your mobile device;

Kit for remote control air conditioner SK102;

80% more effective at trapping dust and pollen;

The air is 50% cleaner;

Standard filter;

High purity filter;

Function to turn off sound signals;

Economy mode;

To switch the air conditioner to silent mode, the “Mute” button is available on the control panel. When pressed, the display goes dark and all sound signals are turned off;

When the “Eco” function is activated on the control panel, the air conditioner goes into

economical operating mode. In this mode, the air conditioner can operate for about 8 hours, while energy consumption is reduced by 60%;

Intuitive controls;

Ergonomic design;

Large informative display with backlight;

New split system design 2017;

Robust and durable casing of the outdoor unit;

Soft curved lines of the indoor unit;

SEER A++ in Eco mode;


Manufacturer: Midea;

Country: China;

Warranty, years: 3;

Cooling power, kW: 2.64;

Mains voltage, V: 220;

Type: Inverter split systems;

Heating, kW: 2.93;

Room area, m2: 25;

Inverter: yes;

Heat/cold: yes;

Noise level, dB: 23;

Power consumption, kW: 0.82;

Air circulation, average, m3/h: 500;

Dimensions of the indoor unit (HxWxD), mm: 293x730x198;

Dimensions of the external unit (HxWxD), mm: 555x770x300;

Weight of the indoor unit, kg: 7:

Weight of the external unit, kg: 27;

Number of indoor units: 1;

Operating temperature range (heating): -20 to +30;

Operating temperature range (cooling): -15 to +50;

Refrigerant pipe diameter (gas): 9.52";

Refrigerant (liquid) pipe diameter: 6.35";

Maximum distance between blocks: 25 m;

Cooling energy efficiency ratio (ERR): 3.23;

The Kentatsu household inverter air conditioner KSGMA26HZAN1/KSRMA26HZAN1 MARK II is a silent air conditioner that will provide incredible comfort and coziness to all residents of your home. In addition, this split system has a special operating mode that eliminates the unpleasant effects of cold and hot air, evenly distributing the flow throughout the room past the people in it, which characterizes it as a comfortable air conditioner for the home.

Features and advantages of wall-mounted split systems Kentatsu MARK II series:

Kentatsu KSGMA (MARK II) inverter type air conditioners provide greater comfort and savings of up to 30% on electricity;

The “Anti-stress” function automatically changes the direction of air from the indoor unit depending on the temperature, ensuring a uniform temperature background throughout the entire volume of the room;

The design of the indoor unit of the air conditioner is complemented by a hidden information display, which unobtrusively displays the set temperature and time value using a timer; indicators report timer operation and the defrosting mode of the outdoor unit.


The “volumetric air flow” function ensures the best air movement, preventing the formation of stagnant zones and uneven temperature levels in the room;

Energy efficiency class “A++”;

Updated front panel design;

Automatic selection of operating mode;

Hidden information display;

Auto restart with saving all settings (when the power is turned off);

Economical night mode with half the noise level;

Removable front panel of the indoor unit;

Dehumidifying indoor air without reducing temperature;

Timer operation with programming of on and off times;

Fine air filter for removing odors containing titanium oxide;

Features of operation of Kentatsu MARK II series:

Self-diagnosis and automatic protection of the air conditioner using a built-in microprocessor, which, if a fault is found, will turn on the indicator on the panel of the indoor unit to blink, and also prevent damage to the air conditioner;

Automatic mode selection will be carried out by the microprocessor depending on the difference between the temperature set on the remote control and the actual temperature in the room;

Night mode saves energy and reduces noise during sleep, and then automatically returns to the previous mode;

Quick entry to the mode allows you to quickly reach the temperature set on the remote control.

The “Anti-stress” function provides rapid heating or rapid cooling of the air in the room without a sharp impact on the user of cold or hot air;

Warm start will prevent the supply of cold air to the room in heating mode, since the fan will start working only after the evaporator reaches the set temperature;

Controlling the fan speed of the indoor unit allows you to influence the air circulation in the room, as well as limit the noise level;

The removable front panel makes it easy to dismantle and wash with water outside the indoor unit.


Manufacturer: Kentatsu Denko;

Country: China;

Warranty, years: 3;

Operating mode: Heat/Cold;

Inverter: Yes;

Serviced area, m²: 25;

Heating power, kW: 2.93;

Power consumption, kW: 0.8;

Power supply, V: 220-2240;

Noise level, dB: 24/31/38;

Refrigerant pipe diameter: 6.35/9.52;

Route length/elevation difference, m: 25/10;

Operating temperature range, cool: -15+50;

Operating temperature range, heating: -15+30;

Refrigerant: R410A;

Dimensions of the indoor unit, mm: 715x250x188;

Weight of the indoor unit, kg: 6.5;

Weight of the outdoor unit, kg: 26.6;

Additional filters: catalytic;

Dimensions of the outdoor unit, mm: 770x555x300.

Thus, together we figured out how to choose a silent air conditioner for an apartment or bedroom - high-quality and quiet ones. The above models will help you make the right choice when purchasing of this device for home. All of these 2017 air conditioner models have low noise parameters, as well as special sleep modes. Choosing the ideal air conditioner is the key to comfortable sleep and relaxation at home for you and your family.

You need to understand that an air conditioner is a device in which intensive processes occur (fans, a compressor work, freon moves, air exchange occurs), so its operation is inevitably accompanied by noise. To the question “what kind of air conditioner do you need?” They usually answer simply: “Silent.” The noise level of an air conditioner (split system) depends on the power, design features, installation location and, of course, the current operating mode. Of course, manufacturers of household air conditioners initially try to do everything possible to keep operating noise as low as possible. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of noise, and silent air conditioners are those that create minimal noise.

Leave the noise outside

The very division of the split system into 2 blocks (internal and external) means quieter operation due to the placement of the noisiest part (compressor) in the external block on the street. In comparison with them, window and mobile air conditioners lack this feature and are made in the form of a monoblock design, therefore they are doomed to make more noise.

What noise level do manufacturers indicate?

Firstly, in professional catalogs the noise level is indicated separately for the internal and external units of a split system. From an operational point of view, it is much more important noise level of the indoor unit, therefore, when they talk about the noise level of a split system, they mean exactly the noise of the indoor unit (it is also indicated in the characteristics of the products on our website).

Secondly, the noise level depends not only on the rated power of the device, but also on the operating mode of the system. Naturally, the lower the specified work intensity, the less noise (the slower the car drives, the quieter it is). So in what intensity mode should the noise level be measured?

There is no uniform method for measuring noise levels among manufacturers and they choose their own measurement scale. Some indicate the noise level for level 4 operating modes. Others indicate only the maximum and minimum.

On average, the internal unit of modern low-power split systems creates noise in the range of 24-35 dB (which corresponds to a slight whisper), depending on the installed performance. This noise level is quite acceptable for comfortable work or relaxation during the daytime, when it is noisy on the street, various equipment makes sounds inside and outside the room, and people are talking.

Noise when working at night - the quieter we drive, the quieter we will be

At night, the overall level of external noise drops, and any operation of devices can become more noticeable. Therefore, the bedroom may require quieter operation of the climate control equipment, especially for sensitive and restless people who have difficulty sleeping.

With this in mind, many standard air conditioners have a so-called night or silent mode work, in which the noise level drops to 17-20 dB (27 dB is the recommended threshold for a bedroom). For comparison: the noise level of an air conditioner of 19 dB is comparable to the rustling of grass and is practically not felt by the ear of the most sensitive listener (see table below).

However, it should be understood that the noise level is reduced by reducing power (the air conditioner operates very weakly).

The quietest air conditioners - let's try to compare

Perhaps, models that provide relatively quiet operation over the entire intensity range can rightfully be called silent air conditioners.

We selected several models from different manufacturers for comparison and compiled a diagram for them of the dependence of the noise level on the power of the air conditioner. All models are considered the quietest and are very similar in power.

In comparison, it is noticeable that models such as LG Prestige And Green U-Crown are quiet only at the minimum power level. They are probably more preferable if you choose a silent air conditioner for a bedroom or children's room (the air conditioner should be minimally quiet in “night” mode).

But if we talk about noise values ​​over the entire operating range, then leading manufacturers Daikin and Mitsubishi prove their technological superiority here. Their series Daikin FTXS-K, Mitsubishi Electric MSZ-GE VA They turn out to be noticeably quieter than competitors in the middle power range, where the air conditioner is most often used. Slightly inferior to the leaders Panasonic Flagman.

Examples of various natural sound sources as perceived by the human ear:

Sound levelAudibilitySound source
5 dB almost inaudible almost inaudible
10 dB almost inaudible quiet rustle of leaves
15 dB barely audible rustle of leaves
20-25 dB barely audible human whisper 1m
30 dB quiet whispering, clock ticking, the norm for residential premises at night
35 dB quite audible muffled conversation
40-45 dB quite audible normal speech, the norm for residential premises during the day
50 dB audible clearly conversation, typewriter
65 dB noisy loud conversation
75 dB noisy scream, laugh 1m