Home / Miscellaneous / Family drama or PR? The Internet is discussing a video of a schoolboy who forced his parents to their knees. "You ruined my life." The teenager put his parents on their knees and filmed their apologies. Parents ask for forgiveness from the child on their knees.

Family drama or PR? The Internet is discussing a video of a schoolboy who forced his parents to their knees. "You ruined my life." The teenager put his parents on their knees and filmed their apologies. Parents ask for forgiveness from the child on their knees.

A video has appeared on the Internet where a young resident of the Moscow region brought his parents to their knees and forced them to ask for forgiveness.

Over the past two years, fifteen-year-old Alexander has been admitted to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. He ended up there thanks to his parents, who, apparently, noticed some deviations in the teenager’s behavior. According to the boy's friends and parents, it is difficult for Sasha to leave the house, he is not able to cook his own food and in some everyday situations he feels helpless. Nevertheless, quite often he experienced outbursts of aggression, which his parents at first attributed to the consequences of gambling addiction. Really,the boy is very talented in computer games. But psychologist Daria Sharova assures thatIt is not virtual fun that makes people aggressive and inadequate, but the social environment in which a person finds himself:

A lack of understanding at home had a negative impact on the young man, and being in the hospital led to a negative perception by peers, fromThat young man declares that his life was “ruined.” All areas of his life suffered because of the decision of adults,” notes Daria.

Alexander really has social problems at school: they don’t make friends with him, his peers bully him. In his statuses on the VKontakte social network page, he says that he was a loser all his life, which is why he left the real world for the world of games, where he made friends and like-minded people.

Alexander's close friend Nikita Berkut confirmed that Sasha is much better in the digital space than in real life. It is not surprising that games (in particular, Call of Duty) became almost the only outlet for him. On his page on the social network VKontakte, he reports this in plain text. And Sasha plays superbly - just look a couple of videos from his YouTube channel. Bid for the future of esports? Of course, but for now the age rating of his favorite Call of Duty is a hindrance. Entering e-sports would solve at least part of his problems - it would allow him to realize himself and raise his self-esteem, find a job and new friends. He already has the latter - brothers in virtual weapons, who speak only positively about Sasha and are terribly worried both for him and for the future of their favorite entertainment. His good friend Mark told Life that games are his best pastime. According to a friend, they met in a group where Call of Duty fans communicate, which both boys played.

He can't have this (games. - Note Life) to take away, otherwise he will collapse there,” says Mark. - He could really make money from this, he’s that good.

But Sasha was unlucky to live in a family where, according to him, no one is interested in his hobbies and problems. And where the parents, instead of helping their son, simply put him in the hospital - so that, obviously, he would not interfere too much. It is unlikely that these people will try to solve the problem and direct the child’s hobby in a constructive direction. For this you really need to do something.

There is a high probability that instead of being constructive, the blame will again be blamed on cruel computer games. Even though the latest iteration of Call of Duty isn't particularly tinny, it's practically sterile. But who cares about such little things when you can have a glorious witch hunt?

Saving love

According to one of Alexander’s friends, during his last stay in the hospital, Alexander met Ira, who changed his attitude towards life. And if earlier the teenager often thought about suicide, then after the start of the relationship he found joy.

Judging by the girl’s page on the social network VKontakte, where she is registered under a pseudonym, we can conclude that the girl is diligently losing weight. Perhaps this is what caused her to be hospitalized, since young girls who want to lose weight often resort to extremely radical “diets,” calling them “drinking diets.” Such diets consist exclusively of liquid foods and alternate with days of absolute fasting, which are dangerous for a young body.

True, according to Alexander’s friends, Ira always made the teenager worry: she admitted that she uses heroin, but Sasha was ready to accept her with this “problem.” Due to the fact that the girl constantly cheated, the couple recently broke up. Perhaps this was the last straw for the teenager, and he decided to take out all the accumulated resentment on his parents by filming a video and putting mom and dad on their knees. Psychologist Daria Sharova believes that The video was made specifically for the purpose of revenge. The video shows that the young man is in a state of emotional overstrain, and the word “finally” emphasizes his long wait for an apology:

The whole situation probably started with the parents being "deaf" to their son. Inattention to him, ignoring his needs, manipulating his life (sending him to the hospital without his will), lack of contact with his son. Education (more precisely, its absence) leads to such consequences, the specialist believes.

Oksana Zashirinskaya, Doctor of Psychology and child psychologist, after reading the video, came to the conclusion that the parents forcibly sent the boy to the hospital, and he apparently ran away:

His parents were convinced that their plan was not working, but Sasha decided to fight them to the end and did not simply intend to give up. He asks them to postpone their attempts to rehabilitate him. He also asks to remove his father from his life, who is the main opposing force here, says the psychologist.

Neuropsychologist Katerina Shatskova notes that after watching the video, one gets the feeling that parents feel guilty before their child, but do not know adequate ways to resolve conflicts:

It is easier for them to admit that they are wrong in front of their son than to explain to him the motives for their actions in some cases that hurt the young man, the inadequacy of his reactions and behavior towards his elders. He has a great grievance, but the means by which he “defends himself” is, of course, incommensurate with it. True, he doesn’t understand this yet.

However, judging by a conversation with several of the young man’s friends, there is only a positive impression of Alexander. Most friends believe that he is a good and reliable friend, you can share secrets with him that no one will know about, he is a super professional in games. But the problem exists, and loved ones know about it:

My friend is often depressed and behaves a little inappropriately,” his friend Nikita Berkut says about Sasha. - P According to him, everything has been very bad in his life since birth, he did not tell everything in detail. But I didn’t expect this [behavior] from him, of course.

The last time I talked to him, he was completely normal. “Yes, he’s always normal,” says Mark.

Neuropsychologist Katerina Shatskova notes that teenagers at this age need the love and care of their parents more than ever, while the ways in which this love was expressed in childhood are no longer suitable, because a 15-year-old boy considers himself old enough for this.

Although it is impossible to justify Alexander’s action, it is still quite possible to understand what feelings cover him. This is a feeling of uselessness and worthlessness, abandonment and alienation. Experts unanimously believe that it is necessary to learn how to talk with a teenager. And Alexander’s parents need to learn to move on, trust each other and support each other in all their actions. Only in this way will they be able to come up with the optimal solution for the child’s rehabilitation.

You need to talk to teenagers - about life, about the world, about interesting things, about important things. Common interests and hobbies are extremely important during this period. This is very difficult, because the inner world of a teenager is unstable, interests change, and it is worth trying to feel these changes. To be close to him, but not to lead him by the hand. This story is a good reminder to all parents that children are people who need psychological and physical comfort. Take care of your children, and they will take care of you,” summed up psychologist Daria Sharova.

P.S.: As it became known, the video ended up on the Internet through no fault of Sasha. The young man actually took it down and posted it, but deleted it almost immediately so that it would not be replicated. Nevertheless, some “well-wisher” managed to save and post the video for everyone to see.

From my son. From the conversation it follows that the teenager was sent for compulsory treatment to a psychiatric hospital 4 times, and now the boy decided to take revenge. Correspondent Alexander Sanzhiev provides details.

In the video, which was probably filmed by a schoolboy, an adult man and woman are kneeling. The operator’s face is not visible, you can only hear how he makes demands. Instead of calming the child down or, conversely, scolding him, the parents follow the lead of the rebellious teenager and, on their knees, humbly begin to ask for forgiveness.

The video shows only part of the conversation. One can only guess what ultimatum the teenager gives. Many Internet users suspected that the boy was clearly not himself, and his parents were simply playing along to make him calm down. After all, you can clearly hear that he is crying, and it is unknown what he has in his hands - just a video camera or also a weapon.

“It looks like he doesn’t understand what he says and does, he’s not “all at home.” And physically strong enough to harm someone, so his parents play along. This is the cross that mom and dad bear, although dad seems to be allowed to leave “Mom decided to take charge of everything,” writes the user.

“What nonsense? How can you do this to your parents?” another user comments.

“Look carefully at these faces! It’s because of people like these that we then read news about schoolboys who rape classmates with their hands and kill animals,” another user is indignant.

As people who allegedly know the author of the video write, this young man lives in the Moscow region, spends all his free time on online games due to the fact that he has problems communicating with peers. His parents sent him to a mental hospital, but the treatment did not bring results. Once he allegedly even tried to commit suicide, but they managed to stop him in time. Therefore, probably now his parents fulfill all his whims unquestioningly in order to protect him from a new attack of suicide. The boy takes advantage of this and now, as they say, twists ropes out of his parents.

Meanwhile, some experts even called this recording staged: the parents somehow suspiciously calmly fulfill their son’s inadequate demands, explains the psychologist Irina Korchagina:

"Mom's voice - as if she was reading from a note. It seems to me that in such a situation a woman would cry. Because this is a very alarming situation. This is not just an admission that she broke a cup. It is not said in such an even voice, it is all crying , anguish. Dad - out the door? What are you guys doing? These are the words that decide your future life!

This recording may turn out to be an ordinary PR move for a novice video blogger. He probably staged the family drama in order to attract more subscribers to his channel.


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16-year-old Muscovite Alexander brought his parents to their knees and forced them to apologize.

In the video, which received more than 100,000 views in one day, the teenager accuses his father and mother of ruining his life and sending him to the hospital four times. As a result, Alexander’s parents admit their guilt, noting that they did not do this of their own free will. “I apologize on my knees. And I will help you fulfill your desires in life,” his mother apologizes.

According to the 360 ​​TV channel, the teenager was actually in a psychiatric hospital four times. “The scandal broke out because his parents decided to send him to the hospital again,” a friend of Alexander’s told the TV channel.

“Now he is in a psychiatric hospital for demolishing a house worth five million rubles. I got there about a week ago,” said another friend of the teenager.

The Muscovite who brought his mother and father to their knees threatened them with suicide.

“He’s cheerful, very modest, loves communication, but at the same time can be aggressive,” this is how a close friend of his, for whom he has warm feelings, described 15-year-old Alexander, who brought his parents to his knees, in an interview with 360. The TV channel publishes an interview with Irina.

“The first time he was detained was because he played a lot of computer games and did not go to school, so we had to transfer him to home schooling,” the girl said.

They met last March at the Scientific and Practical Center for the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents named after G. E. Sukhareva, after which the young man confessed his feelings several times, but Irina chose friendship over love.

According to her, in Lately Alexander practically abandoned his studies and became addicted to alcohol, which was probably the reason for the last outburst of aggression, which he filmed.

“He told me that if I was admitted to the hospital one more time, I would definitely run away from it and commit suicide. He told me how he would do it. I tried to dissuade him, but to no avail,” said Irina.

For the last few days she has not been able to contact Alexander - he does not answer calls. His friends previously told the 360 ​​TV channel that a week ago he was again admitted to the hospital.

“I realized that parents are not only a static enemy, but also capable of harming you. The second hospitalization proved the same thing to me. I promised myself to commit suicide if I got caught again... I already had a plan on how to escape from there, what to do next. Yes, suicide was close. If not for one thing, but - a piece of paper in the playroom from Ira with a simple inscription - I like you the type) kek. This note brought me back to my feet. For the first time in 15 years, someone wrote me something nice. I was shocked,” Alexander admitted on his VK page, noting that thanks to Irina, he gave up thoughts of suicide.


As the site learned, the video appeared on the Internet on November 22, although judging by the words of the video’s characters, the video was recorded on the night of October 11-12. According to the teenager, his parents sent him to the hospital four times of their own free will, which, apparently, is his main complaint against adults. However, the details of the generational conflict are unknown. The mother denies that she sent her son to the hospital of her own free will. The father in the video prefers to remain silent, bowing his head.

In the video, the mother asks for forgiveness and also asks her husband to leave home forever. The woman also expressed a desire to establish a normal relationship with her son, forget the feuds and promises to help her son fulfill your desires in life.

Who recorded the video remains unknown. One of the users of the Dvach imageboard, where the video also appeared, left a link to the page of the alleged author on VKontakte. According to him, the student regularly beats his parents. Other users in the comments under the video said that the student was holding a phone in one hand and a knife in the other, threatening to cut his wrists if his parents did not apologize. According to the site, apart from the words of an anonymous person who stated that he knows the author, there is no other evidence of the authorship of the video.

Presumably, the author of the video is a 16-year-old gamer. The young man was fond of online games and always reacted sharply to attempts to limit access to the computer. The hospital referred to in the video, judging by the message on the teenager’s social media page, is a psychiatric hospital where the teenager was placed for repeated suicide attempts.

He promised himself to take his own life after being re-hospitalized. However, then he again found himself within the walls of the hospital. The schoolboy even made an escape plan, which was thwarted by a note from a certain girl Ira, who wrote in the note that she liked him.

The young man decided to give up thoughts of suicide and for a while everything went well. However, judging by the latest entries on the page in social network, Ira left him, and thoughts of suicide appeared again. The student status includes the phrase “nya.” bye,” popularized by Rina Palenkova, who committed suicide last November. And on November 5, a poem about unrequited love appeared on the student’s page.