Home / Windows overview / Download any webinar or online video to your computer. What programs are best to use to record a webinar? Program for recording a webinar broadcast

Download any webinar or online video to your computer. What programs are best to use to record a webinar? Program for recording a webinar broadcast

If you're reading this article, chances are you already know what a webinar is and why it's a valuable part of your content strategy. But let's reveal a secret for those who are new to this matter.

A great content marketing strategy includes multiple channels of content that are presented in a logical sequence. Each component offers something valuable to your audience, keeping them connected to your brand. Ideally, this encourages users to search for new content and ultimately become your customer (member, donor, or customer). A content marketing strategy may include blogs, podcasts, e-books, articles, videos and infographics. Additionally, one of the most effective types of long-term content is a webinar.

A webinar allows you to present to tens, hundreds, or even thousands of people simultaneously at a very low cost. This is a mechanism for educating and training your audience, a means of conveying certain benefits and benefits to users, building trust in your knowledge and motivating them to further interact with your company.

Webinars need to be recorded so they can later be posted on the Internet or later used for other purposes.

Do you want to get even more benefits from your webinar? Transcribe video and audio recordings. Turn your posts into useful texts and attract your audience from search and social networks.

And here several technical questions arise. The recording of the webinar should be of high quality so that those who watch it afterwards can understand the essence of the matter and benefit from the presentation. You don't want poor audio quality or a clunky opening to put people off their plans to continue watching? I share with you technical tips and best practices on how to record a webinar.

Many of these tips will also be useful for live broadcast, so read this article even if you don't plan to record and post a video after the event.

1. Choose a good webinar platform with all the necessary features

Of course, one of these features should be the ability to record a webinar. Some platforms even allow live streaming on social media. Our Indy team has been a regular customer of GoToWebinar, a platform that has consistently produced good webinars, especially for Mac users. But everything flows, everything changes.

I once said that this is the best platform, but now there are many other worthy alternatives on the market for these solutions. My current favorite is the webinar platform Zoom. It is much cheaper than GoToWebinar, and at the same time it has decent functionality. And extremely easy to use.

You can read about how we moved all of our virtual meetings, webcasts and webinars to Zoom in my blog post “Five Tested Virtual Meeting Platforms as an Alternative to GoToMeeting.”

When choosing a webinar platform, consider the following “control questions”:

2. Plan, Prepare and Practice

The importance of planning and preparation cannot be overstated. You can read about how to plan a webinar in detail in our previous post “How to create a webinar that will attract clients.” When you - the organizer or presenter - are well prepared, when you have worked out the topic, content, presentation, etc., this will be visible both in you and in your final product (presentation and video recording). Take the time to prepare the script and practice. And in general, we will return to training in this article more than once.

3. Provide good quality sound

While a webinar typically uses visual elements such as a screen with slides, audio is actually more important in an event. Bad audio hurts your presentation in more ways than one.

Bad sound is distracting and causes people to close the webinar page.
If the audience spends most of its efforts simply to hear the speaker, it does not delve into the essence and context of what is happening.
The transcript of the webinar is full of errors, and may even be indecipherable.

Here are some tips to get the best possible sound quality:

  • If possible, eliminate any background noise.
  • Ask presenters and participants to use a good headset (we like simple in-ear headphones with a built-in microphone).
  • Use external microphones (the built-in microphones of a laptop or desktop computer can cause hum and other audio problems, so this is not the best solution).
  • Check the sound the day before the event so you have time to fix any problems.
  • Organizers and presenters should remember that typing or rustling of paper during the presentation will be audible to the audience.
  • Turn off the sound during this time! Organizers must mute themselves and participants who are this moment don't perform. Don't lose your vigilance and quickly turn on the sound at the right time.

4. Take questions from listeners during the webinar

I like to set aside time for audience questions during a presentation for several reasons:

  • This creates a feeling of live communication and interaction with the audience.
  • This way, you get real-time feedback on what your audience is most interested in learning.
  • This format is more reminiscent of a conversation rather than a lecture.
  • The final recording of such a webinar is more interesting; besides, bad moments can always be cut out.

I know some presenters prefer to leave all the questions until the last minute, but I find it much more fun to spread them out throughout the presentation. When you answer questions as they come, your listeners feel like they're active participants in the process, and you get feedback on what they think is most important. In addition, it gives a sense of reality to what is happening: some listeners can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe interest of other listeners, and this, in turn, can encourage them to ask their own questions.

5. Choose an active and capable moderator/organizer

At first glance, it seems that this advice is not entirely “technical” and has little to do with the quality of the webinar recording, but believe me, this is a key factor in the success of the whole business. Within the webinar, three different roles can be distinguished. These are participants, experts (speakers) and the organizer.

The organizer controls the entire course of the webinar: he starts and ends the event, sets the tone, controls video and sound, and can mute the sound and generally exclude users from participating. The organizer collects questions from the audience and passes them on to experts. The organizer is actively working to create a pleasant atmosphere during the webinar so that the experts can focus on their presentation and answering questions from the audience.

The person hosting your webinar should be knowledgeable about the topic of the event and should understand the technical aspects of running it. If the organizer does not understand what is being discussed, he will not be able to ask questions and moderate in an intelligent manner.

6. Study the control panel and practice in advance

Each platform has its own control panel and functions available when conducting a wedinar. The organizer and assessors should become familiar with the available controls in advance.

Here are the main features implemented on most platforms:

  • Mute / Unmute: allows you to mute your microphone (and the organizer - the sound of other users)
  • Audio settings: change microphone and speaker, use audio from your computer or phone, access other options in audio settings.
  • Start/Stop Video: Start or stop playing your own video.
  • Participants: a window that displays speakers and visitors to the event; It allows you to mute the sound, pause the video, move to other hosts or presenters, changing the status of presenter to participant (presenters and participants have different levels of interaction, depending on the platform used).
  • Questions and Answers: A window where participants can post questions for organizers or other users.
  • Poll: Here you can create and run polls in which participants vote in real time.
  • Screen Share: A very important button that, when clicked, allows you to share your computer screen or presentation window with others.
  • Screen Sharing Control: The host can choose who can share screens in the webinar.
  • Chat: separate window for chat. You can chat with all users, only with experts, or individually. Check your settings!
  • Subtitles: Research the subtitle capabilities of your chosen platform to ensure your webinar is accessible to hearing-impaired users.
  • Record and stream video: We'll cover these features in the next section.
  • End Meeting: Ends the webinar for all participants. To continue, you can transfer host responsibilities to another participant before leaving.

7. Practice Recording and Streaming Settings

Back in the day, you recorded a webinar on your computer, or maybe in the cloud, and that was it. Today, in addition to recording, there are countless options for streaming a webinar through different channels.

Zoom supports several recording options (at the time of publication): Facebook Live, Facebook Workplace Live, YouTube Live, Custom Streaming Service Live, Invite, Record to Desktop, Record to Cloud. Let's look at each of the options. .

GoToWebinar offers recording and file uploading to a video channel at your discretion, but the live streaming feature is not supported (at the time of publication). The GoToWebinar platform has launched a beta version of its own webinar channel called GoToStage. It seems like they want to take control of the content and create a YouTube-like platform where people can create personalized webinar channels. Well, I wonder what will happen.

So, given the platform's capabilities, it's time to dive into broadcasting and video recording and decide what's best for you and your audience.

Maybe experiment with live streaming a webinar on Facebook? Test and find out all the details for uninterrupted streaming.

Pros of streaming. One of the benefits of streaming on Facebook or YouTube is that more people will see the webinar. Viewers on social networks can leave comments in real time, with the added convenience of a familiar interface. Everyone knows how to join a Facebook Live or YouTube stream, leave a comment or like it. Opportunity to stay familiar social network promotes active user participation. After broadcasting, it costs nothing to repost the video, and from that moment it can take on a life of its own. In Zoom, you can also decide who will watch the broadcast by choosing from the available options "Available to everyone", "Only friends" or "Only me".

Cons of streaming. In streaming mode, you have much less control over the video. If you want to make a really good, edited recording, or post the recording on your website after the webinar, streaming may not be the best option. You may not feel the need to share the video with a wide range of users if there is a fee for access to the webinar, or if you want to build a list of potential clients.

8. How about a video?

In a webinar, video is not always given the main role. Rather, presenters focus on photographs and presentation slides while a voiceover comments on the slides.

Nowadays, video is used more and more often in webinars. Today's trend is to emerge from the shadows under the spotlight of the webcam. At SpinWeb, we now always use webcams during virtual meetings. When you see human face, interaction in a virtual environment becomes somewhat more real.

This is essential if you want to establish real, “realistic” contact with your audience, potential customers and clients. Of course, there is a feeling of awkwardness and you may feel like you are talking to the radio. But don't let that stop you.

Here's a great article covering the pros and cons of using video in webinars; I'll summarize some technical tips to get you started.

  • Set up your webcam and practice: make sure the right angle is selected and the video is broadcast in decent quality. Mac laptops have great cameras, but you need to make sure you get the right camera angle for your broadcast. A good external webcam can be placed in a location that provides the best angle.
  • Light and optics. Room, light and yours appearance- everything must be ready for filming. And at the same time, don't let convention or vanity get in the way of your way to the airwaves. Times have changed - no one expects to see a Hollywood star on screen. Be confident and professional as you would in everyday life, and you will be able to connect with your audience.
  • Do not use the camera during the entire webinar: it is quite strange to speak on camera for a long time; Plus, at some point you'll need to refer to your presentation slides. Perhaps your platform supports a combination of both, with webcam video in the corner of the screen and presentation slides in the foreground. I have participated in similar webinars; they are great for online classes, especially when the teacher actively interacts with the audience and feels comfortable in a video broadcast environment.
  • Experiment. As the host, use a webcam and encourage guests/speakers to turn on the camera at key moments, such as at the very beginning of the webinar or when an expert is introduced. If your webinar includes time for questions and answers, or you cut into your presentation to conduct a poll or include another interactive element, turn your camera back on and show your audience your charming smile!
  • Make decisions based on audience and content. Does the audience need to see your face? Is this an internal corporate webinar where the company president addresses employees? Or is it a training session or customer development event where the presentation slides should be the focus? If you think that seeing you during a speech will not benefit the audience, draw the appropriate conclusions.

9. Edit videos

This step can take a long time, but it is not always necessary. You may not have to edit it at all. Here are some tips for editing and finalizing your video:

Wistia is a service where you can organize truly convenient access to videos, which, in turn, will allow you to get contact information of users who watched it. You can add a CTA to your video to increase your conversion rate. You can pin a video so that it can only be viewed from your website.

Whatever placement option you choose - whether you decide to embed a link to the video on the landing page on the site or post it on social networks - be sure to share the recording with your users and new audience. Great approach - send letters to everyone who registered for the webinar, informing them that the video recording is now available.

To increase the effectiveness and value of your content marketing strategy, consider creating a webinar series. We have seen with our own eyes from the example of our company and our clients that this is a scalable, effective and high-quality way to expand our client base.

To record a webinar, you need to download and install Camtasia Studio. Using this program, you can easily record both sound and what happens on the computer screen. After installation, you should launch the program, you will see the program itself and a welcome window where you can get quick access to the main functions of Camtasia.

It’s also a good idea to think about the quality of the recorded sound. To get a good sound, without spikes and crackles, you need to use an appropriate microphone. For example, models such as Blue Snowball, Blue Spark, Bluebird, Blue Yeti, etc. have proven themselves well for podcasts and webinars. Once you spend some money, you can delight your listeners with excellent sound.

Video and audio recording

When the program is launched, you need to decide in what form the webinar will be recorded. Record audio with images or just audio. If you are satisfied with the first option, click on the monitor icon with a red circle - “Record the screen”.

After pressing the button, a small window will appear in which there are various settings. Here you can choose whether to record the entire screen or just part of it, which microphone to record from, set the signal level, etc. Having selected all the necessary settings, press the big red REC button and recording will begin.

When the webinar is finished, expand the program panel again and stop recording by clicking on the appropriate button. A new window will immediately appear with a preview of the recorded material. Here you can see what happened. If all is well, click the “Save & Edit” button in the lower right corner.

Editing a post

Now open the video in the program, to do this, click the button in the top menu called “import media”. Then select the required file or simply drag it into the program with the mouse. Next, drag the video and audio file onto the timeline, which is at the very bottom in the middle. Now you can edit the sound; to do this, go to the Audio tab and make the necessary settings.

Now you need to save the recording on your computer. Think about where you have free space on your hard drive, then click on the File menu (it may also look like a tape and floppy icon) in the top left, and click Produce and Share. Specify the path where you will save it, enter a name and select a format. Look for the finished file in the directory specified when saving.

Sound recording

If you just need to record sound without video, then select Record Voice Narration in the start menu. This icon looks like a microphone with a red circle on the side. Next, in the window that appears, click the Start Recording button. When the webinar is completely recorded, click the Stop Recording button, save the result in the same way as in the video version and use the file for any of your further manipulations.

Download and install the program for recording online broadcasts Movavi Screen Capture Studio. Open it and a menu of program capabilities will open in front of you. Select Screen Capture.

Step 2. Specify the video capture area and settings

To record a webinar or video instruction, you must select a recording area. This could be the window of Skype or another service used for broadcasting. Set recording settings. You can connect a microphone, webcam, or record system sounds. When saving a webinar, be sure to turn on your microphone and system sounds. When you're ready, press “REC.” After finishing recording, click “Stop”.

By the way, you can easily record your training video with your screen and webcam. To do this, turn on the web camera in the settings window. The window with the camera recording will be in the corner of the main video, creating a picture-in-picture effect.

Step 3: Edit the video

The recorded video can be easily edited in Movavi Screen Capture Studio. Click “Open in Editor” to start editing the video.

There you can change the duration of the video, add captions and effects, and also record a separate soundtrack. After that, click “Save”.

Step 4: Save

Select a video saving format, such as MP4. If you plan to watch videos on mobile device and don’t know which format is suitable - select the “Devices” tab and in it find the item that matches your gadget.


With online courses and webinars recorded, you'll no longer worry about missing something important. At any time you can open the saved video and catch up. Try it for yourself by downloading a free 7-day trial of Movavi Screen Capture Studio.

If you find a typo, highlight it and press Ctrl + Enter! To contact us you can use .

Download and run the Movavi Screen Recorder installation file. Follow the installation instructions that appear on your computer screen.

Set capture settings and record video

Select the capture area with a frame - to do this, move the cursor over one of the edges of the video, hold down the left mouse button and stretch the frame to the desired size. You can also click anywhere on the screen and select a ready-made profile from the list Capture area in the recording panel that appears. Before recording, make sure that the icon System sound activated.

When the webinar starts, click the button R.E.C.- this will start recording. While recording is in progress, do not switch to other windows. At the end of the webinar, click the button Stop. You can also control the recording process using the keyboard: if you are using Windows, press the F10 to start or stop recording. To do the same on Mac, click ⌥ ⌘ 2 . Once you finish recording, the video will automatically be saved to your hard drive in MKV format and open in the preview window. If you want to remove any parts from the video or convert it to another format, follow step 3.

Remove unnecessary fragments and convert the video (optional)

After recording is complete, you will see a preview window in which you can play the resulting clip. If you need to cut part of the video, place the marker at the beginning and click on the icon scissors. Then place the marker at the end of the fragment and click on it again scissors. Now click on the fragment that you want to delete and click on the icon with the image baskets. If you are ready to save the result and convert the video, click Save as.

If you need to record video with sound from your computer screen, use the free oCam Screen Recorder program. The utility will help you capture video and sound and save the video in a format convenient for you. The application has built-in most common video compression codecs, such as MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, XVID, OpenDivx (.AVI formats), Flash Video (.FLV), .MP4, .MOV, .TS, etc. VOB. In other words, you can easily record screen video with sound in the best possible way, easily and without any problems. According to the developers, the oCam Screen Recorder program can be used to record video and sound for both home and commercial purposes, which, you see, is very pleasant for the user. In addition to video capture, the program can also be used to create screenshots.

Screen video recording program

Using the program settings, you can specify the frame rate, video quality, use multi-threading, and set the compression quality of the captured audio. To start recording video in the program, just press one button or use a hotkey. oCam Screen Recorder is a great solution for online recording of video conferences, which usually cost good money. With one click you can record a fragment of a conversation with friends on Skype or a breaking news broadcast on a news channel. You can add your own watermark to the recorded video from the screen using oCam Screen Recorder, set the degree of transparency on it and indicate in what position on the screen it should appear. If you need to leave while video recording is in progress, you can set a recording time limit and set the action after the time interval expires - stop video recording, start new file recording video, exit the program and turn off the computer. Also, oCam Screen Recorder can easily record the video of the game you are playing.

Screenshots of oCam Screen Recorder

It's no secret that we all spend a lot of time behind a computer screen. In this regard, there may well be a need to record something - for example, an online broadcast, a webinar, or a game playthrough. So how do you record your screen with audio? You don’t need anything supernatural for this - just special program "Screen camera" the description of which this article is devoted to.

Multiple shooting modes

“Screen camera” is a convenient and visual device that allows you to easily and quickly capture video from your computer desktop. With its help, you can record absolutely everything you do - the main thing is to press the record button in time and then stop shooting.

After launching the application you will see a menu with a choice shooting mode. This feature is designed to make it easier to record a specific part of the screen. Thanks to it, you can record the entire desktop, a separate fragment of the screen or the desired window. If you decide to comment on what is happening, you must enable voice recording. To do this, you will need a pre-configured microphone. Thus, in the program it is possible to not only capture the monitor, but also record the screen with sound. At the same time, you can adjust the volume level.

Recording and processing

Shooting begins immediately after you press the red button. The stop will occur after pressing the hotkey or F10 button. After a few seconds, the resulting video will automatically open in the built-in player. By doing these simple steps, you will quickly understand, or record a conversation on Skype.

In addition to the recording function, the “Screen Camera” is equipped with a post-processing module for created videos. Using a special editor, you can trim the clip, soundtrack it with music from the built-in collection (or from your PC) and decorate it with ready-made screensavers.

All titles and screensavers are located in the built-in directory, but if none of the options suit your liking, you can safely upload your own. The same applies to musical accompaniment - if necessary, you just need to download the desired song from your PC.

Export video

Once the screen recording with sound has been made and the video has been processed in the editor, all that remains is to export it to one format or another. This is very easy to do at the final stage of work.

The finished video can be converted to AVI, MOV, HD and other popular extensions. In addition, the video can be burned to a DVD with an interactive menu. It’s also easy to post a fresh screencast on your personal account on YouTube, VKontakte or Vimeo. All these export methods are available for implementation in the corresponding sections of the program’s visual menu.

"Screen Camera" is the ideal software for taking pictures of your desktop. With this utility, you will quickly learn how to record work in programs, webinars, video calls, online broadcasts and much more. Who knows, maybe you will even want to shoot your own video tutorials on some kind, and “Screen Camera” will help you with this.

In this article I will tell you about a program with which you can record video from your computer screen with sound. This problem may need to be solved if, for example, you are doing some kind of training course or want to show a friend what actions you perform on your computer and comment on them with your voice.

The program we will discuss is very easy to use, small and convenient. Its only drawback is English. But I’ll explain what’s what now.

VSDC Free Screen Recorder

VSDC Free Screen Recorder will help us record video from the computer screen with sound. Download it from the link below and install it on your computer in the usual way.

Below I suggest you watch the video, I recorded it using VSDC Free Screen Recorder, it shows all the capabilities of the program.

After installing the program, run it. Let's see what settings it has. A window opens in which we see the “Settings” tab:

  • ResultVideoFormat. Specifies the video format. I recommend leaving it at the default – “Recommended format”.
  • Destinationpath. Shows where to save the video. Click on the "Browse" button to select a folder to save the video.
  • HotKeys. Allows you to set hotkeys to pause or stop recording. You can leave it as default.

The second tab is “Video and Audio Source”. Here are the settings for determining the video and audio sources for the recorded video.

  • VideoSettings. Allows you to assign a monitor from which to record video (if you have several of them). Here, the “Screen recording witch cursor” option turns on or off cursor recording, and “Use overlay” turns on effects when you press the right or left mouse button. The video will then show the signals at these moments.
  • AudioSetting. Allows you to determine the device from which audio for the video will be recorded, for example, a microphone, and also set the volume.

When you have set the settings you need, you can start recording video from your computer screen with sound. To do this, click on the “Start Recording” button.

The video capture area setting will appear on the screen. Determine the screen boundaries that need to be captured in the video.

To start recording the selected area of ​​the screen, click on the button with the red dot.

All. Recording has started, do something on the screen, chat into the microphone to record your voice.

The program has more additional functions, which can be useful if you decide to shoot video from your computer screen with sound. While recording, a control panel appears at the bottom where you can pause the recording, stop it, or start drawing something on the screen; for this there is a “Start drawing” button.

There are times when the use of screenshots or pictures is not enough to explain a fact. For example, you are trying to help a friend solve a problem with their PC. Explaining to a novice user how to get into the registry editor or launch the command line is quite difficult. In such situations, you can record screen video with sound, saving your time and nerves.

Which program should I choose for this purpose and how to record a screen with sound?

Selecting a program to record video from the screen

There are many programs for recording video from your computer screen. They are divided into paid and shareware, that is, those in which additional tools are paid.

Let's highlight the most popular ones:

Record screen video using FastStone Capture

This program for demonstrating screen recording was not chosen by chance. It differs in that it is suitable for all types of PCs and operating systems. The advantages include the presence of built-in codecs that allow you to record any video in excellent quality.

The program is used as follows. To record video from the monitor screen, load the program and click on the “Video” icon.

If you want to adjust the clarity of frames, mouse backlighting and other elements, you should click on the “Options” button.

A new window will open with 5 tabs: video, sound, keys, output, notification. We set the backlight of the mouse, cursor, click, as well as their display form.

In the “Sound” tab, set the recording from the microphone and the click volume range.

Ezvid, with its internal editor, allows you to split the videos you've captured and add text between them, creating a slideshow effect. While you can't export the video to a file, you do have the option to upload it to YouTube directly from the program.

For gamers there is an option “ Game Mode” to record gameplay. Instead of audio, you can substitute standard sound solutions or “Quiet Mode” with the sound of a computer cooler. You can also add your own images or videos, and even record your voice after editing the video.

BB (short for BlueBerry) FlashBack Express Recorder allows you to record both your monitor screen and webcam simultaneously. Once recording is complete, an FBR file will be created that can be edited in the internal editor.

If you have not recorded from a webcam, you can skip editing and immediately export the video to an AVI file. Otherwise, when editing, you can choose the location and size of the webcam video window. Although after 30 days of using the program you need to register (for free), until then you can fully use the functionality of BB FlashBack Express Recorder.

Rylstim is ideal for those who don't want to bother with different settings. The program will start recording video immediately after pressing the “Start” button. But, unfortunately, it does not support audio recording.

The only option you can choose is to show the mouse click. If the option is enabled, then when you press the left mouse button, a red circle will appear around the cursor, and if you press the right mouse button, then a green circle will appear. You can only see this effect when viewing the recording.

CamStudio is one of the few programs that provides a wide range of functions. It allows you to turn on the cursor display, record audio from the programs themselves or from a microphone (or without sound at all), and make user comments on the video.

You can also select the recording area, be it a selected area or a program window. It is possible to adjust the recording speed - 1 frame per second (to create a timelapse effect), or for example 30 frames per second for smooth video.


Webinaria is another good program for creating screencasts. The following settings are available: selection of recording area (entire screen, program window, specific area), selection of recording speed (5, 10 and 15 frames per second).

The video is saved in AVI format. If you have the Google Chrome browser open, the recording area will automatically be determined by the Google Chrome program window.

The program has a nice intuitive interface. There are 9 buttons in the main window - the first 4 are for taking screenshots, the next 4 are for recording video, the last one is for opening settings. The recording is saved in AVI format. An interesting feature is that the program automatically names video files.

You can set the file name to display the date and time the video was created. For users who often need to take recordings from the monitor screen, this function will be very useful.

Krut does not require installation, but like Screenr it uses Java. To start recording, you need to go to the program directory and run ‘KRUT.jar’. You can set the recording area and the number of frames per second for the video to be recorded.