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Is it worth installing windows 10 reviews. Back up valuable files


The improvements that Microsoft has made to features that are used every day are really noteworthy.

Windows 10 Anniversary Update review. Cortana, Edge overshadow Windows Ink, PC World, August 2016.

For more than a week I have carefully studied the annual windows update 10. All users who upgraded their system to Windows 10 last year can get it, provided that certain services, in principle, work in their country. Just like a birthday present.

So, what does the long-awaited Anniversary Update include? The digital assistant Cortana is now available on the lock screen. New extensions have made the Microsoft Edge browser more convenient and useful. Improved Windows Hello authentication system. Restarting Skype seems to be on the right track. And all this is complemented by a lot of thoughtful settings that make Windows 10 even more interesting. The freshly minted Windows Ink feature looks intriguing, if not fully developed. One or two modes, which, perhaps, were awaited with special impatience, are not yet quite ready.

Those who continue to take a wait-and-see attitude, the Anniversary Update is unlikely to force them to change their position. After all, this is not Windows 8.1 - Microsoft's apology for the sins of Windows 8. Eliminate some controversial issues in Windows 10 (for example, the need to register account Microsoft or numerous attempts to track user actions in a variety of ways), of course, no one is going to.

The annual update should be taken as another milestone on the way Windows Development, an opportunity to improve existing functions and implement new ones. It is from these positions that we approach its assessment.

1. Windows Hello is the main attraction for customers

With the Microsoft Anniversary Update, the Windows Hello biometric authentication system was supposed to take it one step further "with the handing over" of the Passport promised in the original version of the OS. Your face, fingerprint, and also your PC can serve as a password for the Internet. I was assured by Microsoft that Hello will begin to fulfill its new role in full in a few months, when the FIDO 2.0 standard is approved. In the meantime, this function is used to authenticate users in the Windows Store.

In Surface tablets, 3D face capture, its identification and registration in the system were carried out using a camera with depth perception of the scene. Now, with many hardware manufacturers equipping their products with fingerprint readers, the Hello feature has become even more accessible. All the equipment necessary for this works reliably enough, and if this does not happen, then the user always has a Microsoft PIN or password in stock.

Now, Microsoft has finally taken Hello beyond the sign-up screen, and the first use case for this feature is the Windows Store. With it, you can buy apps, music, and more. Is there a big difference between clicking a button that confirms credit card details and recognizing facial features? Not too much, but in the second option, the legality of the transaction is checked by the PC equipment, which additionally confirms that you are exactly who you say you are.

I think that the future of online commerce is connected with the replacement of passwords with biometric indicators. The current restriction of the scope of this technology to purchases in the Windows Store will make it easier for users to initially enter this river. Going forward, a lot will depend on which sites start accepting Hello authentication. This is especially true for banking sites.

2. Cortana: More helpful, more informed

If you think that Microsoft, the evil from Redmond, is only thinking about giving your data to advertisers (or worse), then the latest changes made to Cortana do not change anything here. (By the way, the French government agrees with you on this.) However, since the initial release of Windows 10, the digital assistant Cortana has gotten a lot better. And after the current update, she will know even more about you, if, of course, you let her into your life.

(After installing the Anniversary Update, you can no longer disable Cortana, but you can periodically reset its memory, erasing everything it knows and turning off Windows 10 personalization features in privacy settings.)

Cortana can already speak multiple languages, view your email and other up-to-date data while in flight, and more. And two important additions - her presence on the lock screen and the ability to remind, in fact, about everything - make Cortana especially useful:

A great opportunity. All you have to do is say “Hey Cortana” and you can do what you want on the lock screen without even logging in. Cortana will announce upcoming meetings and tell you a fresh anecdote. One of the managers in charge of Cortana said that she likes to view the calendar without approaching the screen - and indeed, this is very convenient.

Another useful addition to Cortana's repertoire is the ability to memorize any fact. “Remember that I live in room 1443”, “Remember that my nephew likes figures of characters from Ghostbusters”. Then, if the need arises, you can ask: “Which room do I live in?” or “Tell me, what toys does my nephew like?”

All the most useful is stored in Cortana Notepad, and here you will find a lot of pleasant little things for yourself. Want Cortana to remember when you usually have lunch and put that information into your schedule? So that it connects to your fitness tracker? To give recommendations for visiting a restaurant? I am constantly checking some records, just calling Cortana and continuing to do my own thing. And by installing the Cortana app on your Android or iOS phone, you can dictate a message and, after converting it to text, send it to the addressee.

3. Edge: Extensions change everything

The built-in Edge browser in Windows 10 in the initial version of the operating system looked pretty poor: everything was too modest and too slow. Even now, with Windows 10 accounting for 19.1% of the market, Edge only accounts for 5.1%. This should be mentioned to highlight the steady improvement of the browser over time (although no specific enhancements that could have been part of the Anniversary Update were made ahead of the release of the update.) Edge now allows you to add extensions, synchronizes data with the cloud, and is even integrated with Cortana.

Immediately after the debut of Windows 10, neither Edge Favorites nor passwords saved in the browser were synced to the cloud, which made it especially difficult to switch to another PC. There were, however, workarounds: I could save Favorites in Chrome, install the browser on another computer, download Favorites and then export it to Edge, but this was very inconvenient. Now, in the case of information synchronization within the account Microsoft records all relevant data will move between devices. Go to "Settings" "Accounts" "Synchronization" and check the synchronization settings.

The browser code in the Anniversary Update supports extensions, a very important feature that was missing from the original version of Edge. At the time of writing this review, 13 extensions were presented in the Windows Store, and all of them play a very significant role: ad blockers AdBlock and AdBlock Plus, a free manager passwords, Evernote Web Clipper, etc. Installing them is very simple: click on the button with an ellipsis in the upper right corner, go to the "Extensions" item and install the one you need in the same way as you do with other applications.

Whether you like the new version of Edge depends on whether you decide to install an ad blocker. Without it, the speed of displaying a web page will vary over a very wide range. After installing the blocker, Edge goes into the same league as all other browsers. Web page rendering is about a second slower than the competition. Personally, however, Edge seemed very unstable to me. Rich media pages on CNN.com and SFGate.com were crashing even with an ad blocker enabled. Luckily, this only closed one tab. All others were not affected. We can only hope that the crash is caused by incorrect advertising, and not by the Edge code itself.

We all shop online, and Edge offers a range of convenient features for that. The browser is integrated with Cortana, allowing the digital assistant to return search results using Bing and Edge. What's more, when you visit an online store (like BestBuy.com), Cortana may offer you a coupon.

Right-click on an image (such as a dress, lawn mower, or whatever) and Cortana will display a sidebar with pricing and online availability information. I'm not ready to call Edge a great browser yet, but it has already risen to an acceptable level.

4. Windows Ink: Control with electronic pen

Electronic pen operations supported Apple Newton, Tablet PC, Surface Pro 3 and other devices. But in the PC world, we never got an answer to the main question: what exactly can this pen do?

In fact, everything currently in Windows Ink was specifically designed for the Anniversary Update. We've gotten used to the fact that OneNote is a great handwriting app. Now there's a whole collection of Windows Ink software (brought here from the Surface Hub): Sticky Notes, Sketchpad, and Screen Sketch are venturing into new territory. And if you don't think they're good enough, you can always find an additional set of handwriting apps in the Windows Store.

A few years ago, Microsoft introduced the Surface Pro 3 tablet, which allowed handwriting without even unlocking the device. It was enough to touch the screen with a stylus. Today, a similar feature (which I was never able to use at the time due to the flaws in the Surface Pen) unlocks Windows Ink Workspace and any of the apps associated with it. And on the panel Windows tasks there is a new pen icon.

Of the three Workspace apps, neither Sticky Notes nor Sketchpad impressed me. Sticky Notes lets you simply place sticky notes on your screen like small physical sticky notes. Right before the release of the Anniversary Update, Insights appeared here, allowing Bing to interpret, for example, a flight number drawn with a pen, extracting real data from it that has practical value.

For me personally, the appearance of Sketchpad shows that Microsoft considers the capabilities of OneNote (even the simplified version of Metro that came with the Surface Pro 3) redundant for users who simply want to enter a short note. However, Sketchpad does not fix the situation - this application is more like a drawing tool than a note-taking tool. I would prefer to remove Sticky Notes altogether and move the Insights feature to Sketchpad. Ideally, of course, we would like Windows to recognize any user's doodles. Or at least those that he specifically marks.

The Screen Sketch app reminded me of taking snapshots of web pages and posting handwritten notes online using Galaxy smartphone note. Unfortunately, Windows failed to recognize that my desktop monitor was not a touchscreen and opened Screen Sketch and Sticky Notes on it instead of the touchscreen next to it.

I didn't think I'd ever write about this, but now I'm happy to announce that there's a dedicated Windows Ink section in the Windows Store. Now it has more than 40 applications that support handwriting. The ability to group applications by purpose came in handy.

But the function that allows you to draw a route by hand in the Maps application, which suggests itself, has not yet been implemented. Microsoft told me about plans to implement predictive input in OneNote (a circle drawn by hand, for example, could be converted to machine form) used to write formulas. But here it should be noted right away that until the handwritten letters are interpreted as editable text that could be inserted into Word or Outlook, there will be little use from Windows Ink.

5. Task View and Snap: Their value is still invaluable

Little has changed in the Task View virtual desktop utility, but it is now possible to pin the windows of the selected application to multiple desktops (rather than just one, as it used to be). Moreover, this operation can be done with several windows at once. It can be convenient, for example, to pin chat applications or music player so that they are always at hand.

I suspect that most people who use multiple physical monitors, picking up a laptop, forget about the extremely useful Task View feature. In fact, Snap and Task View go hand in hand. With Snap, you can snap apps to the four corners of the screen or split the screen in two. And Task View allows you to transfer the application from one part of the screen to another by pressing a special key combination.

I just wish there was some easier way to switch desktops. The combination + + or is not very intuitive, and there is also this hard limiter at the end of the row of virtual desktops. Perhaps Microsoft will come up with some gesture for touch screens, and the three-finger swipe used to switch between applications will begin to be applied to Desktops? However, all this does not detract from the merits of Snap and Task View. They continue to be one of the most valuable features of Windows 10.

6. Hidden Depth and Notification Center

Over the past year, Windows 10 has introduced a number of small improvements that usually elude our attention. I'd like to briefly touch on the most notable ones: adding numbers to the icons on the taskbar, dark mode, quick calendar view, improvements to the Notification Center, and audio device selection.

Notifications have become an essential component of a modern operating system, and the Notification Center has gotten a lot better in recent years. Previously, the dominant position here was occupied by the application that issued the most notifications (in my case - Email). Now the screen space between applications is evenly distributed, and old notifications are hidden from view.

The total number of notifications is also displayed on the taskbar. Click on the date and time icon on the taskbar and a simplified calendar view will appear on the screen. The date and time are also presented on all displays, not just the main one. A dark mode has appeared in the "Personalization" section of the options settings. However, only some universal applications support it, while support for Win32 applications and even the Windows 10 interface as a whole is out of the question.

There is another hidden feature that I really like. We are all used to the fact that the settings for switching between audio devices (headphones and tablet speakers) are buried in the bowels of the control panel. Now, just click on the volume control icon, and then use the arrow located above the control to select the desired sound source. (But the graphic equalizer in Groove never appeared!)

7. OneDrive: Halfway there

In May, Microsoft released the OneDrive universal app to help bring back smart files that were dropped from the original version of Windows 10.

The Windows 10 Anniversary Update brings important improvements to the OneDrive app. In a review of the original version of the operating system, published last year, I wrote: “Gone are the confusing smart files that were placed on the PC to save time. And this is good".

In fact, everything is not so simple. OneDrive is a storage that collects files from many different sources, and "smart" files are simply a must here today. Luckily, the OneDrive app gets me halfway there. It functions in the same way as the OneDrive site, displaying all the files stored in the cloud. Operations are just as slow. But you can drag and drop files into the app and OneDrive will upload them to the cloud, i.e. everything works almost as well (though not quite) as the dedicated folder.

8. Windows Store: Triumph of Universal Apps

Moving on to the Windows Store, there are two things to note: new apps with additional descriptions, and a not-so-great redesign.

Windows Store homepage

The Windows Store has two drawbacks: a relatively small selection of apps (669,000 as of September 2015 vs. 2 million already written for Android and iOS) and the need to market those apps to the consumer. Unfortunately, redesigning the Store does nothing to address these shortcomings.

Customers aren't likely to be scrolling through the page looking for "top apps" or "most popular" programs, so Microsoft decided to put four not-so-delicate rectangles at the top that would immediately catch the eye. But what is the difference between “top apps”, “most popular”, “collections”, “best” and “selected”? You have to go down a level and figure it out yourself.

If you don't leave the Store homepage, it's hard to believe that Microsoft is suffering from a lack of apps that are second to Android in this regard - almost everything on the homepage is presented in the best possible quality. Pages individual applications also brought to mind, the platforms on which they work are immediately visible, including mobile devices and PCs. App ratings now only apply to the latest version, which is no doubt handy. However, I would still like to know how many times the app has been downloaded and when the latest version was released.

Microsoft should be commended for at least aiming to elevate Windows 10's reputation with well-known games. This list includes Quantum Break, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and the great freebie Forza Motorsport 6: Apex as universal apps (rather controversial) for Windows 10 and Xbox One. And the acquisition of Xamarin gave Microsoft access to new quality apps: Bank of America, Hulu, Fox Sports Go, Plex, and more. Let's hope this trend continues.

9. Skype Preview: Straight to the point

There's been a lot of talk about the replacement of the Skype app in the original version of Windows 10 with an "Install Skype" link. Preparing for the update, Microsoft introduced a preview version universal application Skype Preview, which has already proved its simplicity and effectiveness.

All the stupid emoticons and other rubbish added to Skype at the beginning of this year, I would immediately like to leave out of brackets. The main thing is that Skype Preview allows you to make calls and send messages, handling it quite well. Even the chatbots presented by Microsoft at the Build conference have appeared here. But complex translation functions are still not visible. By the way, I just managed to sign in to Skype Preview using a Windows account.

I can't call myself a big fan of Skype, although from time to time I turn to this service when trying to get in touch with people from other countries. Probably, Skype Preview cannot be called a full-featured and final version yet, but it already has everything that I need at the moment.

10. Connect: No need for Continuum anymore

The Connect app is designed to provide a wireless connection between a Windows 10 Mobile device and a desktop computer, providing a Continuum experience without having to purchase a Display Dock. True, with the Connect application for Windows 10, I was not able to fully figure it out.

Many have been waiting for the Connect feature. Like Continuum, it is designed to project your phone screen onto a PC display. However, Connect displays the Phone Desktop in a window. Does it make sense? Connecting the phone to my Surface Pro 4 via Bluetooth was no problem, but the image was transmitted with large delays. I looked at the photos, surfed a bit on the Internet and moved on.

Should you install the Windows 10 Anniversary Update?

Any user of Windows 10 will definitely receive the Anniversary Update, whether they want it or not. I hope that by this time Microsoft will eliminate the existing shortcomings, some of which I have listed in this review.

Meanwhile, millions Windows users 7 and Windows 8.1 are still debating whether they should follow Microsoft. I suspect there is little in the Anniversary Update that will convince them to upgrade to the new version. After all, those who missed the free upgrade to Windows 10, which expired on July 29, will also have to fork out for it.

As stable and stable Windows 7 may seem today, the day will come when it will become obsolete and no longer meet the needs of users. And Windows 10 has Cortana, Windows Hello, Task View, Edge, and Action Center. After the next annual update, Windows Ink will be added here and many existing functions will be improved. Of course, all this is useful, although it cannot be compared with the monumental changes that were introduced in the original version of Windows 10.

Has Windows 10 been improved? Undoubtedly. Does it require further development? Unfortunately yes. Microsoft promised us the ability to use Windows Hello over the Web and convert handwriting to full, editable text. There is nothing of this yet. Speech processing should become the next priority for the company. Yes, you can give Cortana voice guidance, but the dictation features need to be improved.

Cortana, biometric authentication, data stored in the cloud. These are all serious steps forward that have the potential to radically change the way we work and play. However, the process is not over yet. Maybe Windows 10 will stay latest version Windows, but so far it is only making its first steps.

Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update

The Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update has minor but significant improvements to frequently used features, pointing the way for even more significant enhancements to come in the future.


The Microsoft Edge browser has become noticeably better, in terms of both performance and functionality;

Cortana can now be accessed from the lock screen;

Small improvements touched many Windows applications 10;

The update is completely free!


Windows Ink looks promising, but developers still have a lot of work to do;

It would be time to properly integrate OneDrive;

There are errors in some places.

It's time to dwell on the question of whether it is worth installing Windows 10, after its release, most new laptops and computers are supplied on the basis of "dozens", in fact, all software is adapted to the new OS and is released to work in its environment.

Let's talk about whether it makes sense, if before that they used the "seven" or "eight", along the way, considering the main "pros" and "cons" of the new operating system.

Let's start, perhaps, with the reasons why the transition to the "ten" should still be a little delayed (the information is given for owners of exclusively licensed copies of previous operating systems).

One of the important factors that contributed to the rapid adoption of Windows 10 is its free distribution. The cost of computers/laptops supplied based on the new OS does not include the price of the pre-installed operating system.

For a whole year after its release, it was possible to upgrade from Windows 7-8.1 completely free of charge, however, only to one or the closest edition of the OS used on the PC (if there was Home, it was not possible to get a professional version for free).

There is a chance to try a new system without data loss and with the function to return the previous version of Windows. Microsoft allows you to upgrade to "tens" and operate it for up to one month with the ability to roll back to the previous one Windows versions. Yes, there are often problems with this, but the fact that the function exists remains a fact.

The next reason to upgrade to Windows 10 concerns users of version 8.1. The new OS took into account the wishes of the user audience and paid close attention to correcting existing problems.

Significant changes have been made to the user interface: it has become less adapted to tablets and other touch devices, and is quite adequate for users of laptops and computers. At the same time, upgrading from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 is absolutely painless and without loss of information.

Fans of the classics, who have been working in the Windows 7 environment for many years, will have to slightly rebuild and adapt to the new graphical environment, first of all, the presence of the Options menu, Win + X. The redesigned Start for fans of the "seven" will be more familiar and familiar than for those who upgrade from Windows 8.1.

The list of new features will please and interest most users. Support for virtual desktops without third-party applications, which has long been implemented in a number of Linux distributions, however, with some limitations in functionality, will make virtually everyone smile. An advanced recovery system after failures and errors will facilitate the process of resuscitation of the operating system.

For laptops and netbooks, noteworthy will be the ability to bind touchpad gestures to certain functions, as is done in Mac OS.

To work with a large number of windows, the function of smart snapping of application windows and Explorer has been improved with several improvements.

A lot of attention has also been paid to working with multi-display systems. Do not bypass the following innovations:

  1. redesigned parental control;
  2. improved connection and monitors via wireless communication channels;
  3. "Storage";
  4. console authorization in the system;
  5. shortcuts in the left frame of Start;
  6. reliable integrated protector.

Some of the features are being improved with the release of updates, others, while missing, are being added and will be added. As for the "seven" and "eight", they will be updated for some time, but the updates will concern exclusively the security of the system.

For avid gamers, installing Windows 10 will provide even more options: it supports the updated DirectX API, edition 12. If you own a powerful computer with a graphics card that supports DX12, be sure to update, this will give you the opportunity to evaluate new games based on the latest DirectX.

To "tens" are the same as to its predecessors, despite the fact that the latest OS from Microsoft is more productive, especially if you turn off unnecessary visual effects, biometric services and unused services.

Full SSD support and no need to manually configure the system if installed on solid state drive should be written to a Windows 10 asset if you purchased a flash-based digital drive.

Reasons not to install

Updating is the first and important factor that serves as a reason not to switch to the "top ten".

When upgrading to Windows 10, there may be problems that not every novice user can cope with without the help of outsiders or at least thematic articles on the Internet.

The most common causes of errors are:

  • attempt to update a pirated version of Windows;
  • lack of free space on the system volume or the presence of bad sectors On him;
  • use of outdated equipment (which is 5 or more years old).

These and many other problems are fairly easy to solve (with the exception of getting a new laptop), if you know how, the very fact of their existence sometimes discourages any desire to switch to Windows 10.

So much time after the release, Windows 10 is still damp. Regular updates bring numerous fixes to it, also related to the interface of the operating system.

Even today, developers cannot resolve some driver compatibility issues and conflicts that arise when working with old applications or on outdated hardware.

Some programs released a couple of years ago that are not currently supported sometimes refuse to work in the new environment, even in compatibility mode. Search, Start, and the app store are experiencing bugs all over the place, and spontaneous blue screens no one is surprised.

A very serious problem of the “tens” is its espionage. Although compared to smartphones, which provide significantly more data to intelligence agencies and multinational corporations, Windows 10 does not hide the fact that it shares everything it can with Microsoft servers, like any browser.

Surveillance is understandable: in this way, Microsoft slips ads that correspond to the interests of the user in order to earn money themselves and pump out some money from their users.

Disabling surveillance is easy, read the corresponding article about this.

Windows 10 Defender has become more independent, which, along with the inability to refuse updates, turns the concept of skynet into reality. For example, Windows Defender 10 can remove any pirated game or application without warning. Even if such software remains on the PC, it may simply not start due to the absence of any file. This document can be deleted by Defender "tens" or moved to quarantine.

Due to the desire to ensure the highest security of their system, Microsoft has established a ban on disabling Defender and refusing updates. You cannot deactivate the integrated Defender in Top Ten even after installing an anti-virus program, and you will not be able to disable updates without manually editing a pair of registry keys.

If you use a device that came with a licensed version of the "seven" or Windows 8.1 and do not want additional problems, you should temporarily refuse to switch to Windows 10.

This section provides brief information and tips from both Microsoft representatives and ordinary users that will simplify the process of replacing the operating system with a new one.

  1. If there are problems with the drivers of the graphics adapter (and any other device), you should remove the problematic software, download the driver from the hardware support site and install it manually using the integrated installer or through the Device Manager. For complete removal from the driver information system of any video card, you should use the Display Driver Uninstaller application;
  2. Provide the required amount of free space on the system disk, which will be required to store a copy of the old system, install a new OS, software, storage of temporary files, system rollback points, etc.

From user feedback on the new operating system, several conclusions can be drawn:

  • a significant part of the negative actually repeats the dirt poured seven years ago on Windows 7;
  • the operating system really works faster if you disable unnecessary services;
  • Windows 10 is engaged in espionage and frankly informs the user about it;
  • Windows 10 is mandatory for owners of powerful gaming devices due to support for DirectX version 12.

In order to evaluate all the pros and cons of the new operating system, test it and draw your own conclusions, you need to install it yourself and test everything on your own equipment.

When developing new version operating system, Microsoft has shown unprecedented openness by giving testers wide access to pre-builds. Based on their feedback, new features are added and bugs are fixed, so it's only natural to expect that Windows 10 will be able to live up to our expectations. Here is just a small list of innovations that await us in the final release:

  • return of the start menu;
  • the appearance of the voice assistant Cortana;
  • completely, which replaced IE;
  • a single user interface and applications for all devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones);
  • a new distribution model that offers a free upgrade for users of previous versions.

At the moment, these and many other innovations allow us to assume that the final Windows version 10 may well repeat the success of Windows 7 and become the new favorite of users.

What are the system requirements for installing Windows 10?

On the official page Microsoft says that if your computer meets the requirements for Windows 8.1, then this is enough to install the new version of the system. However, if this information is not enough for you, then here is a more detailed list of the necessary parameters for your computer:

  • Processor: at least 1 GHz.
  • RAM: 1 GB (for a 32-bit system) or 2 GB (for a 64-bit system).
  • Free hard disk space: 16 GB.
  • Video adapter: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver.

In addition, you will definitely need a Microsoft account and access to the Internet.

Is my PC eligible for Windows 10?

For all users who are completely unaware of what all these numbers mean in the list of system requirements, or are afraid of any unexpected surprises when updating the system, Microsoft has prepared a special tool called Get Windows 10. It will automatically appear on all computers that suitable for installing a new version of the operating system. A prerequisite for this is the presence of a network connection and the active status of the automatic updates service.

This application backs up your data, provides additional information about Windows 10, and verifies that your device is compatible with Windows 10. It will also check for common compatibility issues with the applications you have installed, peripheral devices or computer components.

What else do I need to know before I start using Windows 10?

You can upgrade to the latest version of Windows in several different ways.

If you are currently running Windows 7 SP1 or 8.1, you will receive Windows 10 as a free upgrade via Windows system update. In doing so, you need to know the following:

  1. The upgrade must be completed within the first 12 months of the final release of Windows 10.
  2. Owners licensed versions will be able to upgrade the system to Windows 10 for free and will continue to receive its full updates for the entire life cycle.
  3. The position of the company regarding the owners of unlicensed copies of Windows is changing all the time. According to the latest data, they will still be able to get a ten, but it will display a permanent warning about the inadmissibility of using stolen software. However, closer to the release date of the final version, this information can still be clarified.
  4. Windows XP and Vista users will be able to install Windows 10 only if specifications their devices meet the minimum requirements. Then a clean installation of the system will be performed, and not an update to the previous version.
  5. The Windows 10 operating system will be released in several different flavors: Windows 10 Home, Mobile, Pro, Enterprise, Mobile Enterprise, Education. You can read more about the differences between the two on the company blog.

These are all currently available information regarding the installation and updating of the Windows 10 operating system. Judging by the fact that Microsoft plans to make this release the last in the history of Windows and in the future just constantly support it using the update system, sooner or later most users will still have to switch to Windows 10.

What do you think about the release of the new version? Are you going to upgrade or will you still use your favorite Windows 7 or, sorry, even XP?

Windows 10 - NEW SCANDAL?
What exactly is stealing from the user Windows 10?

The release of Windows 10 has already made more noise than all previous releases from Microsoft combined. And the reason is quite understandable - unprecedented means of user control have been found in the new operating system.

Some experts are sure that a new era in IT is coming, when the free user will disappear as a class. Each person will be assigned an inventory number, a dossier will be compiled for each person based on data from his personal correspondence, movements, SMS, etc.

Although the picture as a whole is already clear, the results of the first attempts to conduct a more or less analysis were published only the other day. Armed with network monitors, debugging tools, and other professional tools, the researchers looked inside Windows 10 to understand what exactly Windows 10 is stealing from a user's computer.

So, the preliminary data of the analysis. Microsoft takes from your computer:

1. All printed text. It doesn't matter which app you use. Keystrokes are intercepted at the operating system level, data is collected in packets and sent every 30 minutes to the following servers:



For example, a user writes a letter using the Gmail service running in Chrome or Firefox. But the text of the letter will still be intercepted at a low OS level and sent to Microsoft servers. What for? For this service to work. Formal explanation from Microsoft: needed to improve the predictive input system (accelerated typing).

2. Geolocation data. And titles WiFi networks nearby. Accumulated and transmitted every 30 minutes. They allow you to track the physical movements of the user with an accuracy of several meters. Explanation from Microsoft: the data is needed for search engine Bing so it can provide more relevant answers. What this means for the user: Microsoft knows your home address (see point 5 for why you need it). If you have mobile device with Windows 10, Microsoft knows all the places you go.

3. Recording from a microphone. The microphone is always on in Windows 10 (see the article Windows 10 secretly turns on the microphone. Initially it was suggested that this is necessary for the Cortana service to work ( voice assistant), but a little later it became known that disabling Cortana did not solve the problem. Recordings of the user's voice can accumulate, some of them are sent to Microsoft servers. Computer security experts warn that if you use encrypted communications (for example, use SIP-telephony with traffic encryption), such unauthorized recording of sounds from a microphone can put your security at risk. Using a reliable VoIP channel at the same time as Windows 10 is a completely pointless exercise. It is better to immediately go out into the street and shout.

4. Telemetry. A fantastic feature in terms of its potential insecurity, which is not even hidden by the developer company. Telemetry is the transmission of data to Microsoft about the state of your computer and your activity. Literally everything is collected: which programs are installed, which ones are running, the amount of memory used, application logs, fragments random access memory etc. Considering that anything can end up in RAM, from confidential data to credit card numbers, such transfer to other people's servers is a potential vulnerability. Although Microsoft assures that the data is securely encrypted, who can guarantee that the cipher will not be surreptitiously broken by attackers? After all, everyone knows that Microsoft has always had big security problems. More precisely, with a steady inability to provide this security.

Telemetry data is transmitted to the following servers:







5. Fight against piracy. Windows 10 looks at the names of user files and checks against a constantly updated list of pirated new items. If matches are found, user directory listings are sent to Microsoft. In fact, the computer informs on its own owner.

Data on Windows 10 anti-piracy activity has been known for a long time. But it was assumed that the emphasis would be on the fight against counterfeit games. Now it becomes clear that the main goal is to deprive users of the opportunity to download pirated copies of American films and series from torrents.

Of particular note, matching data about the presence of unlicensed video on the user's computer with the collected geolocation data opens up an excellent opportunity for the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and RIAA (Recording Association of America) to sue another couple of million dollars from some American housewife. Russian users, it seems, have nothing to be afraid of yet: the system worked only when American films were found.

6. Portrait for memory. Some users have noticed that after the first activation of Windows 10, the webcam turns on for a short period. Research confirms this - 35 MB of data is transferred to Microsoft immediately after activation and turning on the built-in camera. Presumably, the data is tied to the user's Microsoft account.



Hello dear readers! In today's article, I would like to review the latest innovation from Microsoft, or rather, we will talk about the Windows 10 operating system.

Today, many users are wondering: Is it worth switching to Windows 10? What can we expect from this Windows 10 operating system? If you believe the leadership of Microsoft companies, then Windows 10 is an improved system that includes quite a lot of useful applications and functions. I suggest you find out in today's article whether it is worth switching to Windows 10 or not.

So, many of you have already noticed that in the lower right corner (for users of Windows 7, 8 and 8.1) there is a new icon with an intriguing name - “Get Windows 10”. Some users have been following the new version since its announcement, while others just found out yesterday that Microsoft has released Windows 10.

The company offers the owners of the licensed system to get the "top ten" for free - this is a tempting offer, but before you switch to a new OS, you should analyze it and find out the advantages and disadvantages of the transition.

After reading given material, you will learn the following points:

system requirements for Windows 10;

new applications and benefits;

shortcomings and losses;

methods of obtaining;

final analysis.

Learn about system requirements for Windows 10

If your computer is suitable for Windows 8.1, then the tenth version will work correctly - this information is provided by the developers on the official page. But in order to be sure whether Windows 10 will work or not, you can familiarize yourself with more detailed requirements:

16 GB of free hard disk space;

Video Card: Device with WDDM driver that supports DirectX 9;

Display with a resolution of 1024 × 600;

2 GB RAM for 64-bit, 1 GB for 32-bit;

Processor: at least 1 GHz.

Another mandatory item is the presence of a Microsoft account. If the computer parameters are lower, this does not mean that the new system will not work, but smooth and fast work you can't expect from her.

By the way, if you decide to upgrade, I can offer you clear instructions that I prepared for you the other day:

In general, these figures given above may be incomprehensible to some users - Microsoft has taken care of this as well. In the Get Windows 10 application, in addition to the description, there is also a built-in assistant whose task is to test the computer for compatibility for new system. Also, after analysis, it will report problematic programs and devices that may not work correctly or not start at all on Windows 10.

I suggest you consider a number of advantages and new opportunities.

The new operating system is already available, so you can find out its advantages and disadvantages. Looking ahead, we can safely say that Windows 10 lived up to all expectations. The "ten" has many more advantages. There are practically no cons, I would say, but there are losses - applications and some useful features that remained in Windows 7/8. But let's talk about everything in order. Below are 7 reasons why you should upgrade to the tenth version.

Reason 1 and 2: security and a new browser

Finally, Internet Explorer ended its existence, and with it the opinion that Microsoft is not able to release a quality browser. Destroyed these stereotypes of Microsoft Edge, which has a high speed and useful features. And Edge has every chance of becoming one of the most popular browsers, because the current leader Google Chrome begins to annoy users because of its voracity.

As for security, the manufacturer claims that the "ten" is the most secure system. Microsoft is allowing users to make their own Fort Knox that will work alongside Windows Hello, Defender and SmartScreen. Protection will be provided through updates that users do not like so much. But it is worth noting that in Windows 10 they can be turned off.

Reason 3 and 4: good interface and multi-doing

Windows 10 received the best interface features from versions 7 and 8:

the presence of a start button;

"live tile" from Windows 8;

successful minimalism;

convenient work with personalization.

Judging by the interface, the developers realized their main mistakes and made the interface simpler and more friendly for users, regardless of their knowledge.

Working with windows, shortcuts, folders and desktops has become much more convenient thanks to Multi-Doing. This affected applications such as Snap Assist, Action Center and Task View. According to Microsoft, these innovations are one of the main reasons for the transition. In fact, their importance is overestimated.

Reason 5 and 6: Unified System and Windows Store

Starting from a smartphone and ending with an Xbox game console, everything will work on Windows 10. The company had attempts to link the devices together, but it was only possible to implement the idea on the “top ten”. If the collection has devices running on the Windows platform, then it is definitely worth moving on. Full synchronization will be available when the operating system is optimized for other devices besides the computer.

The Windows Store has the same benefits - here you can purchase and download content for any device that is linked to a Microsoft account. For example, on a computer, you can find and purchase the necessary applications for your smartphone. The design of the store has changed for the better, it is now easier to use it.

The most important reason for gamers: DirectX 12

A new generation of software will soon appear in the public domain. But at the latest presentations, Microsoft representatives said that DirectX 12 will only be available for Windows 10. Therefore, if games are not in last place, then it is definitely worth switching to the top ten.

DirectX 12 will be available for both personal computers, and for the Xbox game console. When there will be games running on a new generation platform, it is not yet known. But gamers will sooner or later have to say goodbye to Windows 7 or 8, and it's better to do it now, while you can get the tenth version for free.

Useful features that didn't make it to Windows 10

Microsoft has already announced that owners of external USB drives will have to download drivers on their own, without which the devices will not work with Windows 10. Also, users of the “dozens” will lose a number of applications and functions that are useful for some.

Desktop widgets and classic games in the new Winows 10

Many users have come to love the desktop widgets from Windows 7 - weather, calculator, clock, CPU load, etc. If you wish, you can buy or download third-party widgets for free.

Microsoft felt that widgets were not needed for the new version. In addition, the classic Hearts, Klondike, and Minesweeper will disappear from Windows 10. To replace it, Microsoft offers free downloads of new versions of Microsoft Minesweeper and Microsoft Solitaire.

Disabling updates

If a user gets a home version of Windows 10, then he will not be able to disable automatic updates– this feature is available only for owners of the Corporate and Professional versions. Of course, sooner or later there will be a way to turn off updates, which sometimes interfere with work and appear at inopportune moments.

Support for Media Center and DVD

Windows Media Center was not the most popular service in previous generations of the system, so they decided to remove it. Now more convenient and faster programs are provided for viewing videos and photos.

The company believes that the DVD industry is already a thing of the past, so the "top ten" does not have standard software for playing DVD video discs. And if a laptop or PC is used to watch movies, then it is worth getting an application from third-party developers.

Useful information about the update

The transition can be made using the Get Windows 10 application or a downloadable utility that is available on the official website of the company.

If the "Get Windows 10" icon does not appear in the lower right corner (near the clock), then you should check if automatic updates and Internet connection are enabled or not.

There are also some features that are useful to know before starting the update:

1. You can upgrade only within 12 months after the final release of the tenth version;

2. When upgrading to Windows 10 from the seventh or eighth OS, the user will receive all updates in full.

3. Owners of computers with Vista or XP will also be able to upgrade to a new one operating system in case the characteristics of the computer allow it, but you need a full installation, not an update.

However, I think you may still have doubts about the question: Is it worth switching to Windows 10?

You may ask me: Are there times when you don't need to upgrade to Windows 10?

I answer you: Yes, there are such moments. Let's just say, when the hardware is too outdated to work with the new operating system - this applies not only to the processor or RAM, but also to the monitor. An interactive assistant will help you find out about incompatibilities, which will appear after you launch "Get Windows 10" in the lower right corner.

Another additional reason not to upgrade to Windows 10 is your lack of experience with the Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 interface itself. Since, if you are an ordinary novice user who is still sitting on versions of Windows XP or Windows 7, then it will take you some time to understand the principle of operation of both the operating system itself as a whole and its individual applications, a vivid example is the Metro application Windows 8.

In this case, I would advise you to first install the Windows 8 operating system on virtual machine to practice and gain experience on it, and then if you decide to upgrade to Windows 10, do it confidently and fearlessly. I even wrote a separate article, read here:

Concluding today's article, it's time to sum up - Is it worth switching to Windows 10?

As you have already noticed, there are a lot of advantages, there are practically no disadvantages, only the loss of some applications that were popular with a small circle of users. Below are the main advantages, thanks to which we can say that updated version Windows 10 contains a number of advantages over previous versions operating systems.

1. convenient and stylish interface;

2 . synchronization between devices;

3. friendly interactive assistant;

4. new and optimized Edge browser.

5. DirectX12;

For complete overview- Windows 10 suggest you watch the video below:

This concludes, if there is anything to add, I will be glad to hear from you in the comments. If you still decide to switch to Windows 10? then my article below will help you with this:

Dear users, if after reading this article you have any questions or want to add something regarding the subject of this article or the entire Internet resource as a whole, then you can use the comment form. Also ask your questions, suggestions, wishes ..

So, for today, this is actually all that I wanted to tell you about in today's issue. I can only hope that you have found interesting and useful information in this article. Well, I, in turn, am waiting for your questions, wishes or suggestions regarding this article or the entire site as a whole.