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Text editor (presentation). Presentation on computer science on the topic "text editor" Download presentation on the topic text editors

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Types of text editors The first type is a code editor The second type is a word processor

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Text editor This class of application programs is usually used to get acquainted with the software and to develop the initial skills of interacting with a computer system.

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The main functions of a text editor are to enter and edit texts. Additional features consist of automating the input and editing processes.

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A word processor, they allow you to enter and edit texts, format them, that is, design them. The main tools of word processors include tools for ensuring the interaction of text, graphics, tables and other objects that make up the final document, and additional tools include tools for automating the formatting process.

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Word processors are used to create, edit and view text documents and perform another important function - document formatting.

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code editors Sometimes they are called that because their main purpose is to write source codes computer programs. focused on working with sequences of characters in text files. Such editors provide advanced functionality - syntax highlighting, string sorting, templates, encoding conversion, displaying character codes, etc.

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Popular text editors(first kind) Emacs. Free. - Has a powerful and very flexible customizable interface, supports macros. jEdit. Free editor in Java. Kate. - A powerful, extensible free text editor with syntax highlighting for a variety of programming and markup languages ​​(highlighting modules can be automatically updated over the network). Flexible, customizable interface. Part of KDE. Notepad - included Microsoft Windows. Vim. Free. Divides the editing process into input mode and command mode. Gives unlimited customization and automation options. GNU nano - Free editor for text mode. EditPlus is a text editor for Windows designed for programming and web development. EmEditor is a paid editor for Windows systems. Provides text highlighting for different formats and modules, but the interface requires learning. SciTE Free cross-platform editor with syntax highlighting for many programming languages, folding. Wide range of customization and automation options. Notepad++ (GNU GPL), based on the same engine as SciTE. It has similar features and a user-friendly interface. Pspad - Text editor with syntax highlighting, script support and tools for working with HTML code. TEA - Editor with hundreds of text processing and markup functions in HTML, LaTeX, Docbook. Texter - text editor for Windows metapad - text editor for Windows Crimson Editor - text editor with syntax highlighting for Microsoft Windows, distributed under the GNU GPL license. UltraEdit. RulNote. EditPad. HippoEdit. MiBEditor. TextMate. TextEdit - text editor with a non-standard interface

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text editors have advanced functions for formatting text, introducing graphics and formulas, tables and objects into it. Such editors are often called word processors and are intended for creating various types of documents, from personal letters to official papers. Classic example - Microsoft Word. They also distinguish a more general class of programs - text-based work environments. In fact, such environments represent a full-fledged working environment in which you can solve a wide variety of tasks: with the help of add-ons, they allow you to write and read letters, web channels, work on wikis and the Internet, keep a diary, manage lists of addresses and tasks. Representatives of this class are Emacs, Archy, Vim and Acme from operating system Plan 9. Such programs can serve as development environments software. In any case, the latter always contain a text editor as a necessary programming tool.

Test on the topic "Text editor". 1. A text editor is... a) a program for processing numerical information; b) a program for working with text information; c) a program for creating graphic drawings. 2. Using a text editor you can... a) type text, format it and print it; b) calculate numerical information using formulas; c) draw cartoon characters. 3. When typing, the alphabet is changed using the keys... a) Shift + Ctrl; b) Shift + Alt; c) Ctrl + Alt. 4. The end of the paragraph is marked with the key... a) Delete; b) Tab; c) Enter. 5. Indentation between words - key... a) Space; b) Delete; c) Tab. 6. Deleting a character to the right of the cursor - key... a) Delete; b) Tab; c) Backspace. 7. Deleting a character to the left of the cursor - key... a) Delete; b) Tab; c) Backspace. 8. To load a file from disk, you need to run the command... a) File/Save as...; b) File/Open…; c) File/Print…. 17. 30.12.2015.

Lesson on transferring and mastering new knowledge, skills and abilities Purpose: - cognitive: transfer to students a certain system information knowledge, skills and abilities; developing in students the ability to print on a PC; formation of educational and cognitive activity in students. - developing: development of thinking, visual memory, elements of creative activity, ability to work with a PC; - educational: to cultivate perseverance, careful attitude towards VT.

Formatting toolbar Formatting is the transformation that determines how text appears on the page. Most of the icons in the "Formatting" panel allow you to perform the functions of the menu commands [Format-Font...] and [Format-Paragraph...]

Font format Font formatting - changing the parameters of entered characters. A SYMBOL has the following parameters: typeface - font type; size; color. WORD allows you to quickly and easily enter and change fonts. Font formatting is done using the formatting bar or formatting dialog box. The font formatting dialog box can be called up in two ways: Method 1: use the Format / Font menu. Method 2: right-click on the desired word or selected fragment.

Paragraph formatting Paragraph formatting is changing the amount of text indentation from the left and right margins, as well as the special indentation of the first line (red line). Paragraph formatting is done using the formatting ruler or formatting dialog box. The paragraph formatting dialog box can be called up in two ways: – Method 1: use the Format / Paragraph menu. Method 2: right-click on the desired word or selected fragment.

Font formatting algorithm ActionAlgorithm Font formatting using the dialog box 1. Select a word or group of words. 2. Open the Font dialog box. 3. Make the necessary settings (the result of the settings is displayed in the Sample field) and press the OK button Formatting the font using the Format Panel. 1. Select a word or group of words. 2. Make the necessary settings using the buttons of the Formatting Panel (the latter can be customized by the user taking into account his needs through Tools / Settings.

Panteleev Denis

The presentation "Text editors" was developed by a student of the St. Petersburg State Government Professional Institution

"Obukhov School No. 4"



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Text editors Software

Text editors Text editors are used to process text information on a computer. Text editors allow you to create, edit, format, save and print documents. Notepad Microsoft Word StarOffice Writer Adobe PageMaker Microsoft Office Publisher Microsoft FrontPage

Text editors and publishing systems Software tools for working with text documents include: viewers designed for viewing previously created text documents; text editors that provide creation, editing, viewing, saving on electronic media and printing text documents of varying complexity; publishing systems with the help of which newspapers, magazines and books are prepared in publishing houses and printing houses for mass circulation.

The main features of the Microsoft Word text editor: simultaneous work with several documents; working with multi-column documents (newspaper, magazine articles); means for entering mathematical formulas of arbitrary complexity; the ability to prepare drawings using the editor itself; the ability to create text effects - tilt, rotate, flip text; the ability to create a background, outline, underline; automation of table construction; access to the clipboard; a wide range of options for formatting paragraphs and pages of a document; a large selection of different fonts, input and editing of texts in various languages, a rich set of document templates (blanks), the presence of a powerful built-in help system, availability of context-sensitive help;

punctuation marks are not separated by a space from the preceding text; the signs “percentage”, “degree”, “minute”, “second” are not separated from numbers by a space; 30seconds, 100%, 25minutes; numbers are separated from No. and § by one non-breaking space (Ctrl+Shift + space) a hyphen is not separated by a space from the preceding and following text; a dash (+ minus on the numeric keypad) is separated by a space from the preceding and following text; words enclosed in quotation marks or parentheses must not be separated from them by spaces; Computer typing rules

where a space is needed, but moving to the next line is not allowed, use a non-breaking space; abbreviations “etc.”, “etc.”, “etc.” can only be used at the end of a sentence; in the middle of a sentence they must be written down in full; where a hyphen is needed and moving to the next line is unacceptable, it is necessary to put a continuous hyphen; Press the key only to start a new paragraph.

Word program screen Basic terms 2007

Main elements of the MS Word program screen Title bar Office button Ribbon Tab Group Quick access bar Status bar Measuring rulers Text field Document viewing modes

"Office" button All basic commands for operations with files are collected in the "Office" button menu.

Creating a new document

Main menu: Ribbon The entire upper part of the window is occupied by the main menu ribbon. Having selected any of its items, we have at our disposal the necessary tools, presented in the form of icons. Menu buttons are grouped according to functionality. The main formatting tools are located on the Home tab ribbon: Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, Editing, Clipboard

Quick Access Toolbar By default, it is located next to the Office button above the Ribbon. It contains buttons for frequently performed operations. The default is: Save, Cancel Entry, Redo Entry. You can configure this panel by clicking on the small arrow to the right of the panel.

Status bar The status bar is located at the bottom of the program window. By default, this line (on the left side) indicates the number of pages and the number current page, number of words, text input language; (on the right side) - document viewing mode, scale.

Entering text You can enter text using the keyboard. Before you start entering, use the menu command “Format / Font” to set the font type, its style and size. All input operations are logged, and it is possible to cancel any number recent actions. Editing a document Editing means changing an existing document. Editing begins by opening the document. For this there is a command “File / Open”. Most editing operations are performed on the selected text fragment.

Reviewing a document Reviewing means editing the text, recording changes and commenting on it. Unlike regular editing, when reviewing, the text of the document is not completely changed - the new version and the old one exist within the same document as different versions. Review tools allow you to: create, view, and delete comments; register, view, accept and cancel changes; save document versions.

Formatting a document Formatting a document means its design using text alignment methods, using different fonts, embedding pictures and other objects into a text document. Basic formatting techniques: selecting and changing the font type; font size control; font style control; leveling method control; creating bulleted and numbered lists; managing paragraph parameters.

Saving Word document 2007 by default saves files in . docx. This format cannot be read by older versions of the program. Therefore, in order for the document to be compatible with previous versions Word, you must save the file in "reduced functionality mode". This is done using the "Save As..." menu of the "Office" button.

Method 1: In the open document window, press the F12 key or use the Shift+F12 key combination. This works well the first time you save a document. The Save Document dialog box opens. The default folder is "My Documents". You can choose any other folder to save. Tip: to change the default folder for saving files, follow the sequence of commands: “Office” button -> Word Options -> Saving -> Default file location. Select the folder you need.

Method 2: In the open document window, on the quick access panel, click on the “Save” button (if it was previously placed there)

Method 3: In the upper left corner of the open document window, click on the “Office” button. In the menu of typical commands, select the “Save” button. Whatever method you choose, the “Saving Document” window will open. In the “File name” column (at the bottom of the window), immediately enter the desired name of the document to be saved - the window in this column is automatically highlighted, and the text of the name will be entered here Note. Typically, the Word 2007 program itself offers the first line of the document as the title, or, if the page is still empty, the conditional name “Doc N” (where N is the document’s serial number since the next start of the program)

Thank you for your attention Presentation “Text editors” Developer: student of the St. Petersburg state government educational institution “Obukhov School No. 4” Panteleev Denis

Streaming text editors Streaming text editors are computer programs that are designed to automatically process input text data received from a text file in accordance with rules predefined by users. An example of such a text editor is the Sed editor.

Interactive text editors Interactive text editors are a family of computer programs designed to make changes to text file interactively. Such programs allow you to display the current state of text data in a file and perform various actions on it.

Text editor environment The data that text editors work with is symbolic information. The smallest element of text is one character. Often the text is larger than what can fit on the screen. In this case, only part of the text is located within the working field. The screen is a kind of window through which you can view text. To move this window around the text, use special keys or a manipulator. Any TP is characterized by the presence on the screen of a menu of editor control commands. These are commands for changing operating modes, file operations, printing, text formatting, seeking help, and others. The menu can have both text and pictographic form.

What does TR process? The abundance of different types of documents has led to the diversity of existing text editors. As a classifying feature with which you can divide the entire set of text editors into groups, we will take the type of document being processed. 1. Text editors (Brief, Norton Editor, Quick) 2. Document editors (Lexicon, AmiPro, MultiEdit, Word Perfect, Microsoft Word) 3. Scientific text editors (TECH and MathOr) 4. Publishing systems (Corel Ventura Publisher, Adobe PageMaker , QuarkXPress)