Home / News / TV presenter Mikola Veresnya was fired from NewsOne after a “demarche” on air (video). A lustrated official became an anti-Ukrainian “political scientist” Alexander Semchenko biography

TV presenter Mikola Veresnya was fired from NewsOne after a “demarche” on air (video). A lustrated official became an anti-Ukrainian “political scientist” Alexander Semchenko biography

According to Donetsk businessman Semyon, who left his email address in the comments... 120 people wrote to him from Donetsk, an order of magnitude more in Kharkov (Semyon tried to coordinate actions in two cities at once)... “this is just the beginning, we want to maintain our self-respect, show that we are not suckers, help each other get out of state of depression,” Semyon said.

Further searching led us to the following messages:
forum.te.ua semen413, 05/03/2009, my name is Semyon, in the movement (Will of the People) I am the coordinator of the Donetsk cell and the coordinator of the planning group (I make action plans and make sure that everyone else adheres to my plans). My biography: The first higher naval school (specialist in cruise missiles, surface ships), the last (higher) VGIK named after. Gerasimov, 2008 release. In the middle there was also “finance and credit” in absentia. I have never voted for anyone in any election! married, child 6 months old. I’m not working right now, but I’ll start working in the fall and start doing business again.

As we see, Semyon is most likely a graduate of the Sevastopol Higher Naval School named after. Nakhimov, after which he was awarded the rank of lieutenant. Semyon received the rank of lieutenant commander later while serving in the Ukrainian Navy.
It is interesting that Semyon writes about graduating from the Moscow VGIK. Gerasimov, which trains actors and directors (there is also a department of economics there), but why did Semyon decide to study at such a specific university? perhaps his relatives told him, then hypothetically Semyon could be a relative of the famous Crimean actress Galina Semenenko, we will not delve into this, but we will only note the most important thing that Semyon was one of the organizers of the “Will of the People” movement.

Further search in this direction leads us to the following VKontakte groups:
group " Summer camp "Will of the People""Donetsk. Summer camp in Crimea. Our leisure time is studying methods of active nonviolent resistance, technology for conducting mass actions, methods of working with social networks, studying the corrupt system of officialdom... self-defense course, our mail [email protected], administrator Anton Prokopenko.

group " Demolition of fences on the coast as a hobby"Donetsk. The Crimean shores are littered with construction debris, which have turned into fences and do not allow us to get to the sea. Guys! Let's tear down these fences with a bang! our mail [email protected], administrator Anton Prokopenko.
First message on the wall of this group from Anton Prokopenko: “Guys, we will come to you in Crimea in all seriousness. Who can connect us with the local troublemakers - who demolished your fences there before? Send us an email [email protected]"
Next comment from Semyon Semchenok: I am for (the action)! It's high time.

group " We're bringing down fences this Sunday"Crimea, Alupka, administrator Anton Prokopenko, post office [email protected]
First message from Semyon Semchenok: I will (be present).

the administrator of all these groups, Anton Prokopenko, everywhere indicates the already known email “dostali-hvatit”, as we see in these groups Semyon Semchenok was also noted - many probably already guessed that Anton Prokopenko is Semyon. Semyon’s life credo “dostali-hvatit” is easily recognizable, no matter how he disguises himself as other people. Semyon took the name, surname and even a photo of his fictional character from this site, but the real Anton Prokopenko has been working as a Moscow manager at TekstilLegProm since 2007. and has nothing to do with the Donetsk “Will of the People”.

On meta.ua 04/26/2009 Semyon writes: hello, you are worried about the coordinator of the planning group of the all-Ukrainian association “Will of the People”, looking through your forum, we want to disappoint you, we have already taken the name “Will of the People”... Our congress was held in Poltava on March 14, 2009. ... my phone number is 8 0956576892. Semyon, I live in Donetsk.

Semyon didn't have this number for long, because... already since 2010 number 0956576892 began to appear in the Donetsk newspaper of free advertisements and is now assigned to Irina Menshova, who is recruiting employees for the Donetsk company “New Satellite Television”

At the origins of the “Will of the People” movement, in addition to Semyon, there was also Vitaly Demidenko, here is his message on the forum chp.com.ua: Vitaly D. 04/30/2009 we are creating an all-Ukrainian movement “The Will of the People”, which is growing into a movement not only of entrepreneurs, but also of ordinary citizens, in order to cure our illness (our state). .. the movement is just being created and has not yet been legalized, but a constituent assembly has already taken place in Donetsk.

After the action “We've had enough. that’s enough” Semyon continued to actively spam in the comments, and to this day there are many of his messages on the Internet on the topic “The Will of the People”, for example, here are a few of them:

pravda.com.ua semen412, 04/20/2009, there is no middle class in Ukraine, but a layer of thinking people has already formed, who do not want to stock up on Vaseline and endure, on the “Will of the People” forum volya.ukrbb.net - we are waiting for just such people.
prawda.biz.ua semen412, 06/01/2009, if you consider yourself a human being and a citizen, if you, like us, are outraged by the indifference of the authorities, do not be left alone with yourself - we need you! Ukraine needs you! We are waiting for you at the “Will of the People” forum volya.ukrbb.net

Six months later, Semyon lost interest and retired (activity on the Internet began to decline), but Vitaly Demidenko, on the contrary, continued what he started and created a group in

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  • Assessment of intellectual work in the personnel training system. Problems of the classic theories and methodology, Semchenko Evgeniy Evgenievich, Ashurbekov Rafik Ashurbekovich, Kruglinsky Igor Konstantinovich. Theoretical and methodological foundations for assessing intellectual work in the personnel training system in modern Russia are proposed. Three points of view are highlighted on what a “system…
  • Assessment of intellectual work in the personnel training system. Problems of classical theory and methodology, Semchenko Evgeniy Evgenievich, Ashurbekov Rafik Ashurbekovich, Kruglinsky Igor Konstantinovich. Theoretical and methodological foundations for assessing intellectual work in the personnel training system in modern Russia are proposed. Three points of view are highlighted on what the “system is...
  • Assessment of intellectual work in the system of personnel training Problems of classical theory and methodology Monograph, Semchenko E., Ashurbekov R., Kruglinsky I.. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the assessment of intellectual work in the system of personnel training in modern Russia are proposed. Three points of view are highlighted on what a “system…

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Semchenko- surname:

  • Semchenko, Alexander Trofimovich - figure in modern evangelical Christianity in the CIS.
  • Semchenko, Dmitry Platonovich (1902-1990) - Soviet chemist, professor.
  • Semchenko, Maria Adamovna - full holder of the Order of Labor Glory.
  • Semchenko, Oleg Ivanovich (1947-2015) - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Novosibirsk City Council of People's Deputies.

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Excerpt characterizing Semchenko

The next day after the theater, the Rostovs did not go anywhere and no one came to them. Marya Dmitrievna, hiding something from Natasha, was talking with her father. Natasha guessed that they were talking about the old prince and making up something, and this bothered and offended her. She waited every minute for Prince Andrei, and twice that day she sent the janitor to Vzdvizhenka to find out if he had arrived. He didn't come. It was now harder for her than the first days of her arrival. Her impatience and sadness about him were joined by an unpleasant memory of her meeting with Princess Marya and the old prince, and fear and anxiety, for which she did not know the reason. It seemed to her that either he would never come, or that something would happen to her before he arrived. She could not, as before, calmly and continuously, alone with herself, think about him. As soon as she began to think about him, the memory of him was joined by the memory of the old prince, of Princess Marya and of the last performance, and of Kuragin. She again wondered if she was guilty, if her loyalty to Prince Andrei had already been violated, and again she found herself remembering in the smallest detail every word, every gesture, every shade of play of expression on the face of this man, who knew how to arouse in her something incomprehensible to her. and a terrible feeling. To the eyes of her family, Natasha seemed more lively than usual, but she was far from being as calm and happy as she had been before.

A lustrated official has become an anti-Ukrainian “political scientist”

Since the end of last year, “political scientist” Alexander Semchenko began to appear frequently as a guest on the News One TV channel. The expertise of the “political scientist” is off the charts: either he calls Yuriy Lutsenko a one-eyed pirate who does not see the crimes of the authorities, or he offers to take Petro Poroshenko a bucket of Vaseline for negotiations with Trump.

Moreover, the public statements and activities of this “political scientist” are openly anti-Ukrainian in nature - ranging from encroachment on territorial integrity, outrage of the Holodomor, desecration of the heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and to insulting our ATO fighters.

"The Crimean ASSR and Sevastopol were to remain part of the Soviet Union", Semchenko once wrote on social networks. In his opinion, Crimea and Sevastopol illegally became part of independent Ukraine in 1991. In essence, this is an encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine.