Home / Office / Types, how to choose, which one to buy, prices. Germicidal lamps for the home. Types, how to choose, which one to buy, prices Germicidal quartz lamps for home

Types, how to choose, which one to buy, prices. Germicidal lamps for the home. Types, how to choose, which one to buy, prices Germicidal quartz lamps for home

Quartzization – effective way get rid of airborne viruses and bacteria. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the shell of pathogenic microorganisms is destroyed and they lose their viability.

Quartz treatment is common for disinfecting premises in medical and health institutions, kindergartens, hairdressing and beauty salons, and other places with high traffic. To reduce the risk of disease, this procedure can be carried out in an apartment. Quartz treatment is especially indicated during ARVI epidemics, if the family has small children or people with reduced immunity.

Design and principle of operation of recirculators

To carry out quartzing, special devices are used: recirculators-irradiators. According to the principle of operation, they are similar to quartz lamps, but compared to them they have an important advantage: most recirculators can be turned on even in the presence of people.

Irradiators consist of a mercury lamp (depending on the model, the device may have one or more such lamps) with a bulb, which is placed in a special housing. The fan draws air into the housing, where it is exposed to UV rays and exits back into the room, already disinfected. As a result of this treatment, 90-99% of microorganisms die. Since all processes take place inside the housing, UV radiation does not get outside, and the procedure is safe for people.

Types and features of recirculators

Based on the installation method, irradiators are divided into two types:

  • wall;
  • mobile.

In the first case, the device is stationary: it is hung on the wall in a room where it is necessary to regularly purify the air. Mobile recirculators are mounted on a durable frame made of metal pipes and are equipped with four swivel wheels with brakes. This model is optimal if it is necessary to sequentially carry out disinfection in several rooms.

All devices are easy to use. To operate, they are connected to the mains and turn on when a button is pressed. The productivity of a quartz generator depends on the model; on average, it can range from 30 to 100 cubic meters per hour. For user convenience, some devices are equipped with a timer and a display that displays the operating time of the lamps, service indicators and other parameters.

Quartz DKBU-9 Ultraviolet bactericidal irradiator

Quartz devices

In order to get rid of pill addiction, it is necessary not only to healthy image life, but also have a quartz device for home. This lamp is a powerful tool to combat known viruses infections. It will help prevent a number of colds and viral diseases, as well as rid the room of fungi, mold and pathogens.

A round of physiotherapeutic treatment in hospital and at home is gaining popularity among children and adults, but requires prior approval of such procedures with a doctor. When used regularly, the quartz device helps in the prevention and treatment of diseases transmitted by airborne droplets.

What is it and why is it so in demand?

Bactericidal irradiators are used in professional activities in medical institutions and in everyday life. The structure of the devices is presented in the form of an electric gas-discharge mercury lamp, which is necessary for ultraviolet radiation. Standard devices are equipped with quartz glass and have various shapes - from compact desktop models to hanging and mobile mechanisms.

Remember: the lamp itself has a fragile structure and, at the slightest damage, requires immediate disposal in special containers, as it emits harmful fumes.

Quartz devices presented in several forms:

  • Closed type lamps can be used in rooms with people and have different powers. Depending on the area of ​​the room. There are designs of various designs, with patterns and in the form of irradiators with a tube for the nose and throat (Sun).
  • Open sanitary and epidemiological devices with a suppressive effect on the microorganism can be turned on only in the absence of people and animals in the room. The power of such installations is high, with the characteristic durability of the device.
  • Mobile on wheels are suitable for hospitals and medical institutions, as well as for disinfection in several rooms.
  • Stationary installations with 1, 2 or more lamps are installed in opera blocks and corridors, children's institutions and doctors' offices.
  • Tabletop Compact-sized designs are suitable for domestic use and treatment in physiotherapy rooms, are easily transported and do not take up much space.

Instructions for use

Ultraviolet quartz irradiator OUFK-01 instructions for use


The irradiator kit includes:

Ultraviolet irradiator OUFK-01 - 1 pc.

Tube for intracavitary irradiation with an outlet hole with a diameter of 5 mm - 2 pcs.

Tube for intracavitary irradiation with an outlet hole with a diameter of 15 mm - 1 pc.

Tube for intracavitary irradiation with an exit hole with a diameter of 15 mm at an angle of 45 degrees - 1 pc.

Safety glasses - 1 piece

Storage bag - 1 piece

Instructions for use OUFK-01 - 1 piece

Instruction manual - 1 piece

Passport - 1 piece



Germicidal quartz lamp open type, 4 in one:

1.Disinfects the air and surfaces of residential and non-residential premises with an area of ​​10-15 m2 in the absence of people

2.Using tubes, treats inflammation: ear, throat, nose

3.As an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, it is used for diseases of: skin, joints, peripheral nervous, muscular system

4. Boosts immunity, promotes the production of vitamin D, and compensates for the lack of sunlight, especially in children, in the autumn-winter period.

Purpose of the OUFK-01 irradiator:

General quartz treatment of premises (used in all medical institutions, can also be used at home)

We open the front damper of the OUFK-01 quartz unit, plug it in, leave the room for 30 minutes - and as a result we get a room with clean, fresh air without germs and harmful bacteria.

Treatment of ENT diseases with quartz OUFK-01 (rhinitis, runny nose, otitis media, flu symptoms and others).

The OUFK-01 quartz lamp is equipped with special tubes for treatment. The procedure is very simple: we put tubes (either for the nose or for the throat), plug them into the socket, and wait for the lamp to stop flickering. According to the instructions, we quartz your nose, throat, and from now on you are treating yourself and protecting others from harmful viruses and bacteria.

The main advantages of the ultraviolet quartz irradiator OUFK-01:

2 devices in one housing: can be used both for general quartz treatment of premises and for the treatment of ENT diseases


Small dimensions and weight (no more than 1.5 kg)

Includes tubes for the throat, nose and ears (all family members can use them)

Operates from a household outlet.

Indications for use of the OUFK-01 irradiator.

General UFO is indicated for:

Increasing the body's resistance to various infections, including influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections

Treatment of inflammatory diseases of internal organs (especially the respiratory system), peripheral nervous system

Treatment of pyoderma, common pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

Normalization of immune status in chronic low-grade inflammatory processes

Normalization of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, improvement of reparative processes for bone fractures

Compensation for ultraviolet (solar) deficiency for persons with professional activity in conditions of absence of sunlight: submariners, miners, during the polar night

Common furunculosis and other pyoderma of the skin

Atopic dermatitis (common neurodermatitis)

Common psoriasis, winter form.

General UV irradiation is prescribed, taking into account individual characteristics and skin sensitivity to UV irradiation.

Technical characteristics of the quartz generator OUFK-01:

Built-in lamp type: DRT-125 (you cannot change the lamps yourself at home)

Effective spectral range: 230-400 nm

UV-A (400-320 nm)

UV-B (320-275 nm)

UV-C (275-180 nm)

Irradiance in the effective spectral range:

With general irradiation at a distance of 0.7 m from the irradiated surface, no more than 1.0 W/m2

With local irradiation at the cut of a tube with a diameter of 5 mm - no less than 0.8 W/m2

With local irradiation at the cut of a tube with a diameter of 15 mm - no less than 1.0 W/m2

The device is powered from an alternating current network with a frequency of ~ 50 Hz (+0.5, -0.5), voltage ~ 220 V (+22, -22 V)

Power consumed by the device from the mains supply is no more than 300 VA

Overall dimensions no more than 275*145*140 mm

The irradiator provides continuous operation for 8 hours: 10 min work - 15 min break, and when quartzing premises up to 60 minutes followed by a 15 min break.

Convenient time-based treatment methods included.

Designed for adults and children from three years of age.

Ultraviolet quartz irradiator OUFK-01 with one lamp is designed for air disinfection, and is also used in the treatment of acute diseases of the skin, nasopharynx, inner ear, for the treatment of wounds with the risk of anaerobic infection and skin tuberculosis.

The irradiator treats the flu, strengthens the immune system, kills germs, purifies the air

Types of exposure:

Irradiation of the mucous membranes of the nose, oral cavity, external auditory canal, vagina for inflammatory, infectious-allergic, infectious diseases

Local irradiation of the skin in diseases and traumatic injuries of the skin

General irradiation for skin diseases, disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism in injuries of the musculoskeletal system, rickets

Disinfection of indoor air with ultraviolet radiation to prevent the spread of acute respiratory infections and influenza at home

The spectral range of radiation is 230-400 nm.

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions


The surface of the OUFK-01 irradiator housing and the time relay must be wiped with a dry gauze swab.

Consult your doctor about indications and contraindications for the use of an ultraviolet emitter.

The irradiator is not intended for tanning procedures.

Warranty period is 12 months from the date of sale.



For adults and children from 3 years old.

The ultraviolet irradiator OUFK-01 is intended for use for therapeutic purposes for general, local and intracavitary irradiation for infectious, infectious-allergic, inflammatory, post-traumatic diseases and injuries in medical institutions (hospitals, clinics, etc.), sanatoriums, dispensaries, as well as in at home.

Types of exposure:

Irradiation of the mucous membranes of the nose, oral cavity, external auditory canal, vagina for inflammatory, infectious-allergic, infectious diseases;

Local irradiation of the skin in diseases and traumatic injuries to the skin;

General irradiation for skin diseases, disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism due to injuries of the musculoskeletal system, rickets;

Disinfection of indoor air with ultraviolet (UV) radiation, tu. including to prevent the spread of acute respiratory infections and influenza at home.


There are no contraindications for quartzing premises.

Contraindications for local and general irradiation:

High sensitivity to ultraviolet light

Oncological skin diseases and predisposition to them

Inflammatory gynecological diseases

Systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.

Contraindications to the use of quartzizer OUFK-01

1. Malignant neoplasms during any period of the disease, incl. after radical operations;

2. Systemic connective tissue diseases;

3. Active form pulmonary tuberculosis;

4. Hyperthyroidism;

5. Feverish conditions;

6. Tendency to bleeding;

7. Circulatory insufficiency of degrees II and III;

8. Stage III arterial hypertension;

9. Severe atherosclerosis;

10. Myocardial infarction (first 2-3 weeks);

11. Acute cerebrovascular accident;

12. Diseases of the kidneys and liver with insufficiency of their function;

13. Peptic ulcer during exacerbation;

14. Chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis with signs of process activity;

15. Cachexia;

16. Hypersensitivity to UV rays, photodermatoses

Directions for use



Use only as prescribed by a doctor

Application of quartz lamp OUFK-01:

1. Quartz treatment of premises (air disinfection)

Also, using quartz treatment, you should disinfect dishes, children's toys and other household items.

The duration of quartzing is determined depending on the size of the room: 15-30 m3 are quartzed for 15 - 30 minutes. When quartzing a room, the protective screen is removed. After removing the screen, the stream of rays spreads throughout the entire space. This is the most effective way to disinfect not only the air, but also the surfaces of the room. You cannot be indoors during quartzing.

Turning the irradiator on and off must be done wearing light-protective glasses.

During the procedure or after completion of disinfection, it is recommended to ventilate the room.

Air purification using ultraviolet radiation reduces the spread of infectious diseases and complements the necessary infection prevention measures in the autumn-winter period. The main route of spread of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other infections is through airborne droplets. Their spread can be prevented by disinfecting the indoor air. Conventional disinfectants in in this case are not suitable due to their harmful effects on humans (especially at home), but ultraviolet light effectively fights viruses and microbes that move freely in the air.

2. Prevention and treatment of flu and colds

UV exposure to the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and pharynx is widely used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other colds).

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation in these cases leads to the relief of pain, swelling, and inflammation.

3. Local and intracavitary irradiation

Local and intracavitary irradiation is effective in complex therapy of the following diseases:

Diseases of the respiratory system (rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy)

Skin diseases (acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, herpes, herpes zoster, erysipelas, long-term non-healing burns and wounds)

Dental diseases (stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis)

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis)

Joint diseases.

Your doctor will help you determine the treatment method.

TREATS FLU AND COLDS - intracavitary quartz treatments help to quickly cope with the symptoms of influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

KILLS MICROBES - quartzing is a simple way to disinfect children's clothes, dishes, toys and other household items

STRENGTHENS IMMUNITY - increases the body's resistance to infections, including influenza and ARVI. Promotes the production of vitamin D3

CLEANS THE AIR - quartz treatment of premises is used to prevent the spread of infections

During a flu epidemic, facial irradiation is carried out for preventive purposes. The face, chest and back are irradiated daily for 2-3 days, starting from 1 minute per zone, increasing the total irradiation time from 3 to 9 minutes at the end of the course. For catarrhal symptoms in the pharynx, the pharynx is irradiated for 4 days through a tube with a diameter of 15 mm. In the latter case, irradiation begins with 1 minute, adding 1 minute in subsequent irradiations.

During the height of the disease, irradiation is not carried out.

During the period of reverse development of the disease (or during the recovery period), in order to prevent the development of complications (addition of a secondary infection), ultraviolet irradiation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa is performed using tubes. The dose is 1 minute for each zone, after 3 days the duration of irradiation is increased by 1 minute to 3 minutes. The course of irradiation is 5 procedures.

Acute respiratory diseases

In the first days of the disease, ultraviolet irradiation of the chest is used on the posterior (interscapular) surface and anterior (sternum, trachea) surface through a perforated localizer.

To make a perforated localizer, you need to take a medical oilcloth measuring 40x40 cm and perforate it with holes 1.01.5 cm. Radiation dose from a distance of 10 cm.

10 min. The next day, the localizer is moved and new areas of the skin are irradiated with the same dose. A total of 5-6 procedures are prescribed per course of treatment. At the same time, you can irradiate the plantar surfaces of the feet from a distance of 10 cm for 10-15 minutes.

Acute rhinitis

In the initial period of the disease, ultraviolet irradiation of the plantar surfaces of the feet is performed. Dose from a distance of 10 cm for 5-6 minutes for 3-4 days.

In the stage of attenuation of exudative phenomena in the nasal mucosa (end of rhinorrhea), to prevent the addition of a secondary infection and the development of complications in the form of sinusitis, otitis, etc., UV irradiation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa is prescribed using appropriate tubes. Dose - 1 min. with a daily gradual increase of 30 seconds to 3 minutes. The course of irradiation is 5-6 days.

Acute inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

After performing diagnostic and therapeutic punctures and washing the sinuses, ultraviolet irradiation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages is prescribed through a tube with a diameter of 5 mm. Dose 2 minutes with a daily increase in duration by 1 minute. up to 4 min. The course of irradiation is 5-6 procedures.

Acute tubo-otitis

The disease develops as a complication of acute respiratory disease, acute rhinitis. UV irradiation of the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the pharynx and nasal passages is prescribed through tubes with a diameter of 15 mm and 5 mm, respectively, at a dose of 1 minute with a gradual increase to 2-3 minutes.

At the same time, irradiation is carried out through a tube with a diameter of 5 mm of the external auditory canal, starting from 1 minute with a gradual increase to 2-3 minutes. The course of irradiation is 5-6 procedures.

Acute pharyngotracheitis, laryngotracheitis

UV irradiation is carried out on the front surface of the chest in the area of ​​the trachea, the back surface of the neck, dose from a distance of 10 cm for 5-8 minutes. UV irradiation of the posterior pharyngeal wall is also carried out using a tube with a diameter of 15 mm. Dose 1 min. The duration of irradiation is increased every 2 days to 3-5 minutes. A course of 5-6 procedures.

Acute tracheobronchitis. acute bronchitis

Ural irradiation is prescribed from the first day of illness. The anterior surface of the chest in the trachea, sternum and interscapular region is irradiated through a perforated localizer, which is moved daily to non-irradiated areas of the skin. Duration of irradiation from 10 cm. 10 min. The course of irradiation is 5-6 procedures.

Bronchial asthma

UFO is carried out using two methods. The chest is divided into 10 sections along the line below the nipple, each measuring 12x5 cm. 1 section is irradiated daily. Either the anterior and posterior surfaces of the chest are irradiated through a perforated localizer. Dose from a distance of 10 cm for 10-12 minutes during one procedure. The course of treatment is 10 irradiations.

Chronic tonsillitis

Ultraviolet radiation of the palatine tonsils is carried out through a tube with an oblique cut. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct technique for performing the UV therapy procedure. With the mouth wide open and the tongue pressed to the floor of the mouth, the palatine tonsils should be clearly visible, the irradiator tube with a cut towards the tonsil is inserted into the oral cavity at a distance of 2-3 cm from the surface of the teeth. The UV beam is strictly directed to the irradiated tonsil. The nurse monitors the correct execution of irradiation of the tonsil. The patient can independently carry out the irradiation, monitoring the correctness of the procedure using a mirror. After irradiation of one tonsil, the other is irradiated using the same technique. Irradiation of each tonsil begins with 1 minute; after 1-2 days, the duration of irradiation is increased by 1 minute, bringing it to 3 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

The effectiveness of treatment increases significantly if the treatment complex includes washing the lacunae from necrotic masses. Washing is performed before ultraviolet irradiation of the tonsils.

Chronic periodontosis, acute periodontitis

UV irradiation of the gum mucosa is carried out through a tube with a diameter of 15 mm. In the area of ​​irradiation of the gum mucosa, the lip and cheek are moved to the side with a spatula (a spoon at home) so that the UV beam falls on the gum mucosa. Slowly moving the tube, we irradiate all the mucous membranes of the gums of the upper and lower jaw.

The duration of irradiation during one procedure is 3-5 minutes. The course of irradiation is 6-8 procedures.

Acne vulgaris

UFO is carried out in turn: the first day - the face, the second - the front surface of the chest, the third day - the back surface of the chest. The cycle is repeated 8-10 times. Irradiation is carried out from a distance of 10-15 cm, the duration of irradiation is 3-5 minutes per zone.

Clean wounds

All open wounds (cuts, lacerations, bruises, etc.) are microbially contaminated. Before primary surgical treatment, the wound and surrounding skin are irradiated with ultraviolet radiation for 10 minutes, taking into account its bactericidal effect. In the following days of dressings and removal of sutures, UFO is repeated in the same dose.

Purulent wounds

After cleansing a purulent wound from necrotic tissue and purulent plaque, ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed to stimulate healing (epithelialization) of the wound. On the days of dressing, after treating the wound (wound toilet), the very surface of the purulent wound, covering 5 cm of surrounding tissue, is irradiated with UV radiation. The distance from the surface of the wound to the emitter is 10 cm. Duration of irradiation is 2-3 minutes. After 1-2 days, the duration of irradiation is increased by 1 minute to 10 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

Lactation mastitis

The nipple and mammary gland are irradiated with UV radiation from a distance of 10 cm for 3-5 minutes. Irradiation is repeated after 1 day. The course of treatment is 10 procedures until nipple cracks heal and inflammatory processes in the mammary gland reverse. After surgical treatment, the radiation dose is 1-2 minutes, daily or every other day until complete epithelization of the wound.

Nipple cracks

Irradiation is carried out through a tube or perforator. Dose - 1-2 minutes, daily or every other day; course of treatment - 6-10 procedures. For deep cracks in the nipples, after irradiation, a bandage with activated oil is placed on the nipple.

Furuncle, carbuncle, abscess

UFO begins at the beginning of the disease (during the period of hydration) and continues after independent or surgical opening of the abscess. Irradiation is carried out from a distance of 10 cm, duration is 10-12 minutes. The course of irradiation is 10-12 procedures.


The area of ​​erysipelas involving 5 cm of surrounding tissue is irradiated with UV radiation. The distance of the burner from the skin is 10-12 cm. The duration of irradiation is 8 minutes, with each subsequent irradiation the duration is increased by 1 minute. up to 15 min. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures.

Soft tissue bruises

UV irradiation of the area of ​​the bruise is carried out in order to have a bactericidal effect on the microflora of the skin t-.y integuments, to prevent suppuration of hemorrhages into the subcutaneous tissue and deep-lying tissues, and to promote their resorption. Irradiation of the bruised area and surrounding tissues is carried out from a distance of 15-20 cm. The duration of irradiation begins at 6 minutes, increasing by 1 minute daily. up to 8 min. The course of irradiation is 5-8 procedures.

Bone fractures

After applying the compression-distraction apparatus of G. A. Ilizarov, extraosseous or intraosseous metal osteosynthesis connecting bone fragments to the fracture area, ultraviolet radiation is prescribed. The purpose of irradiation in the early period of a bone fracture is to have a bacteriostatic, analgesic, hemorrhage-absorbing effect.

Irradiation is carried out from a distance of 10-15 cm from the burner. Radiation dose: from 2-3 minutes, each time increasing the dose by 2 minutes. The course of irradiation is 3-5 procedures.

In the later period of bone fracture (after 2 weeks), in case of delayed formation of callus, ultraviolet radiation is prescribed to normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism and stimulate the formation of callus. The entire limb is irradiated on both sides from a distance of 30-50 cm. The duration of irradiation is 10-15 minutes. on each side. A course of 10-12 procedures.

Acute and chronic vulvitis. colpitis, bartholinitis

Local ultraviolet irradiation is carried out in a gynecological office using a gynecological speculum, a tube with a diameter of 15 mm is used, the radiation dose is 2 minutes, increasing daily by 1 minute to 6-8 minutes. At the same time, the external genitalia are irradiated from a distance of 10 cm for 10-12 minutes. A course of 6-8 irradiations.

Cervical erosions

To stimulate the healing of erosion, ultraviolet irradiation is carried out in a gynecological office. The radiation is performed by a gynecologist. The cervix is ​​exposed using a speculum using a tube with a diameter of 15 mm, the radiation dose is 2 minutes, increasing daily by 1 minute. up to 6-8 min. A course of 5-8 irradiations.

Antirachitic effect (prevention of rickets)

In the conditions of the Arctic, in areas with reduced solar radiation, individually, when signs of rickets appear, ultraviolet irradiation of a child can be used.

Three schemes of general medium-wave ultraviolet irradiation in suberythemal gradually increasing doses have been adopted: main - for normal skin, accelerated - for dark skin, slow - for light skin. General UV irradiation is used to increase the body's resistance to various infections, including influenza, to normalize the immune status in chronic low-grade inflammatory processes, to treat common pustular skin diseases, and to compensate for ultraviolet (solar) deficiency.

The delayed scheme is used for weakened patients, patients with reduced reactivity, and children. The front, side and back surfaces of the body are irradiated successively.

The DRT-125 lamp used in the OUFK-01 irradiator does not have an erythema-forming effect. To normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism and the formation of vitamin D, it is enough to carry out minimal doses of radiation according to the scheme indicated below. The procedure is performed standing or sitting.

Procedure number Basic Accelerated Slow

Time Distance from lamp, cm Time Distance from lamp, cm Time Distance from lamp,

1 1 min. 70 2 min. 70 30 sec. 70

2 1 min. 70 2 min. 70 1 min. 70

3 2 min. 70 4 min. 70 1.5 min, 70

4 2 min. 70 4 min. 70 2 min. 70

B 3 min. 70 6 min. 70 3 min. 70

6 3 min. 70 8 min. 70 3 min. 70

7 4 min. 70 11 min. 70 3.5 min. 70

E 4 min. 70 12 min. 70 4 min. 70

9 5 min. 70 14 min. 70 4.5 min. 7D

10 5 min. 70 16 min. 70 5 min. 70

11 8 min, 70 16 min. 70 5.5 min. 70

12 8 min. 70 16 min. 70 6 min. 70

13 9 min. 70 16 min. 70 6.5 min. 70

14 9 min. 70 16 min. 70 7 min. 70

15 10 min. 70 16 min. 70 7.5 min. 70

16 11 min. 70 16 min. 70 8 min. 70

17 12 min. 70 16 min. 70 8 min. 70

18 12 min. 70 16 min. 70 8 min. 70

19 12 min. 70 16 min. 70 8 min. 70

20 12 min. 70 16 min. 70 8 min. 70

Germicidal lamps are usually used in houses, apartments, and any living spaces to destroy microorganisms - sources of infection - during colds and epidemics. Among the variety of types, there are dangerous devices that negatively affect living organisms, and those that can be used without fear for human health.

Dangerous devices can only be turned on when there are no people, animals or plants nearby. Safe devices can be used in the same room as humans or animals. Germicidal lamps can be produced as conventional fluorescent lamps.

Germicidal lamps serve as devices for disinfecting air and surfaces of objects in rooms for any purpose in which people can gather. They emit ultraviolet rays, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora, mold, and fungi.

Useful properties

The rays of the lamp cure well many types of diseases, including flu and colds, inflammatory processes in arthritis, osteochondrosis. Ultraviolet radiation improves immunity and promotes the production of vitamin D.

Germicidal lamp for home

The bactericidal emitter acts on:

  • bacteria (there are more than 12 species), which include staphylococci, E. coli, salmonella;
  • influenza viruses;
  • mushrooms;
  • mold.

Lamps are used to achieve the following purposes:

  • disinfection and purification of air in the room;
  • water purification;
  • treatment of diseases.

Scope of application

Due to the ability of the lamp to kill pathogenic microbes, mold and fungi, it is widely used:

  • for disinfection of premises (in medical institutions, children's institutions, as well as in places where there may be a large number of people, bactericidal lamps are used regularly, according to a special schedule);
  • for water purification (ultraviolet emitters are installed in housing and public utilities, water utilities);
  • for the treatment of diseases.

For what diseases is it used?

The effectiveness of treatment with ultraviolet lamps has been proven for diseases such as:

Types of lamps are selected depending on the age of the patients.

Operating principle

The operation of irradiators is based on the production of ultraviolet radiation. The device consists of a lamp containing mercury, which forms vapor when heated (the lamp is turned on). Mercury vapor begins to glow and emit ultraviolet rays. The lamp itself, which produces UV rays, is contained in a glass flask. The flask is made of quartz or uviol glass.

Operating principle

2 types of glass, due to the different composition from which they are made, transmit ultraviolet radiation differently:

  • quartz glass is designed to transmit ultraviolet rays of the entire spectrum, including short rays that are harmful to a living organism.
  • uviol glass blocks part of the ultraviolet spectrum, preventing dangerous short waves (less than 280 nm) from passing through.

Types of lamps

Germicidal lamps for the home can be divided into:

For the home, ozone-free lamps that are not dangerous to human health are more often used.

Ozone quartz irradiators

Ozone (or quartz) irradiators are enclosed in a quartz glass shell. This shell allows radiation to pass through, which forms ozone. By killing the microorganisms present, ozone also affects living beings, so a quartz lamp is used only in an empty room. A mandatory requirement is that the room is ventilated after operation of the irradiator.

Germicidal UV emitters

Germicidal ultraviolet emitters do not produce ozone, since the shell of the lamp case made of uviol glass does not transmit part of the UV radiation range.

After using such a lamp, there is no need to ventilate the room. Ozone-free lamps are considered conditionally safe, but it is still recommended to carry out the cleansing procedure without people. It is necessary to follow the instructions for choosing the lamp power and exposure time, then they will not harm a person.


Xenon bactericidal irradiators are ozone-free devices for disinfecting premises. In them, instead of mercury, the filler of the inner flask is xenon gas - an inert gas that is safe for people. Xenon lamps disinfect the air well, but do not last long.


Amalgam UV emitters are ozone-free lamps. These devices use amalgam instead of mercury. The flask, which was previously filled with mercury, in these products is coated on the inside with a hard amalgam coating.


The advantages of such a lamp:

  • ozone is not produced, which makes the lamp suitable for living rooms;
  • the absence of mercury makes the flask safe if it falls (instead of carefully collecting the mercury, just wash the floor).

The safety of the lamp is a big advantage for home use.

Lamp selection criteria

Germicidal lamps have a variety of technical specifications, when purchasing appliances for your home, you need to consider the following factors:

  • the purpose of purchasing a lamp is disinfection of a house or apartment, treatment, for cosmetic purposes;
  • the lamp power should not exceed safe values; the area of ​​the room must be taken into account;
  • the ability to comply with the requirements for lamp operating conditions;
  • lamp operating time without interruption;
  • manufacturer - you need to choose a company that has a good reputation, since the device can be harmful to the health of living beings.

In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist before purchasing a lamp.

By type of design

Bactericidal irradiators are divided by type of design:

For the use of ultraviolet lamps at home, mobile lamps (portable) are best suited, making it possible to treat the entire apartment.

By subject of impact

The purpose of bactericidal irradiators is determined by the object on which they act:

  • to the premises for the purpose of disinfection and disinfection;
  • on the human body for the purpose of treatment;
  • to water for the purpose of purification (technical purpose).

By appearance and method of influence

The appearance of the products is varied and depends on the installation method and its purpose.


There are 2 main parameters that determine the appearance of the lamp:

  • open form, when the radiation comes from the lamp in different sides(such products have a negative impact on living beings);
  • closed form, when the lamp is placed in a shielded case, the air is sucked inside by fans and purified, and then clean air comes out of the lamp (such products are called “recirculators”; they are safe for humans).

Recirculators are considered safe irradiators and are recommended for treating residential areas.

According to the method of installation and assembly

Germicidal lamps for the home are divided into types according to the installation method:

  • mounted, mounted on the ceiling or walls;
  • floor-mounted, they are usually equipped with wheels so that they can be easily moved to the desired location;
  • tabletop, not attached to the surface; they are provided with special legs or platforms that prevent them from tipping over.

By glass type

Ultraviolet irradiators are used different types glass:

  • quartz glass is used in ozone lamps,

UV radiation of the entire spectrum passes through quartz glass; the harmful effects of short rays in this range do not allow treating rooms with people and animals;

  • Uviol glass, which does not transmit short waves.

Lamps of the second type are safe and are considered the most suitable for use at home.

By type of emitted radiation

The radiation produced by germicidal lamps depends on the type of glass they are made of. Quartz glass allows ozone to form, which is why lamps with a quartz glass shell are called ozone lamps. Uviol glass emits a flux that does not form ozone and the lamps in which it is used are called ozone-free.

How to use a germicidal lamp

Germicidal lamps for the home must be used taking into account the properties and standards specified specifically for this product, only then will they be safe. Before starting to operate the device, you must read the operating instructions.

How to use a germicidal lamp

General rules for using ultraviolet irradiation at home are as follows:

  • Regardless of how safe the lamp is, it is recommended to use it after removing people and animals from the room, with the door closed.
  • The processing time should not exceed the time specified in the instructions.
  • If the lamp was transported and was in sub-zero temperatures for some time, it is necessary to keep the device at room temperature for several hours.
  • Consider contraindications when treating with a lamp.

Rating of the best models, review, prices

In stores, disinfection devices are presented in many models, manufactured by well-known Russian companies and companies from other countries. Products should be selected according to the preferences and goals of buyers, taking into account the recommendations and reviews of those who have already used these devices.

Quartz lamp Crystal

Crystal disinfection devices are manufactured by the Russian company Diak. These irradiators belong to quartz lamps, which means they can only work in a room without people, animals and plants.

Quartz lamp Crystal
  • This is an open type lamp, mobile and easy to carry.
  • Its power is enough to destroy 99% of harmful microorganisms.
  • Operating time in a domestic premises, with standard contamination - 1-2 hours, with mold and fungi contamination - 8-10 hours.
  • Lamp continuous operation time is up to 12 hours.
  • The maximum processed area is 20 square meters. m with a room height of 3 m.
  • The lamp consists of a small lamp installed in a special stand that ensures its stability.

The device is easy to move, and due to its small size, it can be installed in hard-to-reach places. After using the disinfection device, the room must be ventilated.

Quartz lamp OUFK 01 Sun

The quartz lamp “Solnyshko” OUFK 01 is produced by the Gorky Communication Equipment Plant.

The lamp is widely used in the cold season for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu. OUFK "Solnyshko" is located in a rectangular aluminum case, to which special tubes are attached for irradiating specific areas or organs - the throat, ear or nose.

Quartz lamp OUFK 01 Sun

The lamp is compact and can be installed in any convenient place. The instructions for the device describe in detail the time required for each type of treatment. Can be used in the treatment of children from 3 years of age. During irradiation, the patient must wear special glasses.

In addition to therapeutic functions, it can serve as a disinfectant:

the lid on the case moves, the stream of rays spreads to the entire room, disinfecting the air and surfaces of objects, furniture, soft children's toys. 99.9% of pathogenic microbes are destroyed. The device provides for lamp replacement, which you can do yourself.

Disadvantages of the device:

  • lack of a timer, which forces you to carefully monitor the operating time of the lamp;
  • interferes with the operation of a TV or computer.

But these shortcomings are compensated by the low price of the OUFK 01 quartz lamp.

UV bactericidal irradiator OUFb-4 Solnyshko

Ultraviolet emitter OUFb-4 Solnyshko is a portable bactericidal lamp, produced in Russia. It is used for local irradiation (skin areas) and intracavitary irradiation of the nose, larynx, oral cavity, auditory canals of the outer and middle ear during the cold season for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases.

UV bactericidal irradiator OUFb-4 Solnyshko

Such lamps are used in medical and children's institutions, and can also be used at home. It has a plastic body, small dimensions (weight 1 kg) and 3 special tubes of different diameters for directed radiation. The kit includes a biodosimeter that controls the individual radiation dose depending on the age and physiological characteristics of the patient.

The volume of disinfected air is up to 30 cubic meters. m. Lamp continuous operation time - 30 minutes, then 15 minutes. break.

In this mode, the device can produce UV radiation for up to 8 hours. It is possible to use OUFb-4 Solnyshko for the treatment of children over 3 years of age. In addition to therapeutic functions, it serves as a room disinfectant. To do this, the lid in the lamp case is moved to the side, the rays spread to the entire room.

Germicidal UV lamp Photon OB-1

Photon OB-1 is produced in Russia (LLC "Ecology of the XXI-Century"). The UV radiation lamp Photon OB-1 is an open type lamp, so it can only be turned on in the absence of people, animals and plants. The emitter effectively disinfects a room up to 20 square meters. m, destroying more than 90% of microbes.

The effectiveness of disinfecting a room of 20 sq. m open-type lamp Foton OB-1:

Name of pathogenic microflora Processing time, min
Influenza virus85
Escherichia coli70
Staphylococcus aureus120
Diphtheria bacillus80
Yellow sarcina460
Pseudomonas aeruginosa125
Fungal mold, mildew565

Thanks to a special device, the bactericidal lamp is screwed into the base of a regular lamp, so it can be mounted in a sconce or in ceiling lamp. The device can operate continuously for up to 12 hours. There must be a break of at least 10 minutes between restarts.

Irradiator-recirculator OBR-15 bactericidal

Germicidal lamps for the home OBR-15 are closed-type ozone-free lamps for disinfecting premises. They are produced in Russia by Med TeCo LLC and meet the highest requirements of international standards. It is a safe device for living organisms and can therefore be used in the presence of people and animals.

The design of the lamp provides protection from harmful radiation - the shielded casing of the irradiator disinfects the air inside the housing, and clean, disinfected air is released outside. Processing area – no more than 30 cubic meters. m. Recommended for disinfection of public premises, children's and school institutions, canteens, medical institutions, and can also be used in apartments and residential buildings.

The recirculator is equipped with a timer that takes into account the time the device has been in operation. The timer will indicate when the lamp has reached the end of its life and is no longer effective. The irradiator is wall-mounted and can be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position.

Ultraviolet air purifier "ATMOS-VENT-1103"

The ultraviolet emitter “ATMOS-VENT-1103” is a closed-type ozone-free lamp manufactured in Germany. The cleaner is compact, portable, and small in size.

Ultraviolet air purifier "ATMOS-VENT-1103"

The emitter uses six stages of purification of the air entering the housing:

  • the primary filter retains large fractions of dust and fluff;
  • the second filter is electrostatic; it uses electrostatics to retain fine dust, microorganisms, tobacco smoke, mold spores and other similar particles;
  • the third filter is carbon, which absorbs molecules of volatile substances (aerosols, gases);
  • the fourth is a photocatalytic filter that decomposes harmful chemical compounds, such as aldehydes, nitrogen oxides;
  • the fifth filter is an ultraviolet lamp that disinfects the air, killing bacteria and viruses;
  • ionizer – ionizes air molecules, making it fresh.

The purifier, like all closed-type lamps, draws air from the room using a fan into the purifier housing. After going through 6 stages of cleaning, the air comes out of the other end of the emitter disinfected.

  • The processed air volume is up to 110 cubic meters. m.
  • The fan located in the purifier housing has 2 rotation speeds.
  • You can place a fragrance in the lamp so that the purified air acquires the desired aroma.
  • The ionization function and the photocatalysis function can be switched off.
  • If the performance of the irradiator deteriorates, three filters are replaced (primary, photocatalytic and carbon).

The device is installed vertically, has a panel with control buttons and light indicators for operating functions. When servicing all the described models, it is necessary to follow the general rules for the use of bactericidal lamps for apartments and residential buildings: be sure to turn off all devices from the network, keep the device clean (contamination impairs the quality of disinfection).

The main rule for the safe use of devices is to first study the product’s operating instructions and comply with the specified standards.

Video about germicidal lamps

What is the difference between bactericidal and quartz lamps: