Home / Instructions / Windows restore points. How to create a system restore point automatically? How to create your own restore point

Windows restore points. How to create a system restore point automatically? How to create your own restore point

Many users of computers based on the Windows operating system know that this OS allows you to create restore points. They allow you to restore full operation of the system in cases where it is infected with a virus, does not start or the OS is working with errors. To help PC users who are not familiar with this procedure, we have prepared material where we describe this process in detail for Windows 7.

The principle of the recovery procedure in seven

The basic principle of the procedure for creating a restore point is automatic saving of system settings when it changes. For example, to point Windows recovery 7 has started to be created automatically in the OS, changes should occur in the registry. That is, when installing any driver or software The OS records this and creates a restore point. Based on the above, it becomes clear how many restore points Windows 7 can save on your hard drive. Therefore, in order for a PC user to return the computer to its previous state, all they need to do is use one of them and start the procedure itself.

How to restore a computer on seven

In this section we will describe the OS recovery procedure faulty P K using one of the points. For example, we will take a faulty PC with an operating system Windows 7 Ultimate. This computer can still boot the OS, but it is unstable, producing screens of death, freezes, and many other system errors. Most likely, this behavior of the OS is caused by a virus or the absence of some system files.

Now let's try to select a restore point on this PC when it was still functioning stably. To do this, go to the system properties and open the “” tab. Now let's press the button Recovery….

After clicking, a wizard window should appear. The wizard window shows that we can start fixing the OS using the recommended point, as well as by selecting the points created earlier.

In our case, we will select the last point when it worked stably and is recommended.

Having selected it, the wizard will ask you to confirm the recovery procedure using it.

As soon as you confirm, the wizard will immediately rollback to the previous OS state.

Reverting to previous settings may take five minutes or much longer. The rollback time depends not only on the amount of returned data stored on the PC, but also on the computing power of the computer itself. After a successful rollback, you will see the following message.

Manually created Windows restore point

In addition to automatically creating control points, the user has the opportunity to create them himself. For example, before installing a beta version of software that is not yet well supported by the OS, you may want to create it manually.

To create a point manually, we will go to the system properties to the same “” tab. In this tab we will select the bottom-most button named Create…. After this action, a window will appear in which you need to set a name. It is best to create a name associated with specific changes in the seven. For example, if you installed some driver package, then the restore point can be called “ Installation of drivers from 06/10/2016».

Having specified a name, click the Create button. After successful creation, you will see a message like this.

You can find the newly created control point in the wizard that we looked at earlier.

In the wizard window, you can only select and view the properties of a point to roll back to the previous state of the system, but you cannot delete it using this wizard.

Deleting checkpoints can free up hard drive space, but you should also be aware that they are permanently deleted.

It will help us to delete a specific control point free utility CCleaner. You can download the CCleaner utility from its official website. To use the uninstall options, you need to launch the program and go to the “ Service/System Restore».

In the CCleaner utility window, you can view and delete all previously created restore points, except the last one. This is done specifically so that the user can use the last point in the OS if it crashes.

Reviving an OS that has stopped loading

Let's look at an example of restoring an OS when it stopped loading completely. In this case, the culprits, as in the example above, may be malware, unlicensed software And remote files operating system.

For this example we will need a license Windows disk 7. To return the OS to operation, we will boot from this disk when the computer starts. In the second window of the downloader there is a link "". To start rolling back to the previous state, we need to click on it.

After this action, the bootloader will scan HDD for the presence of previous operating systems and will allow you to select one of them for rollback. In our case this is the only operating system Windows 7.

Having selected the required operating system, we move on to the next window.

In the second window of the wizard, a list of all checkpoints will open, with which you can roll back to the previous state.

Further actions are identical to the first example, so there is no point in describing them. The example described above is used by thousands of users, as it allows you to return the OS to its normal state.

Let's sum it up

After reading this material, any PC user who was unfamiliar with checkpoints will be able to restore the system to a working state. In addition, I would like to give our readers some advice.

To ensure your OS functions properly, use good antivirus programs and do not install pirated software.

For example, if you maintain the system in a normal state, then the creation of checkpoints can be completely disabled. Many experienced PC users do this, as it can slightly improve the performance of the computer. However, if your computer resources allow, the described technology will greatly simplify your life if something goes wrong with your OS. Therefore, the choice is yours.

Video on the topic

There are times when, after installing some program or other actions: the operating system Windows system does not work correctly; programs that worked do not work; Previously running games do not launch. In this case, a very wonderful function from Microsoft will help us, likeSystem Restore (rollback to restore point). This function can also help us if your computer is infected with banner ransomware. In this article we will tell you: how this is done, what is needed for it to work.

1. If the system is operational.

On the desktop, right-click on the “computer” or “my computer” icon and select properties,

h then on the right side select system protection.

Attention! Here we can see: is this component enabled and

how it is configured.

If next to the specified system drive there is no message included, we will not be able to restore the system, but we can enable this function by clicking on any disk and pressing the button configure, h then check the box next to restore system parameters and previous versions files, select a specific space with the slider that will be used for recovery files. The more space is allocated, the more restore points the system will create. So if your component is enabled, click the button recovery

E if you are satisfied recommended recovery(the computer state date corresponds to the time when everything worked for you), click Further, if not, then you need a tab select another restore point and further.

In this window you need to check the box show other restore points and select the most desired point. Selected click Further.

Click ready and wait for the process to complete (If you have a laptop or netbook, make sure the battery is well charged; if the charge is low, connect to a power source)

2. If the system does not turn on or a “ransomware banner” appears when turned on

When loading the operating system, press the key F8, Further

computer troubleshooting and Enter.

select the desired language

If any problems arise in the operating system that interfere with normal operation of the computer, most users simply reinstall Windows again. It is much easier to roll back (restore) Windows to some previous state when everything worked correctly. It takes a maximum of 20 minutes - and you get a fully working and configured copy of the OS. This article describes how to create a restore point for Windows 7.

Benefits of Recovery

Reinstallation is a good option, but it takes a long time. After all, you need to not only reinstall your OS, but also install all the necessary software and drivers on it. If you don’t have media on which you can temporarily drop all important information– this can be a big problem.

The created Windows 7 restore point allows you to avoid such problems. If your system was damaged by viruses, if you connected incorrect drivers or installed some program incorrectly, you just need to start the rollback process.

To use this feature, users need to know how to create a system restore point. This will be discussed later in the guide.

Creating restore points automatically

Your operating system automatically saves Windows operating states. As a rule, this happens before installing critical updates, complex software with a large number of libraries, large-scale changes to the registry, driver updates, and so on.

You can use automatically created points at any time, which are stored for some time. However, if your operating system has been damaged and there are no relatively recent saves, this is quite a serious problem. Rolling back for a whole month and then reinstalling all programs is a long process.

Most often, this problem occurs among those users who, for some reason, have disabled automatic updates systems. In this case, it is recommended to know how to create a restore point for your OS.

Create a return point manually

You can easily create your own restore points using standard Windows tools. To do this, follow several steps in the step-by-step instructions provided:

Wait a while for the new restore point to be created.

What to do if there are no rollback points

If your Windows system files have been damaged and you do not have a single return point, you can try using the “sfc /scannow” command:

This command will check all Windows system files and, if any of them are damaged or missing, replace them with working ones.

In general, if the system is working normally, a restore point should be created automatically when you uninstall a program or make other changes to the system. But sometimes it happens that this function does not work. Therefore, in this article we will look at: - How to create a restore point automatically in two ways. But, before that, let's look at the method of manually creating such a point.

How to create a Windows 10 restore point manually

It's quite easy to do this. To do this, you just need to enter “Creating…” in the “Start” search and select the file:

We have a recovery point file. Let's open it. Select the “System Protection” menu. We look at the very bottom of the window and select the “Create” button. Let's press it. On top of this window we have a window for creating this point. Enter the name of the point, usually put the date of the given day and month, it’s more convenient, and click OK.

We started to create a recovery point.

Our point needs space on drive C. Therefore, select “Configure” (above the “Create” button). The “Recovery Options” window will open, where we will see how much space is allocated for system recovery.

Be sure to check the checkbox above the “Enable system protection” line. Next, we check the disk space. Advice: keep it at 7 percent, but you can do more or less. It all depends on the size of your C drive. The more space you allocate for system recovery, the more points you can create.

Now let's see whether our point has been created or not. To do this, click “Restore”:

How to create a restore point automatically using the Task Scheduler method

Now let's move on to the automatic method of creating this point. To do this, enter taskschd.msc into “Start” or simply write “Task Scheduler”.

Open the file and follow the following path - Scheduler Library\Microsoft\Windows\SystemRes tore

In the “File” window, right-click on SR and select “Properties”. In the new window, select the “Triggers” menu. At the bottom of the window, click on the “Create” button.

A new window opens where we can select the frequency of creating such points. Advice: create these points 2 – 3 times a week. Therefore, we select “Weekly”.

Then, check the boxes for Monday and Friday and click OK. Extra options We can’t touch it, because... at the next stage, select the “Conditions” menu (although you can experiment).

In the “Conditions” menu, check the box “Run when the computer is idle” and select 10 minutes. This means that the computer will start creating a restore point only after it has been idle for 10 minutes. In other words, if you are watching a movie, or working with specific program, the computer will not suddenly start creating a recovery point.

For laptops, you can select “Start on AC power.” Click OK. By various reasons, this program may not work, in this case, consider a special script that will make your computer create recovery points every time you start it, if you are happy with it.

How to create a restore point automatically script

Now we offer you a script that will help you create such points automatically:

For the script to work, the following conditions must be met:

  1. You need to copy the script into Notepad or another text editor;
  2. Select the “File” menu, then “Save As” and save it with any name (Latin), selecting the .vbs extension. For example script.vbs
  3. Select the file type – “All files” (all types) and save the script. Next, create a shortcut to the file by right-clicking on it and selecting – send, then – desktop.
  4. Then, press Alt, and while holding this button, drag the file into the “Startup” folder of the “Start” button. Not right away, but you will succeed. Now your computer will start creating similar dots every time you turn it on.

If you have Windows 10, then we do everything as in the article, only after creating a shortcut, we send it to the “Startup” folder. To do this, press Win + R. In the window that opens, paste shell:startup:

A window opens in which we will add our file from the desktop.

Many people don’t really like this method and choose to create a restore point twice a week.

Conclusion:— Windows 10 how to create a system restore point becomes clear after reading the article. Advice: create such points at least 2 times a week. Or better yet, 3, just in case!


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A restore point is a representation of the saved state of a computer's system files. You can use a restore point to restore your computer's system files to a point in time in the past. Restore points are automatically created by System Restore on a weekly basis and when System Restore detects that your computer has changed its configuration, such as installing a program or driver.

Stored on hard drives backups The system image can be used to restore the system in the same way as restore points created by System Protection. Although system image backups contain both system files and personal data, system recovery will not affect user data files.

How to create a restore point?

You can create a restore point manually at any time. What is this for? If you are a fan of installing different programs and utilities, then eventually the system will start to slow down, then by creating restore points, you can always return the system to its original state. Installing new drivers or software updates, cleaning the registry or disk, all this can lead to irreversible consequences. So let's get started by doing the following:

Restore points are retained until the disk space reserved for system recovery is full. As new restore points are created, old ones will be deleted. If you disable system protection (the feature that creates restore points) for the disk, then hard drive All restore points will be deleted. After re-enabling system protection, new restore points are created

To select a restore point in the window System protection click on the button Recovery. In the window that opens System Restore click Further and select a restore point. and click Further

Deleting a restore point

You cannot delete an individual restore point. You can delete either all restore points or all but the last one. Deleting recovery points frees up disk space. When new recovery points are created, disk space is reused

Amount of disk space required for system recovery

Storing recovery points requires at least 300 MB of disk space on each drive that is 500 MB or larger. System Restore can use three to five percent of the space on each drive. As the space fills with recovery point data, the " System Restore» deletes old restore points to make room for new ones.