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opengl triple buffering. What? Where do we meet buffering

Triple buffering OpenGl AMD (Triple Buffering, tripleBuffering) - buffering of three levels (buffers), in each data is formed, which is then used by the program without waiting. There is a lot of information on the Internet on this topic, and I must admit, even I had a hard time understanding it the first time.

The essence is simple - preparation of graphic data in advance. Enable when using VSync.

VSync - vertical synchronization of the frame rate in the game with a frequent monitor sweep. The result - the maximum FPS is equal to the frequency of the monitor.

Principle of operation

In general, something like this:

  1. The processor tells the video card the data to create the picture.
  2. The video card prepared the picture and displayed it on the monitor.
  3. The monitor displays this picture 60 times per second, the standard frequency for LCD monitors.
  4. Next, the processor sends again the data for the picture to the video card - the video card prepares the picture. But the display of the current picture on the monitor is not completed yet.
  5. Processor, video card - waiting for the end of the show.
  6. When buffering is enabled, there will be no waiting - the processor will send commands, the video card will create an image.
  7. While the display is in progress, subsequent images will be placed in a special area (buffer).
  8. At the end of the display, the next picture will be retrieved without waiting from the buffer. There are two such buffers by default and they always work - the process is called double buffering. Triple buffering speeds up the process, since a third buffer is used, the system works similarly to double buffering.

The most important thing to understand is that 1 second is an instant for us. For the processor / video card - a significant amount of time. That is why in programming, if you need to pause, then I use not seconds, but milliseconds as a unit.

Option in AMD Radeon Settings:

Example #2:

Enable or not?

You need to enable it if you use VSync in games. When using VSync, the picture quality is improved by removing the so-called image tearing, which can cause FPS to sag. The result - allows you to minimize delays in the preparation of data by the video card. Especially for top processors / video cards.

Triple buffering is only available in OpenGL, you can use RivaTuner to activate it in Direct3D games.

RivaTuner is designed to fine-tune NVIDIA video cards. Present undocumented features Detonator drivers of all versions, low-level GPU overclocking, refresh fix, diagnostics module.

Under normal conditions, triple buffering gives an increase in productivity, a decrease in the number of microfreezes.

If this type of buffering has a bad effect on the game, it may be in the drivers. You can try to install other drivers, the previous ones. Tip - make a restore point before installing. If you recently installed drivers, then do the opposite - try restoring the PC to the state before installing new version.

Triple buffering and WorldOfTanks

The information was current for 2014 for WoT 9.0.

This information does not claim to be useful, however, in some glitches / lags it may become useful.

For best performance in WorldOfTanks, triplebuffering should also be set to false (i.e. disabled). This is especially true for not very productive PCs.

The tripleBuffering parameter in the configuration file is responsible for buffering:

  1. With vertical sync enabled, triple buffering must be enabled. Set tripleBuffering = true.
  2. When disabled, disable. tripleBuffering=false.

Mini instruction:


Some other graphics options
Name Description
Flip Queue Size The number of pre-trained personnel. Enabling it can reduce/eliminate FPS dips. The recommended value is 2. If you have a multi-core processor, a value of 0 may degrade performance.
Anisotropic/Trilinear Filtering Optimizations Optimization of anisotropic and trilinear filtering. Turning it on will increase the speed, you will hardly notice a decrease in picture quality. Actual for top models of video cards.
Adaptive anti-aliasing Anti-aliasing of the object does not occur completely, but only at the edges. The effect is achieved using the strengths of multisampling (MSAA) and supersampling (SSAA).
DXT compression support Lossless texture compression to save bandwidth. It is recommended to enable.


  1. The essence is the preparation of data for the future image, during the display of the current one.
  2. AMD's OpenGl Triple Buffering must be used with VSync enabled.
  3. Game performance should improve. Especially on top PCs.

Good day, ladies and gentlemen, acquaintances, readers and other personalities! Let's try today configure video card.

You and I have already talked a lot about drivers, ranging from that, and ending with all sorts, and all sorts of other differences. Today we will continue this topic and talk about more detailed settings.

We will talk about picking driver settings using the example of AMD Radeon (ATI) video cards using the utility built into them. Here we will not talk about temperatures (because they spoke in), overclocking of the video card (because they spoke) and fan speed (because they also spoke), but we will consider exactly the functionality of the software that comes with the kit and a bunch of all sorts of settings (which , including those found in application games).

By the way, even if you have a card not from this manufacturer, you should read the article in order to know and, by analogy, be able to configure all sorts of anisotropic filtering, anti-aliasing, morphological sampling and filtering, triple buffering and much more.

So, the key is to start, let's move.

Introductory verbiage

Attention ! Hereinafter, a part of the meaningless (water) text, when updating the article, was saved insofar as there is a lot of it and there is no desire to completely rewrite (or delete) different reasons, and the original author was different from the text. Keep this in mind. Otherwise, the content will help you (it is clickable).

I think I’m not lying if I assume that many who read the site of the "" project, no, no, and sin in their spare time to sit down at their favorite game in order to plunge into the colorful world of virtual reality.

But this is not a task, our Wishlist (hardware under the hood of a PC) does not always coincide with the system requirements of newly released toys. But you still want to gamble, and not just anyhow, but so that something even moves and says on the screen, and does not slow down and lag. What to do in this situation?

Not to buy with each release of a modern toy a new stuffing for your computer, and, in particular, as the most important component of modern video games? I don’t know about you, but I have no desire to give my hard-earned money for just 1-2 hours of virtual pleasure per week.

At first glance, it may seem that there is no way out, other than throwing money into hardware, but there is one, and it is very free and quite effective for itself, and it is called - setting video card drivers for maximum performance. From you, as a user, only direct hands are required :) and this note.

So, good gentlemen, let's get down to squeezing all the juice out of your vidyahi by setting up its hardware. First of all, I want to say that this particular article will be dedicated to users who have a video card from AMD under the hood of their PC, i.e. radeonshchik. However, those readers who voted for NVIDIA don't need to worry either, we will prepare an even more delicious article for you.

Actually, let's get to the point.

Introductory topic and article

Due to the fact that the article is periodically updated and kept up to date (as far as possible), but not completely rewritten, here you can find two versions of the described drivers and settings for .

One of them is talking about the "old" drivers for the corresponding cards and software, as well as for the internal layer and interface (sometimes you can get to it on certain systems, types of drivers, etc.), i.e. we are talking about, which you can see on the above.

The second version (under a different subtitle) describes the visual and logical look of a newer version, namely AMD Radeon Software (aka, at various times, Crimson, Crimson Relive, etc., etc.). You can see it below (clickable):

One way or another, regardless of the type of software used (and both the first and second, this is just the environment of the driver), the settings (they mean the very samples, the shader cache memory, anisotropic filtering, and much more), in their semantic content are similar and they play a key role.

Therefore, the latter are placed in a separate subheading, the content after which is the most general (including for all video cards) and relevant.

Video card driver settings separately from versions and interfaces

What you need to understand here (and further) before setting up:

  • If you cannot determine the difference by eye, then you do not need to set the maximum value for anything or look for which one is better, etc., etc., because these will be letters for letters, numbers for numbers, and so on;
  • If everything works quickly and you do not meet corners and bumps, then you simply do not need any higher values;
  • If everything works slowly, then even then and only then it is worth picking the settings, ways, degrees and methods;
  • What is slow and fast, corners and roughness, everyone decides for himself, because it depends on the resolution of the monitor, its response speed, application and subjective sensations (for some, "ladders" seem to be the norm, for others, on the contrary, 16X MSAA is not enough).

Now about the settings themselves.

Anti-aliasing mode

determines the levels, degree and method of smoothing surfaces in 3D applications:

  • Eliminates ladders (corners) on the screens of various models;
  • The driver (not in the application) usually has three global values: use application settings, improve them, or override them;
  • When overridden and improved, it allows you to select the degree of anti-aliasing (2X, 4X, 8X, etc., etc., in particular, values ​​like 2xEQ, etc.) on which quality and performance directly depend (stronger anti-aliasing -> requires more resources ->
  • In the applications themselves (not the driver), often (for some time now) you can choose a method (type, variant, method, call it what you want), - SSAA, MSAA, CSAA, NFAA, FXAA, DLAA, MLAA, SMAA, TXAA etc;
  • The difference in degrees and methods can be quickly and easily found in search engines (it is better to immediately search by pictures) or determined by you by eye in a particular application.

Smoothing method

Specifies the method (technology, type, variant, method, whatever you want to call it) that is applied when smoothing:

  • Conventionally, it has three gradations (in the driver settings), - multiple sampling, adaptive sampling, redundant sampling (about the application settings described above);
  • The quality and performance directly depend on the method (stronger smoothing -> requires more resources -> if they are not enough, then less performance);
  • It is recommended to use the adaptive option, but change if there are performance problems and / or insufficient anti-aliasing when using degrees smoothing.

Morphological (not to be confused with anisotropic) filtering

An additional method for smoothing and filtering an image. "Little known", rarely used, redundant:

  • Theoretically, it should improve image quality, but in practice it often negatively affects performance at the cost of a dubious improvement in anti-aliasing;
  • Very crookedly speaking, it deals not so much with smoothing, but with blurring the final image and its additional filtering, after applying the methods described above, for a more complete understanding (not sure if you need it), you can try to read (eng.);
  • For the above reasons, as well as in connection with often, rather, negative consequences (loss, brakes, etc.), it is worth leaving it off (in fact, it has two positions (on-off).

Anisotropic filtering mode

Improves the quality of textures and images in general by filtering texture images on surfaces that are strongly (and not very) tilted relative to the camera:

  • The driver (not in the application) usually has two global values: use application settings or override;
  • As in the case of anti-aliasing, there can be 2X , 4X , 8X , etc., which determines the quality of the filtering;
  • The principle is based on using several copies of the same texture with different detail and building the number of texels (the minimum unit of the texture of a three-dimensional object, if you want - a texture pixel) along the direction of view and averaging their color. It heavily loads the video memory (requires its high bandwidth, which in turn is determined);
  • From certain years (approximately since 2007), it has almost no effect on performance in the negative, but it has a positive effect on image quality, so X16 and older are used everywhere.

Surface Format Optimization

As in the case of morphological filtering, this is an additional filtering method, only in this case, not anti-aliasing, but textures.

  • Theoretically, like anisotropic filtering, it should improve image quality by additionally filtering textures;
  • Practically (and visually) it is noticeably small, it usually affects performance doubtfully, but it can affect stability. It is recommended to avoid redundant use of this setting.

Wait for a vertical update (aka vertical sync, aka V-Sync)

Synchronizes the frame rate (FPS) with the monitor's refresh rate:

  • The driver (not in the application) usually has four global values: always off, off (if not specified by the application), enabled (if not specified by the application), always on;
  • In rare cases, it allows you to avoid rare, fast, visually inconspicuous "bands" that seem to tear the image into two components, which proceed quickly and are even familiar to someone (some do not meet them at all or do not notice them);
  • Marketers sold as a miracle of miracles, increasing the smoothness of the image and everything else;
  • In fact, due to the FPS limit (especially if it is lower than the monitor's frame rate as such), it usually negatively affects performance with extremely dubious benefits;
  • Statements about reducing noise, power consumption, etc., by limiting performance to this value, are sucked from the finger, because in the modern world and under normal conditions, the video card itself changes frequencies, power consumption, rotation speed and much more, without artificial restrictions. Double V-Sync is generally nonsense, but now we are not talking about that;
  • In connection with the above, it is recommended to keep always keep off. If you really, by eye, in this particular game-situation-configuration see a visual benefit after turning it on and off, then it is turned on.

Triple buffering OpenGL (and more)

Exaggerated, it is an I / O buffer that speeds up the speed of access to the generated data:

  • Frames are drawn at a frequency lower or higher than the refresh rate of the screen, ready (formed by the hardware earlier than they were requested back by the program that sent them for formation) are placed in the buffer (storage, so to speak), and the next frame is given for calculation, thus reducing the delay + the program does not need to poll the hardware to receive screen update events and the algorithm can freely run as quickly as possible;
  • Accordingly, there is double buffering (it is usually used), there is triple buffering (exactly what we are describing now), double buffering uses two buffers, triple three (maybe more, but this no longer makes a noticeable difference);
  • Double: if the system has two buffers, A and B, it can display buffer B while simultaneously forming a new image in buffer A, but it is required to wait for the buffers to change due to the image delay;
  • Triple: if the system has three buffers: A, B and C, it does not need to wait for buffers to change. It can display buffer B , forming an image in buffer A , a little more .
  • What to do: it is worth including, despite the restrictions.

Shader cache

Allows you to store compiled shaders in the cache, which can sometimes significantly speed up processing, reduce the load on the CPU and GPU, operating immediately with ready-made data without unnecessary compilation and taking them from storage.

  • Is there a value of "off" or " AMD optimized" (in other maps, the settings may not be there, named differently or enabled by default) - turning it off is often not recommended, because this allows you to achieve a smoother video sequence without unnecessary rendering delays, i.e. leave the optimized or enabled position. .

Tessellation Mode and tessellation as such

This is the thing responsible for the global improvement of the picture. At a basic level, it is a method of breaking up polygons into smaller pieces.

Applying tessellation to a rough model (left) allows for a smoother model (in the same image but in the middle), using displacement maps (in the same image but on the right) gives the characters cinematic level realism.

  • The driver framework has three options: AMD optimized, use application settings and override application settings;
  • Most often it is worth leaving it as it is, but more often, if for some reason the FPS in a game with requirements lower (with a more powerful card) is small, and there are also strange slowdowns, friezes (fading) and drawdowns where they should not be, here it makes sense to use application settings and/or even manual mode overrides;
  • Override allows you to set levels from 2x to 64x and higher, or disable them altogether. The level sets the very crushing and directly affects the performance and image quality. With this value, it makes sense to play with this parameter if something goes wrong. Yes, and so too.

energy efficiency

Allows you to chew an order of magnitude less energy at the cost of performance loss:

  • Turn off if you need performance. Perhaps this is all that is worth saying here.

Frame rate control

Allows you to select and set a frame rate limit in the application, supposedly, as in the case of vertical sync, to add smoothness to the video sequence.

  • In fact, few people need it and why, except in cases of the opposite - when the frame rate is artificially (by settings that cannot be changed) limited in the application, here you can try to override this value with a slider, which allows, in rare cases, to remove this restriction and work on full (or the value that you specified).

Perhaps from general settings that's all there is to know. Let's go through the interfaces of specific software, as well as Overdrive and Wattman.

How to configure the video card through the "old" software - Catalyst Control Center

In the process of installing / updating drivers (or, if you have already bought a ready-made PC with a pre-installed OS), in addition to the module itself, which is responsible for displaying the picture on the monitor screen, additional module entitled Catalyst Control Center (ACCC).

This is a software shell that is a control center for working with video adapters and allows you to perform any manipulations both with the settings of the card itself and the connected monitor.

By default, ACCC rests in the tray on the desktop as a small icon (see image).

However, for some reason, you may not find the control center icon in the standard place, then in order to start working with ACCC you need to update your video card drivers.

This can be done in different ways, however, I prefer to do this with a special free utility from AMD called amddriverdownloader (old name).

Who is not in the know, this is the technology of automatic detection (search and discovery) of the most latest versions manufacturer's drivers. Its advantages are in clarity, convenience, free of charge and automation of the process of searching and downloading drivers. The disadvantages are that it does not always do it correctly, like any automated system.

Thanks to this, now you don’t need to go to the manufacturer’s website, look for the right video adapter model, drive in your OS and bit depth. You simply download the utility, run it at any time and it determines whether there is anything new for your firewood and downloads the necessary distribution kit to your PC. So, to start working with ACCC, update the drivers through the utility by going to the official website in the Download section and clicking on “Download”.

After downloading, you start the standard installation of firewood, along with which you will be supplied with our today's hero of the occasion - the control center. To enter it, you need to click on the icon (red-gray color AMD) of the desktop tray with the right mouse button and click on the corresponding inscription.

In essence, ACCC is nothing more than user interface to install, configure, and access features for AMD Radeon and hybrid graphics cards AMD processors. This application provides video settings to adjust display settings, display profiles and image quality.

ACCC plays a very important role in the functioning of your video card and allows you to add the necessary fps "s (parrots) in games. That is, with it you can run a game or an application at a quite decent flight level, which is initially more demanding on the characteristics of your PC and, in particular video cards.

Note :
ATI Technologies, known for manufacturing computer processors, developed the Catalyst Control Center (CCC) to complement its line of Radeon graphics cards. The utility first became available on R-series video cards. After AMD's acquisition of ATI, the utility became (in old version) be called .

Immediately after starting the center, click on the button “ Options"(above the question mark) and select the item -" Extended View” (see image). Thus, we are switching to a more advanced mode with a large number of settings and a more convenient interaction interface.

In the settings tab, you may also be interested in the item “ Enable taskbar menu” – is responsible for whether or not to display the tray icon and “ Restore factory settings” – a rollback to pure settings, in case you over-chemized something in optimization :).

Also, by clicking on the question mark, you will call up extensive help on the control center, where you can study all the utility settings up and down.

So, as the name of the utility suggests, " Control center"- it acts as a hub for all the options and functions associated with the AMD graphics card. By launching ACCC, users get access to various functions:

  • Desktop management;
  • Customization of digital panels / display;
  • Setting video picture parameters;
  • Setting up 3D applications;
  • Performance Management, AMD OverDrive - CPU Overclocking and GPU.

Let's break down the highlights of the settings and go through the most important tabs of the AMD Catalyst Control Center.

The first thing I would like to draw attention to is the point “ Desktop Properties" in the dropdown menu “ Desktop management". It allows you to change the screen size, refresh rate, color quality, and desktop rotation.

Here we are interested in the settings under the numbers (1, 2, 3). It is necessary to set (if they were automatically determined incorrectly) the correct resolution, bit depth (color quality), screen refresh rate, and also set the orientation (landscape or portrait).

To do this, you need to get the documentation (specification for the monitor) and find the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the first and third characteristics there in the section “ Technical parameters monitor”.

The next important menu “ My digital flat panels” and items:

  • Properties (digital flat panel);
  • Zoom settings;

Let's go through each separately.

In the properties of the digital panel, we are interested in the tab “ Image scaling". It can be implemented by means of the GPU graphic processor, if you check the box there.

This function is responsible for correctly matching the monitor format to the video game format. Those. so that you play at the correct resolution in full screen and at the highest possible resolution.

If the checkbox is unchecked, then such scaling is performed Windows tools, however, is not always correct. Whether or not to check the box is up to everyone, I don’t play much, so I don’t have it. Who likes to play games, it's better to stick :)

Another setting here is " Enable ITC processing". It provides video quality using the GPU rather than the graphics driver for HDMI displays that support ITC processing. Well, it’s clear what I rewarded here? ;)

In a nutshell, this is such a feature that allows your monitor to use its own full-screen image processing algorithms. Those. if the monitor supports HDMI, then check the box and enjoy all the delights of the picture that the manufacturer put into the hardware of the monitor. Otherwise, for tree monitors, it will not be available.

The next item in the tab “ My digital panels” – “Zoom settings". The setting is responsible for removing the “mourning frame” around the edges of the desktop. It often happens that after reinstalling the OS or drivers, black bars appear on the sides of the monitor. So, to avoid this, it is better to check the box - “ Use scaling factor”.

Note :
After each change in the parameters, for them to take effect, click on the button “ Apply (A)” or “ Default (E)” (if you want to return everything as it was).

The last important setting in the Numeric Panels tab is LCD Overdrive. If you chose your own monitor, then you know that - the response of the monitor and the smaller it is, the better (supposedly).

By enabling this option, you compensate for the response time (by accelerating color signals) and thus moving objects will not leave a "loop" when watching dynamic scenes of movies or games. This option is active only if the technology is supported by the graphics card itself.

There are a lot of settings here, and all of them are responsible for the beauty of the image, to one degree or another. brightness, chroma, contrast and other parameters. I must say that in most cases the standard settings of the center are quite satisfactory and do not require any special user tweaking.

Therefore, it is better not to change them, because changing one will lead to a violation of the overall balance and a change in the heap related parameters. In other words, even small improvements can lead to image “floating away”. Useful settings for us here will be the “Quality” tab: video quality and deinterlacing.

We need to set the following checkboxes (see image):

  • "Dynamic Contrast"- this is an automatic adjustment of brightness depending on the picture on the monitor. Responsible for the best display of rapidly changing scenes, for example, when watching movies or in dynamic games.
  • "Deinterlacing" is the elimination of interlacing or "comb effect" when watching a video. To exaggerate, the comb effect is the driving of a moving object, i.e. when there are two fields of the frame on the monitor screen at once, shifted relative to each other. Deinterlacing eliminates this effect.

Also, for a smoother video playback process, it is necessary to check the box “frame change detection” in the video stream when using deinterlacing.

In the tab " Video"There are more settings that deserve our attention and these are:

  • AMD Steady Video - shaky image stabilization;
  • Global video quality;
  • Faster video conversion.

If your home video is shaking (as if after a big day :)), then you need to check the box next to AMD Steady Video. Setting “ Global video quality” –> “Force anti-aliased video” allows you to ensure smooth playback of the video stream without dropping frames. We put a tick there.

Setting “ Fast Video Conversion” allows you to connect the resources of your video to the video conversion process. graphics hardware. Put a check mark " Turn on hardware acceleration ”, if you often encode video using various players and want to speed up this process.

So, now let's jump over the two items "Games" and " performance” and stop on the tab “ Information". Actually, there is nothing unusual here, standard information from the manufacturer.

On the AMD home page tab, we are interested in the “Check for driver updates”, which allows you to download the latest drivers to your computer, i.e. update their version and the Catalyst control center core itself.

In order for the “woodpile of firewood” to start loading, you need to click on the blue arrow and the driver update process will start.

The next two tabs are “Programs” and “ Hardware devices". They make it possible to learn in detail about the hardware devices of the system, the graphics adapter, and in general to obtain information about the system (button “ System Information”).

Understood the basic setup. Let's now take a look at the performance and overclocking options that reside in the OverDrive section.

OverDrive in "old" AMD driver software

If you are an avid gamer and own an AMD video card, then you have the right to count on some increase in its power for free. The optimal and correct setting will help you squeeze out the coveted fps in games and add speed in various 3D applications. Two settings are responsible for this in the control center: “ Performance” and “Games”.

Consider them in more detail and start in order.

AMD OverDrive Technology is an AMD development designed to overclock a graphics card and GPU at the driver level. To start using it, you must read and accept the terms of the license agreement (see image).

I think you have a question on your lips: What does AMD OverDrive do and how does it benefit me as a user?". I answer she:

  • Has sets of preset parameters for beginners and fans of overclocking. You can easily select a pre-configured memory profile to achieve optimal DDR3 memory performance. You can also manually control performance settings from the BIOS and create custom profiles for specific applications;
  • Through automatic frequency adjustment makes overclocking even faster and easier;
  • Allows you to control the fan speed to improve performance;
  • Allows you to control all your performance settings, including memory clock speed, voltage and timings.

After accepting the terms of the license and warning that if you have crooked hands better overclocking do not engage (:)), the following window pops up.

Here you can play with the settings and add parrots to applications. This method works as follows. We change any of the parameters by several units, go into the 3D application, launch the FPS measurer, and if there is an increase in parrots and everything works stably, then we leave these parameters. Otherwise, we roll back to the default parameters (key E) and change the parameters more carefully, until we find a stable-increased combination of settings.

Note :
In order for the wound changes to take effect and affect the system performance, you must check the “ Enable Graphics Drive”.

Here are the results (in terms of performance increase) I managed to achieve just by playing with the settings of the video card and (to a lesser extent) the frequencies of the processor.

The default settings were the following:

...and the number of fps in the game Metro Last Light Redux (1080p resolution, very high settings) with them was:

And here is what they were changed to (at the map):

...and the number of FPS in the game Metro Last Light Redux with the same graphics settings is:

In total, we have 41 against 44 - quite a decent result for a couple of gestures with the settings of the card and (to a lesser extent) the processor. If you sit in detail and twist the processor as it should, then 5-7 extra parrots can be knocked out for sure.

Note :
In addition to the graphics card, you can also overclock the processor using AMD OverDrive. However, it must be from AMD.

As you hope to remember, there is one more item on the agenda, this is setting up 3D applications. To start working with them, go to the corresponding menu ACCC:

We see the attachment System Options”, And in it a table with two columns: “ Opportunities" and " Settings». At the bottom, you can add a game application (button “Add”) in the .exe format and set the graphics settings for a particular game (application), i.e., the so-called profile.

Local settings (smoothing, filtering, sampling and everything else) you set based on what is written below above, i.e. in the first half of the article under the appropriate subheading.

How to set up a Radeon graphics card through "new" software - AMD (ATI) Software (Crimson onwards)

If you have a brand new card, the latest system and drivers, then most likely you already have the latest version of the software for working with driver settings. It is much more visual, concise and contains very few tabs ( Games, Video, Relive, Display and System), each of which very clearly allows you to control the video card.

The "Games" section is responsible for managing the main performance settings that are listed above, i.e. in the first half of the article under the appropriate subheading.

The "Video" tab is responsible for the color, brightness and contrast settings for the video and everything that accompanies it. There are several preset profiles here, the result of which is visible, as they say, on the fly (start the video and poke the mouse into the profile).

Relive, if installed, allows you to capture video and manage the settings that go with it. We will not comment on anything here, since this is not about that.

The "Display" section allows you to manage resolution settings, change the color temperature of the monitor, so to speak, programmatically, set ultra-high resolution, scaling, etc.

The last section, which is called "System" and contains the tabs "Overview", " Software"and" Equipment ", will help you find out current version drivers, frequencies, the name of the video card, its detailed characteristics and some of the computer parameters.

As you can see, everything here is much more concise and convenient.

Setting up Wattman in the "new" driver software from AMD (ATI)

There are two subsections in the games section, one of which is responsible for global settings, the second for deeper ones (overclocking), which, the section, is called (at the time the article was updated) Wattman, which replaced Overdrive.

If you decide to overclock and change frequencies, then go to this section and agree with the warning that tells you that everything you do - you do at your own peril and risk, you can lose your warranty and so on (in general, read the text ).

Next, you will see such a large sheet (you can stretch the window with the mouse), the first section in which is responsible for monitoring the state (frequency, temperature, cooler speed, etc.) over time (i.e. at the first start it may be empty, you should wait).

The second section allows you to change frequencies simply and quickly by pulling the slider to the desired percentage and, at the same time, seeing how it affects different states and voltages. The voltage can also be set manually, but this is strongly discouraged. Interest should be increased slowly (preferably by 1%), after each of which you should test the video card for stability for a long time, trying to achieve maximum growth with maximum stability.

The third section similarly adjusts the values ​​for the memory frequency and memory voltage (which also should not be changed manually if you are not an experienced overclocker), thereby overclocking it too. It is worth overclocking the parameters in turn (separate frequency and separately memory), and then try to link them together, because one depends on the other (see).

The last section allows you to control the rotation speed of the coolers of the cooling system, depending on the temperature (right side) and in a given speed range (RPM) (from minimum to maximum + acoustic limit).

On this, perhaps, everything that is worth knowing here and can be known. We still recommend controlling speed and overclocking through Afterburner, a detailed article on this topic.

Well, that's probably all the settings that can be tweaked to improve the "flyability" and better "indicativeness" of 3D applications.

In order for you to have a clearer picture of all of the above in your head, I will give a general memo, a memo called “ How to improve graphics performance for games?”:

  • Update drivers in a timely manner;
  • Configure drivers globally (see above);
  • Configure drivers locally for the application (profiles), depending on the needs and requirements;
  • Use good cooling(), setting (noisier than ) or use ;
  • A little overclocking never hurt anyone. Within reasonable limits.

With you was the captain-obviousness (c) :)

Well, that's probably all for today, let's summarize and say goodbye.


Today we have fully dealt with the topic of setting up video card drivers. I am sure that now each of you will be able to do it correctly and, if necessary, squeeze extra parrots out of your graphic babies :)

As always, if you have any questions, additions, thoughts, etc., then welcome to comment on this post.

PS: For the original existence of this article, thanks to team member 25 FRAME

Triple buffering allows for faster image output compared to double buffering. In real world applications, this often involves an attempt to abstract graphics generation operations from synchronization with the monitor's refresh rate. Typically, frames are drawn below or above the screen refresh rate (variable frame rate) without the usual effects that this might cause (namely, flickering, shifting, tearing). Since the program does not need to poll the hardware to receive screen update events, the algorithm is free to run as fast as possible. This is not the only triple buffering method available, but is the predominant one on PC architectures, where machine speeds can vary greatly.

Another method of triple buffering involves synchronizing with the refresh rate of the screen, using a third buffer simply as a way to provide free space for change requests in the overall amount of graphics being rendered. Here the buffer is used in the true sense when it acts as storage. This method presents increased minimum requirements to the hardware, but provides a consistent (versus variable) frame rate.

Triple buffering uses three buffers, but the method can be extended to any number of buffers the application needs. There is usually no benefit to using four or more buffers.

Disadvantages of Double Buffering

If the system has two buffers, A and B, it can display buffer B while simultaneously generating a new image in buffer A. When the image in buffer A is ready, the system has to wait for the monitor beam to return to swap buffers. This wait period can be several milliseconds during which none of the buffers are touched. At the moment the vertical scan is completed, you can either exchange buffers A and B, in order to then start rendering in buffer B (page switching), or copy buffer A to buffer B and draw in buffer A.

Benefits of triple buffering

If the system has three buffers, A, B, and C, it doesn't have to wait for the buffers to change. It can render Buffer B, rendering Buffer A. When Buffer A is ready, it immediately starts rendering Buffer C. When there is a vertical pause, Buffer A is displayed and Buffer B is freed for reuse.

Triple Buffering Limitations

If the system always fills the buffers in less time than it takes to display the buffer on the screen, the computer will always wait for a monitor signal, regardless of the number of buffers. In this case, triple buffering has no advantage over double buffering.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Triple Buffering" is in other dictionaries:

    Buffering (from the English buffer) is a method of organizing exchange, in particular, data input and output in computers and other computing devices, which involves the use of a buffer for temporary data storage. When entering data alone ... ... Wikipedia

    - (from English buffer) a method of organizing exchange, in particular, data input and output in computers and other computing devices, which involves the use of a buffer for temporary data storage. When entering data, one device or ... ... Wikipedia

    In computer science, a data preparation method that provides the ability to return the finished result without interrupting the process of preparing the next result. The main areas of application of double buffering: rendering screen content playback ... ... Wikipedia

    Double buffering in computer science is a data preparation method that provides the ability to return the finished result without interrupting the process of preparing the next result. The main areas of application of double buffering: content rendering ... ... Wikipedia

    This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

    In computer science, a buffer is a memory area used to temporarily store data during input or output. Data exchange (input and output) can take place both with external devices, and with processes within the computer. Buffers ... ... Wikipedia

As part of this review, I will tell you what triple buffering is, as well as about the features associated with it.

The essence of the problem. When forming an image, it is considered optimal that at first the entire area is replaced by a background (for example, white or a certain picture), and only then separate fragments are applied to it. If, however, one buffer is used, from which it reads and into which data is written, then it is quite possible that problems such as screen flickering or its individual elements, the appearance of breaks (the upper part of the picture is from the current one, the lower part is from the old one) and other defects.

One solution to this problem is double and triple buffering. What is it and why is it needed, as well as how it is connected with V-Sync, we will consider further.

Triple and double buffering

double buffering

double buffering- this is a method that allows you to ensure the simultaneous transmission of the finished result and the formation of the next one.

How does double buffering work in computer graphics? It is worth noting that there are two options, both of which solve the problem of flickering and some other defects, but do not solve the problem of tearing the picture. The first is when the image is first formed in the computer's RAM, and then copied to the monitor's buffer (from which the latter reads and displays the picture on the screen). The second is when the video card initially supports two buffers, which it changes without copying the data, which is much faster. In this case, breaks occur less frequently.

It is worth knowing that the primary buffer is the one in which the picture displayed on the monitor screen is stored. The secondary buffer is the one in which the image is generated (rendering takes place).

Triple buffering

Triple buffering is a type of double buffering that uses three data buffers.

How does triple buffering work in computer graphics? The mechanism itself is largely similar, but only three data buffers are used - a primary and two secondary ones. In this case, it is also possible to use additional buffers of the video card as secondary buffers of the method, if they exist.

Why is this needed? The fact is that at the time of data copying, the video card is idle. Accordingly, an additional back buffer solves this problem, since at the time of data copying, the next image can be formed. This allows you to increase fps.

However, both of these technologies are usually associated with V-Sync and for a reason. Let's look at why next.

Double and triple buffering with vertical sync

V-Sync is used in conjunction with double or triple buffering to solve tearing problems. The only difference from normal use is that data copying is synchronized with the monitor's frequency. In simple words, at the moments when the monitor reads and displays data, the picture does not change.

Note: Readers should be aware that V-Sync improves Input Lag.

What are the pros and cons of double buffering with V-Sync?

Pros. There are no gaps on the screen. If the video card is powerful and its fps is higher than the monitor frequency, then the decrease in fps may not be felt, since each frame of the animation will be rendered (generated) until it is displayed on the monitor screen, taking into account the copy delay.

Minuses. The bottom line is that, in addition to the problem of video card downtime when copying data, a delay is added waiting for the monitor to draw. This means that fps can drop dramatically if the video card generates fewer frames than the monitor's frequency. For example, 40-45 fps can be reduced to 30 real fps, since some of the frames will be displayed in 1 monitor cycle, and some of the frames in 2 monitor cycles. If fps is less than 30, then the decrease can be up to 15 frames.

The second significant disadvantage is that if the real fps of the video card jumps in the game, then this can be noticeable and additionally cause excessive eye fatigue. For example, if there are 40-50 fps in some scenes and 20-30 fps in others, then this means that the fps will alternate in the style of "30 - 15 - 30 - 15 - 15 - 30 - 30".

What are the pros and cons of triple buffering with V-Sync?

Pros. The same as the double, but with some difference. The fact is that triple buffering allows you to get rid of the idle problem, since when waiting for the monitor or copying data, the video card forms the next image, which is especially useful if the video card forms images either quickly or slowly (however, a minus is possible in the form of periodic skips images due to V-Sync).

Minuses. The first disadvantage is that triple buffering requires more computing resources. The second disadvantage is that if the video card always generates images quickly, taking into account all the delays, then the sense of triple buffering is lost. Third. If the computer is "weak", then enabling this method may reduce the real fps. This happens because of the first minus, since more computing resources are required. In this case, it is better to disable not only triple buffering, but also V-Sync.

Buffering is a way of organizing the exchange, namely the input and output of data in computing devices and computers. The buffer is used as a place to temporarily store data. During data entry, some devices write data to the buffer, while others read data from the buffer. At the conclusion, everything is exactly the opposite.

Where do we encounter buffering?

In fact, all processes in the PC are associated with this process. It is not easy for an uninformed person to understand what buffering is. However, it is very easy to observe it: the same movie download online - data is buffered, the movie is loaded into the cache and played, although it is not on the computer.

This operation allows processes to perform input and output data independently of each other. Due to this usefulness, buffering is used in multifunctional operating systems.

Several of its types are used in computer graphics for input, output and image processing. They are implemented in hardware or software.

An example of buffering in is RAM modem, which is used for temporary storage of received and sent files.
An example of buffering in software are multitasking operating systems, in which, when data is entered for printing, files are temporarily uploaded to the print queue.

Advanced PC users need to know what buffering is.
In the field information technologies There is always superficial information and in-depth information. Having understood what buffering is, you can go further and consider its types in more detail.

It is known that there is double and triple buffering. They will be discussed in the next subheading.

Triple buffering - what is it?

In computer graphics this species The process under discussion is a variation of double buffering. The difference is only in the method of displaying images. Triple allows you to avoid or reduce the number of artifacts. Also, differences between double and triple buffering are observed in the speed of image output.

The triple buffering method is also synchronized with The third buffer is used here as a method of providing free space for change requests in the total volume of the rendered graphics. It acts as a kind of storage. The triple buffering method is more resource intensive but provides a consistent frame rate.

Three buffers is not the limit. However, there is no need for 4 or more places for temporary storage of downloaded files, only 3 of them will always work actively. Therefore, the best option is triple buffering.

Consider what is buffering in games?

Buffering is also used to transfer game images. In games, both double and triple are used. Double buffering is for weaker PCs and OSes, while triple buffering is for more powerful ones.

If you use triple buffering on a weak OS, the game may glitch. In other words, performance depends on what kind of process is used on your computer. Games are also different, with different requirements for PC and OS.

Choosing the type of buffering is quite difficult, as game manufacturers create their brainchild using a variety of methods. Therefore, in gaming forums, you can often hear about how a certain game does not work well with triple buffering, and vice versa.

Ideally, manufacturers should indicate system requirements a specific game, its compatibility with various operating systems, buffering support, etc.

If the manufacturer has not given specific information about compatibility, you can check it yourself. In any case, only time is wasted, it will not bring any harm to the computer. Incompatibility can be noticed almost immediately, as it is reflected in the inhibition of graphic rendering and poor synchronization of the image with the sound.

About output buffering

Output buffering is quite a useful thing. This function consists of stacking the entire output of the script, adding cookie headers and another resulting particular script to it. After the processing of information is completed, all data is sent to the client in reverse order, that is, first the headers, then the page, and then the result of the script.

Opportunities unlocked by output buffering

  1. Sending a cookie from absolutely anywhere in the script.
  2. Start a session at any time.
  3. Compressing data before sending it to the client.

Keep in mind that compression will require additional CPU resources. But the transfer speed will increase by 40% (depending on the number of pictures and text). It is known that pictures are compressed much worse than text. Output buffering is not enabled by default.

There are 2 methods to enable output buffering:

  1. Suitable for those who own the server itself or who have access to the php.ini file. All you need to do is find the output_buffering directive in this file and set it to On.
  2. The second way is to use ob_start() in the script whose output needs to be buffered.

So we figured out what buffering is.