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Managed interface 1s 8.3

After I felt for three days in practice managed forms, I loved them. No need to arrange the fields on the form with the mouse, suffer with bindings. Everything is simple and done in a few clicks.

I even felt sorry that 1C did not completely abandon the usual forms due to the fact that they are used in desktop mode. After all, it would be possible to give an opportunity in UV for precise pixel positioning, and regular forms would die out over time. And so you have to scatter your strength on the knowledge of the old functionality.

And so, of course, UV is much faster than usual, because. work according to a three-tier scheme between the client and the server.

In addition, the functionality of the UV itself is much richer and wider than that of the usual ones - not surprisingly, a lot of time has passed, and many interface finds have fallen into them.

For example, displaying a dynamic table with groupings, or pulling out the details of objects directly into a dynamic list. Or even a radio button not in the form of dots, but in the form of toggle switches.

In practice, they are not as scary to use as it seemed initially, I got used to it quickly. I've programmed enough in my time common modules, which only worked on the server, and encountered conversions of mutable values ​​to pass them to the server, so managed forms were understandable to me.

Modalities, Events, and Interface Locks

I heard that in 8.3 there was a deprecation of modal functions likeQuestion, A warning, OpenFormModal. It was not clear to me why this was done.

What was my surprise when, in one of the examples, the teacher called the opening of the form with the “Lock the entire interface” parameter, i.e. essentially modal.

I was sure that modality was abandoned.

Understanding did not come immediately.

Modal windows have not been abandoned in 1C. There are new functions to display a warning, ask a question, open a modal file selection dialog.

The nuance is that after calling these modal windows, the control does not freeze, as before, waiting for the form to close, but continues. The form raises an alert that it has closed, and you need to handle this alert.

Those. the 1C platform got rid of the rudiment of code execution freezing and switched to fully event-based form management.

Of course, this has nothing to do with browsers having trouble showing modals. This is a delusion and prejudice - forget it like a bad dream. Everything is logical. In fact, now the execution is completely event-based and asynchronous, we managed to get rid of synchronous execution.

Mini-constructors appeared in 1C - refactoring. This makes it easier to write notification handlers for asynchronous operation rather than writing them manually.

The configuration has the ability to disable all synchronous calls (they will throw an error), as a result, it will be completely asynchronous and meet the latest requirements for organizing an event model.

New interface features


If managed forms look like a completely logical and correct direction of development, then the direction of development of the menu system for me remained incomprehensible.
Undoubtedly, the menu, where only one level is shown, then you need to go to the next sublevel and so on until the desired item is already morally outdated, and it was replaced by a menu map, where several menu items are deployed at once. This was done in the standard way before the release of the new menu interfaces in 8.2.

At one time, on 8.1, I made a menu system in the form of a hierarchical directory attached to the left, where the visibility of each item was determined by the access rights of the user for whom the menu was displayed.

As I understand it, 1C considered it wrong that the Interface application object was not used, and decided to release a new, advanced alternative to it.

It turned out kind of tricky, in my opinion. Again, everything is tied to customizable checkboxes of roles that I never liked - best system roles are written at the level of the program code, the proof of this is the system of additional user rights, which allows you to flexibly and easily set up access rights in standard configurations.

In general, new ways of organizing the menu have come, in my opinion they are not very successful, but there is no alternative, and they are used in typical ones.

I asked the teacher: “I understand about managed forms, but why did you need to develop interfaces, why couldn’t you modify the classic menu a little”?

He answered me that the 1C system is developing in the direction of increasing the comfort and speed of the user. In my opinion, nevertheless, such grandiose changes in the menu system are not worth it.

Bypass order

By the way, the order of bypass is important for the productive work of users - many have already learned a certain order of field bypass on the machine. So, just the bypass order in 8.2 was abandoned. It strictly follows the order in which the elements are placed. Fortunately, it is possible to programmatically intercept the exit from the field and transfer focus to another field, otherwise it would be very bad with the declared performance.

Workspace and nested forms

The working area is only one. Therefore, it is necessary to shove the forms of almost all users into it and determine their visibility with rights. All this should lead to chaos in large configurations.

It would be much easier to create it in program code or use the nested forms mechanism.

What is not implemented in 8.2-8.3

I never waited for nested forms. Alas, they are not, although they were used in ancient times. Access.

There is no dragging through the clipboard. Those. you have to drag it with the mouse, you can’t specify it - I drag it from here and put it here, without tearing the tin with the mouse, alas. Although, perhaps, third-party software can come to the rescue here, because. drag and drop is a system thing in Windows.

Functional Options and Element Visibility

At one time RLS were created in order to show users only individual records of tables.

Functional options and settings for displaying fields by roles became a further development of visibility. Together, this makes up a kind of diverse zoo, there is no overall harmony and coherence.

In my humble opinion, the visibility of the fields is still easier to control programmatically than declaratively, by setting checkboxes and making a complex mechanism of functional options.

At the time, I proved that RLS inferior to change program control entries at the object/subscription module level. Similarly, I suspect that any functional option is inferior to the usual algorithmic description of element visibility control - both in ease of use and in the universality of the approach.

The user of the configurator has to think a lot about how to control visibility - by roles or through functional options. Having once written a universal algorithm for determining the visibility of fields, he could always apply it without any of these platform crutches.

The verdict - functional options and visibility through roles - are ineffective, but you need to know them, because. they are used in typical configurations.

8.2 interface and Taxi interface

8.2 interface and taxi interface are compatible, i.e. no new items appeared. The configuration can work in either 8.2 or Taxi, you can let the user switch between these interfaces.

The main difference is the location of the main menu objects. In 8.2, they took up a lot of space on the left and top, as a result, there was little space left for the workspace for the user in the lower right corner. In the Taxi interface, the menu is automatically hidden, remaining in the form of a small menu on the left, as a result, almost the entire screen is allocated for the workspace.

It is not clear why it was necessary to go such a confusing path, if in the end the basic menu system in 8.1 was even more economical in using screen real estate?

Also in Taxi, the principles for displaying windows have changed, as a result, the form code for 8.2 is inconvenient in some places. But in this direction, I have not yet realized the difference, although the teacher tried to tell the basic principles of Taxi. I'll try to figure it out in practice, although I consider all these interface improvements to be redundant and unnecessary in practice for users of business applications.

By the way, in 8.2 you can’t change the palette, it’s like a visiting card of the 1C platform. In the same way, the menu organization system in the form of 8.2 or Taxi accustoms users to a certain standard. However, practice shows that new system The user's menu is relearned almost instantly. It is much more difficult to change the skills of working with documents and reports.

Therefore, all this noise and controversy around the menu system is not very clear to me - this is not the main point in the 1C platform, let's leave it on the conscience of the platform architects and the managers who indicate the direction of development to them.

An undeveloped ideology

The teacher correctly noted, although it is understandable that the platform developers did not create new entities where it was needed.

For example, subsystems are used both to divide configuration objects into blocks and to organize function menus (a new alternative to the usual application menu). Although it would be logical to create a separate application object, which would be called "Function Menu".

You also have to organize empty roles (interface roles), which are only needed to specify which objects will be displayed in one form or another. Although it would be logical to develop the applied object "Interface" in this direction.

Doubts about effectiveness

Some 1C approaches to usability raise doubts.

For example, a lot of emphasis in the courses has been given to having the printable form of a document shown in a separate subform of the document and clearing it when the document changes. There is not much sense in this, sometimes you need to print several copies - for example, before editing and after. It is impossible with practice to get confused in a couple of documents and several printed forms, so the dispersion of energy in this direction seemed doubtful to me.

Also, for example, in the platform it is impossible to make an input field in a cell dynamic list if the source is not the base table. Not because it is technically difficult, but for reasons usability.

Possibilities for saving settings

Form settings are saved directly to the database, not in the session. They are not lost when they crash. Accordingly, a new mechanism for working with these settings has appeared, where you can save your data. AlternativeSaveValue/RestoreValue.

Now, if necessary, all saved settings can be sorted through programmatically, which means they can be uploaded to another user, to a file, etc.

Other questions

What are Managed Forms?

In managed forms, code runs on the client and on the server.

The client means a weak machine, it can even be a regular browser.

And the server is in a direct and fast connection to the database.

The client cannot work with the database, it can perform small mathematical operations and manipulate the elements of its forms. If you want to get something from the database or send data there, the client contacts the server.

This is how managed forms work. With proper skill, constantly accessing the server is not a problem.

Such an organization is more efficient than connecting to the server through remote access in addition, work is possible directly through the browser, i.е. on any platform - Windows, linux, Android , Mac OS .

Notes on 1 in bulk

Here are the notes that I wrote for myself, they contain valuable knowledge:

  1. In the 1C launch window, it is no longer information bases that are registered, but entry points. Those. one base can be present several times, but it is registered for different users and different work tools - browser, thin/thick client, administrator login.
  2. For the administrator, a key has appeared that disables role control. You can only sign in to Enterprise in this way if you have administrative rights to the configuration.
  3. General details - do not confuse them with general details in 1C7, in 82 they are used to separate access in the interface.
  4. Often used the minimum height of the list in the form to get rid of the extra scrollbar of the form.
  5. You should not store pictures in the requisites of the directory, this leads to a drop in the performance of directories, you must use the information register.
  6. In server procedures, you must use VALUE when passing parameters so that the parameter is not passed back to the server.
  7. New FeaturesPageBeginsFrom and Page Ends On, possibly others, from platform 8.3.6.
  8. In 1s 8.2, a privileged mode appeared, i.e. you can disable access control at the role level in code sections.
  9. The elements of the form list, table of values ​​and tree of values ​​differ in that the list on the server and the client has the same representation, and special objects are created for the table and the tree and they must be converted on the server.
  10. I was pleased that the teacher likes to name objects in the singular and name modules with an underscore so that these modules go first in order in the contextual hint.

About life and around 1C

The teacher stated:

  1. Development must be carried out from the interface.
    My opinion : The statement is doubtful, because knowledge and experience of using the architecture of the platform allows you to immediately go from application objects, and then build the interface.
  2. The manager does not enter data, only looks at reports. And he manages not data entry in 1C, but by phone and through a secretary. Therefore, the browser is enough for the manager, and the input fields are needed only to filter the data.
    My opinion A: Yes, that seems to be true.
  3. Criticized BSP (Library of Standard Subsystems). In the sense that it is impossible and very difficult to isolate the necessary modules from it.
    My opinion : Because even the BSP could not be divided into modules, then the SCP cannot be divided into modules UT, ZUP, BP, Production. And here it’s not the platform’s fault, but the wrong methodology for writing typical ones - modularity is not respected. The same
    Navision has long had the opportunity to first sell accounting to a client, and then he can buy trade, production and wages if necessary, without rewriting the code and switching to a new program.
  4. Typical steels are very complex and difficult to change. Again, not because of the complexity of the platform, but because of the incorrect organization of typical ones. In this case, the basic principle is lost - fast and economical support and refinement of standard configurations if necessary.
  5. An option for placing an order was demonstrated, when the item is located on the left in the workspace, and the list of orders is on the right. Opposite the nomenclature, you can put a quantity, then drag it to the list of orders and an order is formed. Advantage - the table of orders is not blocked for creating a new order.
    My opinion : The advantage is far-fetched - nevertheless, users are more accustomed to seeing the selected product in the tabular part, they can save this order as a draft or copy the order from the template. In general, the documents were not invented in vain.
  6. Explained the difference between the sections "Main", "Important", "Go", "See also".
    My opinion : Personally, I understood vaguely, which means that the majority will not understand these nuances embedded in the platform
    usability in a taxi. Therefore, the interfaces will look like before, as both users and programmers in 1C are already used to.
  7. In a cell of a table field on a form, the source of which is an arbitrary request, you cannot enter data, as in the input field. This is done for the benefit usability so that the user focuses on entering data in a separate window.
    My opinion : I gave an example with input in tabular parts, where such a field exists, the meaning of the ban is not clear to me.
  8. Divorces arise from comparing a spouse with other people. Less comparisons - stronger marriage.
  9. Foreign languages ​​are easier to learn when you study several of them at once, the narrow-mindedness and obsession with one native language is removed.
  10. Foreign languages ​​cannot be learned if you link a foreign word to a word in your native language, you need to link it to an image. The chain foreign word - image is shorter than the chain foreign word - native word - image. In the latter case, thinking in a foreign language will not work.


I express my gratitude to the teacher.

Attending this course freed me from preconceptions about managed forms, I clearly understood for myself the nuances of modality, the differences between interfaces 8.2 and Taxi.

Now controlled forms do not frighten me, but, on the contrary, attract me to know them.

I hope you, who are reading this article, will also appreciate managed forms.

When a user enters 1C in Enterprise mode to start working, he first of all sees the program interface.

In programming under the word interface may mean several different meanings. We now mean "user interface".

The user interface is all windows, menus, buttons and other things that the user works with directly in the program.

Interface design is the font used, color, background image and other decor elements. Design does not affect the composition of the interface.

The 1C platform implements two different user interface mechanisms that are used in different . The thick 1C client has its own interface, the thin (and web client) has its own.

Let's talk today about the user interface 1C.

Interface 1C

The 1C interface of a thick client looks like this.

It includes:

  • Main menu
  • Panels.

The desktop used in some configurations (accounting, payroll) is not part of the 1C interface, it is a processing that is done by the programmer separately and which opens in 1C in full screen at the time of entering the program.

In the configurator, the 1C interface is located in the General / Interfaces branch.

The programmer creates a 1C interface with a specific name and, when creating a user, specifies the default 1C interface of this user.

In the properties of the 1C interface there is a checkbox "Switchable". If the 1C interface is not switchable (the checkbox is unchecked), then all users see it, even if they are assigned a different 1C interface. In this case, the user sees both interfaces merged into one.

When adding a 1C interface, you see a list of panels. There is always a panel by default, it contains the main menu of the program.

If you add more panels, they will be displayed as panels (with buttons).

When adding a new 1C interface from scratch, a constructor opens that helps to design a menu by ticking the necessary objects.

When editing an existing menu, items are added one by one, because when the constructor is called again, it recreates the menu from scratch.

When adding the top menu item, in the properties you can select one of the typical menus - File, Operations, Service, Windows, Help.

After adding a button or menu item, you need to select the action to perform. Action can be of two types.

If you want the click to open a 1C object - a directory, document or report - you need to click the button with three dots and select the desired object, as well as the desired form (possible action of the object).

If you want an arbitrary command to be executed as a result of clicking, click the magnifying glass. The function can be located in . After selecting a module, a handler function will be created in it, the module will be opened for editing.

Managed command interface 1C

AT new version 1C 8.2, new types of clients appeared -.

The 1C thin client interface looks like this.

The 1C web client interface looks like this.

Ideally, they are the same, and, as you can see, they are very different from the 1C interface of a thick client.

It now consists not only of menus and panels, but of:
1) List of accounting sections
2) Navigation through the selected section
3) Commands to execute in the current section
4) Forms for performing the current operation.

To form the 1C interface of a managed client, "Interfaces" is no longer used, it is difficult to form, based on many settings made in the configuration.

The fact is that now the 1C interface is the same for all users and at the same time dynamic, working depending on the set of user rights and the commands available to him to execute.
You can also say that it is formed on the basis, so it is also called the 1C command interface.

Subsystems 1C

The basis of the managed command interface 1C is a list of accounting sections. For example - money and goods, two sections of accounting.

In the configuration, the 1C Subsystem object, which is located in the General / 1C Subsystems branch, is responsible for the accounting sections.

Having created a 1C subsystem, in the necessary directories and documents, on the 1C Subsystems tab in the object constructor, you can include them in this 1C subsystem. This means that they belong to this section of accounting. Objects can be included in several 1C subsystems.

The article is included in the cycle "First steps in development on 1C". In it, we continue to get acquainted with the managed Taxi interface and proceed directly to its configuration.

As you know, the development of an infobase interface begins with the creation of its menu structure, because how convenient and logical it will be, the whole system as a whole will be understandable to the user.

After reading the article, you will know:

  • What role does the subsystem play in shaping the menu structure?
  • How to form menu sections of the 1st and 2nd level?
  • How to customize the composition of the commands displayed in the menu sections?
  • What is the command interface editor for and how to work with it?
  • How to set up the Command Interface of the main partition?


The article discusses the Taxi interface of the configuration developed on the 1C platform The information is relevant for current platform releases.

Subsystems. Interface customization with subsystems

Subsystems are classified as common objects. They provide the ability to classify configuration objects by Subsystems.

To indicate whether an object belongs to subsystems in Object editing window there is a corresponding tab on which the flags indicate which subsystems the object belongs to.

In the future, you can build a filter for the object tree by Subsystems.

At the same time, it is possible to control: enable for selected Subsystems subordinate objects Subsystems and parental Subsystems or not.

Classification of objects by Subsystems makes it easy to create roles.

For object Role you can define the appropriate rights and indicate that this Role can be built only on those objects that are included in the selected Subsystems.

Similarly Subsystems used to create Interfaces. Interfaces are only needed if the configuration is run in Common Application mode.

Classification of objects by Subsystems also used when merging configurations. Those. you can merge objects filtered by Subsystems.

An important purpose of the Subsystems is that from them the configuration command interface is built in the mode Managed Application . Subsystems the first level is determined .

For existing Subsystems you can define nested (subordinate). Data Subsystems will form groups Navigation bars.

When we classify an object by Subsystems, it is possible to include an object only in a nested Subsystem, possibly into the Subsystem of the first level, possibly into both.

In the latter case, the object will be displayed twice: both inside the nested Subsystem and separately in Navigation bars. In most cases, this is not entirely correct.

In principle, Subsystems are an optional entity. Those. a configuration developed on Platform 8.3 will be able to work without any Subsystems.

But in this case, there will be no Partition Panel at all, everything will be displayed on the Desktop. Very simple configurations with a small set of objects can work without Subsystems.

But if there are a lot of Documents, Directories and Registers in the configuration, the use of Subsystems greatly simplifies the user's work.

Mark that some configuration object belongs to some Subsystem possible in three ways.

First, it can be done in Object editing window on the bookmark Subsystems. We have already considered this option.

Secondly, you can use Subsystem editing window. Bookmark Compound you can specify the objects included in this Subsystem.

And finally, for configuration objects via context menu you can call a special dialog box called Additionally.

This window also allows you to mark an object as belonging to Subsystems. This window is used if we want to work with several objects at once.

When moving the cursor over the objects of the configuration tree in the window Additionally relevant information on subsystems is displayed.

When creating a configuration object by default, Platform 8.3 does not bind the object to any subsystem.

Those. the developer must go to this tab himself and check the appropriate boxes.

If the developer does not do this, the system will determine the absence of belonging to Subsystems like a mistake.

But the error is not critical, so we can agree with this.

In fact, the system informs you for help that you may have forgotten to include new objects in Subsystems. In this case, the objects will not be displayed in the command interface.

The user can access such objects only through Main menu using the command All features.

Naturally, in order for an object to be opened, it is necessary that the user be granted the appropriate rights.

There are a number of cases when it is more convenient for developers to include objects added to a typical configuration into their own separate subsystem.

For Subsystems in Edit window you can remove the flag Include in command interface.

Wherein Subsystems will not be displayed in the command interface. If there is no Subsystem that should be included in the command interface, then for new objects, Platform 8.3 does not check whether they belong to any subsystem.

In order to customize the composition of commands that are included in the corresponding section defined by the subsystem, there is a special editor.

This editor can be called from the Subsystem editing window by pressing the button Command interface(on the tab Main).

possible for each Subsystems call this editor. From the editor it is possible to control the opening of lists in Navigation bars, availability of commands in Action bars.

By default, the checkboxes for commands for creating Directory and Document items are unchecked, but they can be checked. AT Action bars you can also open reports.

Elements in the editor can be moved. At the same time, from Navigation bars in Action bar and moving in the opposite direction is not possible. You can move elements either inside Navigation bars, or inside Action bars.

There is a general visibility column and visibility columns by roles. Each role defined in the configuration will have its own column. The value set in the general visibility column is the default value for visibility by role.

Visibility by roles can take three values: either the element will be invisible for the given role (1); or it will always be visible, regardless of which flag is set in the visibility column (2); or the role visibility flag will be inherited from the general visibility flag (3).

If a user is assigned two roles and a checkbox is specified for one of them, and not for the other, then the standard rule of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system will work - the user is allowed to act if it is allowed in one of the roles.

Sometimes it is necessary to immediately change the command interface in several Subsystems. In the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, there is a service tool that allows you to edit the command interface of several Subsystems.

This tool is called from the context menu of the root node of the branch Subsystems.

In the window that opens, you can quickly navigate through Subsystems and edit command interfaces. In addition, in this window you can edit the composition Subsystems. You can also move objects to Navigation bars and Action bars.

In addition, you can even change the subordination Subsystems. There is a special button for this. Move subsystem.

To customize the command interface main section a command interface editor is also used.

He is no longer called for Subsystems, and through the context menu of the configuration root node, item Open command interface of the main partition.

In the window that opens, we can specify which Directories, Documents and other objects are included in this command interface. You can also enable their visibility and manage visibility by role.

Please note that when removing Subsystems The platform, unfortunately, does not check whether at least one object is included in this subsystem or not.

After removal Subsystems when the configuration is saved, no messages about infobase restructuring are displayed.

This concludes our acquaintance with setting up the infobase menu structure. In the next article, we will continue our acquaintance with the Managed Interface and consider what features the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform provides for working with lists.

Concept user interface(The Concept of User Interface)

The concept of the user interface of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system focuses on the idea of ​​providing a comfortable effective work and, of course, takes into account the latest trends.

Launching the program in 1C:Enterprise mode begins with opening the main program window

This window serves to display the main, main structure of the applied solution (the so-called partition panel) and the desktop.

Desktop 1C:Enterprise 8.3 / 8.2

The desktop is a program element that contains the most frequently used reports, documents, directories, etc. The desktop is, in fact, an assistant for the user. Each session starts from the desktop. Through the desktop, the user receives the necessary information, gives answers to the user's questions.

Desktop: Partition Bar

Sections panel. It is the top level of the subsystem and serves for the largest separation of the functionality of the applied solution. Located at the top of the main window. It allows you to jump to other sections of the program.

Desktop: Sections

After activating the section, all the functionality of specific subsystems is available to the user in two panels - the action panel and the navigation panel. This functionality also contains nested subsystems.

Desktop: Commands

Commands are actions that are available to the user. These commands can be varied. Partially, standard programs are provided to the user by the platform itself. The second part is being developed by the creators of the applied solution.

Desktop: Navigation bar

The navigation bar is like a "table of contents" section. It contains the so-called. navigation commands. They serve to jump to the various items in this section. Usually, through the navigation bar, you navigate to various lists. After activating a navigation command, the list that corresponds to it appears in the work area of ​​the section, thus replacing the previous contents of the work area.

An example is the Warehouse command - after calling it, the list of warehouses will be displayed in the workspace.

Desktop: Action bar

Action bar. This panel contains the most frequently called commands. They make it possible to quickly create new objects, perform typical processing, and create the most popular reports. These commands are called action commands, because their activation leads to the creation of a new application window, an auxiliary one, and for some time moves the user to the window for implementing another task.

In particular, when the Warehouse command is called, a new, additional window will be created in which it will be possible to enter the data of a new warehouse. This will switch the user from the navigation tasks that were performed in the main system window to the task of entering a new Warehouse item.

Desktop: Auxiliary windows

After activating commands for editing existing objects and creating new ones, and when processing and reports are opened, additional application windows are opened. Additional windows are displayed on the computer monitor independently of the main window. This suggests that in this case no standard multi-window interface (MDI) is used.

Desktop: Work history in the main window

User navigation in the program (transition to various forms, one or another section) is automatically saved in the work history. This happens in the main window, and you can navigate through the saved activities as if you were visiting pages in an Internet browser. The entire list of navigation points is available in the drop-down menu, which allows you to make a direct transition to the desired point.

Desktop: Favorites

As in a web browser, you can add any list, object, database section, processing, or report to your favorites. This allows you to make instant transitions to them, if necessary.

Desktop: Data Links

It is possible to get a link, it is a text string, to any list, object, database section, processing or report. It is easy to send such a link to a colleague so that he can easily find the object of interest to him and make the necessary changes.

Dashboard 8.2

The information panel is displayed at the bottom of the application window. It serves to display recent actions committed in the system. If the completed action was associated with some data record, then when you click on the corresponding notification, a form will be opened that contains the changed data. As an example, the form of the posted document opens.

Execution history 8.2

The History button allows you to access the history of this user's work with the program.

System command area

The upper part of the main window contains the area for calling system commands. It contains the main menu of the system. With its help, you can navigate through the various sections of the applied solution that have already been used by the user. In addition, this area contains a set of auxiliary programs (calendar, calculator, etc.) and favorite links saved by the user.

Main menu

This menu contains commands that are related to the main application solution, and do not depend on a specific configuration.
As an example, the commands for customizing the system parameter setting command and the interface can be mentioned.

Auxiliary commands

The right side of the system commands area contains auxiliary commands. For example, a calendar, calculator, following a link, information about the system, and so on. The user himself can complete this area with commands by removing or adding the necessary commands.

Desktop 1C:Enterprise

The desktop refers to the standard sections of the program, and contains the most frequently used directories, reports, documents, etc. Work with the program always starts from the desktop.

Desktop - plays the role of a kind of user assistant. The beginning of the working day always occurs with familiarization with the information provided by the desktop:

  • What's new?
  • What needs to be done today?
  • What is the status of my important information?
  • What should you pay attention to?

The desktop usually contains several forms: a list of exchange rates, a list of documents for the receipt / sale of goods, current mutual settlements, and similar information. The composition of the desktop is configured for a specific position. For example, a salesperson's desk and a sales manager's desk are likely to be different

This happens because when configuring the program, the developer specifies which forms this or that specialist should see. When you run the program in 1C:Enterprise mode, a set of standard forms that correspond to one or another user is configured automatically. And it is determined by the role of a particular user.

Desktop setup 1C 8.2

The user can customize appearance your desktop. The user can change the location of forms, change the composition and number of forms.
For example, instead of current mutual settlements, you can add data search.

The selected settings will be remembered automatically and, at subsequent system startups, the desktop will be displayed as it was configured by a particular user.

Editing the desktop in the configurator

A special editor is used to develop an application solution that serves to customize and organize the desktop. It allows you to choose exactly how forms will be placed on the desktop, add or remove forms, and organize the visibility of certain forms corresponding to user roles in this system.

Partition Panel

Sections panel. Refers to command interface elements. This panel shows the main, basic structure of the applied solution. It allows you to switch between sections of the program.

Clicking on the corresponding section tabs moves the user to the section (to the marked active part of the program, which serves to solve a specific, clearly defined range of tasks). The actions that are available to the user in this section are presented as commands located in the navigation bar and the action bar of a particular section.

If such a panel (partition panel) is available, then it is located at the top of the main window. But, this panel is not always present.

For example, there may be programs that do not contain a section bar. Such programs are quite simple and have a small number of functions. In such programs, commands are located not in the section bar, but in the action bar of the desktop and in the navigation bar.

You can also disable the partition panel in 1C:Enterprise mode using the user settings.

The section panel is formed automatically by the platform itself. The desktop is always the first partition. But the set of other sections for users of one application solution may be different.

For example, the section panel used by the seller will contain only the Enterprise and Sales panels, while the admin panel will contain absolutely all sections.

This is due to the fact that the roles of different users may not have, or vice versa, have access rights to some top-level subsystems. And these subsystems are the sections that the user observes in the sections panel. When analyzing user rights, the platform displays only sections to which the given user has access.

Section bar customization

The user can customize, for himself, the composition of the sections panel - delete or add sections, change their display.

For example, delete the sections Enterprise and Inventory and specify that departments are displayed as text.

Editing the sections panel in the configurator

When developing an applied solution, the command interface editor is used to configure and form the section panel. It sets the order in which the sections follow and sets their visibility according to the user roles present in the configuration.


The command is a configuration object that serves to enable the developer to describe the actions appropriate for a particular user.

General commands are commands that are not object-specific or are intended to perform actions on objects that do not use standard commands.

There may be commands for the configuration objects themselves. They are intended for carrying out operations directly related to a specific object.

Parameterized commands are commands that use in their algorithm the values ​​that the platform passes. Type given value is defined in the configurator and this parameterized command will be displayed only in those forms that have attributes of the same type.

The actions that a command performs are described in the command module in 1C:Enterprise.

  • Configuration objects
  • Development tools.

Depending on how the command ended up in the configuration, commands can be divided into:

  • Standard
  • Created by a developer.

Standard Commands 8.2

Standard commands are provided by the platform, automatically. Standard commands are provided by configuration objects, form extensions, extensions of the Table element contained in the form.

For example, the Accounts directory provides the following commands: Accounts, Accounts: create group, Accounts: create.

Commands created by the developer

The developer has the ability to create arbitrary commands in the configuration. Add a similar object, Command, it can both in the General branch and in a specific object, or in a specific form, make a description of the procedure using the built-in language.

As an example, the following general commands can be given: Configure Barcode Scanner, Install Barcode Scanner, etc.

Action commands and navigation commands.

  • Navigation commands
  • Action commands.

Navigation commands 8.2

Forms called by these commands open in the current window. Typically, these commands navigate through various lists.

Example: The Warehouses navigation command will open a list of warehouses in the main window.

Action commands

When such a command is executed, an auxiliary window is opened. Usually, with the help of an action command, a transition is made to the processing / report form or to the object form.

Example: executing the action command Warehouse will open an auxiliary window in which you can edit the data of the new warehouse.

Parameterizable and independent commands

Teams, according to their internal organization, should be divided into:

  • Independent
  • Parameterizable

Independent Teams 8.2

The execution of such commands occurs without requesting additional information.

Example: The Accounts command, which is independent, opens a list of all Accounts without asking for any other information.

Parameterizable commands

The execution of such commands requires the value of the command parameter (additional information).

Example: the Settlement accounts (Object. Supplier) command, which is parameterizable, opens the list of settlement accounts of the specified counterparty. To execute this command, you must specify which counterparty you want to open accounts. In this case, the parameter of this command is the counterparty.

Global Commands and Local Form Commands

According to how commands relate to a certain form, they can be divided into:

  • Global
  • Local

Global Teams

Such commands are supplied by the platform and, not being part of the form, can be included in this form as well as in other forms. These commands are also divided into parameterizable and independent, which makes it easier to work with these commands.

Local form commands

These commands cannot be included in other forms, being, in fact, part of a specific form. These commands are supplied by form elements, form extensions, or organized by the developer on the form itself.

Navigation Panel

The navigation bar is an element of the system's command interface. This is like a "table of contents" of an auxiliary window or section. The navigation bar provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the information contained in the auxiliary window or section.

The navigation bar contains navigation commands. Such commands are considered to be those that only move the user to the necessary information without causing a change in the data. Usually these are commands that give access to various lists. After calling such a command in the workspace, the called list is opened, which replaces the previous contents of the workspace.

Example: Calling the Warehouses command will open the list of warehouses in the workspace.

Displaying a List in an Auxiliary Window

When it is necessary to analyze and compare different parts one list, or different lists, you can open several lists at once. In the main window and in auxiliary windows.

This action requires holding down the Shift key when calling a navigation command.

Command groups 8.2

Commands are usually grouped in the navigation bar into three standard groups.

  • Important. The name of the group is not displayed, but the commands that belong to it are highlighted in bold. This group contains commands for jumping to the most frequently used information in this section.
  • Normal. This group also lacks a heading. Commands are displayed using a regular font.

In addition to standard groups, the navigation bar can contain groups that the developer creates.

Groups of regular commands 8.2

In the second group (commands related to Common) there may be additional command groups. These groups are followed by a heading and the commands they contain are indented from the left margin.

Hiding and displaying these commands is done by clicking on the headings of such groups.

In the case when sections of programs are formed by subsystems of the first level, then in the navigation panel groups of commands will be formed by subsystems of the next levels.

Usually the Important and See also groups do not contain a large number of commands. On the contrary, the Main group, as a rule, contains a fairly serious number of commands. For more convenient navigation through them, they use an additional grouping of these commands.

Navigation bar customization 8.2

It is possible for the user to customize the composition of the commands included in the navigation bar - change the display order, remove unnecessary or add the necessary commands.

Example: delete the groups of Prices and Characteristics commands, and move the Adjustments command to See also.

The program will remember the settings that the user has changed automatically, and the next time the program is launched, it will show the panel as it was made by the user.

In the course of work on the development of an application solution, a command interface editor is used to configure and form the navigation bar. It allows you to set the location, order, composition of commands and configure for user roles that exist in a particular configuration.

Actions Panel

The action bar refers to the elements of the system's command interface. This panel contains the most frequently used commands that provide the ability to quickly create new objects, build popular reports, and perform typical processing.

This panel contains action commands. Executing such commands allows you to change data and usually opens auxiliary window, temporarily switching the user to another operation.

Example: Calling the Warehouse action command will open, for editing, an auxiliary data window for the new warehouse.

Command groups 1C:Enterprise 8.3 / 8.2

The action bar usually contains three standard groups of commands.

  1. Create. It contains commands that lead to the creation of new objects related to the database - directories, documents, etc.
  2. The commands in this section navigate the user to the various reports that are available in this section.
  3. This group contains commands that perform various service actions: moving to service processing, commands for working with certain trading equipment, etc.

In addition to standard groups, the action bar can contain groups that the developer creates.

These groups of commands are framed and have a title. If a group has a significant number of commands, only the first few will be shown.

Action bar customization 8.2

It is possible for the user to customize the composition of the commands included in the action bar - change the display order, remove unnecessary or add the necessary commands

Example: you can delete the command to create a new account and delete the Service group.

The program will remember the settings that the user has changed automatically, and the next time the program is launched, it will show the panel as it was made by the user.

In the course of work on the development of an application solution, a command interface editor is used to configure and form the action bar. It allows you to set the location, order, composition of commands and configure for user roles that exist in a particular configuration.


Favorites is one of the standard interface elements. This mechanism is provided by the platform and is available to users of any application solutions. Favorites allows you to organize your own list of necessary links.

The user independently adds to this list links to sections of the program, to lists that open in the main window, to processing, to reports and to objects related to the database - documents, elements of directories, etc.
The Favorites element is designed for the user to add the most important, necessary or frequently used links to this list in order to quickly navigate through them.

When you open the Favorites menu, the list will be displayed either in the main window or in the auxiliary window.

Adding a link to favorites

Links are added to favorites by the classic method used in web browsers - using the Add to Favorites command or by pressing the Ctrl + D key combination. The Add to Favorites command is located in the Favorites menu in the auxiliary and main windows of the application, in the area of ​​system commands.

Setting up favorites

The user can edit the list of favorites. It can remove unnecessary links or swap existing ones. This option is available in the window that is opened by the Set Favorites command, located in the menu of the auxiliary or main application window.

Working with 1st Language Favorites

It is possible to manage favorites programmatically using the built-in language UserWork Favorites.

Access to this object is not provided through the global context property, as is the case, for example, with the user's work history.

To access the favorites, read the favorites from the system settings storage, add an item with the required link, and save the modified favorites back to the system settings storage.

In the following example, you can see how two links are added to favorites: a link to a lookup item and an external hyperlink.


The link is one of the standard interface elements. This mechanism is provided by the platform and is available to users of any application solutions. This element makes it possible to get text links to any of the sections, lists, database objects, processing or reports.

Interactive and non-interactive links

Interactive - these are called links to database objects (documents, directories), sections of the program, processing and reports. These links can be forwarded to an employee, followed, added to favorites. Also, these links are remembered in the work history.

Non-Interactive - These links are only accessible from the 1C:Enterprise language. Examples include links to attributes of database tabular sections, attributes of objects, links to temporary storage, and attributes of register entries. Such links are used when constructing forms, for displaying in the form of an image, and also for transferring external files to the server using temporary storage.

Getting a link

Internal and external links

There are three ways to use such links from a user's point of view:
*External and internal links can be easily added to favorites in order to quickly jump to the selected list or document if necessary.

  • Internal links are used within a specific infobase. One user is able to receive and pass an internal link to another. Such a link can be used by a user connected to this database by any client. Transferring such a link is available in a variety of ways: Email, For example.
  • External links were designed to be used outside of 1C:Enterprise. It is rational to use such links for a web client.

Example: a user who is connected to the database thin client (http protocol) or by the web client, receives the external link and passes it to another user. This user enters a link into the address bar of an Internet browser. The result of the actions will be the launch of the web client, a connection will be made to the required information base and the transition was made on the passed link.

Following a link

In order to follow the received link, call the Go to link command in the auxiliary or main window.

In this article, I will tell you how to customize the interface of the Taxi program for comfortable work, so that all the necessary buttons and the most necessary reports are always at hand.

1) Let's start with the most common question of my beloved clients, related to the lack of the "Operations" menu. Many accountants used it to search for reports, processing, documents that were sometimes very difficult to find in other sections of the program.

As such, there is no “Operations” menu in Accounting 3.0. Its analogue is called "All functions" and by default the display of this section in the program is not set. To enable it, you need to enter the menu, which opens with the orange button with a triangle in the upper left corner of the program. In the list that appears, select the "Service" section and open the "Options" section.

In the window that opens, check the box “Display the command“ All functions ”and fix the result by clicking the“ Apply ”button.

Now in the same Main Menu (orange button with a triangle) we see the section "All functions"

In which everything that we are so used to seeing in Accounting 2.0 in the "Operations" section:

2) Now let's consider the program's capabilities in terms of setting up the TAXI interface. For example, now my program looks like this:

Those. sections above. Open windows bookmarks below. Let's see how to change the location of all elements of the working window of the program. Again we open the main menu and find the section "Panel settings" there.

Then everything is simple. With the left mouse button, grab the section whose position we want to change and drag it to where we want to see this panel. For example, like this: I will raise the “Open Panel” to the top, and drag the “Partition Panel” to the left side of the window.

Click the "Apply" or "OK" button and voila, this is how our program began to look:

Perhaps it will be more convenient for someone to work this way.

3) Another tip for setting up the program. As a rule, each accountant has some sections or reports that he uses daily. Well, for example, OSV or OSV on the account. And it would be very convenient if they were always there, always at hand. This can be achieved in a very simple way, by placing the necessary reports in the "Favorites" section. We will find the balance sheet in the "Reports" section. Pointing the mouse at it, we see a gray star next to it.

By clicking on it, we will mark the selected report as "Favorites"

Section "Favorites"using the panel editor already known to us, we will place, for example, at the bottom of the working window of the program.

4) And one more "secret" for setting up the program interface. In various sections of the program there are documents that some never use. Well, simply because of the specifics of the organization. For example, in the "Purchases" section, documents related to EGAIS.

We do not need these documents and we can remove them from the desktop. To do this, in the editable section in the upper right corner, click on the gear and in the menu that appears, select the item "Navigation settings"

In the window that appears, we see two columns. On the left are the commands that can be added to our desktop. And on the right, those commands that are on our desktop. We find the EGAIS section on the right column and click on the "Delete" button

Accordingly, documents that are in the right column can be added to the desktop by clicking the "Add" button

5) And finally, for those who do not want to get used to the Taxi interface. You can change the interface to the one that was in the first versions of Accounting 3.0.

In the "Administration" section we find the item "Interface"

Here, the developers offered us a choice to change the program interface to the one as in previous versions 8.3 and similar Accounting 7.7. Having chosen the appearance of the program that interests us, it will have to be restarted.

This is how the program with the previous interface will look like.

For interest, let's see what is the interface, similar to Accounting 7.7.

Well, I don't know, I don't know. I'll probably go back to my usual "Taxi".

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you today. I hope that some information will be useful to you in working with the program.