Home / Game consoles / Installation of "1C basic" on Mac - step-by-step instructions. How to install “1C” on Mac OS: step-by-step instructions 1C 8.3 accounting for mac os

Installation of "1C basic" on Mac - step-by-step instructions. How to install “1C” on Mac OS: step-by-step instructions 1C 8.3 accounting for mac os

If you decide to completely stop using the Windows operating system, then in addition to outdated banking software, you may also encounter resistance in the form of 1C company products if for some reason you cannot refuse to use them. Unfortunately, installing 1C enterprise on Mac computers Although possible, it is not without difficulties. But if you still decide to do this, then in this article I will tell you step by step how to do this using an installation example basic version 1s.

I’ll say right away that we still need a computer with operating system Windows :)))) (fortunately, only for the duration of installation). So:

1. Go to the website portal.1c.ru and register there as described in the instructions that come with the purchased item license key(pin code) and download the distribution kit for Windows there:

2. Now we go to the website releases.1c.ru under the same login as for portal.1c.ru and download the distribution for OS X there (Yes, for some reason it’s called a client, although it’s full-fledged program, and personally, in my understanding, a client is something designed to work with a server):

3. Install in the operating room Windows system both the package itself and the configuration (we will need the configuration, but we won’t be able to transfer it to a Mac without installing the package). You will see this picture if you run autorun from the full distribution and select a custom installation:

4. Launch Windows 1C Enterprise in the operating system and create an information base from the configuration:

5. Now in the Documents/1C/AccountingBase folder there will be the files that we need. We save them for use on Mac.

6. Install the so-called technology platform on Mac from the clientosx.dmg file. There are no problems with this point, so I will not describe it in detail. I will only say that in addition to 1C Enterprise itself, Thin and Thick Clients will also be installed in the Programs folder.

7. Launch 1C Enterprise and exit it (in at the moment this is only needed to create the Documents/1C folder; if you create it yourself, for some reason it doesn’t work later)

8. Take the files saved in the Windows operating system and place them in the Documents/1C folder (AccountingBase as in Windows is not needed here). These are the files:

9. Launch 1C Enterprise and then - either the “1C-Enterprise” button or the “Configurator”. The following PIN code entry window should appear (the PIN code for the basic version consists of 16 digits, but if you see a different type of window open, with a field for the 15-character PIN code of the PROF version, then most likely you have done something not so in the previous steps, or this instruction is no longer relevant at the moment, because what version you have - basic or PROF, the program determines precisely by the installed configuration):

10. After entering the PIN code and registering the program, you can already launch the installed base by clicking on the “1C Enterprise” button (be patient, it may take several minutes to load the first time, get into the situation, I’m sure the 1C programmers tried their best, and everything has an objective reason):

Update and operation

Next, a few words for those who, like me, have encountered this software for the first time and does not know the features of the system. 1C consists of two components - platform and configuration. Both require updating. Actually, what you are working with, the program interface, is the configuration; in order for, for example, document forms to comply with current legislation, it may need to be updated. In turn, the new version of the configuration may require new version platforms (but optional).

Updating Configuration on Mac

When working with the program, i.e. When launched by clicking the "1C:Enterprise" button, the program may offer to update the configuration, but when I tried to update from there, on a Mac I personally got a mysterious message like "Com objects are supported only on Windows." But you can update the configuration on a Mac; to do this, at startup you need to click not the “1C:Enterprise” button, but the “Configurator” button, and then:

1. Select "Configuration > Support > Update configuration" in the menu (if this menu item is not available, then click "Configuration > Open configuration")
2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, after actually updating the configuration, he will offer to update the database, this must be done
3. Launch the configuration by clicking the “1C:Enterprise” button and wait until the update occurs there too

Archiving the 1C database

To archive 1c data, you can use 2 methods:

1. Menu item "Save infobase" in the configurator (this will create a file with the dt extension, which contains both data and configuration)
2. Zip the “Documents/1C” folder through Finder (the 1C programmer advised me exactly this method, given the difficulties of installing the configuration on a Mac). In this case, both data and configuration will also be saved.

Until recently, there were no 1C software products on the macOS system. After Mac users asked the company to adapt the programs, 1C responded. The software is currently available in beta, but it lacks most of the features found on Windows. About what is different classic version from the version for MacBook and how to install 1C is written in this article.

Features and differences between MacOS configurations

Characteristics current version on MacBook:

  1. Works in an unfinished demo version.
  2. The distribution kit is included.
  3. It is possible to upload the initial database to dt.
  4. It works via http, and there is also local and client-server work.
  5. Supports 64-bit type.
  6. Excellent compatibility with servers of the same product version.

The software runs smoothly on Retina screens. You can use several versions of the program at once. However, there are technologies that will never be introduced and those that will be added in new updates.

Photo: Example of working with 1C on a MacBook

These functions will not be developed (available on Windows):

  1. Everything related to COM will not be supported (including COMObject, working in the program in Automation mode).
  2. There will be no administration console.
  3. There is no way to work with Mail. But this problem can be solved. In order to use mail forwarding, you can use the default application.
  4. And, of course, you cannot use file types specific to Windows. These are WMF and EMF.

What does not exist now, but will be implemented:

  1. Support for automatic work with information security.
  2. Update http protocol.
  3. All external parameters Native API.
  4. Templates, creation and installation.
  5. Supports options with menu bar.
  6. Support for file types downloaded from the Internet.
  7. User authorization.

How to install 1C on MacBook?

Purchase an official license from http://v8.1c.ru/ or find free sources, fortunately, there are plenty of them (for example, from the portal https://portal.1c.ru/). Installation process:

  • Visit the site and click on install or update the software product. Find the file called “1C:Enterprise 8” in the list.

1C on MacBook
  • Select the appropriate platform; the list should contain a line like “Client..for macOS”.

  • Wait until the download completes.

1C on MacBook
  • Run the downloaded file and follow the instructions for installing 1C on a MacBook (selecting location, etc.).

If you are using hardware protection, then go to the official website of the developer and additionally install the HASP file.

1C has finally included in the delivery package of platform user applications that work with the operating system mac system OS (OS X) 10.8 and older. A thick and configurator for 64-bit architecture has been implemented, so the accountant has the opportunity not only to use ready-made software products, but also to develop versions for his own needs.

Previously, to install 1C:Enterprises under OS X used emulators Windows applications eg CrossOver. Entire forums were dedicated to the correct configuration of 1C programs on Macs. The new product for mac OS is designed taking into account the specifics of Apple computers (for example, Retina technology) and does not require additional tools for installation.

Software features of the presented version

  • Not supported automatic search a suitable platform option for interacting with the database. You must manually select the client version;
  • There is no provision for upgrading the system via the HTTP protocol;
  • External components developed using the 1C Native API system programming interface are not supported;
  • It is not possible to connect configurator distributions directly out of the box. To create a database using a template, you must first copy its installation files to a computer running mac OS.

To familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the presented 1C:Enterprise product for mac OS X, the delivery package for platform includes a demo version of the information base in the form of a separate file with the .dt extension.

The client for OS X allows you not only to work with 1C:Enterprise application solutions, but also to fully develop configurations.

Limitations 1C:Enterprise formacOS

The possibility of full functioning of 1C mac OS X imposes its own limitations:

  • Apple computers do not use COM technology, that is:
  • 1C:Enterprise will not support COMObject and external components developed using this technology;
  • The program will not run in Automation-server automation server mode;
  • Working with the internal “E-mail” object is not supported. Instead, it is planned to use a pre-installed local or network mail service;
  • The administrator panel (console) for managing clusters of 1C servers is not supported. Instead, cross-platform tools will be used: command line And separate server management;
  • There are no plans to support Windows WMF and EMF metafiles.

Security and Compatibility

Simultaneous installation possible on one machine different versions application client (as in Windows OS, under different licenses). The accounting application for mac OS works with different 1C:Enterprise services and components developed for other operating systems, if the platform versions are the same.

Hardware and software protection.

To use electronic key The HASP driver is independently written and installed into the directory for storing binary files from the developer’s website. To install the software, the “dinst” script must be run as an administrator through the Terminal with the “sudo ./dinst” command.

What is planned to be implemented in the final version of the product

1C:Enterprise functionality for mac OS, not provided for in the version, but planned for implementation:

  • In the new product, you can only work with files on the same machine where the client is installed. The final version will support working with file system via local and external networks;
  • Support for external data sources organized on the client side;
  • Managing accounting applications and configurator using the mac OS menu bar;
  • 1C mac OS user recognition will be done using its own means.

Features of using the new product

The new development is for informational purposes and can only be used in limited cases to solve operational problems of automation of organizations. While it is free, it does not require a separate license. The final 1C product for mac OS will be developed taking into account user feedback and suggestions.

Installation files for the presented version are available for download on the 1C:Program Update server. The documentation for the 1C:Enterprise 8.3.7 platform contains information on the client application for 1C mac OS.

1C:Enterprise. In beta version status, native client applications and a configurator are implemented, running under the operating system OS X version 10.8 and higher.

Now users personal computers, produced by Apple, can not only work with 1C:Enterprise application solutions, but also carry out full-fledged configuration development.

Client applications and the configurator are implemented for 64-bit architecture. Due to the fact that these are native OS X applications, they have the ability to take into account specific features Apple devices. For example, already in beta, both applications support working with high-resolution Retina displays.

Features of the beta version

  • Automatic selection is not performed when launching application solutions the required version platforms for working with the information base. Therefore, for now it is necessary to immediately launch the client application of the required version;
  • It is not possible to update the client application via the HTTP protocol;
  • Working with external components created using Native API technology is not supported;
  • It is not possible to install configuration templates from the delivery kits. To create infobases from a template, you must first manually copy all template files to your Apple device.
  • Functionality, the implementation of which is considered after the release of the final version
  • Work in file version local network. For now, in the file version you can only work with local information bases. That is, with databases located on the same computer on which the client application is launched;
  • OS X menu bar support;
  • Working with external data sources on the client side;
  • Possibility of user authentication using the operating system.
Functional limitations imposed by the OS X operating system
  • OS X does not support COM technology, so:
  • It is impossible to work with a COMObject;
  • It is impossible to start 1C:Enterprise in Automation server mode;
  • It is impossible to work with external components created using COM technology.
  • There is no administration console for the 1C:Enterprise server cluster. Administration can be performed using cross-platform tools (administration server and command line utility)
  • It is impossible to work with the Mail object. At the same time, the functionality of the InternetMail object is fully supported;
  • Windows metafiles (WMF, EMF) are not used.

The 1C:Enterprise software system consists of a technological platform (core) and application solutions (“configurations”) developed on its basis. This architecture of the system has brought it high popularity, since it ensures the openness of application solutions, their functionality and flexibility, short implementation time, high performance, scalability from one to tens of thousands of jobs, workin the cloud service mode and on mobile devices.


The flexibility of the platform allows you to use 1C:Enterprise 8 in a wide variety of areas:

  • automation of production and trading enterprises, budgetary and financial organizations, service sector enterprises, etc.
  • support for operational management of the enterprise;
  • automation of organizational and economic activities;
  • maintaining accounting records with several charts of accounts and arbitrary accounting measurements, regulated reporting;
  • ample opportunities for management accounting and analytical reporting, support for multi-currency accounting;
  • solving problems of planning, budgeting and financial analysis;
  • payroll and personnel management and other areas of application.