Home / Windows overview / Installation of a ready-made server. Installing a ready-made server How to set up a ready-made server

Installation of a ready-made server. Installing a ready-made server How to set up a ready-made server

Every Minecraft player wants to play with his friends on servers, but it is very difficult to find a decent server, and you want to be the admin yourself, so you can create your own Minecraft server. We wrote this article and filmed a video in which we sorted out everything that relates to the server and after it, you are unlikely to ask the question how to create a Minecraft server on Windows.

Video instruction:

There are many Minecraft server cores, we will tell you about the four most popular ones.

Vanilla- official core from the developers. Pros: Released immediately after release new version; Cons: Not many plugins; Low optimization of resource use; You will have to install Forge separately if mods are needed.

Bukkit- Core based on Vanilla. Pros: Highly optimized compared to the standard kernel; Lots of written plugins from third party developers. Cons: You will have to install Forge separately if mods are needed; The project was completely closed at version 1.6.4, there is no support on the official website. Exists now along with Spigot.

Spigot- More optimized core based on Bukkit. Pros: Many improvements over bakkit; All plugins written in Bakkit work smoothly on this kernel. Cons: For a beginner, installation may seem complicated; You will have to install Forge separately if mods are needed.

Cauldron(previously MCPC+) - A core based on Spigot that includes Forge pre-installed. Pros: Since Forge is already pre-installed, if you want to install mods, you don’t need to install it yourself; All plugins written in Bakkit work smoothly on this kernel. Cons: New versions of Minecraft have to wait quite a long time for the build, since first the developers are waiting for the release of the updated Spigot.

Now you need to decide for what purposes you need a server and, based on this, choose the kernel on which you will develop the server. We will show the creation of a server using the example of each core.

1) First, download the server itself of the version you need:

(downloads: 18198)

(downloads: 9659)

(downloads: 45316)

(downloads: 363)

(downloads: 20526)

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(downloads: 1425)

(downloads: 1081)

(downloads: 260)

(downloads: 180)

(downloads: 1720)

2) Create a separate folder for the server and copy the downloaded file.

3) Launch the server file (for a file with the *.jar extension, you need to right-click on the file -> Open with -> Java) and the console window will immediately close (* for versions above 1.6), eula.txt false on true. Save the modified file.

4) We start the server again, wait a few seconds and see that many files have appeared in the folder, including the world folder, which means the server has started normally. But you won’t be able to log in yet (unless you have a license, of course), to log in from a pirated site, open the file " server.properties" and find the parameter " online-mode=" and change the value from true on false.

5) You can enter the game, into a network game, add new server, you can use IP "" (Without quotes) or "localhost".

1) Download the server version you need:

(downloads: 58350)

(downloads: 338)

(downloads: 18598)

(downloads: 14048)

(downloads: 801)

(downloads: 1446)

(downloads: 14975)

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(downloads: 377)

(downloads: 1847)

(downloads: 1670)

(downloads: 163)

(downloads: 1773)

(downloads: 332)

(downloads: 289)

2) Create a separate folder for the server and copy the downloaded file there. Create a file start.bat(The simple .txt file must be renamed with the extension start.bat) with the following content:
@echo off
java-jar spigot.jar

Download this file, if you don’t understand exactly how to create:

(downloads: 110305)

2.1) Next, copy this file to the server folder.
Attention: Be sure to replace the line in the file spigot.jar to your server name, for example spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar !
To edit a file start.bat, you need to: right-click -> "Edit".

3) Launch our " start.bat", you should see the following (* for server versions higher than 1.6):

A couple of new files have appeared in the server folder, we are interested in " eula.txt", which you need to open and change the value false on true. Save the modified file.
What kind of file is this? This is a user agreement between Mojang and you, by setting the value to true you agree to all the terms of this agreement.

But you won’t be able to log in yet (unless you have a license, of course), to log in from a pirated site, open the file " server.properties" and find the parameter " online-mode=" and change the value from true to false.

What kind of online-mode parameter is this? He is responsible for checking the license of the player trying to connect to the server; if the player logs in from a pirated client, the server will not let him through.

5) Go to the game, to the network one, add a new server, entering as IP - " localhost" (Without using quotation marks).

1) Download the version of the server on which you want to play:

(downloads: 236621)

2) Unpack the downloaded archive into a separate folder.

3) Run the file start.bat and you will see the following (* for version above 1.6):

A couple of new files have appeared in the server folder, we are interested in " eula.txt", which you need to open and change the value false on true. Save the modified file.
What kind of file is this? This is a user agreement between Mojang and you, by setting the value to true you agree to all the terms of this agreement.

4) Start the server again. We wait for the launch to complete and see the word “Done” at the end, which means everything is ok.

Dear gamers, this article is for those who do not know how to install and configure a server for Minecraft. Fortunately, the server, unlike the Minecraft game client, can be downloaded for free from the website. developer.

Let's start with what you need to download for further installation:

  1. You will need the Java package
  2. The Minecraft server itself, which you can download from the official website (it is advisable to download the file with the jar extension)

Now copy the downloaded file with the server to where you want your server to be located. Install java and start your server. We are waiting for the levels to be generated. After this, you will see several new folders and files in your game folder.

Setting up a server for Minecraft

Any text editor open the server.properties file and you will see something like this:

#Minecraft server properties
#Sat Jan 19 19:41:50 MSK 2013
motd=A Minecraft Server

For a description of each parameter, see the minecraft wiki. Actually, by changing these parameters you can configure your server according to what you want.

In fact, the installation of the server itself for Minecraft is complete; the remaining settings for playing over the Internet or via local network We recommend looking at the Minecraft wiki website, the link to which is above.

Also, if you are not a fan of voluminous texts, watch the video

Minecraft server installation

Hello everyone, friends. Once again with you I am the author of articles on Counter-Strike. Today we will touch on the topic full customization servers CS 1.6, because Many administrators who are starting to create a server for the first time do not know how to configure it. Actually, I’ll tell you about this now.

1. Do you need a separate HLDS (Half Life Dedicated Server). This is actually the server itself, only with a minimum of functions.

2. Then you should install on the server metamod + amxmodx. If you don’t understand it, the easiest way is to download it right away. There are a lot of them on the Internet, for every taste. It will be easier this way, because... everything is already set up there. If you don't know how to install a ready-made CS 1.6 server, then watch my video tutorial below:

3. After you have downloaded HLDS and put it on him amxmodx + metamod or simply, let's move on to configuration. First of all, you need to configure the server config itself, you can find it in the folder Server/cstrike/. We are looking for a file with the name server(format .cfg) and open it using notepad, then there will be many lines and numbers next to them. Actually, I will give my example and explain each point in detail. You can just copy and paste it to yourself. So if - "1", then the option is enabled, if "0" - then the option is disabled, server.cfg:

hostname "dream-x public server" // In quotes we indicate the name of the server, which will be displayed when the " button is pressed TAB"and in monitoring other users

mapchangecfgfile server.cfg// This line means that after changing the map, the server settings will be returned from this file

mp_logmessages "0"// The function sets the action so that the server records all player messages in its logs

mp_logfile "0"// Whether to write other information to the server logs

mp_logdetail "0"// This option sets the level of detail of attack logging

mp_lowlag "0" // The function is responsible for limiting the sparks generated by bullets. If you have fast access to the server, then it is better to set 0, if it is slow, then it is better to enable it, i.e. - 1

mp_c4timer "35"// Specifies the time for how long the bomb will tick after it is installed

mp_fadetoblack "0"// If the option is enabled, then players will not be able to watch someone else's game, that is, there will be a completely black screen, and only sounds will be heard

mp_flashlight "1"// 1 - allows the use of a flashlight on the server. 0 - does not allow

mp_footsteps "1"// If the option is enabled, then enemies will be able to hear the steps of their opponents, if 0, then more than one team will not be able to hear the steps

mp_forcechasecam "0"// The command sets the player monitoring mode. 0 - you can watch everyone from any angle. 1 - You can only watch players on your team. 2 - Observation will only be available from the place of your death. That is, the camera cannot be moved

mp_forcecamera "0"// Also sets monitoring parameters. 0 - you can follow everyone, your team and the enemy. 1 - only on your team. 2 - only behind your team from 1st person

mp_timelimit "60"// Sets timeleft for each map, that is, how long the game will last on each map

mp_roundtime "1.75"// Time of each round. 1 - 1 minute, 1.75 - 1 minute, 45 seconds. 2 - 2 min. and so on...

mp_freezetime "3"// Freeze time before the start of the round. That is, when the round starts, you cannot move for a few seconds. Usually this time is given for purchasing

mp_limitteams "2"// Sets the value by how many players one team can outweigh another. For example, if there are 2 people, then there may be a situation of 10 vs 12, and accordingly where there are 12 players, another person will no longer be able to go there

mp_friendlyfire "0"// 0 - Disables, 1 - enables friendly attack mode. That is, if the option is enabled, when shooting at your teammates, you will be able to cause damage to them

mp_hostagepenalty "4"// The parameter sets the value of how many hostages can be killed before you are kicked from the server. Default - 0

mp_mapvoteratio "0.60"// What percentage of players will have to register a votemap to any map in the console before it changes. That is, if 60% of players in the console write, for example, votemap 32, the 32nd map will be de_dust2, then the server will automatically change the map to de_dust2

mp_startmoney "800"// Sets the value - how much money will be given to players during the first round, or when the player entered the game

mp_tkpunish "1"// If the option is enabled (1), then in the new round it will kill the player who killed his teammate in the previous round

mp_autocrosshair "0"// Allows (1) or disables (0) auto-aim in the game

mp_autoteambalance "1"// Every 2 rounds balances players in teams. That is, if it was, for example, 10 to 8, then after a round the server will transfer the player from the 1st team to the second, so that the balance would be 9 to 9

mp_buytime "0.50"// Sets the time for purchasing devices and accessories. 0.25 - 15 sec, 0.50 - 30 sec. 0.75 - 45 sec, 1 - 1 min. After the start of the round, if the purchase time has passed, then you will no longer be able to buy anything else

mp_chattime "0"// Time during which (sec.) players will be able to talk to each other before moving to another map (as the previous map ended)

mp_fadetoblack "0"// If the option is enabled (1), then players will not be able to watch others play, there will be a black screen

mp_falldamage "1"// Enables realistic damage mode

mp_spawnprotectiontime "5"// If, within the “set” seconds after the start of the round, a player kills a teammate from his team, he will be kicked from the server

mp_winlimit "0"// Sets how many rounds at least one team needs to win in order for the map to change

mp_consistency "1"// If the value is "0" - the server does not check the client files for "standardness", if "1" - then it checks.

If it is not entirely clear in text form, I advise you to sign up with me for personal online training in the game Counter-Strike. It's FREE! There will be everything regarding creating and setting up your server in the form of video tutorials.

sv_restartround "0"// If the value is "1", the server will set the number of seconds before

resetting the game, including frags, weapons, money, and points. It's better to turn it off - "0"

sv_allow_spectators "0"// - Allows (“1”) the presence of spectators in the game (to watch the game). "0" - Does not allow

sv_cheats "0"// The function allows ("1") the server to use cheat codes. It's better to leave ("0")

sv_maxspeed "320"// Maximum movement speed on the server. Default - 320

sv_gravity "800"// The variable sets the gravity level on the server. Standard - 800. The less, the weaker the gravity and you can jump higher

sv_allowdownload "1"// 1 - Allows. 0 - Prohibits the client (you, the player) from downloading from of this server various files. Maps, sprays, models, sounds, etc. Naturally you have to set - 1

sv_downloadurl "http://site/drxpublic/"// http Internet ftp address from where clients can download server files. Accordingly, it will be possible to download a map from the URL faster than if your client downloads by default - from the server. If you don’t know how to set it up, write to or remove this line

sv_allowupload "1"// Allows you to upload logos and sprays of other players to the server. Both colored and non-colored

sv_alltalk "1"// The server allows ("1") both teams on the server to communicate via microphone. That is, using the microphone, the other team (T) can communicate with the opposite team (CT)

sv_consistency "0"// Prohibits the use of non-standard models of players, weapons, etc.

sv_enableoldqueries "0"// 0 - Does not allow, 1 - allows using the old (HL1) server request system

sys_ticrate "1000"// Sets the maximum FPS the server can support. The best bet is 1000

sv_minrate "3000"// Minimum number of bytes in 1 second that the server can transfer to the client

sv_maxrate "25000"// The maximum number of bytes in 1 second that the server can transfer to the client

sv_minupdaterate "20"// Minimum number of packets that the server can send to the client

sv_maxupdaterate "101"// The maximum number of packets that the server can send to the client

sv_maxunlag "0.5"// Maximum lag compensation per second

sv_unlag "1"// When the mode is enabled ("1"), the server compensates for client lags, i.e. allows the cl_lc, cl_lw and cl_lb commands.

sv_unlagpush "0"// The command disables ("0") lag and ping compensation

sv_unlagsamples "1"// The command specifies the number of packets with which the delay on the client computer is compensated. It's better to put 1, friends :)

sv_rcon_banpenalty "30"// For how many minutes. will ban a player if he guesses the rcon password to the server incorrectly several times

sv_rcon_maxfailures "5"// Determines the maximum number of times you can incorrectly guess rcon_password to the server before the client is banned (i.e. how many times can you make a mistake)

sv_rcon_minfailures "5"// Determines the minimum number of times you can incorrectly guess rcon_password to the server before the client is banned (i.e. how many times you can make a mistake)

sv_rcon_minfailuretime "30"// If you entered rcon_password incorrectly - how many seconds are given to enter correctly, otherwise you will be banned

sv_specspeed "360"// Movement speed in spectator mode

sv_stats "1"// Specifies whether to enable statistics collection using the processor

sv_stepsize "18" // Length of the 1st step on the server

sv_stopspeed "75"// Stopping speed when moving on the surface

sv_timeout "65"// How long to disconnect the client from the server if it is AFK (does not perform any actions)

sv_voicequality "5"// Sound quality when communicating via microphone in CS. It’s better to set it to 5, but the server will “eat” more traffic

sv_voicecodec voice_speex// Codec for communicating via microphone in the game. It's better not to change

sv_voiceenable "1"// Enables (“1”) - voice chat in the game, if you set it to 0, then you won’t be able to talk through the microphone on the server at all

allow_spectators 1// Allows you to sit in spectators on the server and watch the game

rcon_password "12345"// Password to your rcon on the server. That is, what password should be specified with the rcon_password command in order to gain access to the rcon server

decalfrequency "60"// Time in seconds, how often sprays can be drawn on maps. Default - 1 min. (60)

log "off"// Don't touch

// Below you have set masters, the first one is the official and most important one. They also need to be included in server.cfg. Setmasters are search servers that provide lists of other servers.

setmaster add css.setti.info

setmaster add leo-boost.ru:27010

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

OK it's all over Now. Setting up the server configuration file is complete. Whatever you want, customize it for yourself, and we move on... :)

4. Now let's go through the folders Server/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs and look for the file amxx(format.cfg) and open it using notepad. Below I will explain to you the most important parameters. For those who don't understand, this file edits your config amxmodx. So:

amx_default_access "z"// Flag that all server guests receive

amx_password_field "_pw"// The prefix with which we log in as an administrator, usually this is setinfo _pw "password". It's better not to touch and leave as is

amx_mode 1// The variable controls access on the server. If 0, then no one’s rights are checked. If 1 - normal mode. It's best to leave it. If 2, then the server allows only those clients who are registered in the users.ini file

amx_show_activity 2// Whether to show admin actions. 0 - Do not show. 1 - Show, but without accompanying the Administrator’s nickname. 2 - Show with admin nickname.

amx_scrollmsg "Welcome to %hostname%" 35// This is a creeping line that will be translated at the bottom of the server. 35 is the number of seconds after which the same message will appear again. We indicate the message itself in quotes

amx_imessage "Welcome to %hostname%" "000250154"// These are already colored messages that are shown in the center of the screen at the top. In the first quotes we indicate the message itself, and in the second quotes, where the numbers are, there is the RGB color code that the message will be

amx_freq_imessage 120// Time at intervals at which the message above is shown

amx_plmenu_bantimes 0 5 10 15 30 45 60// When you enter amxmodmenu in the console, there will be a ban menu; here you set the time for which you can ban a player using numbers. 0 - forever, 5 - 5 minutes, 10 - 10 minutes and so on...

amx_plmenu_slapdmg 0 1 5 15// Amxmodmenu also has a menu (slap) - hit, kill. You set the damage with numbers, by how much you can change the damage dealt when struck. 0 - kick at 0hp, 1 - at 1hp, 5 - at 5hp, 15 - at 15hp, etc.

amx_flood_time 0.75// Anti-flood. Time between which you can write the following sentence in say and say_team chats

amx_reservation 1// Number of reserved words on the server for admins. Usually - 0

amx_hideslots 1// If you leave (1), then slots that are reserved will not be visible in server monitoring. Usually - 0

amx_time_display "ab 1200" "ab 600" "ab 300" "ab 180" "ab 60" "bcde 11"// The command shows the remaining time on the map. a - Shows the text below. b - The time will be accompanied by a voice message. c - The text will not be shown, only the voice will be. d - Does not add clock text. min, sec, but only voice. e - Shows or speaks with a voice if the time is already below the specified parameter above. According to the standard - "ab 1200" "ab 600" "ab 300" "ab 180" "ab 60" "bcde 11"

7. I also need to tell those who don’t know how to install maps on the server. Download the map (), all the files that will be in the folder maps, throw it into your server folder there ( maps). Next, look for the file mapcyle.txt, located in the folder cstrike and enter cards via Enter. That is:

8. Well, perhaps the last one. We launch your server and go to it. If you did everything correctly, you will be an administrator on the server. We enter the command in the console amxmodmenu, minimize the console and a menu will appear in the game - this is the admin menu. Find the "Statistics Settings" option there. By default, it is on the second page (go to the 2nd page - number "8"), at number 6. Click it, and there you can enable various functions, such as commands /rank, /top15, /rankstats, displaying the best player of the round and so on.

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Many fans of the Minecraft series of games often think about how to create their own server. Of course, it’s interesting to run around other people’s maps, explore the world and communicate with other players. But at a certain moment, almost everyone wants to found their own little world in which they will be king and god. That is why today we will tell you how to install a Minecraft server.


First of all, before installing the server, make sure that your computer meets all the necessary requirements.

  1. Traffic. Internet connection speed is very important. It's completely different when you play on someone else's server. You will need a high-quality, fast and stable line so that players do not experience lags or crashes. Otherwise, the server may become unpopular.
  2. Safety. Make sure you have it installed on your computer good antivirus or firewall. Players on the server will have access to your IP, which means there is a possibility of hacking.
  3. Time. 24/7 access to the server is what most players expect. If you are going to create a “map” for playing with a friend, then this point can be ignored, but for shared access the computer must be running around the clock.

Based on this information, think again, do you really need to install a Minecraft server at home?


If you are determined to install, you will need to update some computer utilities that will maintain stability.

  1. must be up to the latest version.
  2. Download the server from the official website of the game. For Windows OS in .exe or .jar format - universal for all platforms.
  3. Install any program to control traffic. It will be useful to monitor the influence of players on the server and prevent it from being hacked.

After these small preparations, you can continue to figure out how to install a server on Minecraft 1.8.3 or any other version.


The installation process itself does not take much time. Just place the downloaded file in the folder you need and double click on it. The installation process will take place in automatic mode. As a result, the finished server will be located on the same path as the executable.


The biggest problems in the question "How to install a server?" arise when setting it up. In order to set all the necessary game parameters, you need to go to the folder in which the installation took place and select the "server.properties" file. Open it with any text editor and get started.

  • allow-flight - prohibits or allows players to fly in survival mode, but in “creativity” everything remains unchanged;
  • allow-nether - prohibits players from moving to the Nether;
  • announce-player-achievements - the parameter is responsible for announcing in the chat that the player has received an achievement;
  • difficulty - the well-known difficulty of the game from 0 to 3, where 0 is peaceful mode, and 3 is the most difficult;
  • enable-command-block - allows you to perform actions with initially it may not be in the file, it appears only after the server owner tries to use the “command block”;
  • enable-query - activates GameSpy4 to obtain information about the server;
  • enable-rcon - controls the console remote access to the server;
  • force-gamemode - “forces” new players to change the game mode to the default one when connecting to the server;
  • gamemode - game mode. From 0 to 3;
  • generate-structures - permission to automatically create fortresses, temples, etc.;
  • motd - server name that will be displayed in the search list;
  • online-mode - enables or disables authentication of player accounts connecting to the server;
  • pvp - allows players to damage each other;
  • server-ip - server address for connection, a good option for those who do not want to deal with their computer’s IP address;
  • server-port - the port through which players will connect to the server;
  • spawn-npcs - spawns NPCs in villages;
  • view-distance - drawing distance;
  • white-list - only players from this list will be able to enter the server.

The local network

Having figured out how to install a server, let's look at ways to connect players and what a game administrator should know. To manage the server and monitor the events taking place on it, it is best for you to personally connect to the game. To do this, you will need to enter the address or localhost in the menu. If the connection cannot be established, check your antivirus and firewall exceptions. You will need to add the game, server and port 25565 or the one you specified in the settings to the exceptions.

By the way, if you want to play on a local network with friends, you don’t have to download individual files. How about "local"? To do this, you can simply create a single player game, press pause and select "open for local network". Now your friends will be able to connect to you.

To connect to separate server users must enter your computer's internal IP address. To do this, you will have to give it to them. But how to find out the treasured numbers? To do this we launch command line and enter the ipconfig command. We will be interested in the "ip address" line in home network. Do not confuse with the IP address, for example, the Hamachi program, with the help of which a local network was created.


The task of installing a Minecraft 1.5 server for playing on the Internet looks much more difficult. The fact is that different Internet providers provide different opportunities to people. If your provider gives you a personal external IP, then there should not be any special problems; other players can connect to you in the same way as over a local network.

However, there are cases when the provider provides users with a common IP for several people, in which case no instruction on “how to install a server” will help you. The only option is to purchase a personal external IP from your Internet provider.

The second catch - dynamic IP address. To check your type, simply reconnect your modem. If it changes, you will have to choose one of three options.

  1. Every time the modem is rebooted, inform users of your new IP.
  2. Buy a static address from your provider.
  3. Use a special service that provides addresses for free. In this case, you will have to download to your computer special program to manage it.


The last problem that a new administrator may encounter is the ports on the computer being closed, resulting in no one being able to connect to his server. To open them, you can choose one of two.

  1. Use the services of the "portforward" website. It provides free utilities to open ports. With their help, you will need 25565 or the one you specified in the server settings. By the way, there you can download a utility for obtaining a static IP address.
  2. Through the browser, go to the modem management interface (address - Then open the Port Forwarding or NAT menu item. Specify the required port and local address of your computer. Repeat the procedure for all protocols.

At this point you can finish installing the server. Just launch it and enjoy the possibilities.

2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server

Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777
1. I make servers of any complexity for cs1.6-150r
2. I teach you how to create yourself
3.I make a permanent IP
4.I do a quick download
5. I’ll promote the server
6. Selling a program for promotion
7.Increasing Internet speed
Skype: istolpro
ICQ: 4037777