Home / Setting / Installing the zhps tracker. The best GPS trackers for the car (beacons). GPS tracker for car - what is it

Installing the zhps tracker. The best GPS trackers for the car (beacons). GPS tracker for car - what is it


For many transportation business owners, the purchase of tracking equipment becomes a necessity. A GPS beacon for a car helps to monitor fuel consumption, movement, and online location determination. There are many options for this equipment, the devices differ in characteristics and cost.

GPS tracker for car - what is it

Visually, the device looks like a black box the size of a pack of cigarettes, but expensive models can be even smaller. A car GPS tracker is installed in the cab of the car, it helps to accurately determine the coordinates of an object. The error of such devices rarely exceeds 2.5 meters. The whole system consists of a receiving and transmitting device. The beacon on the car for tracking movement transmits data to the computer, which is received by the GPS receiver.

To track the movement of the car, GLONASS or GPS is used, a special device is installed on the computer. software, which receives data from the car beacon. The tracker can be connected through the dashboard or run off batteries. A GPS beacon for a car receives a signal from several satellites that are in orbit and, by the delay in response, the system determines the location of the car, then transfers the data to a computer or phone. In addition to determining coordinates, a beacon for tracking a car can:

  • transmit, receive sound through a microphone;
  • record the route traveled;
  • monitor draining, refueling.

GPS tracker for the car without a monthly fee

In addition to buying a tracking system (beacon), there may be additional costs for software, server support, etc. For this reason, people are looking for a GPS tracker for a car without a monthly fee. You can find many offers that offer such conditions, but a reasonable person must understand that the company must earn something. It is possible that the conditions will indeed not include monthly payments, but additional costs will be hidden in other paragraphs, for example:

  1. A GPS tag for a car does not require a subscription fee, but in order to use the software, you must connect a specific tariff for your phone, for which you will have to pay. The company will then receive its share for the stake sold.
  2. The entire monitoring and tracking system works only on special software that you need to buy. It will not work to combine the beacon for the car with other software and there is no choice left.
  3. In some cases, you sign an agreement that does not contain a monthly fee, you can install a transmitter module, and you will be given the necessary software. After a year, you need to renew the contract, then they tell you that you need to pay for the use of services, but you no longer want to change the tracking system.
  4. There are real offers in which the tracking of the car is carried out without monthly payments. The software is provided for one computer, you can use it only from it. This is acceptable for an individual who wants to protect his car from theft, but it is absolutely not convenient for companies with several managers and more than one car.

GPS tracker for car with microphone

The catalog of this product can offer many options. Different countries produce trackers for cars, some are of good quality, others are of poor quality, but at a low price. Another distinguishing feature is the presence in the tracker additional features, for example, some options help track fuel consumption (draining / replenishing the tank). Sometimes company owners and individuals decide to buy a GPS tracker for a car with a microphone in an online store. This will allow you to hear everything that happens in the cabin of the vehicle. The radius of hearing is usually 8 m.

GPS tracker for a car on a magnet

There are several mounting options for this device. The GPS tracker for a car on a magnet belongs to the stand-alone version of the device and is an improved version of the clip-on model. This beacon for the car has a powerful magnet, it helps to fix it discreetly in any part of the car. In the event of a theft, hiding the tracker well is an important condition, so that later it will be possible to track the movement of the car. The device is powered by rechargeable batteries, keeps well on any iron planes, does not fall off when driving. Finding a tracker on a magnet is much more difficult.

Installing a GPS tracker on a car

As a rule, specialized employees who will correctly configure the device are engaged in this procedure. Installing a GPS tracker on a car is inexpensive, but if you wish, you can do it yourself. If there is no certainty that the settings are correct, you should entrust the matter to professionals. The tracker is mounted on the car in several stages:


You need to insert a SIM card into a special slot on the tracker for a car. If the beacon is placed in a company car, then the opened parts of the device should be sealed in order to avoid unauthorized encroachment by another person. This will help to control the integrity of the device and the reliability of data from it. Next, you need to connect the device to the vehicle's on-board network. As a rule, 3 wires from the block are used for this. dashboard or from a cigarette lighter.

It is better to hide the device from prying eyes in the car so that it is not possible to dismantle it. As a rule, the tracker is installed inside the dashboard. The tracker must not come into contact with any moving parts of the machine. Please note that the antenna of the device must always be directed to the sky for best reception. Some models have a detachable antenna, so keep in mind that the distance between it and the tracker should not exceed 30 cm.


After the previous steps, you must correctly connect the device to the panel. You need 3 wires from the cigarette lighter or on-board network for this. Consistently connect the permanent pluses and minuses to the block. The last wire is the ACC line with a non-permanent plus, it must be connected to a backup battery. After that, install the GSM and GLONASS/GPS antennas.

DIY GPS tracker for a car

Some people do not trust the manufacturers of these devices and want to make a GPS tracker for their car with their own hands. The easiest way is to use a smartphone. All modern models of these devices are equipped with a GPS modem, which can become a beacon for a car. This is a convenient way to protect against theft for individuals. Do-it-yourself lighthouse is created as follows:

  1. On your mobile, download a special program from the Internet.
  2. Go to the "Gpshome" resource.
  3. Register and go to your personal account.
  4. Next, you need the "Settings" section, where you can add the necessary data about the object to be tracked.
  5. You will need to look under the phone's battery to rewrite the IMEI (unique numeric cell identifier).
  6. Enter the data in the form on the site.
  7. Run on mobile installed program and see if tracking has begun in the personal account on the site.

How to choose a GPS tracker for your car

There are a lot of offers from manufacturers of this product, so there are difficulties with which tracker should be ordered. There are some parameters that will help you decide on the purchase. GPS beacon for the car, which one is better to choose:

  1. Ask a consultant about location accuracy. If the error is more than 2.5 meters, then even a low price is not a reason to buy such a device. The tracker must correctly and accurately determine all parameters.
  2. Find out the speed at which the beacon is able to receive a signal and transmit it to the computer. The smaller this value, the better.
  3. Give preference to models that are capable of capturing reflected satellite signals. This is true for cars that move within the city. The absence of this function will lead to an error in the display of the route (as if the vehicle was not moving along the road).
  4. Availability of additional features. If you need a microphone, a fuel gauge, then inexpensive models do not have them.

The price of a GPS tracker for a car

If you want to get accurate location data, the route of your car, you should buy a good tracker. The price of these devices is in approximately one segment. Here are some popular device models:

  1. Starline Mayak M17. The device is connected using a wire, the price is from 6,000 rubles.
  2. GPS Marker M100. There is a cable for connecting the device to the panel, there is also an emergency battery, the price is from 4,500 rubles.
  3. Voyager 4. The device is connected to the network of the car, but it can work temporarily from the built-in battery, the price is from 6,200 rubles.
  4. Proma Sat 1000. A magnetic autonomous tracker for a car that holds a charge, according to the manufacturer, for about 2 years. Price - from 11 200 rubles.

In this article, we would like to provide information on how you can set up a GPS tracker yourself.

So, first you need to purchase a SIM card mobile operator with a convenient tariff plan. If you plan to track the tracker through a GPS service that allows real-time satellite monitoring, for example "GPS Track Orange", then when choosing a tariff, it is necessary to be guided by such a parameter as "rounding of the transmitted data during one session through the GPRS channel". This parameter will directly affect your costs for using the tracker - for minimal costs, rounding should be no more than 1-2 kb. For example, Beeline has tariff plan "Cry", at MTS - "Onliner".

Next, you need to make sure that the device is functioning, for this you need to insert a SIM card into the tracker, turn it on and call the appropriate number. In response, you should receive an SMS from the tracker with coordinates (if you are in an open area, then these will be the coordinates of your location).

If the tracker and you managed the previous point, we proceed to the actual setting of the tracker.

Below will be placed the commands that you need to send SMS to the tracker.

Commands for trackersAstronGT-102, TK-201:

To connect to the GPS service, you need to send the following SMS messages to the tracker:

1. "begin123456"

2. for MTS three SMS messages:

"apn123456 internet.mts.ru"



for Beeline three SMS messages:

"apn123456 internet.beeline.ru"

"apnuser123456 beeline"

"apnpasswd123456 beeline"

for Megaphone three SMS messages:

"apn123456 internet.megafon.ru"


for motive three SMS messages:

"apn123456 inet.ycc.ru"

"apnuser123456 motivated"

"apnpasswd123456 motivation"

3. "gprs123456" - enable GPRS mode

4. "adminip123456 20157"

Where - IP address of the GPS service server (in this case"GPS Track Orange" ):

20157 - GPS service server port

5. "t030s***n123456"

This command programs the frequency of sending messages with coordinates.

Commands for trackers GT30, GT60, VT300 and VT310

To connect to a GPS service (in this case "GPS Track Orange" ) you need to send the following SMS messages to the tracker:

1. W000000,012,,20156 - for GT30/GT60

W000000,012,,20180 - for VT300/VT310

2. W000000,011,internet.mts.ru,mts,mts - for MTS operator

W000000,011,internet.beeline.ru,beeline,beeline - for Beeline operator

W000000,011, internet.megafon.ru - for Megafon operator

W000000.011, internet.tele2.ru - for TELE2 operator

3.W000000,010,ID - instead of ID, you must specify the tracker identifier (8 digits)

4. W000000,014,00001 - setting the interval for transmitting coordinates to the server step 10 seconds

5. W000000.013.1 - Launching OnLine Tracking!

Read more about configuring the tracker using SMS commands in the user manual.

The specialists of our store will be happy to help you set up your tracker.

The cost of the service is 250 r (the price includes a SIM card)

The article will be updated

Alarm systems are still one of the most popular means of car protection to this day. Along with mechanical anti-theft devices, the built-in siren creates the necessary minimum for security. But even these measures are not enough to protect machines in modern conditions. Moreover, electronic systems significantly expand the capabilities of drivers who want to protect their property. So, along with traditional devices, service centers are increasingly offering to install a GPS tracker for a car, which will allow you to track the location of vehicles. From the outside, the idea really looks attractive, but to implement it, you have to go through the difficult stages of choosing equipment, installing it and connecting it.

How does the tracker work and what does it consist of?

Almost any tracker includes two modules in its design - receiving and transmitting. The first segment performs the function of determining the coordinates of its position, and the translator ensures that they are sent to the owner via channels cellular communication or GPRS. Accordingly, the software that will allow identifying and processing the received signal should also be initially prepared. Therefore, when deciding which GPS tracker to choose for a car, you should consider possible ways alerts. It is desirable that the tracker itself receive data on coordinates both from the GLONASS satellite and via the GPS system. In addition to two receiving and transmitting units, which are enclosed in the body of the device, car beacons also have antennas. Depending on the modification, this element can be external or internal. To ensure the performance of the tracker, a battery in the form of a battery is also provided, although the on-board network is often used for this purpose.

What are the options for choosing a device?

The first thing that should be of interest to the future user of a car tracker is communication channels and the ability to work with GPS navigation is still considered the most reliable means of fixing coordinates. The wider the list of communication standards in this range, the better. Next, the tracking sensitivity and accuracy are determined. The quality of the interaction of the receiver with the satellites depends on the first indicator - that is, the quality of the connection ensures that the machine will remain in the navigation coverage area even in the presence of interference. Before that, the nature of its future operation should also be assessed. You may need a recording device with fixed coordinates - and then the presence of a memory card will become an obligatory selection criterion. You should also evaluate the conditions of use of the car itself. In particular, at what temperature the tracker will work. Standard models, for example, support the beacon function in the range from -10 to +60 °C.

What to consider in functionality?

In the basic version, trackers determine the coordinates, exact time and the speed of the object. If you provide a link with security systems, then the optional range can be expanded. When connecting the appropriate components, the user can set up the transmission of parameters about the voltage in the on-board network, fuel consumption, temperature inside the car, indication of the operation of lock mechanisms, etc. Of course, the organization of multifunctional complexes is not cheap, so many opt for the function of a simple recording device. In this case, the car tracker will work as a tracking sensor even without the need to connect to the on-board electrical network. It is these models that are supplied with personal batteries that ensure their autonomous operation.

Where to install?

According to the type of installation, car trackers are also divided depending on the method of their power supply. As a rule, security and monitoring systems involve supply from the onboard network. That is, their installation must be carried out at the most suitable point under the instrument panel. When it comes to battery-powered models, the range of places suitable for installation is expanding. In this case, the installation of a GPS tracker on a car can be carried out both in the glove compartment area and behind the radio. Such devices do not impose special requirements for installation conditions, since their filling is protected by a dust- and moisture-proof housing. But it is important to consider another nuance. The fact is that the installation of an autonomous and wireless device should leave the possibility for unhindered maintenance of the device. Firstly, the user will have to periodically charge the battery, and secondly, it may be necessary to change the sensor settings.

Installation rules

When a suitable installation location is found, you can commit. Fastening is carried out in different ways, but the most common is the use of adhesive tapes and hardware. Usually, installation is carried out on plastic surfaces, so it is better to use tapes that are gentle in terms of mechanical impact. Also, the tracker can be installed on a car using self-tapping screws and screws. Manufacturers complete the devices with special cases, which are carefully mounted with screws. There are situations when the wiring itself can contribute to the reliable fixation of a small beacon. In such cases, you can do without metal fasteners, but it is better to insure the wiring itself with electrical tape.

Connecting the tracker to the car

Wired models are connected to the car's electrical network. Typically, devices of this type are connected to four wires, among which are channels for providing an alarm output. The red wire is powered to the positive terminal, and the negative is connected to the black wire. If the GPS tracker is connected to the vehicle as part of a common security system, then the alarm cable can be left unused or activated as a blocking of the power unit. After connecting the tracker, you must also activate it. This is usually done by sending an SMS message from the phone to the device. The content of the text is indicated in the instructions for a specific instance of the tracker.

Tracker manufacturers

As practice shows, finding a copy on the market from a more or less well-known manufacturer is already a great success. High-quality equipment of this type is produced under the brands Starline, Proma Sat, Navixy, as well as AvtoFon, Global Sat, etc. Western European companies are considered leaders in the segment, but you can count on decent quality only if you purchase original products. The fact is that a genuine tracker for a car is almost impossible to distinguish from a Chinese fake during an external examination. Even the filling with functionality is duplicated exactly and without signs of inconsistency. However, in the process of operation, already in the first days, one can detect errors in the readings and, in general, unsatisfactory operation of the equipment.

How much does the device cost?

Much depends on the functional content, technical configuration and, of course, the brand. For example, models from manufacturers of the Starline and Navixy level are estimated at 7-10 thousand rubles. An autonomous tracker for a car that does not require connection to the on-board network also costs about 10 thousand rubles. Despite the modest optionality, such models demonstrate efficiency main function- tracking. Budget models trackers, among which there are many domestic products such as AvtoFon, can be purchased for 4-6 thousand rubles. At the same time, one should not think that such devices are much inferior to more well-known counterparts in terms of the quality of work. They may be inferior in the accuracy of determining the coordinates and latitude functionality, but, as the reviews of motorists show, simple models catch the signal well, regardless of external conditions.


The spread of satellite positioning systems has had a serious impact on many areas, increasing the quality of security systems. Navigation aids in modern form available to a wide audience of motorists, which stimulates the manufacturers themselves to further develop these products. True, if the benefits of traditional navigators have long been known to the mass consumer, then many perceive a satellite tracker for a car as a derivative of an advertising campaign, which in practice only duplicates the function conventional systems multimedia. This judgment is partly true, since modern head systems include navigator options and also interact with satellites. But trackers have one feature that is typical for almost all GPS security systems. This is the ability to alert the owner of the equipment at a distance. The car owner can receive data about his car, being at any point where he receives a cellular signal connected to the beacon of the operator. In addition to location data, the user can also receive information about the operation parameters of the technical tool.

Every motorist must monitor and take care of his car. The number of thefts is increasing every day. Statistics show that it will take only 5 minutes for attackers to turn an ordinary motorist into a victim. Technology is moving forward, hijackers are improving their technique, no matter how sad it may sound. But the technological capabilities of those who want to reliably protect their car are growing. The most effective means of dealing with hijackers today are GPS beacons.

Take care of your car today. Most experts say that in addition to installing a mechanical gearbox lock, a hood lock and other anti-theft means, it is necessary to equip your “pet” with a GPS search beacon. The principle of operation of such a device is quite simple. A GPS beacon installed in a hidden place of the car will determine the location of the stolen vehicle and transmit certain coordinates to the car owner. What is required for this?

A cellular connection is required. The coordinates will be sent to the owner in the form of an SMS message, or you can track the location of the car using the Web interface of the monitoring system. The monitoring server can be opened on any device equipped with an Internet browser. Among other things, the owner of the car can track the movement of his vehicle, the speed of movement, and much more. No intruder scanner will detect the device, because the GPS beacon can only be turned off and on by the owner at the right time. Are there any disadvantages to such a device?

The only disadvantage of the GPS beacon is that during cloudy weather, when the sky is overcast, or if the car thieves hid in the garage, then in this case it is impossible to get the exact coordinates. It remains to focus on the data of the base stations of the mobile operator. With the help of GSM and UMTS cellular networks, it is possible to determine the approximate place where the car is hidden.

How to install a GPS beacon correctly?

Two types of GPS beacons have received the greatest popularity: with a combined power supply scheme and with autonomous power supply. Such devices are no larger than a matchbox in size. This allows you to hide the beacon in the most unpredictable places. You can set such a "bookmark" on all types of vehicles. It can be a motorcycle, a snowmobile, an ATV, a boat, anything!

The power connection of the GPS beacon with a combined circuit occurs in two directions. The main circuit is the power supply circuit of the vehicle, the backup power supply circuit is the battery. For stable operation device is enough to regularly appear electricity in the power circuit. Power will be connected each time the ignition is turned on, which will maintain the built-in battery in working condition throughout the entire period of operation of the installed "bookmark".

Self-powered beacons are larger than their "comrades", but not by much. This is due to the fact that the device has its own high-capacity power supply. Such a GPS beacon installed in a car does not have unmasking wires, which makes it practically invulnerable. All the difficulties are related to the fact that such a device can work unstably, for example, during frosty days, when the battery capacity decreases at low temperatures.

Where is the best place to hide the GPS beacon?

In order to securely hide the device, let's define and find out the strengths of the beacon:

  • Small size of the device. Physically finding a GPS beacon is very difficult, it may take several days
  • GPS beacon works in offline if the power supply from the vehicle is interrupted
  • The ability to set the beacon operation algorithm, which allows the device to send signals to the owner at a certain time, and then go into “sleep” mode, which will protect the beacon from being detected by the scanner

It is necessary to correctly take advantage of all the advantages and choose the best place for the "bookmark". But this is not enough! Many motorists set "bookmarks" in already "bored" places. The hijackers are not asleep, they have learned well all the main points where beacons are often hidden. These places are: a place under the bumper, a place under the skin, in the driver's seat or passenger seat. Show a little imagination, find another place.

But if you can’t find a good and secret place for installation, we will help you! It must be remembered that the “bookmark” should be made part of the car, literally disguised. But it is worth remembering the following rules:

  1. The installation site should be easy to maintain, there can always be a situation that requires a replacement of the battery or SIM card
  2. The beacon must "breathe", it must have enough space, otherwise there may be problems with data transmission at a distance
  3. The GPS beacon must be hidden away from hot components and assemblies. High temperatures will be detrimental to a self-powered device

All this leads us to the fact that it is better to hide the beacons inside the structural elements, under the luggage or engine compartment, but away from too hot nodes. What do the experts advise about this?

Experts say that it is necessary to buy two or three beacons and install them all at once in different places. The first "bookmark" with power from the on-board network will become a bait for hijackers, but you also need to hide it responsibly. Hide the first device under the bumper, under the trim. Let the hijacker understand that now all the cards are in his hands, after finding the beacon. This is where the second beacon with an autonomous power system comes in handy. Hide this device under the rack, under the holder, under the body element. Make the second GPS beacon part of the car.

Once you have found a place to set your "bookmarks", you can safely transgress the setting. Nothing complicated, but worth the effort. The first step is to change the factory password. The second step is to press a button on the GPS device and send an SMS command. You should not save the distinguished name "bookmarks" in the contact details of the phone, choose a neutral nickname. After the SMS command has been sent, the tracker will automatically register on the monitoring service, after which it will send you a message to your phone, in which the login and password will be indicated. That's all - the lighthouse is ready for service.

It is not difficult to connect the device to the car's on-board network. It is enough to get to the space, but this requires disassembling part of the dashboard. In general, it will look like this:

  1. Remove the right side of the front panel
  2. If there is a center cap, remove it.
  3. Pull out the emergency button and disconnect the terminals

As a rule, beacons with a combined power supply system have four wires at the output. In order to connect the GPS beacon to the onboard network, you must use three of them. The alarm input wire can be omitted. It remains to connect the alarm output wire, connect plus and minus. This completes the device connection.

To connect to the GLONASS/GPS monitoring server, the tracker must be configured correctly. In particular, the following must be correctly installed:

  1. Channel for sending reports via mobile GPRS-Internet (TCP)
  2. Monitoring server address (tr..219.245.116) and port number (20100) for connection.
  3. The interval for sending messages. Many GPS trackers allow you to set different reporting intervals when stationary and on the move.
  4. For some trackers, you need to set the format of the report sent to the server and configure some other parameters.
  5. (to connect the tracker to the GPRS Internet).

Site server settings

For correct operation GLONASS / GPS tracker with site monitoring system set the following parameters:

  • Monitoring server domain name ( server name ): tr.site
  • server IP address ( used in GPS trackers that do not support the server's domain name):
  • Monitoring server port ( port): 20100
  • Report interval in motion (recommended): 30-120s
  • Stop report interval (recommended): 300-600 s

In addition to setting up a GPS tracker, you need a site on the monitoring server, having received a login and password to access your Personal Account. Configured trackers are connected to Personal account in the "Settings" section.

Useful information on setting up GPS trackers

To set up GPS trackers, it is convenient to use SMS commands. It's simple and universal way, it is supported by many tracker models. SMS configuration can be done remotely and does not require special software. It is only required to correctly send SMS commands to the number of the SIM card installed in the tracker.

You can send SMS commands from any mobile phone. It is convenient to do it through the program Skype. If you did not find the description of the SMS command you are interested in in this section, then refer to the "User's Manual" or other documentation for your GPS tracker, where the entire system of control SMS commands should be described.

A number of manufacturers of GPS trackers provide users with special configuration utilities(for example, GlobalSat offers a free Config Tool for popular tracker models, and others). This setup method is convenient if you can connect the tracker to a desktop PC or laptop. You will find a description of the use of utilities for configuration in the documentation for your tracker, we do not consider it here.

Some GPS trackers (for example, Enfora) is programmed using AT commands, for which the tracker must be connected to a PC. Here is the information required to connect to the site monitoring system.

You may come across other ways to set up GPS trackers. We strongly recommend that you read the documentation for your tracker before you start using it.